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Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Revelations, Goals, Mysteries (TWO IN ONE)

The silence was deafening.

I honestly didn't know why I said that or what brought the itch. But I knew I wouldn't be able to take back those words even if I had 10 horses pulling it— as the Chinese proverb goes.

Not to mention the big plot twist I WAS NOT expecting. She called me the main consciousness….. That had a lot of meanings, and most were not good if I am still who I think I am—a puny little human.

It could mean a plethora of things. Each varying on the scale of acceptable to 'no-fucking-thank you'—Gosh, I could already feel my next existential crisis coming in.

Meanwhile, the entity cleared her throat or did the equivalent of the gesture; the awkward pause between us ending as she spoke once again.

"I apologise for the outburst. If you would, please forgive it." She regained composure as she gave a slight tilt of her head. I was honestly surprised such a knowledgeable and far older entity would even pay me attention, much less giving me respect. Maybe the title she used for me is giving me special treatment.

I didn't want to be a dick and now that my clouded anger had moved on, I should attempt to build rapport with her; as she was my most ticket to gaining information.

"I apologise as well, I asked that question out of the blue and it definitely offended you, Lady—" Wait, I didn't even know her NAME!

Oh shit—

"I am the 'piece' presiding most dominantly in morals and the Mantle of Responsibility; I don't follow the naming conventions of humans, thus you may call me Mantle. It is because of my presence that you haven't been consumed by 'Hunger'." She said so with a monotone expression and laid bombs after bombs on my poor heart.

The implications of what she's saying is not lost on me. But I need more clear answers as otherwise I would be underestimating the bullshit this universe has yet to send me.

"Lady…Mantle, can you explain more about what 'pieces' are?" I wanted to get to asking about how she had protected me from being eaten by hunger, but I knew I needed a lot of context beforehand.

"I can tell you, though I border on casualty, so excuse me if I cannot properly explain." She reminded me with a light up nod.

I nodded down in solemnity. If a setting like 40K could exist, the universe surely had some screws loose; and those screws were something I didn't want to touch or test if I could help it. But something tells me I won't be able to remove myself from the inevitable shit storm of being involved with cosmic gods.

"I am a "piece," a term I use as I was once an integral part of the Core. However, after a certain event—the details of which I shall refrain from disclosing—the Core was fragmented into these individual "pieces." Each "piece" now embodies distinct personality traits and habits. Together, we house the collective knowledge and wisdom that the Core once possessed." She takes a pause to evaluate me. Possibly to gauge whether I am understanding the weight of her words.

"Can you quickly tell me what the Core is? I thought the precursor's were a race of individuals." I quickly asked for clarification without wanting to interrupt too much. The precursor's in the games and lore were always addressed as a species rather than one individual.

Mantle hummed, "Indeed, we—once a species—projected an illusion of individuality, from the moment of birth, we were intrinsically linked in a subconscious state, akin to a Hivemind. The Network served to magnify and enhance this connection, allowing us to actively engage with one another. Therefore, when I mention the Core, I am referring to the collective essence of all Precursors."

I nod in silent affirmation. Asking her to continue the lecture.

"Continuing on, each 'Piece' holds specialized knowledge and wisdom, bearing immense value for you as the "New" Core." She said with apprehension, apprehension at what? I could only guess. Maybe she despises me.

Nevertheless, "Continue please."

"Indeed, the 'Pieces' are immensely valuable to you, as they possess the accumulated experience and knowledge in specific fields that the original Core once held over billions of years. For instance, if you were to acquire a 'Piece' associated with strategy and war, you would gain access to the extensive depth of knowledge and experience that your predecessor had researched and acquired. Without these 'Pieces,' as the new Core, you would have to painstakingly develop such expertise on your own."

"This answers your question about what 'pieces' are." She concluded briskly; despite her willingness to answer my questions, I knew she was hesitant to tell me the full answer. She hadn't told me how I would ever even be capable of using a 'piece' when they were so obviously stronger than me.

Questions swirled in my head as if a tsunami and a hurricane had a child. I wanted to know more, MUCH MORE, but I knew to be patient. I had to carefully choose my questions, Mantle hadn't given me a specific limit, but even an idiot would know not to push it.

Seconds trickled by, and nearly a minute passed. After moments of great deliberation, I chose my next question.

"Why? Why do I—the 'new' Core—need to be here? Why can't you all just come together and remake the original 'Core'?" I asked with hesitation. This question obviously had touched cosmic secrets, but I knew I had to ask this. Because without knowing my purpose to be here, all other questions and the answers to those questions would be ultimately meaningless.

Mantle looked mulled over the question, even with her supernatural self-control, I could see signs of inner struggle and deliberation.

A solemn second passed by, and Mantle looked as if she had made up her mind.

"Indeed, there are two-and-a-half reasons for this. The first reason pertains to the cosmic order and its decisions, while the second reason concerns the nature of the 'pieces' themselves. As for the third—or rather, the third half reason—it's slightly embarrassing." She said, her original motionless voice turning a bit feverish towards the end.

She had given me an answer.

But this wasn't the answer I was looking for.

"Uhhumph!" I faked a cough while looking her dead serious in the eye. I tried my best to hold my inner cringe back from making me laugh at myself. I probably looked very stupid, but the message was sent; 'I am not accepting just that.'

Mantle sighed, murmuring along the lines of, 'If only I wasn't the one stuck with morality.'

I ignored her murmuring and continued my silent pressure. Honestly, I didn't know if I had grown planet-sized balls to be doing this, but whatever. I was beyond the point of no return.

Seconds passed, and Mantle finally gave in to the pressure. I thanked my lucky stars the one I was talking to was the 'piece' of morality, talking with other 'pieces' would undoubtedly be more dangerous if 'Hunger' had proven anything.


Mantle sighed in annoyance, she couldn't fight her moral obligations to provide the new core with the necessary information.

"delving into the first reason in depth would indeed infringe upon the cosmic order, but I can offer you the general essence of it." She said with firmness, she wouldn't budge on that.

"I understand." I acquiesced to her request, knowing not to mess with some things far beyond me.

"Attempting to reunite and reconstruct the original core would defy the very laws set forth by the cosmos itself. The shattering of the core was divinely ordained, and attempting to reverse it would contravene the fundamental principles governing the universe, including the most potent ones such as fate, luck, and destiny." She answered in a measured tone, presumably to ensure she did not speak out of hand and risk offending the greater forces beyond.

"I understand…. But that doesn't answer why I'm here." I said, prying further. I won't back down until I know.

"I don't know…..." Mantle said in a quiet voice as if to express her sincerity.




"What?..... How?!"

That can't be right!

"Truly, I do not possess the knowledge you seek. However, if I may, I believe your role as the new Core permits us to reconstruct without arousing the wrath of the cosmos—a kind of loophole in human terms, so to speak. Your former existence as a mortal renders the universe reluctant to intervene, for the cosmic order solely applies to cosmological beings who were handed their power to them by the universe." Mantle shrugs in a fashion to express her unsure stance regarding the issue.

"The universe can't possibly be that stupid right? Then wouldn't everybody be abusing the loophole?" As a human, I was used to exploits being found and abused millions of times the second after. For me, it made no sense how the universe could just blatantly be that stupid.

Mantle shrugs, "The cosmos operates in mysterious ways, and no entity dares to outright defy its influence. I sense there is more at play here than we presently comprehend, but regrettably, I am merely a singular 'piece.' I remain unaware of what actions the original core took to bring you to this realm."

Gosh–This is really getting more complicated, isn't it?!

"Sigh…. Fine, explain the two other reasons, or is it what you said, the one-and-half reason?" I knew I wouldn't be getting anything more than that. Mantle being the morality of the original Core, probably wasn't outright lying saying it didn't know much.

"The second reason why we cannot reunite or endeavor to merge once more lies in the time span that transpired during your ascension as the new core. During this period, we each cultivated our distinct consciousness, which prevents us from truly harmonizing. We now harbor our own objectives and notions, which do not align in a seamless manner."

She said in a frustrated tone, she had probably attempted to convene with them but got refused or faced hostility.

Huh…. So each piece, a god in their own right, has a consciousness. That totally won't be a problem for me… the new Core that supposedly needs to use them.

And as if to prove my point. Mantle spouted what would cause me damnation for the next eternity.

"This is terrible news for you—the Core—as without the pieces, you would suffice to say; utterly incapable of tapping into the true power of a cosmic celestial such as ourselves. Your mortal origin allows you to evade the cosmos and its judgment, but it also ensures you are nowhere near the power you could have. You would have to spend tens of billions of years improving yourself to master what every cosmic entity learns from birth." She said while looking at me in a pitiful light.

But in a moment, an epiphany seems to come to her face as she looks at me.

"However, I know of some 'pieces' who would allow themselves to be used by you, and even possibly be 'assimilated' by you if you complete some request or ubiquitous requirement from the 'piece'. Essentially, you would fulfill some wish or requirement they have for you, and earn them."


This suspiciously sounds like some kind of video game where I have to complete quests to get back my full power. Where did my life go wrong? Now I have to complete quests for a living?

"Why should I even try to reach a cosmic level of power? I mean it would be nice, but it's not like I am going to be forced to yeah?" I said nonchalantly. I mean I would love to have cosmic powers, but I am pretty sure that just being a flood entity will be enough to thrive in 40K.

"That brings me to your next and most lethal misfortune, not only have the 'pieces' gained sentience and thus will alienate you, but you also have the misfortune to host the 'piece' you call 'Hunger'. The 'piece' that holds the concepts of hatred and corruption in it." She said and then continued—utterly ruining any ideas I previously had for a chill life.

"Make no mistake, 'Hunger' is one of the most powerful 'pieces' amongst us all, it was born when the cosmos willed the shattering of the Core, invoking our race's hatred of all things. Our previous most important goal and concept—The Mantle of Responsibility—which was me, fell from grace as hatred consumed us."


"But I thought it was the fore—" I was interrupted by a harsh reply from Mantle. I was about to say it was the forerunners who wiped out the precursors and spawned the Flood.

"DO YOU TRULY BELIEVE?...! That a mere mortal race, one incapable of even traversing the universe, could have the power to annihilate us?!" Wrath and sorrow scarred her voice. I think I triggered her hard.

Quick! Do something!

"Okay, calm down, I'm sorry."

I apologized for triggering her. I didn't want to trigger Mantle further; she WAS after all supposedly being on 'my' side and helping me out a lot.

After a couple of heavy breaths—I didn't know why she had soo many human expressions—she seemed to return to her usual self.

"Apologies are extended once more for the outburst. The discourse about our existence and the universe has stirred memories best left unexplored and buried away."

"Apology accepted, now continue, please. I need to know what's gonna happen to me, I already have a guess, but I want clear answers." I urged her to continue, this was a matter of my survival. I couldn't afford to waste time.

"Indeed, pressing forward, 'Hunger' wields an overwhelming power to corrupt, gradually seizing control of your mind and thoughts. It would insidiously alter the very way you perceive and reason, feasting on your fear of its existence, growing stealthily until it culminates in a swift and devastating consumption." She conveyed this in a somber tone, the gravity of the situation hanging heavy in the air.

"After all, 'Hunger' is one of the 'pieces' most wild and exponential, its unhinged power would give you great boosts at the cost of sanity and thought."


I couldn't help but take a gulp, 'Hunger' already could overpower me straight up, but now she was telling me that it would try to 'change' me.

"Why hasn't it taken over my mind already, it was clearly stronger than me. Why does it even need to corrupt me?" I asked in a frenzied blur, I needed answers–answers I hoped would reassure me.

"Two reasons account for this. Firstly, as the new Core, you possess far greater innate resilience than you may comprehend. If 'Hunger' had dared to forcefully consume you, it would have encountered severe indigestion—to put it mildly. Secondly, I intervened by employing a significant portion of myself to temporarily seal off 'Hunger,' allowing you to regain control. However, do not be misled into a sense of safety. I am considerably weakened, and I lack the power to truly contain a "piece" as formidable as 'Hunger.'"

I had no words to say except, "Thank you."

I had already experienced the nightmarish thing, and it hurt me to my core if I had to experience that any longer than the hours if not days of time I already did; even if my consciousness was back in control, I would have long lost my sanity.

I hesitated, but asked anyway, "If….. That's inevitable, then I have to go and get the pieces right? How would I defend myself against 'Hunger' though? I don't think all of them would be so willing to help me seal 'Hunger' permanently."

I raised a valid concern, I had no idea what to do with the 'pieces'. I doubt I would receive soo much kindness.

"Who said you needed to only seal 'Hunger'? If you grow strong enough, you could force 'Hunger' to be assimilated." She said with an eyebrow-raised tone.

"How would I even do that? What even is that?"

My headaches just keep increasing. And I know I have to deal with it because there are problems much worse than a headache.

"The reason behind my previous outburst becomes apparent now. Assimilation, in your case, involves reintegrating a "piece" into yourself as the Core. While your Core is already complete, these "pieces" have the potential to replace aspects of you that they represent, pulling you further away from your mortal origins. It differs from merely borrowing or utilizing the powers of a "piece," which requires the "piece" to act as second-in-command of your consciousness—a demanding task demanding mental focus and strength. Thus, you can only borrow the power of one "piece" at a time, lest the immense pressure shatter your weak mind and soul. In contrast, assimilation is the process of fully absorbing a 'piece,' gaining not only its power but also indirectly strengthening your mind and soul." Mantle took a small pause to gauge my reaction. Probably seeing if I understood her.

I nodded and she continued on, further exposing me to the bullshit–I mean incredible ways of powering up.

"Theoretically, I surmise that if you were to assimilate enough "pieces" and elevate yourself to an unprecedented level, you might surpass them in power and overpower them into subservience. However, it remains a mere theory since each "piece" has existed for a considerable duration, and they possess their unique specialties and strategies that they could employ against you should you attempt such a feat." She said, as if everything was fine and dandy.

"What does assimilation do to the consciousness of the 'piece'?" I couldn't help but ask, it was a random thought in my mind that I didn't press much though. After all, each 'piece' was older than my oldest ancestor, it would be impossible for anything serious to happen to them when they were soo high above me.


As if I had hit the critical of a boss monster, Mantle's face grew gloomy.

"They die…"

"Sorry, what?"

I thought I misheard her or something. Did she really just say that a 'piece', a cosmic god in their own right; would die–

"Indeed, when a "piece" is entirely assimilated, its consciousness no longer serves a purpose, leading the natural order to extinguish their individual existence." Her gloomy tone could freeze hell three times over.

"Wait, but you said the universe, cosmos, or whatever, couldn't do anything to me right?" I was confused, didn't she just prior say my mortal origin helped me evade the cosmic balance?

"Indeed, you are correct. Although the cosmos may exhibit hesitancy toward your nature, a "piece" is, after all, an entity formed and manifested by the cosmos. We are not exempt from its capricious inclinations. Moreover, it would be incongruous for you to entirely absorb our power—us—yet still grapple with the burden of individual consciousness. Our very essence and might are intrinsically linked, and assimilation marks the end for us, for we cease to exist as our individual selves."

She began in a gloomy tone, though surprisingly; she brightened up again, becoming her usual self again. Seriously, what was up with her? Did cosmic gods also have menstrual cycles? I thought in a joking manner, lessening the pressure on my head.

Mantle closed her eyes for a moment, for a split second, I swore I could see a smile. Though it didn't look happy, more like resignation.

"I was a fool…."

I could barely hear the murmuring, but I could tell she was lightly chastising herself.

"Miss… No, Lady Mantle; are you okay?" I asked in a half-hearted gesture, I couldn't ever predict how cosmic gods would behave by my meager knowledge of HUMAN behavior.

Moments passed by in deliberate silence.

But soon Mantle answered with an unusually cheery tone.

"Yes, I'm fine. I was chastising myself…. I was blinded by fears of my annihilation to see the possible resurgence of the Precursor race….. Through you!" She said with a tone as if surprised at only realizing the idea now.

I had already thought of it earlier but moved it WAY back into my mind because I knew that it would either be impossible or a long way away from the current me.

"If we are to revive and regain our full power, there will be much preparation needed to be done! You'd have to quickly start building up your forces, then learn celestial meditation, OH I MUST NOT forget–"

"Lady Mantle, I remember you hadn't said the third reason (or was it third half? half a third? ughh, whatever!) for why the 'pieces' haven't gathered. Can you tell me that now?"

I asked quickly, it looked as if Mantle was about to go on a tangent of things I didn't understand and would continue to have headaches over. I remembered she hadn't said the third reason (I give up, who says there are 2-and-a-half reasons for something?!).

"Ah, yes! That aligns with our immediate objectives. As you might have surmised, the "pieces" are not gathered in one location. You were immensely fortunate to have had me, but equally unfortunate to have had 'Hunger' in your consciousness. The "pieces" were scattered across vast distances, yet we possess an inherent sense of each other's presence. And here's some good news for you! This Galaxy harbors a surprisingly considerable number of "pieces"! You won't have to venture far to find them. I can already sense a notably potent "piece" lingering on the fringes of this galaxy!"

Mantle said, riding on her previous momentous excitement.

However, a light red marred her skin and she looked slightly bashful.

"Ah, indeed! Surprisingly, none of us have ever attempted to physically or immaterially meet one another. Despite the existence of the Network, which allows us to commune without the need for corporeal presence, none, myself included, have endeavored to reach out to others. It seems we are... somewhat socially awkward creatures, reluctant to engage in direct interactions." She said in a meek tone towards the end.

Oh lord….. These cosmic gods wouldn't also be shut-in otakus... Right?



I made a power system...

The Flood is to OP even for 40K standard, they could take over the universe in less than a century(Ancient Humans and Forerunners only held them off for 3k years because they were at their peak, none of the factions in 40K are at their peak (except Chaos probably). It takes on average a century in 40k for any major event to happen, so the Flood's exponential growth would pretty much outclass everybody else, and their ability to use technology and corrupt technology rivals and surpasses Chaos. The Flood if they got their hands on Necron tech would near-instantly game over everybody (especially since MC has enough foresight to research and spread technology across the entire flood).

So there's the power progression system... I wanted to make a power progression that while nerfing the Flood, made somewhat in-universe sense. I used the fact that precursors were literal space gods, killed by space mortals (Forerunners killing Precursors is bullshit since Precursors can just leave the galaxy) and turned it around by blaming the universe's will/mother nature.

The power progression system works like this if you are still confused: Imagine you have some container, with one round hole(a slot); the 'pieces' are like a rune you can put into the hole, giving you an insane boost. How many slots you have is based on your mental and soul power (how these work and can be increased will be found throughout the story, I have had enough of single-chapter expositions).

Assimilating a 'piece' is like completing a challenging quest to integrate the rune into you completely, granting you all its benefits (and side effects, we'll get into that later), and also opening up the previous slot for another rune (possibly even increasing the number of slots you have).

Example/Spoiler: In video game terms, 'Hunger' gives you a +500% increase in troop production, mutation, etc. But at the cost of sanity and thought. Making you a berserker.

Mantle on the opposite gives you no troop production rate increase or such but instead gives a +500% increase in all mind-related activities. Allowing you to second-guess yourself, see flaws in your thinking, etc.

I know, I know, some of you might feel this is a big nerf (which it is) but it's not like the MC doesn't have everything, he has all the Flood abilities, but at a level soo low that unless he practices for a couple of thousand years, he won't be able to do shit with them. He still has the Flood's ability to learn info and grow more intelligent, it's just the potency isn't soo OP. Because he's a human, MC got transmigrated into the Flood, but he didn't instantly become a master of everything the Flood can do.


GOD... I REALLY HOPE I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING! I feel like I'm digging my grave to fulfill my ambitions!

Good thing though, we are starting the actual plot, with creating our first cannon fodders--Cough--troops!

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