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Azrael's Reaper (Marvel) Azrael's Reaper (Marvel) original

Azrael's Reaper (Marvel)

Author: TwentyOneNovel

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Mykhailo

Somewhere in the universe ~

The One Above All was unamused; he didn't like the actions of the "God" in front of him. Attacking him out of boredom was completely unlogical, but what could he have expected after all this god's specialty was chaos.

Fortunately or Unfortunately for the "God" in front of him, there was no one in all that is mighty who thought he was winning this battle. 'Should I?' the supreme being thought. Maybe watching over the universes had become boring for the deity.

'Should I change things up?' The One Above All thought, while paying no attention to the dark weapons that were being launched at his majestic body, 'I will deal with the consequences of this decision if it goes haywire.' The majestic being vowed to himself

'But how will I shake the universe up?' He thought long and hard, coming up with all kinds of crazy ideas, including one involving giving a lizard the abilities of a certain rubber man, but he didn't feel like that would be a good one. 'What to do?' he thought.

"Hey, PAY ATTENTION TO ME!" The God of Chaos screamed at the one above all while still launching a flurry of attacks at the omnipotent being. He looked down at the god of chaos, and an idea sparked up inside of his mind.

His colossal hand reached out and grabbed the god of chaos. "Thank you," the being said, and then, using a small portion of their power, The One Above All turned The God of Chaos into a tiny ball. 'Hmm, putting someone of this being's caliber on that planet would be detrimental to its survival; how about I seal this God Of Chaos inside of a child?'

The One Above All laughed at his wittiness and prepared to throw the "Ball Of Chaos" like it was a pitch in a baseball game. He cocked the ball back and threw it to its destination. The deity put a hand above its ' eyes," watching the ball travel towards earth at faster than light speed.

As soon as the ball of light entered the earth's atmosphere, the deity smiled a proud smile. 'They don't call me Walter Johnson 2.0 for nothing now, he said to himself in his mind.

"This universe will be fun."


Queens, New York

In an unknown hospital

Push, baby, you got this," said an accented voice to the woman who was holding onto his arm a little too tightly.

"I AM PUSHING BITCH!" screamed the woman while digging her nails into the man's arm as she did one final push.

The room was surprisingly silent. The doctor held up a baby boy with pitch black hair and pale colored skin who was bound to turn into a honey color like his mother's. Like every other baby when first pushed out the baby cried his heart out.

Unbeknownst to everyone in the hospital room, an orb hovered over the baby and slowly pushed itself inside the baby's stomach.

"Hand me my baby," said the woman, who was catching her breath with her hands out. The doctor handed her the baby and left the room, leaving the parents to meet their new child.

The woman looked out at her child, who was now falling asleep in her arms, and said, "I think we should name him Mykhailo after your late father." The woman said this while looking at the man, who was looking down.

"Salvatore?" The woman called out, and Salvatore looked at her with tears in his eyes. "Thank you, Aleea," he said while getting closer to the hospital bed.

Salvatore kissed Aleea's forehead, then looked down at baby Mykhailo and said, "Mykhailo Amante."


That happiness only lasted for so long after the couple took their child home to their rundown apartment. Life was hard for the couple, both in and out of employment, and adding a child on top of that did not help.

When Mykhailo turned 3 years old, his father was fired from his job, and since his mother was a stay-at-home mom, they had no source of income.

No matter how hard Salvatore looked and applied for a job, no one hired him, causing his family to almost become homeless. Faced with homelessness, Salvatore chose to pursue a life of crime.

Slowly but surely, Salvatore became known for his ruthlessness and his ability to always make a profit, and eventually he got to the top of the criminal underworld. Over the years, The Amante Family became the most feared family in the underworld, and to everyone who knew of them, they became the secret hand in every dealing of the underworld.

Everything was good until Mykhailo turned 10. The Amante Family still reigned over the underworld with an iron fist, but not everyone was happy about this.

"MYKHAILO!" screamed his mother from inside their kitchen, interrupting his fun with his best friend Kaleb; they were busy playing gangster. Mykhalio ignored his mother's call and continued playing.

"Put your hands up," said Mykhailo while pointing one of his father's guns at Kaleb. "Don't shoot, please," Kaleb said while pretending to be in fear. "Give me all. His sentence was interrupted by his mother's ear-piercing scream, MYKHAILO."

Mykhailo threw his father's gun down and ran to the kitchen while being followed by Kaleb. He walked in and saw his father, mother, and Kaleb's father all talking around the counter.

The adults spotted the kids and smiled; they were proud of their kids." So we decided—Aleea's words were cut off by a knock at the door. Salvatore walked to the door and opened it. He was met with a gun to his face, and a group of men rushed into the home with assault rifles and aimed them at everyone in the house.

The masked men grabbed everyone except Salvatore and forced them to their knees with guns to their heads. "If it isn't the leader of the Amante family, A man walked in and said, while Salvatore was sitting down on the couch with his family all on their knees with their hands on their heads,

"Who are you?" Salvatore asked, though it didn't show Salvatore was scared for his life. "Who I am is not important; what's important is what you have."

The man stood behind the couch and put his hands on Salvatore's shoulders, gripping them tightly.

"Where are the deeds?" The man asked, "I don't know," and Salvatore responded almost immediately. He truly did not know; he didn't have the deeds to any land.

The man did not like that answer, so he looked at the person holding a gun to Aleea's and nodded his head.


Aleea's brains and blood splattered on the floor as her body fell forward on the penthouse floor with her dead eyes staring at her child.

Mykhailo stared into the eyes of his now-deceased mother. His expression did not change once; one would call the child heartless if not for the tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Aleea!" screamed Salvatore, his voice breaking and tears running down his face as he tried to get up to his dead wife, but he couldn't with a strong hand holding him down in place.

"Now let's try this again," the man said while smiling. "Where are the deeds?" he asked again, no doubt expecting an answer.

"UNDER THE COUCH!" Salvatore screamed while still staring at the body of the love of his life. The man let Salvatore go and watched as he scurried to his wife.

Salvatore held her body and cried his heart out. The man cut open the couch and dug in it; he grabbed the deeds and put them in his duffle bag, which was on the ground next to him.

The man stood up and gave a nod to the people holding Kaleb and his father. 'BANG' 'BANG'

Kaleb and his father fell forward with bullets in the back of their heads, leaving Mykhailo and Salvatore as the last ones alive.

The man then grabbed Salvatore, who was still grieving his wife, and put a bullet in his head. He then looked at Mykhailo, who looked shattered while watching his father's body collapse on his mother's.

"Take anything you want," the man said to his goons, then they scattered to grab anything that looked remotely expensive.

"What do you want to do with this one, sir?" "Oh, I forgot about that little boy," the man said.

The man aimed his gun at Mykhailo's head. He looked at the kid in curiousity, and to the man's surprise, Mykhailo looked up at him and stared right in his eyes.



Somewhere in Africa

In the rough terrain, an SUV was driving over rocks and through unknown territory with no ease. Driving the SUV was a woman, and in the passenger seat was a man.

"I don't understand why we have to do this," said the man while holding onto the dashboard for support.

"We could have just buried them in an unmarked grave in New York; it's not like anyone was going to check there, right, Lorri?" The man said

"Shut up, Ron," the woman named Lorri said while slowing down the SUV when she felt like they had gotten far enough.

The woman parked the SUV in front of a tree and got out of the car, followed by Rom, who got out with her.

"Open the trunk, Ron." Lorri said while standing in front of the trunk.

Ron looked at Lorri like she was insane, then said, Bitch, I'm not opening that sh*t you open it." He said it fast due to his fear of being in the forest.

Lorri rolled her eyes and popped the trunk. In the trunk were five bodies entangled uncomfortably due to the small space in the trunk.

Lorri grabbed one of the bodies, which was a little boy, and dragged his body deep into the woods. She then did a toss, throwing him on the ground.

"Disgusting." Lorri said that while dusting off her hands from carrying the dead boy, just as she was going to turn around, she heard a voice with an African accent say:



The sound of skin being pierced came to Lorri's ears; she attempted to turn her head but couldn't do so at her full extent due to the tip of a spear lodged in her throat.

The woman thrust her spear deeper into Lorri's throat, then pulled it out, making blood flow on the forest floor.

Lorri flopped down with blood spewing out of her throat as she slowly felt her life fade, but not before getting a good look at who had ended her life. She saw a dark-skinned woman whose skin radiated in the moonlight. The woman had tattoos on her bald head and wore red attire that looked like it provided some armor.

Lorri took her last breath while staring at the woman. The woman then stepped over her body and made her way to the boy, whose body was just tossed around like a bean bag.

"By Bast, what did they do to you, boy?" The woman said this while crouched down and examining the boy's body. His limbs were twisted in the wrong direction, and he had a bullet hole directly in the center of his forehead.

"Ndiyaxolisa," the woman said while getting up from her position. She turned around to walk away when she heard a sharp intake of breath come from behind her.

She turned around and looked at the boy, whose body started to slowly float off the ground as his limbs started to put themselves back in their place with loud snaps echoing through the woods, and the bullet lodged in the boy's brain slowly came up through the hole in his cranium, then dropped on the forest floor.

The woman started chanting prayers to her god as she watched all of this unfold before her eyes. The boy's body descended back onto the ground with a soft thud. The woman quickly picked him up, threw him over her shoulders, and made her way back to her kingdom.

TwentyOneNovel TwentyOneNovel

shiesty summer - pooh shiesty

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