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Chapter 5: The Rabbit Warren

Having had enough excitement for the day I decide to slither around and look for a safe place to rest for a bit. While hopefully avoiding all the demon rabbits hopping around the place.

I stealthily slither through the long grass around the place trying to ignore the stabbing pain shooting through the tip of my tail. My eyes scan around the place making sure that I don't cross paths with any of the fluffy monsters.

Eventually the salvation for my tired body appears in the form of a lonely tree growing out of the ground. I tiredly drag my exhausted, aching body up the tree before collapsing in a heap of coils on one of the branches. Within seconds I am fast asleep snoozing peacefully away.

A while later I wake up feeling nice and refreshed. I stretch out getting rid of all the stiffness and soreness in my body. I then twist my head around to check on my tail situation and am shocked to see that it is fully healed already. I guess that is what 15 Regeneration does for you.

With my body rested and fully healed it is finally time to start grinding and getting stronger. Hopefully I might even figure out how to use magic along the way.

I untwist my body from the heap of curls that it was in from when I slept and raise my head to look out for my first prey of the day.

I straight away spy a rabbit jumping around with the only issue being that I wasn't alone and that it surrounded by four other demon bunnies.

Feeling confident in my strength as i think that I am pretty strong and that if it does go wrong i have a high regen stat. I slither down the tree on my way to confront them. It also helps my confidence that even if they are monsters they still look like harmless rabbits.

I stealthily close in on the closest rabbit. When I get within a meter of the rabbit I spring forward and sink my fangs deep in the rabbits hide. I coil around the rabbits stomach and start squeezing as much as I can. To my surprise the sound of snapping bones originates from the rabbits chest and it stops struggling. I hang on to the rabbit for a bit in shock before I am thrown rudely into the air by one of the other rabbits head butting me.

I landed on the ground bruised quite badly, berating myself for getting distracted during the fight. I lunge to the side just in time as another rabbit sails past where I had just been standing.

I slither quickly to the side and bite one of the other rabbits that was coming closer. I break its bones just like the other one except this time I unwrap straight away and slither back into the long grass to stalk the last three.

I slither up behind one of the rabbits, trying to find an opening to attack because it seems that they had been frightened enough that they grouped up together.

I ended having to wait for a while but they did eventually separate enough for me to make my move. I launched out of the grass and latched onto one of the bunnies quickly killing it before moving onto the next. With only two left it was quick work killing them of.

With them all dead I think it is finally time for me to try out my racial skill. I gingerly rip off a chunk of meat and swallow it down with a grimace. I can't say that raw meat is very delightful.But I guess I will just have to get used to it if I want to make any use of my skill.

Once I finished eating the rest of the rabbits, which somehow fit inside of my stomach, I felt a wave of drowsiness overtake me. Not wanting to sleep out in the open I slither back up my tree before falling asleep for the second time that day.

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