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Chapter 11: Chapter 11

Alice sits beside me and continues talking while extending her small and slender hand, saying, "Nice to meet you, my name is Alice, Alice Cullen."

I shake her hand, feeling how soft it is, and reply, "The pleasure is mine, my name is Damian Blackwood."

Alice gives a brilliant smile and doesn't let go of my hand as she says, "The pleasure is all mine, and I already know your name. I think the whole school knows by now."

Confused, I tilt my head and ask, "How so?" reluctantly letting go of her hand.

Alice shares the same reluctance, her pout indicating her feelings as she looks at my hand. She replies, "A friend of your sister?" She looks at me, waiting for my response.

I answer, "Bella, she's my cousin."

Alice responds, "She ran into her cousin and asked a lot of questions, and since everyone was curious about the new bad boy, they all listened attentively and started talking about it."

I give her a strange look, "Bad boy? Really?"

She gives a wide smile, showing her teeth, and says, "Of course! A guy like you, driving that car and wearing those clothes? It's like a rock star or a teenage bad boy. And I must say, your choice of clothes is very good, all of them are beautiful and perfectly match the style that makes every girl's heart here beat faster than it should, as it suits you so well."

I respond with a hint of nostalgia in my eyes, "All my clothes were chosen by my mother. She loved putting together my wardrobe with all the clothes she thought would look good on me. In her words, I was the 'perfect model'."

She speaks with a bright smile, "I would have loved to meet my mother-in-law—I mean, your mother. We would have had a lot to talk about!" She blushes a little, realizing her slip of the tongue.

Then she notices that I said 'she loved', and she curiously asks, "You said she loved buying clothes for you. Doesn't she do that anymore?"

Damian: "She passed away in an accident not long ago."

I feel her hand on mine as she responds with gentle eyes and a calm, welcoming voice, "I'm so sorry for that, I shouldn't have—"

I interrupt her, "It's okay, it's not your fault, and it's not a secret. It even made the news."

She squeezes my hand a bit before letting go and saying, "Even so, I shouldn't have asked that kind of question when we just met. It should have been the perfect first encounter." She realizes what she said and corrects herself, "I mean... I, I meant that since we just met, I wanted it to be perfect." She realizes it didn't help.

I start laughing a bit, which makes her pout, and she says, "Don't laugh at me."

I say, "It's okay, I think I understood what you meant."

Mrs. Banner says, "Mr. Blackwood and Miss Cullen, be quiet while you're in class."

Alice and I nod in agreement, and the teacher continues to explain something she had just started. Alice and I exchange glances and give each other a small smile.

I start paying attention to the class, but I still feel Alice looking at me the whole time. Until she takes a small notebook after the class is halfway through, and tears out a piece of paper to start writing.

She passes me the paper, and I read it: "Can you give me your number? I know we just met... and it can be quick, but I don't like waiting too long..."

My face gains a small smile as I read it. When I look at her, I see her eyes like a puppy and a pout on her lips.

'Girl, don't make that face! You don't know how much of a weakness that is for me!'

I write my number on the paper and add: "The way you said it, it seems like you plan to go on a date with me tomorrow, get engaged on Thursday, and marry by the weekend..."

She takes the paper, and when she reads all that, her eyes seem to shine like two golden stones in the sun. In her mind, she thinks, 'This is an amazing idea!' Then she shakes her head and lightly taps her cheek, thinking, 'Don't be like that, Alice. You're not a teenager anymore! You'll scare your teddy bear if you go too fast! The cute bear hunt has just begun!' She thinks with a small mischievous smile, which on her fairy-like face looks very adorable.

I think, 'What is she thinking? Why is she smiling like that? Does she want to kill me by showing that lovely smile like this?'

I start trying to control myself again and pay attention to the class. Throughout the rest of the class, Alice continues to pass me small notes, asking about my favorite color, if I prefer a car or a motorcycle, dog or cat, pizza or hamburger...

I felt like I was in an interview, and her emotions were very intense during that, like a little fairy that drank 20 liters of energy drink.

And then the bell rings, signaling the end of the class. I start packing up my things, and Alice does the same. We leave the room together, and I say, "See you later, Alice."

Instead of saying goodbye, she asks, "What's your next class?"

I reply, "Geometry, and then it's French, why?"

Her face lights up with a beautiful smile, and I notice that everyone is passing by us and staring. She says, "What an incredible coincidence! I have those classes too!" Then I hear a laugh at the end of the hallway, where I see a giant guy walking with a very beautiful blonde girl beside him, who elbows him and tells him to be quiet as they both look at me and Alice.

Emmett and Rosalie.

Alice also turns around, looking a bit embarrassed. Could it be... Nooo... But what if it is? No... She wouldn't do that, right?

I say, "That's great! At least I don't have to sit next to a stranger and get lost looking for the classroom."

She pats her chest and speaks with a lot of energy as we start walking, with her hopping a little... so adorable! She says, "Leave it to me! I'll be your guide in all the classes!" Then she diverts her gaze from me again, feeling embarrassed once more.

All the classes... Don't tell me she did that... No, right?

I say with a strange smile and furrowed brows, "You talk as if we have the same classes."

She speaks softly, "Maybe we do? Can I see your schedule to check?"

I hand her the paper with the class schedule, and I see her nod with satisfaction and a smile on her face. "We are together in all the classes."

I look at her in shock. She notices and lowers her head a bit while diverting her gaze from me. If she were human, I have no doubt she would be blushing.

I say, "That's a huge coincidence."

She replies with delight, "It's true! It seems that destiny wants us together!"

I tease her a bit, "Yes, it must be destiny to pair two people in the same classes."

She tries to change the subject and asks, "Who are you going to sit within the cafeteria? If you want, you can join me and my siblings..."

I apologize, "Sorry, my cousin wanted me to sit with her today. She said she wanted to introduce me to the friends she made yesterday."

Alice pouts, and her expression shows a hint of 'someone stole me away.'

I respond, "But what about tomorrow? And can't you just eat with your siblings? I don't like eating with many people, so..."

She quickly replies, her eyes shining, "Of course! We can always eat alone!" And in her mind, she thinks, 'Eating alone! That means spending more time with him! I remember a human term that goes like this: future husband before family? Or was it bros before hoes? The first one sounds much better!' She nods happily, comfortable with this human slang she just learned...

I look at her confused, "Are you sure always? Won't your family mind?"

She answers with a big smile, "They won't mind; we all live in the same place anyway." 'I think that logic is a little off,' I think, but I don't say it out loud.

And on the other side of the school, a certain blond vampire spent the whole morning with a pained expression because a certain fairy kept exuding powerful emotions, alongside the already overwhelming teenage hormones.

Jasper thinks, 'Should I stay home from now on? Can I ask for an early graduation? I can't bear this... this torture!'

- Jump to lunchtime

Leaving the classroom with a disappointed Alice, who reluctantly looks back at me, I bid her goodbye and tell her we'll meet up for the next class. That seems to cheer her up a bit, and she walks away with her bouncy step, receiving strange glances from other students.

Throughout the classes, she continued to exchange notes with me. Many would find this old-fashioned, but since I've never had a school romance, I've never exchanged notes before. It's something new and... something I might end up enjoying, enjoying very much.

Through our letter exchange, I found out that she and Edward are the only ones in the same year as Bella and me, while Emmett, Jasper, and Rosalie are already in their senior year.

Now I'm sure she must have changed all her classes to match mine. Did she see my class schedule in her vision? Or did she break into the principal's office and, after finding out my schedule, change hers to be compatible with mine? The first option seems less scary.

I arrive at the spot where Bella said she would wait for me and see her with a few people around her. I approach her, and she gives me an apologetic smile, whispering as she steps away from her friends and comes to meet me on the way, "Sorry, I asked them to wait in the cafeteria... but they seem very curious about you."

I say, "It's alright, Bells. I just can't promise to be nice..."

Bella says, "Just don't scare them, and everything will be fine."

Damian: "You make it sound like I scare people."

Bella shrugs and leads me to the group, starting to speak: "Guys, this is my cousin, Damian Blackwood. Damian, this is... the gang." Bella, as always, is terrible at introducing people.

I nod to them with a blank and indifferent face... that's my normal expression for people I don't know.

Jessica is the first to speak, extending her hand with a smile: "I'm Jessica Stanley, it's a huge pleasure to meet you, Damian!" Jessica is a tall girl, with wavy blonde hair falling over her shoulders, dark blue eyes, and a nice smile on her face, and her clothes are what I would call: trendy?

I shake her hand and say, "Hi."

This doesn't diminish her enthusiasm; she continues talking and pointing to the others: "This is Angela," she says, pointing to a medium-height girl with straight brown hair tied in a ponytail. She has gentle brown eyes, and her appearance can be summed up as 'welcoming.'

Angela gives a shy smile and says, "Hello, Damian," to which I respond with a nod and a "Hi."

Angela points to the boys and says, "This tall, brown-haired one is Mike. He's on the basketball team and is the most energetic among us. The short one with brown hair and black glasses is Eric. He and Angela are the 'nerds' of our group, and they are also the shyest. And the tall and muscular one is Tyler, the kindest and friendliest of us all."

The boys wave and greet me, to which I only nod in response.

She leads us to the cafeteria, and we sit at a table. I sit at the end with Bella in the middle and Angela beside her.

Jessica sits at the end, in a chair alone next to me, with the three boys on the other side.

And I must say... it's quite uncomfortable sitting with them, especially with Jessica "devouring" me with her eyes, paying attention to every detail of me.

This makes me eager to leave as soon as possible, and that's when the Cullens enter.

And that seems to activate Jessica's chatty mode: "These are the Cullens, do you already know them? Before you arrived, they were topping the list of the most beautiful people in town. But now that you and Bella are here, the list has changed, and you've become the most handsome in the whole town." She says this very quickly and all at once... how does she not choke when speaking so fast?

Mike says, "That's on the men's side. Rosalie, Alice, and Bella are the most beautiful on the female side. Lauren was the one in Bella's place before."

Jessica: "Damian is easily more handsome than Rosalie and Alice combined."

Mike: "He's a man; there's no competition with the women."

I say, "It would be better not to talk about my appearance while I'm here... it's weird."

Angela speaks softly, "He's right, he doesn't need anyone saying something he already knows. When he looks in the mirror, he must already know he's the most handsome man in the world," and this causes her to receive surprise looks from everyone at the table.

I respond with a smile, "Thank you for the compliment," and then I stop smiling.

Angela becomes even shyer, her face turning red as she hides her head. Jessica looks at me dreamily, and all the women on the other side, who have been staring at me the whole time, also blush when they see me smile for the first time.

And that makes me receive a burning and jealous look from the other side of the cafeteria... I think I know who it is, and that's why I regret it.

Jessica shakes her head to snap out of it and speaks with her cheeks red, "By the way, you don't know the Cullens, right? Probably not, so let me introduce you. The big, muscular one is Emmett, and next to him is his sister and girlfriend."

Angela reminds her friend, "Don't say it like that, you'll make him misunderstand." She stops and then explains to me, "Emmett and the other Cullens are all adopted children of Dr. Cullen and his wife, so don't think otherwise."

I say, "Actually, I know all of them. I sit with their sister in the classes I've had."

Jessica says with envy in her voice, "I heard about that. She's lucky to have the same classes as you. It must be boring to sit next to her."

I notice that this seems to affect the girl who was giving me heated looks, and she seems a bit 'down' after hearing that, perhaps thinking that I might feel the same way.

I deny what Jessica said, "Actually, it was very nice. She's a great partner, and I enjoyed the time I spent with her."

After hearing that, I see Alice come to life again, her face lights up with a happy and bright smile, and her brothers look at me with approval, especially Rosalie.

Jessica, on the other hand, seems like she's just eaten a lemon. It hit her hard as she didn't expect that response.

I notice that I've finished eating and say to Bella, "I'll head off first, I'll see if I can get Uncle Charlie to bring the thermos of coffee with milk that I had prepared and left at home." She waves goodbye to me, but I can tell that she wants to ask me something.

I bid them farewell and leave the cafeteria. Among everyone at the table, Jessica is the one I liked the least. I don't like people who talk too much... but I like Alice, and she talks a lot, right?

I like Angela; she seems kind and welcoming, a good friend, and someone you can trust.

The boys weren't so bad. They gave Bella some looks... but when I returned those looks with a 'stay away from my sister' intention, they stopped and were quite lovely.

Mike seemed a bit upset that Jessica kept staring at me the whole time, and I know they'll be a couple in the future, along with Angela and Eric.

And then I call Uncle Charlie... I want my coffee!


here is the chapter! over 2k words for you :P

AaronBlackwood AaronBlackwood

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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