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Chapter 15: Struggle

Ayakashi quickly picked up Yue in his hands and used [Ground Shrink], backed off from quite a bit aways.

He looked back at where he was.


With a loud sound, a magic beast came into view, This creature was about five meters long and resembled a scorpion, with four long arms that ended in large pincers. It had eight legs that scuttled on the ground, and its two tails had sharp needles at their tips. Those tails seemed to be poisonous.

It was obviously not on the same level as any magic beasts Ayakashi haven't encountered to this day, he could feel the aura, the beast was strong.

"So, it wasn't useless, After all." Ayakashi said.

When he had stepped into the room earlier, he had already used his [Presence Perception] to scan the area, but it had revealed nothing. Now, however, the sensation was going wild.

It seemed clear that this scorpion-like monster only manifested itself after Yue's seal had been released.

In other words, it was a last line of defense to keep her from escaping. Had he not stayed with Yue, he might have overlooked this beast.

His gaze locked onto the Scorpion as he quickly prepared a plan for combat. But in a sudden instant, the beast spewed a vibrant purple liquid from its stinger, it was shot with a astonishing speed.

Ayakashi's reflexes kicked in, and he Swiftly conjured an earthen wall. The spots where the purple liquid splashed emitted an alarming sizzle and dissolved almost instantly.

It seemed to be some kind of potent solvent, causing his thoughts to briefly halt. His initial plan was to face the beast alone, yet this attack made him realise the dire situation they were in.

Yue was in a weakened state, making her useless for combat nor he knows about her capabilities.

With little choice, he grabbed her up and put her on his back, carrying her.

"Hold on tight and prepare yourself," he said. Despite her weakened state, Yue clung to him with what little strength she had.

Then, extending his hands forward, he commanded,

"Stand." In response, two immense walls materialized, encircling the scorpion.

"Fall," he ordered next, and both the walls and Ayakashi descended onto the creature's back, causing an ear-piercing shriek from the beast.




The scorpion's noises grew louder as it approached, seemingly unaffected by the previous attack.

Ayakashi sensed Yue's grip tighten on his back and took swift action, he got into action.

Using [Aerodynamics], he Sprinted forward, and jumped into the air to easily evading the poison spray.

Even though he had Poison Resistance, he knew the corrosive acid could still pose a threat.

With Yue safely shielded from the lighting aura, Ayakashi coverd his body in lightning which cause few sparks around him.

Yue's shock was transmitted through Ayakashi's back. A way of fighting style she had never seen before, his whole body was covered in lighting, and he was completely unharmed.

Yue also noticed that, there wasn't any use of magic circles or chanting, in other words, Ayakashi is similar to herself, possessing a way of directly manipulating magic.

"Similar" to herself, then, why was he in the abyss. Yue knew that it wasn't the appropriate situation, but she couldn't keep her attention on him as Next moment she felt the Speed they were going increasing.

Using his [Lighting Steps], Ayakashi leaped into the air, leaving behind a trail of sparks.

He gathered lightning around his legs, and kicking the air he delivering a powerful kick to the scorpion's back, carried by a discharge of lightning...

The impact sent the scorpion crashing to the ground. Despite the forceful hit on its shell, it appeared nearly Unscathed to damage, with merely a scrape to show for the direct impact.

the next moment Ayakashi quickly jumped back, he took notice of something unusual, he realised how this scorpion was was able to pass through [Presence Perception] and [Magic Perception].

Putting some distance between himself and the scorpion, he readied for a another way for offensive.

Using [Razor Nails] and [Air Claw], his fingernails grew in size, and atop each was formed 5 blades from magic with similar look of Nails.

Charging straight ahead, he noticed the scorpion's tail stinger aiming for him.

Suddenly, the tail's pointed end swelled briefly before launching the stinger at an incredible speed.

Ayakashi attempted to dodge, but the stinger exploded midway into a wide-spread buckshot attack. As the poison splattered, his skin began to burn.


A deafening echoed as Ayakashi once again leaped from his previous position, leaving behind a small crater.

He soared upwards above the scorpion, almost reaching the ceiling.

For a fleeting moment, he stopped himself in mid-air, upside down, then again using [Aerodynamics] and [Grand Kick], he lunged directly at the scorpion's back, aiming to tear at it with his claws.

//Crack// //Crack//


However, instead of damaging the scorpion, Ayakashi's nail broke, and his air claw vanished.

Ayakashi wasn't surprised he had already prepared for this, the next second.

"Earth's Grasp," he murmured, and instantaneously, earth pillars sprang up around them, encircling and restraining the scorpion's body.

"Stone Bindings," he commanded without pause, conjuring sharp stone shackles to immobilize the scorpion's limbs.

And for the finishing touch,

"Quicksand Quagmire," transforming the ground beneath them into quicksand, hindering the scorpion's escape momentarily. using three continuous spells. A surge of magic power left his body.

Yue's head spun as she tried to understand the rapid sequence of events. One moment, she was on the ground; the next, suspended in mid-air. And then, just as abruptly, she found herself atop the massive scorpion.

"It's not over yet." Ayakashi muttered, and suddenly the scorpion aimed and fired buckshot stingers towards its own back, attacking him; while he was able to bind the scorpion, the Tails broke free,


One of the tails streaked toward Ayakashi, when it made contact with his his body, the tail was forcefully repelled.

However, the impact also sent him hurtling backwards, and in that moment, the scorpion's tails unleashed a barrage of stingers.

By [Lightning Empowerment] and [Aerodynamics], Ayakashi nimbly evaded most of the stingers. He used his own tail for lightning discharges, effectively destroying several of the stingers.

Unfortunately, during this exchange, Yue—positioned on his back—struggled to endure the high-speed maneuvers and was thrown off.

This was the first time he was facing an opponent like this, Ayakashi realized he couldn't use his magic carelessly against this creature.

He cast a quick glance back at Yue, who was now distanced from him.

With no time to catch his breath, the scorpion unleashed an ear-piercing shriek unlike anything he had heard before.


As if by instinct, Instinctively, he activated [Ground Shrink], leaping toward Yue, but time was not on his side.

The shriek reverberated, and in response, and suddenly, the ground quaked around them, unleashing an echoing roar.

Countless conical needles emerged from the earth,

Rapidly, the needles were launched toward Ayakashi and Yue.

Reacting swiftly, he held her close, catching her in his arms. However, the needles managed to pierce his skin.


Yue looked at him anxiously. Her expressionless face had crumbled and was on the verge of tears.

"It's tough—my attacks can't penetrate," he muttered, hastily reaching for the sacred water to drink.

Auakashi once again pondered over whether he should deal with the scorpion alone, oblivious of Yue's worries, he was still holding back, already expecting a situation like this where Yue might be thrown again if he increased his speed more… Seeing such an Ayakashi caused Yue's tears to begin falling.

"... Why?"


"Why didn't you run away?"

Suddenly she asked, Ayakashi looked at her expression, Yue's appeal implied that she understood the possibility that 'He might be able to escape alone'. she isn't wrong either if the situation got dire he would run, but can he tell her that…

"Because, I need you." He muttered, as he saw Yue tears streaming down, still a really poor choice of words, however right now that wasn't important. he can defeat the scorpion, but the shell of the scorpion was a problem.

Yue nodded as though she understood something from Ayakashi words, her chick flushed and suddenly threw her arms Around him.

"What are you doing?"

Ayakashi asked, The scorpion could be coming back at any moment now. His wounds were already healed, he should prepare for another barrage of attack.

However, Yue doesn't seem to care as her hands are wrapped around Auakashi's neck.

"... Trust me."

Saying that, Yue sunk her teeth into Ayakashi's neck.


He felt a tickling at the back of his neck, and then, there was an uncomfortable feeling as if energy was drained from his body.

For an instant, Ayakashi wanted to shake her off, but recalling that Yue had called herself a vampire, he realized that she was sucking blood.

Thinking that Ayakashi tightly hugged and supported Yue's clinging body. Twitch, Yue quavered for a moment before she embraced even tighter with a squeeze.

Her face was buried deeper into the back of his neck. It may be just an imagination, but she somehow seems really delighted.


The roar of the scorpion resounded. It rushed towards them, probably grasping their current location, as the ground began to heave once again.

It seems to be the scorpion's Unique Magic, the ability to manipulate the surrounding terrain. After all, it was already out from the Binding Ayakashi had formed.

However, it was also Ayakashi's Speciality too, he used Earth Manipulation, forming layer by layer many Earth walls around them before Yue finished what she wanted.

The conical needles flew from all around to attack them, but they were completely prevented by the Earth wall.

Every strike was able to chip away at the wall, but new walls would be erected in place immediately, making the needles unable to get close.

Both the scale and strength of the scorpion's offensive power were by far superior, but Ayakashi was easily able to form such a wall in a matter of minutes.

He wanted to attack too, but the due to the tough shell he couldn't even penetrated it, and then within seconds Yue's mouth finally parted.

Licking her lips, her expression seems to be in delirious passion. Coupled with that action, seductiveness could be felt despite her childish appearance.

Somehow or another, not a speck of her previous could be felt, her white skin has recovered its tone and shine, similar to that of white porcelain.

Her cheeks were a dream-like rose-colour. Her red pupils were faintly giving off a warm light, and those small slender hands were gently caressing Ayakashi's cheeks.

"... Thanks for the meal."

Saying that, Yue slowly rose and lifted an open hand toward the scorpion.

At the same time, an enormous magic power that was unimaginable from such a delicate body was emitted, the light from her magic power —— a golden colour that seemed to mow down the darkness.

And Yue, who was shrouded in magic power the same colour as her fluttering golden hair, muttered a single phrase.

"[Azure Sky]"

In an instant, a bluish-white fireball measuring six or seven meters in diameter materialized above the scorpion's head.

Although the attack hadn't made contact with Scorpion, the intense heat was enough to make the it to retreat with a distressed shriek.

Yet, the bloodsucking princess was not about to let it escape.

Extending her lovely finger and waving it gracefully like a baton, the sphere of bluish-white flames dutifully obeyed her command, pursuing the escaping scorpion and... a direct hit.


The scorpion raised an unprecedented scream. It was obviously a scream of anguish.

At the point of impact, the entire vicinity was covered in pale blue light and nothing could be seen. As Ayakashi coverd his eyes with his arm, due to brightness, Before long, the magic's effective duration expired and the bluish-white flames were extinguished.

What remained was the appearance of the scorpion suffering in agony, the red-hot shell on its back had melted and was all gooey.

Auakashi was surprised, both by Yue's magic or — which destroyed the monster's defense, which had directly received such a high temperature attack and merely had its surface melted.

A flop sound made Ayakashi peel away his vision from that astounding scene back towards Yue, who was sitting on the ground while panting. It looks like she has exhausted her magic power.

"you alright?"

"Nn... Highest tier... Tiring"

"Good, seems like I can finish now."

"Nn, good luck..."

Ayakashi waved his hand as he used Earth Manipulation, forming many layers before Yue and then [Ground Shrink] to shorten the distance in one go.

The scorpion was still going strong, despite having the surface of its shell melted off. It raised a roar of unconcealed rage, it was now focused on Ayakashi, firing its buckshot stinger at the approaching Ayakashi.

Yet, this time, Ayakashi was on an entirely different level of speed. Only a lightning trail marked his passage as he dashed off the ground, soaring to the ceiling before propelling himself down once more,


And from there he jumped like before, hit as he kicked the ceiling, obliterating the ceiling upon impact.

As the ceiling started to falls towards Scorpion, they slowly formed into sharp needles shaped, they whirred through the air like high-speed drills.

And then,


Then, shockwave shook the surroundings. The scorpion crashed violently to the ground gunthe kick was delivered, due to the impact a very big Carter formed underneath it.

//Crack// //Crack//


Some cracking noises started to come out from it, while those Sharp penetrated it's limbs, making scorpion immobile.

In a matter of seconds, Ayakashi executed a flurry of maneuvers with aerodynamics and ground shrink, making repeated use of skills like [+Lightning Empowerment] and [+Lighting Steps] to enhance his speed.

Using [Swift Kicks] and [Accelerate Kicks], he continuously struck the scorpion with kick that were like gattling gun hitting non-stop, creating more and more fractures in its form.

Yue looked at this completely astonished, she didn't think he could still go faster than that, realised why he didn't, she was a hindrance.

The way each struck on the Scorpion, booming sounds came, and the scorpion let out a painful shriek, the sight was truly marvellous, it felt like a small Lightning show, as lightning spark could be seen, the sight couldn't be seen with normal eyes.

Summoning his last reserves of magic power, he launched one final leap.

Spinning as he descended, he delivered an axe kick to the scorpion, shattering its shell completely. The attack didn't sto there, as it cleaved the scorpion into two, mirroring the impact on the ground.

Looking over his shoulder, while still expressionless, her eyes seem to be somewhat delighted as Yue sat there, watching Ayakashi.

After defeating the scorpion, Ayakashi was tired both mentally and also physically, he almost completely exhausted his Mana.

But before resting, Ayakashi started to separate the meat of the scorpion, and gave Yue Sacred Water, who was exhausted after using highest grade, her strengthened body recovered splendidly in a flash and exhibited superhuman strength.

Ayakashi could have used this water on himself, but with his [Absorption] skill, it doesn't matter if he consumes Magic beast Meat or sacred water to recover but he prefers eating meat, than drinking water, it may also come handy in later.

They took a break inside the sealed room. Incidentally, Yue originally adamantly refused to use this sealed room as their base, but the idea was discarded after Ayakashi.

Yes, She had been imprisoned there for who knows how many years, it was only natural that she didn't want to stay there much longer.

But to Ayakashi he was in a weakened state. He needed to rest, that is the safest place right now. also In order to replenish their supplies, they must stay there for a period of time.


A/N: F*cking Fight took whole Chapter.

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So what are you waiting for, If you want more chapters---Give me power stones.

or I might get low level power, and it might even lower the Chapters Amount.

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