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Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Awakening (2)

She attempted to select the cleric class, but it frustratingly refused to replace 'Necromancer' in the title and as she navigated the interface a ping sound drew her attention to a list of skills many of which were oddly familiar. Their striking resemblance to her healing abilities from the spirit realm left her wondering whether this was mere coincidence and the commonalities however meant she could rely on her good memory rather than learn new skills.

Feeling uncomfortable in her short dress she sought a way to change clothes and her gaze fell on a small brown sack icon tucked away in the bottom right corner of the screen. Clicking on it opened a new screen that spiked her excitement, but it was dashed immediately: the bag was empty. Her irritation deepened fueled by the absence of the promised guide and surely if she had encountered one guide more would be nearby perhaps able to correct her title issue.

Setting her sights on the distant city she began walking but even after twenty long minutes the city seemed no closer, and it was as though she was chasing a mirage. Looking down she noticed her outfit, a short-sleeved white dress, gasped in realization that she was lacking underwear and the surprise slowly morphed into understanding that she was not in spirit form as she initially thought but in a human body because the spirit deities unlike humans had no need for underwear. Frustrated she threw her head back and yelled at the sky cursing her predicament because humans with their greed and self-centeredness were her least favorite beings and she was convinced that the guide had dumped her.

With her mood soured she trudged on and after what felt like an eternity a strange sight caught her attention, there was a tall woman garbed in a long white dress striking peculiar poses near a tree and it reminded her of yoga a common practice in her world. She approached the woman taking in her pale skin, green eyes and long white hair and she was beautiful and a blue question mark hovering above her head hinted at her confusion.

'Are you doing yoga?' She asked curious.

With her head raised and while balancing on all fours the woman replied, 'I am Seraphina, a character guide.'

Relief washed over Lily because this was precisely what she needed.

'Can you help me with my character?' She asked hopefully.

Seraphina halted her yoga, walked over to her and blinked thoughtfully a few times then stated, 'You already have a character, but I can certainly assist with your class.'

She proceeded to clarify terminologies and explained the interface, a significant help as the previous guide hadn't imparted any such knowledge to Lily.

She tried clicking on the cleric again, but it stubbornly refused to overwrite the 'Necromancer' title and her irritation bubbled over as she questioned, 'Why can't I choose a class?'

Misinterpreting her trouble as indecision Seraphina shook her head and stated, 'You need to perform these poses to succeed.' With that she widened her stance jutting out her rear in a posture that appeared as if she was about to defecate.

Unaware of human customs Lily mirrored her assuming the same awkward pose yet nothing happened.

With her arms outstretched she questioned, 'What now?'

Seraphina handing her a small piece of brown paper inscribed with ancient unfamiliar writing suggested, 'Try choosing the class again and hold this in your hand.'

Lily grasped the paper and attempted once more to select the cleric class however she was met with an error, and she tried spamming clicks but after a few seconds she gave up and conceded, 'It still doesn't work.'

Insisting on her method Seraphina declared, 'You're doing it wrong. This pose always works.' As she sprawled on the grass like a starfish with her arms and legs flapped like a butterfly.

Lily reflected on her past encounters with peculiar deities but meeting a human up close altered her perspective and they weren't just peculiar they were outright insane. The process was overly complex because designing a guide choosing a pose was much like selecting a job.

'I think I'll find another way.' She murmured eyeing the brown paper piece.

She noticed a tiny black dot reminiscent of a wolfsbane flower on the paper's lower right side and as a nature expert this detail didn't escape her, but she didn't dwell on it instead she turned her gaze towards the long path ahead and began to walk.

Behind her Seraphina's voice echoed, 'You just have to do it like this!' As she continued her starfish imitation.

Lily could faintly hear her debating about various poses and their efficacy in choosing a class as she moved further away.

She mumbled to herself, 'What on earth is Elysium?' As she admired the mesmerizing blue sky giving an enchanting vibe.

Abruptly a pink wolf's head emerged from the bushes, its mouth foaming and green eyes glaring voraciously at her, and the sight sent chills down her spine because a wolf was not supposed to be pink.

Without warning the wolf lunged its sharp teeth targeting her left arm and time seemed to slow down as intense pain radiated through her body the shockwaves of agony puncturing the stillness and felt the beast's fangs sinking into her skin and blood began to seep out. Fear seized her but an innate primal force surfaced from within and instead of succumbing she drew upon her knowledge of nature a deep-rooted connection she shared with her surroundings. She scanned the ground frantically and her fingers grazed a cluster of rocks before spotting a weathered tree branch and seized it without hesitation feeling its weight as her trembling arms hoisted it and brandished it like a lifeline fending off the wolf's advances. She swung with all her might keeping the snapping jaws at bay and exhaustion was gnawing at her, but her spirit remained indomitable, and she used the branch as a barrier deflecting the wolf's onslaught and buying herself time to strategize. Lacking combat skills, she decided to reason with the beast.

Wielding the branch she mustered a shaky voice, 'Hey there Mr. Pinky. Can we find a peaceful solution? I'm not exactly a feast.'

However, her derision proved to be a costly error and the wolf lunged with renewed ferocity its teeth clamping down on her wounded arm and the pain intensified and she yelped. Panic surged within her, but she refused to be engulfed by fear and gritting her teeth she swung the branch with all her might striking the wolf's snout. Luckily the hit was potent enough to force the wolf to loosen its grip granting her the chance to break free. Her arm throbbed painfully as fresh blood was seeping from the wound, but she wasn't ready to surrender, and she drew a deep breath gathering her strength and with a swift motion she wielded the branch like a weapon sending a flurry of strikes towards the wolf. Her quick reflexes and tenacity kept her one step ahead of the beast.

'Is that all you've got Pinky?' She taunted amidst the confrontation, 'Show me your true colors!'

Pushing past the pain and fear she wielded the branch prying open the wolf's jaws and blood stained her dress as she stumbled backward panting heavily. She knew she couldn't outrun the beast in her current state, so she needed a plan and with a flash of inspiration she spotted a patch of thorny bushes nearby. Darting towards the prickly fortress she lured the wolf into the thorny maze, but the sharp thorns tore at her skin, but she kept going weaving through the labyrinthine tangle of branches and brambles leaving a trail of blood behind.

Emerging into a clearing she brandished a fallen branch ready to face her adversary and she locked her gaze onto the predator matching its every move with steadfast resolve and as the wolf lunged she swung the branch at its snarling jaws. With a stroke of luck, the branch connected with the wolf's snout forcing it to retreat and seizing the opportunity she sprinted away, her heartbeat thundering in her ears and exhausted she leaned against a tree to catch her breath.

'This is just the beginning.' She whispered, 'I may be wounded but I'll survive. I will escape this frail human form.' With that she succumbed to unconsciousness and her body sprawled on the grass.

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