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Chapter 3: Chapter 3

"Okay first of all I have to get stronger and by that I have to get points to upgrade my stats. Forget my abilities right now for a sec cause I can't really do anything with them since I'm so weak, but the only ability I can use is ZOOM but I used all my seconds and it's slowly recovering so I can't use that for the time being until I find time crystals to upgrade them. System is there anything I can do to upgrade my stats the fastest?" Satoru asked.

Satoru's question hung in the air as the system processed the request. After a moment, it responded, "There are a few ways to upgrade your stats quickly. One option is to engage in combat with lower-level enemies. Defeating them will grant you experience points, which can be used to level up your stats."

Satoru nodded, his determination evident. "Alright, let's start by finding some enemies to fight. We'll need to be strategic and choose opponents that are challenging but not too overwhelming."

The system brought up a list of potential enemies in the Taimanin Asagi universe. "Here are a few options for you to consider. There are rogue demons lurking in the outskirts of the city, or you could venture into the dangerous underworld and face off against powerful yakuza bosses."

Satoru studied the list, weighing his options. "I think I'll start with the rogue demons. They seem like a good starting point to test my abilities and gain some experience."

The system nodded in agreement. "That's a wise choice. Remember to utilize your skills and abilities effectively during combat. It will give you an edge against your opponents."

Satoru took a deep breath, preparing himself for the challenges ahead. "Alright, let's head out and find these rogue demons. Is there by any chance of them being in the forest where I'm currently in? Cause I don't know where the city is cause all I see is tall trees."

"Nope!" The system responded cheerfully.

Satoru sighed, feeling a bit disheartened. "Well, that's a bummer. I guess I'll have to find my way out of this forest first before I can even think about finding those rogue demons."

The system chimed in, trying to be helpful. "Don't worry, Satoru. I can assist you with navigation. Let me bring up a map of the surrounding area and help you find the nearest exit."

Satoru nodded gratefully, his eyes fixed on the holographic map that appeared before him. "Thanks, system. I appreciate your help."

As they studied the map together, Satoru noticed a faint trail leading deeper into the forest. "Hey, system, do you think that trail could lead us out of here?"

The system analyzed the trail and responded, "It's possible, Satoru. The trail seems to be heading in the general direction of the city. It might be worth exploring."

With a newfound sense of determination, Satoru began following the trail, carefully navigating through the dense foliage. The forest was eerily quiet, with only the sound of his footsteps breaking the silence.

As Satoru continued along the trail, The dense foliage gradually gave way to a clearing, revealing a breathtaking sight before him.

A serene lake shimmered under the sunlight, its crystal-clear waters reflecting the surrounding trees and the vibrant blue sky above. Satoru couldn't resist the urge to approach the water's edge, drawn to the tranquility it exuded.

Curiosity piqued, he gazed into the lake, hoping to catch a glimpse of his reflection. As he peered into the water, his heart skipped a beat. Staring back at him was not his own face, but the striking visage of Gojo Satoru, the renowned character from the famous anime.

Satoru's eyes widened in disbelief as he took in the uncanny resemblance. His silver hair cascaded down his shoulders, framing his sharp, piercing eyes. The reflection revealed a confident and powerful aura, a stark contrast to the weak and uncertain Satoru he had known.

A mix of awe and excitement surged through him. He really looks like Gojo Satoru!!

"Can we please continue walking before we have another Narcissus God catastrophe?" The system reminded impatiently.

"Ok ok, I'm going." He said.

"First let me see what I'm wearing?" He asked as he proceeded to look.

"Cool" he said as they continued walking.

After what felt like hours of walking, Satoru finally emerged from the forest, greeted by the sight of towering skyscrapers in the distance. He fell on the ground breathing deeply,"Oh thank God!!! I'm dying! I couldn't walk anymore!"

The system chimed in,"Well Satoru, your Stamina is quit shit."

"Don't you think I know that!!? *Breath*" he shouted.

As Satoru breathed in he stated, "I need a coke."

"You need a cock!!???" The system shouted horrified.

"A coke bitch!!!" He shouted.

"Oh thank goodness, you got me worried for a second." The system said gratefully.

Satoru grumbles and looked around and asked,"Okay, so where am I and where are the rogue demons?"

Satoru grumbles and looked around and Satoru stood up, dusting off his clothes as he surveyed his surroundings. The bustling cityscape stretched out before him, filled with neon lights and the sounds of honking cars.

"Alright, system, let's find those rogue demons," Satoru said, determination evident in his voice.

The system brought up a holographic map of the city, highlighting areas where the rogue demons were known to frequent. "According to the intel, there have been reports of rogue demons causing trouble in the industrial district. It seems like a good place to start."

Satoru nodded, his eyes scanning the map. "Alright, let's head there and see what we can find."

As they made their way through the bustling streets, Satoru couldn't help but look at the sights and sounds around him. The city was miserable with no energy, and he wondered why everyone everything was like that.

After a short walk, they arrived at the industrial district. The air was thick with the smell of machinery and the sound of clanging metal. Satoru's senses were on high alert as he scanned the area for any signs of the rogue demons.

But then Satoru realized that he had no weapon or anything to attack the demons with. He then asked the system, "System!! What the hell am I supposed to fight them with?? They can kill me with one punch! What about that Gacha system I wished for can't I use that to summon a sword or anything to defend myself!??"

Satoru's frustration was palpable as he anxiously awaited the system's response. He couldn't afford to face the rogue demons unarmed and defenseless. The system processed his request, its holographic interface flickering with possibilities.

"Apologies, Satoru," the system finally replied. "The Gacha system you wished for is currently unavailable in this particular case, every 5 levels a host achieves you get a Gacha ticket which you can use to get a random item, skill or nothing. However, there might be another way to obtain a weapon."

Satoru's eyes lit up with hope. "Tell me, system! What do I need to do?"

The system brought up a list of potential options. "There are a few possibilities. You could try searching for a weapon shop in the city, where you might be able to purchase or acquire a suitable weapon. Alternatively, you could seek out a skilled blacksmith who could craft a weapon specifically for you."

Satoru pondered his options, weighing the pros and cons. "I don't have much money, so purchasing a weapon might not be feasible. But finding a blacksmith sounds promising. Do you have any information on where I can find one?"

The system quickly scanned its database and retrieved the necessary information. "There is a renowned blacksmith named Kurogane who operates in the outskirts of the city. He is known for his exceptional craftsmanship and ability to create powerful weapons, he is also the head craftsman for the Taimanin Headquarters. It might be worth paying him a visit."

Satoru looked surprise for a moment, "Really, but that would make me have contact with them which what I'm trying to avoid."

Satoru's eyes sparkled with anticipation as he made his decision. "Alright, let's go find Kurogane and see if he can craft a weapon for me. I have a feeling he'll be able to help."

With the system as his guide, Satoru navigated through the bustling city streets, his excitement growing with each step. The neon lights illuminated his path, casting a vibrant glow on the surrounding buildings. As they ventured further into the outskirts, the city's energy began to fade, replaced by a sense of tranquility.

Finally, they arrived at Kurogane's workshop, a modest building tucked away in a quiet corner. Satoru pushed open the creaky door and stepped inside, greeted by the sound of clanging metal and the smell of burning embers.

Kurogane, a burly man with a grizzled beard, looked up from his workbench and eyed Satoru curiously. "Well, well, what brings you here, young one?"

Satoru approached him with a proud and determined expression. "I'm in need of a weapon, something that can help me in my battles against rogue demons. I've heard you're the best blacksmith in town."

Kurogane Looked at him in shock before busting out laughing. "Hahahahaha, oh my hammer!! Look at you KitKat you can't even do a pushup and..and you want to kill rogue demons..pfftt...hahahahahaha!!!! I'm dying!!!!."

Satoru's face turned red with embarrassment as Kurogane's laughter echoed through the workshop. He clenched his fists, determined not to let the blacksmith's mockery deter him.

"Hey, hey, now," Satoru said, trying to regain his composure. "I may not look like much, but I've got spirit! And with the right weapon, I know I can take on those rogue demons."

Kurogane wiped away tears of laughter from his eyes and leaned on his workbench, still chuckling. "Oh, KitKat, you've got guts, I'll give you that. But fighting rogue demons? That's a whole different ball game. Those creatures are fierce, cunning, and not to mention, they have a taste for KitKats like you."

Satoru couldn't hold in his anger and shouted, "Why are you calling me KitKat!!??"

"Cause you can break at any moment hahahahaha!!" Kurogane laughed out loud.

"Pfftt!!!" System exclaimed.

"Enough!!!! Can you make me a weapon or not!!??" Satoru shouted angrily.

Satoru's outburst caught Kurogane off guard, momentarily silencing the blacksmith's laughter. He straightened up, his expression turning serious as he studied Satoru's determined face.

"Alright, KitKat," Kurogane said, his tone now devoid of mockery. "I'll give you a chance. But don't say I didn't warn you. Rogue demons are not to be taken lightly."

Satoru nodded, grateful for the change in Kurogane's demeanor. "I understand the risks, but I have to do something. Innocent lives are at stake."

"Bullshit." System reminded

"Quit!!" Satoru whispered.

Kurogane's eyes softened, a hint of admiration shining through. "Very well, then. If you're truly committed, I'll forge you a weapon that might just give you a fighting chance."

Excitement surged through Satoru as he watched Kurogane move with purpose around the workshop. The blacksmith's skilled hands expertly selected materials, his hammer striking the anvil with precision. Sparks flew, filling the air with a metallic scent.

As the minutes turned into hours, Satoru couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within him. He knew that Kurogane was pouring his heart and soul into crafting a weapon that would aid him in his battles against the rogue demons.

Finally, Kurogane stepped back, wiping the sweat from his brow. In his hands, he held a gleaming katana, its blade reflecting the workshop's dim light. He handed it to Satoru, a solemn expression on his face.

"Take this, KitKat," Kurogane said, his voice filled with a mix of pride and concern. "This katana is imbued with my best craftsmanship and a touch of my own spirit. It may not guarantee victory, but it will be your ally in the fight against darkness."

Satoru accepted the sword, feeling its weight in his hands. He could sense the power emanating from it, a tangible reminder of the trust Kurogane had placed in him.

"Thank you, Kurogane," Satoru said, his voice filled with gratitude. "I won't let you down." He said as he proceeded to leave the store before he said, "Hey sorry Kurogane but, I don't have money but I promise you I will pay you back." He said hesitantly.

"I know KitKat, just don't die." Kurogane said in a deep tone.

As Satoru steps out of the building, "Mm what should I name you?" Satoru asked as he inspected his new katana.

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