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Inazuma Eleven: Ultimate Soccer System Inazuma Eleven: Ultimate Soccer System original

Inazuma Eleven: Ultimate Soccer System

Author: FalseTruth

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Ultimate Soccer System

At the present time, a young male who couldn't be any older than fourteen could currently be seen running through the rather empty streets. From the position of the sun alone, it couldn't be any later than eight in the morning at the most.

The male had somewhat pale skin, although not an unhealthy pale tone. He had relatively spiky black and red hair, along with a pair of crimson eyes that matched the red sections of his hair. As for attire, the male had on a simple white and red sports t-shirt and a pair of black shorts, and black running shoes.

Looking closer, he also looked to have black bands secured around his ankles as well as wrists. Upon closer inspection, they could be identified to be weighted bands, evident by the rectangular sections which outlined the weighted material inside each band.

This young man was Ryuga, Tetsuko Ryuga.

"And... that should be done." Ryuga panted rather heavily as he stopped jogging. There were clear signs of sweat running down his face, and his chest and shoulders were rising up and down in response to each breath he took. "Three... kilometers done."

Glancing around for a moment, and after seeing no one in sight, Ryuga swiped his hand in the space in front of him as a holographic screen seemed to project from out of nowhere. It was icy blue in colour, and honestly looked like a glass pane flowing in the air.



➣ Objective: Complete the following workout for the next seven days


➣ Running - (3km/3km)

➣ Push Ups - (0/30)

➣ Sit Ups - (0/30)

➣ Pull Ups - (30/30)


➣ Hissatsu Technique Token

➣ 100 EXP


This was the current mission that he had been completing over the past few days, and while it was somewhat challenging at first, he had gotten used to it pretty quickly. He had only received the system a few days ago, which was the same day he started this mission.

As you could see from the above information, he had already completed the running as well as pull-ups for the day. He had done the pull-ups at home and had literally just finished running the three kilometers just now.

He had to admit, the running was the most challenging part.

Don't get him wrong, he could easily run more than three kilometers if he wanted to, but it was mainly because of the weights he voluntarily put on that it was so much more difficult. Although each band only weighed five kilos, after running for an extended time, it really felt like his legs were covered in cement.

If he was going to be doing these exercises, he might as well put his maximum effort into it to get the best results. It was pretty much self-torture at this point, but the end results would all be worth it in the end.

"Push-ups and sit-ups are left, I guess I'll just do those over by the field." Ryuga muttered to himself after managing to calm down his breathing. "That'll also give me a chance to test out whatever technique I get after completing the mission."

With that in mind, Ryuga quickly made his way to the nearby public soccer field.


Upon arriving at the field, Ryuga didn't waste any time before he started his final exercises. He had always liked to practice when no one was around, he just felt more at peace when there were fewer people around, or he just liked quiet places.

In any case, the push-ups and sit-ups didn't take him long at all, he completed all sixty in total without stopping. After finishing them, he wasn't at all out of breath, unlike how after he had finished that morning run of his.

As Ryuga was gulping down a bottle of water, a familiar ding sounded in his head.


「Mission Completed」

➣ Objective: Complete the following workout for the next seven days


➣ Running - (3km/3km)

➣ Push Ups - (30/30)

➣ Sit Ups - (30/30)

➣ Pull Ups - (30/30)


➣ Hissatsu Technique Token

➣ 100 EXP


「You have leveled up」

「Level: 1 ➙ 2」

After the small string of notifications finished appearing, Ryuga watched as what appeared to be a small white and gold coin materialized out of nowhere before dropping into his right hand. Looking at it curiously, Ryuga inspected it while rotating it a few times.

"So, how do I use this?" Ryuga muttered to himself as he inspected the coin. He obviously didn't have a place where he was supposed to insert it, so perhaps he was supposed to crush it? "Hmm... screw it, here we go."

Gripping the coin completely in his hand, Ryuga took a quick deep breath before clenching his fist tightly. He was surprised though when the coin was crushed rather easily, and whatever remnants of it soon disappeared when he noticed glitter-like particles floating up after unclenching his fist.

「Consumed: Hissatsu Technique Token」


「New Hissatsu: Death Spear」

"Death Spear? Isn't that..."

After seeing the technique he had gotten, Ryuga felt a flash of recognition go through his mind as he seemed to recall the name. If he wasn't mistaken, this was a technique used by the main antagonist from one of the Inazuma Eleven movies.

Baddap Sleed, if memory served.

As Ryuga was thinking this, he soon found himself freezing in place when a rush of information seemingly flowed into his mind. He could see it all, the procedure and movements necessary to execute the shoot.

This was one of the main cheats of the system he had gotten, the ability to gain new techniques and learn them on the fly without any true initial work. After a few moments, Ryuga felt himself return to normal.

He didn't say anything though, instead navigating back into the menu before pulling up the list of hissatsu techniques that he knew. Of course, since he didn't have a technique prior to this mission's completion, Death Spear was the only one present.


「Hissatsu Techniques」

➣ Death Spear - [Type: Shoot] [Proficiency: ★☆☆☆☆]


Ryuga wasn't surprised by the one-star proficiency level, after all, he had literally only just gotten the technique. To truly utilize it to the best of his ability, he'd still have to practice it. There was a difference between just knowing how and actually being able to perform a shoot.

Even though Ryuga was very excited to try this new shoot, he first decided to check out his status first. After all, he did remember seeing that he gained a level after receiving the experience points from the mission.



➣ Name: Tetsuko Ryuga

➣ Level: 2 - [EXP: 50/500]

➣ Avatar: ??? (Locked)

➣ Soul: ??? (Locked)

➣ Parameter Points: 2

Stat Parameters:

➣ Kick: B (72)

➣ Body: C+ (58)

➣ Control: B+ (78)

➣ Guard: D (24)

➣ Speed: B- (64)


"Jeez, it only took fifty experience points for the first level up, it's ten times that amount now..." Ryuga winced a bit after seeing the number of points needed for the next level. He wouldn't be surprised if the next level required fifteen times or something. "Well, can't be helped. At least I get two points to allocate."

In regard to his parameters, he had come to learn just how brutally difficult it was to increase them.

Over the course of his training exercises these past few days, he had only managed to gain three points in 'body', two in 'guard', and one in both 'kick' and 'speed'. Note that both 'body' and 'guard' were his lowest stats, which came to show just how difficult it was to increase the parameters through normal training.

On the bright side, another cheat of the system was that his stats could never decrease. Once they improve, they will never lower. Meaning, he could laze his ass off for years and his physical abilities would never diminish.

Anyway, those two points he just got from the level up were worth their weight in gold in his eyes. The question now was what he wanted to invest them into, and he immediately tossed the idea out about putting them into 'guard'.

To be honest, he had no intention of becoming a goalkeeper any time soon, he had always seen himself as a forward. That's probably why his 'body' and 'guard' stats were so low, he didn't intend on being a goalkeeper or defender.

Then again, he didn't know what techniques he may unlock in the future, so perhaps he might consider investing his time into improving those aspects in the future. For now though, he'd rather focus on being a powerful forward or midfielder at the least.

With that in mind, he decided to toss one point into 'speed' and the other into 'kick'.


➣ Kick: B (73)

➣ Body: C+ (58)

➣ Control: B (70)

➣ Guard: D (24)

➣ Speed: B (65)


With a single point increase in his 'speed' stat, that seemed to be enough to make a change in the parameter's grading. He had noticed how the minus was now gone, which meant that sixty-five was the minimum for a 'B' grading.

After finishing up with the stats, Ryuga closed down the menu before turning his gaze up towards one of the goals here on the field. Smiling slightly, Ryuga quickly picked up the soccer ball he had resting next to him before making his way over.

'Alright, I'll need to see just how powerful my shoot can be even if only at a one-star proficiency.' Ryuga thought to himself before stopping a few meters away from the net. 'This should be a good distance... here we go.'

Placing the ball on the ground, Ryuga took a deep breath before narrowing his eyes. Instantly, Ryuga swung his leg back far enough that his foot now rose higher than his head, to which he then kicked the ball as hard as he could up into the air with a single powerful kick.

Looking up, Ryuga saw the ball spinning wildly as it rose higher into the sky. Wasting no time, Ryuga bent down to the ground before kicking against the ground as he soon jumped after the ball with incredible speed, fast enough that a trail of wind could be seen behind him.

It took only a few seconds before Ryuga found himself above the ball he kicked, which was now easily over twenty meters in the air. Ryuga's eyes were locked onto the goal below before he gripped the ball between both of his feet with a small scissor kick.

Gritting his teeth, Ryuga tensed his legs as he pushed them against the ball, squeezing it tightly as violent black and red energy could be seen constantly coming off of the ball. With a small shout, Ryuga released the ball as it then immediately descended with unbelievable speed.

"Death... Spear!"

The energy that surrounded the ball previously multiplied in volume by many times as said energy then seemingly took shape around the ball, completely obscuring it as the energy formed a massive spiraling spear with a sharp tip that was aimed directly at the goal.

As the shoot drilled through the air, there were waves of residual energy flowing outwards from the tip of the spear. Even in the air, Ryuga could feel the force in the shoot as it quickly made its way toward the goal.

『デススピアー (Death Spear)』

As the shoot struck inside the net, it continued to spiral violently as it drilled into the net, threatening to pierce right through. It was only after a few moments that the ball finally stopped that the net was saved from being torn apart.

The ball dropped onto the ground inside the net before slowly rolling back out slightly, this was when Ryuga landed back on the ground. Standing back up, Ryuga stared at the ball with surprise visible on his face.

"Although not nearly as strong as Baddap's, that still had some incredible power." Ryuga muttered as he walked over before picking up the ball. Looking into the net, he could see that the strings that the ball was drilling into were wearing out from that shot alone. "So, this is how it feels to actually perform a hissatsu technique... I love it!"

Ryuga's mouth curled up into a sharp grin as his eyes seemed to shake a bit, he had honestly not felt this excited in a long time. He couldn't wait for tomorrow, tomorrow was the day he'd transfer to Raimon Junior High, which was where his soccer career was going to truly start.

Calming himself down, Ryuga began walking back before placing the ball back onto the ground. Turning back to face the net, Ryuga had a small smirk present on his face.

"For now, let's keep this up!"

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