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Chapter 31: First Liberation War: The Offensive of the Hawk's Northern Outskirts

In the darkness covering the entirety of the vast wasteland, lights resembling lustrous stars gleamed through the pitch-black. Upon their arrival, the ground grumbled and shook. Deep roars escaped from their metallic carriages as the noise of rattling pebbles in their wheels.

"It seems like the Third and Fourth Platoon are in deep trouble."

The Officer of the Second Platoon remarked while gazing at the endless tide of mutated abominations roaming towards the south. 

"Despite our loud arrival, the aberrants haven't noticed our existence. From the looks of it, they were right about the possible existence of a Variable." 

The Officer of the First Platoon looked at the terrifying scene and merely affirmed. The Second Officer glanced at the First Officer and only nodded in agreement. 

"Another special-grade aberrant. All the locations we have targeted seemed to be the dwelling place of these super abominations." The words of the Second Officer appeared to imply something.

"Of course, the foresight of our grand Director, the Lord of Cerberus, is unparalleled. Our Director knows where to strike the hardest while making it also a good training opportunity for us two companies." The First Officer began praising their Director as if he was the messiah of this dark world. 


"Anyhow, we must find the special-grade aberrant and assassinate the monster. It's the only way for the aberrant flood to disperse and not flood a single location." The First Officer decided to stop her ramblings about the greatness of the Director. 

"Let's call our Marksmen and let them scout the surroundings. At the moment, stop trying to attract the attention of the nearby aberrants. Even if they don't notice us, the special-grade aberrant might perceive our convoy." She ordered the Communication Operator near her. 

"I will my platoon prepare for the cleansing." The Second Officer agreed with the First Officer's plan and wanted to prepare for the next step. The First Officer shook her head and added. "Have my platoon join the preparation."

"Understood." The Second Officer nodded and continued. "Have the IFVs, APCs, and Vanguards in the spear formation. We will be entering the wilderness for cleansing after the termination of the special-grade aberrant." 

The Communication Operator relayed the orders of the two Officers, but while doing so, he received reports from the Third and Fourth Platoon. He raised an eyebrow and swiftly reported to his Officers.

"Sir! Ma'am! Reports originating from the Third and Fourth Platoons have been received. They are sending vital information about the possible location of the special-grade aberrant." The Communication Operator unveiled the report of the Third and Fourth to his Officers.

The First and Second Officer carefully observed the report with a scrutinizing gaze. A smile formed on the First Officer's face while the Second Officer began smirking.

"It looks like we won't waste precious time trying to find the bastard." The First Officer remarked while the Second Officer commented. "That only makes the cleansing operation start faster." 

"Tell the Marksmen about the possible location of the special-grade aberrant. Have them check it out. If the abomination is discovered, immediately terminate it. But if it's not possible, report and retreat the findings." The First Officer gave another round of orders.

As if already used to this, the Communication Operator relayed with ease. The orders were scattered, and the Marksmen exited their vehicles to scout ahead toward the possible location of the Variable. 

"I should have treated our drones with care." The First Officer sighed with a disappointed expression. Most of their drones were destroyed during the expedition in the devastated settlement of New Torrington. They, unfortunately, discovered some surprising enemies in that place. 

"There was nothing we could do about it. One wouldn't expect some mutated beasts, such as crows, to begin roaming the skies. Fortunately, it didn't bother us during the cleansing and the scavenging of information-related materials." 

"Besides, the FOB has already sent their congratulations for succeeding the mission the fastest amongst the platoons despite us having the farthest of the four remaining targets." The Second Officer wasn't that bothered with the loss of drones. 

It was better than actual casualties. The fact they only lost things that could be easily replaced was already a blessing.

"I understand..." The First Officer could only nod in agreement. What the Second Officer said was the truth. They were lucky to have the mutated beasts not attack them out of nowhere. Otherwise, it would have been problematic. After all, they didn't have any good anti-aircraft capabilities.

"The platoons have concluded their preparation, and the Marksmen are getting visibility of the location." The Communication Operator reported the current findings to the two Officers. It was protocol to continue disclosing the situation so that the Officers wouldn't give orders in ignorance. 

"Good! I guess it's time for us to get out." The First Officer uttered while stepping out of the H10 Armored Truck. The Second Officer followed suit and emerged from the truck. They noticed numerous soldiers preparing for the cleansing. An offensive strategy they used in New Torrington.

"It seemed that none are tired despite applying the cleansing strategy a while ago." The First Officer remarked. She was somewhat proud of the capabilities of her soldiers. 

"It's natural for them to be not tired. The warriors of Cerberus can trek a thousand-mile journey if they had to. Such things wouldn't bother them." The Second Officer praised while gazing upon the soldiers working on their preparations. 

Meanwhile, hundreds of meters away from the preparing First and Second Platoons. Several Marksmen were observing something in the distance. They were watching the tide of abominations encircling something. It wasn't large, unlike the usual. It seemed to be the same size as the others.

"Have you found it?" One of the Marksmen questioned while the others shook their head. Although the encircling horde was a great indicator, they couldn't see anything unusual. Even if they gazed upon it at its very center. It might take a while for them to discover the hidden Variable. 

"Wait... Look at that!" Amongst the Marksmen, one finally noticed something strange. It was a weird pale protrusion in the middle of the encircling horde. The others immediately saw what the Marksman was talking about. They looked at it and swiftly confirmed its existence.

"That should be the Variable. Send the coordinates to our platoons." A Marksman said, to which the others nodded in agreement. 

Afterward, some assembled their sniper rifle while the others defended the firing spot. They only had one chance, and the weird protrusion would disappear when taken. They must take the shot with complete precision.

"Target on sight!"

"Target on sight!"

"Target on sight!" 

"Target on sight!"

The Marksmen handling the assassination of the Variable reported while aiming their barrels in the direction of the encircling horde. To hit a target, they must be clear about what part of the body they want to shoot. 

"I'll take the pale-looking weird antenna."

"The bottom of the antenna, which should be the head, is mine." 

"Then, most of us will shoot at the body." 

With their targets concluded, the Marksmen looked through their sights and took their precious time to gain perfect alignment. The remaining Marksmen cautiously observed their surroundings, protecting their group from potential harm and problems. 

After a couple of seconds, the Marksmen announced.

"Alignment set!" 

"Alignment set!" 

"Alignment set!" 

"Alignment set!" 

"It looks like there are no problems. Set your watches in fifteen seconds." The leading Marksmen who was targeting the head uttered. The Marksmen in the shooting team nodded in understanding. They set their watches in fifteen seconds. 

Seconds quietly passed by, and the timer entered the five-second mark. 


*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

Numerous sniper rifles fired at the same time, causing a thunderous roar to reverberate outward. The nearby aberrants immediately took notice of the group of Marksmen, but before they could charge, the ones guarding the group already took a shot.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

Several aberrants dropped to the ground with holes in their heads. But unfortunately, it wasn't enough. Dozens of aberrants were awakening from their trance as they swarmed the group. Meanwhile, the sniper team observed the reactions of their shots.

The encircling horde of aberrants suddenly stopped, and they began breaking off from their unified horde-like behavior. It was a complete and utter victory for the sniper team. 

"It was a success!" 

"That was a good shot!"

"Too easy!"

"You guys, before you congratulate each other. We need to survive our situation." The Marksman who was protecting them decided to drop a bucket of cold water on their head.

After the special-grade aberrant was terminated, the aberrants were on their own, trying to find their prey. And they were humans in the middle of the horde. The perfect flesh the abominations were seeking.


"Let's run!"

The sniper team took their sniper rifles without bothering to disassemble them and began running off. The ones protecting them sighed and followed. There was no need to stay in this location. Their mission was complete, and it was time for them to return. 

Back to the First and Second Platoons, the Communication Operator handling the reports of the Marksmen had received their mission. He got out of the armored truck and met with the two Officers who were talking to one another while also helping in the cleansing preparation. 

The IFVs, APCs, and Vanguards had been fully loaded with their ammunition, while the soldiers also loaded themselves with their needed ammo. The Mechanic Specialists were also finished in checking the armored vehicles' operationality. 

"The termination of the special-grade aberrant has succeeded. They have sent me their coordinates, and it seems that they are retreating. A swarm of aberrants has broken off, and it will be in contact within a couple of minutes." 

With the Communication Operator's report, the First and Second Officers began moving. They gave orders to nearby soldiers as the cleansing operation was about to start.

"Occupy your respective vehicles and man the spear."

"Let us start the cleansing!" The First Officer coldly ordered as she entered the H10 Armored Truck. On the other hand, the Second Officer stepped into one of the IFVs. Now that the platoons were prepared, it was time to begin the long-awaited cleansing operation.

"Move forward and march!" The Second Officer ordered.

The IFVs, APCs, and Vaguards began rumbling as they rode onward. Their turrets were pointed forward with their barrels slightly upward. The soldiers followed the vehicle as they began shooting nearby aberrants while moving.

This was the strategy that took the New Torrington in mere minutes.

Returning to the group of Marksmen, they were still running away from the swarm of aberrants chasing after them. It wasn't a terrific situation to be in.

"Sh*t! This fuckers are fast!"

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* 

"They mutated themselves to run fast and hunt. We need to conserve our stamina, so shoot them!"

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* 

The group began firing their EM rifles toward the charging horde of aberrants. But no matter how much aberrant fell to the ground, they seemed to be replaced like a goddamn head of a hydra.

"We won't last long! What do we do?!" A Marksman shouted, to which the others humbly replied. 

"Just keep shooting!"

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

When the situation seemed hopeless, one of the Marksmen heard a familiar voice on their radio. 

"Howdy, gentlemen... It's good for all of you to be alive."

"There's no need to worry. The cavalry is here!" 

The First Officer exclaimed before a thunderous bang resounded behind the group of Marksmen.

*BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!*

*BRRRrrrtttt!!!* *BRRRRrrrrrtttt!!!* *BRRrrrttt!!!*

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

Armored vehicles rumbled forward as their turrets shot a rain of lead toward the swarming horde of aberrants. Their comrades were marching and firing at the abominations without intending to stop. The seemingly unstoppable horde fell in seconds as if they were nothing in front of Cerberus.


"We will not stop until we meet our comrades on the other side!"

"Shoot them all until none remained!"


The warriors of Cerberus marched with the flames of unrivaled determination. Their steps will pave the path of humanity, and their bravery will become their torch of hope. 

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