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Chapter 2: “The Naked Stranger”

Everyone in the office was relating, some were getting coffee and others were printing over at the printer whilst enjoying chatter

"He's here"

A loud voice cuts through the chatter and everyone fell silent, a few adjusted their computers, others ran to their seats and a few others used their phone to their check teeth,hair and dress

The sound came from Beth she was a brief blonde in her late forties, neatly dressed in a black suit skirt and white blouse, her hair neatly and tightly pulled back with her head.

Derek walks in causing the room to completely tense up almost as if they all held their breaths. He wore a a three piece black suit that showed his rigid figure and broad shoulders and highlighted his beautiful white skin, his deep-set, piercing blue eyes sparkled with intelligence and hinted at a well-hidden sense of mischief.Tall and lean, his athletic build was accentuated by the way he moved with grace and purpose. A lock of dark, tousled hair fell effortlessly over his forehead, adding an alluring charm to his rugged appearance.

"Good morning sir" Beth walks to meet him as he walks out the elevator and hands him a tablet as he continues to walk and she follows suit

"Morning Beth" he pauses " did the article come out just fine ?" He continues

"Yes sir, all of the questions you wanted gone were removed as directed"

"Okay" he hands her back the tab

"And how are the interviews going for the new assistant?"

Beth sighed

"Not so good I'm sorry sir, some of the hiring companies have all heard of your reputation and are being extra picky about who they send up here"

Derek thought "reputation" his mind quickly flashes to the last assistant he had

"Ann" a beautiful tall blonde. Quite smart and good at the job but somehow thought she could have a personal relationship with me, he smirks in disgust... it wasn't the first time over the past years every female assistant he'd had all wanted to get into his bed and slowly he lost his patience with all of them and fired them immediately.

"Not just any Assistant" he says entering into his office as Beth opens the door"A male assistant" he continues God knows I'm done with these women he thinks to himself

"I'm well aware sir, that information has been passed down to the hiring companies" she says standing aside as Derek takes his seat

Derek was quiet more like into his computer and then he looks up at her without saying a word, the kind of

'what are you still doing here' look

"Would you like coffee sir?" She says a little intimidated by his presence

"No, thank you" he said dismissively returning his attention to his Apple computer

Beth adjusts herself and then starts for the door "okay sir"

Considering that I've walked with him for 15 years one would think that he could be warmer or nicer to me but we all know Mr Derek could never be nice he's like snow (beautiful as can be but too cold) she thinks to herself exiting his office.

* * *

Beep beep beep beep

A loud ringing sound wakes Simon from his sleep, with a grunt of disgust he picks up the phone without checking the caller and lying back down to continue sleeping

"Hello" he managed to say

"I thought you had flushed your phone down the toilet"

Simon could make out the voice to be Luke his annoying yet very sweet roommate

"Don't tell me you're sleeping, it's 12pm shouldn't you be out there trying to get a job?" Luke continues

"Why'd you call bro" Simon says cutting Luke off as if trying to avoid him getting into his jobless situation again

"Have you heard of D&S association?" Luke asks

Simon gets up suddenly interested in the conversation

"of course dude that's the firm that I told you about, I've applied three times and never gotten a call back" his mood dropping as he remembers

"Well a friend who frequents the bars talked…

"A friend huh" an amusing smirk from Simon as he cuts his best friend off

"Yes a friend you arse" Luke retorts almost laughing

"I see" Simon replies his mind going off to the first male friend Luke ever introduced him to…Simon had told Luke he wouldn't be coming home that night but plans changed and after a party he came back home drunk and dozed off….. when he got up the next morning he had walked in on a naked man in their kitchen going through their refrigerator "a very hot naked man" and while he looked away shocked Luke had walked into the room putting in just shorts

"When did you get back" Luke asks going for a bowl to pour his cereal

Simon was shocked at the question he was asked while standing in their kitchen with a naked third party, he looks at Luke raising an eyebrow

Luke grabs a towel and throws it at the handsome stranger and Simon was finally able to turn still uncomfortable at having to look at the strangers pecs while having breakfast

"And who's this" Simon asks taking a seat at the kitchen counter looking at Luke with a grin on his cheek

"Oh this is Tony he's a friend from work" Luke answers not paying attention to Simons face

Simon was stunned and ever since then whenever Luke said "friend his mind went back to that event"

"Get your mind out of the gutter dude" Luke cuts through his flashback "this friend happens to work at that law firm and has said something about a job interview"

Simon's widened in shock "can this "friend" get me an interview" he says

"Well I guess I could ask him, he's a regular at my bar apparently he hates his job so after a long day he drinks till he drops and talks about how much he hates his hot mean boss" Luke responded

"You seem to know a lot about this friend" Simon says cheekily

"See you at home" Luke says ending the call not willing to go any further with the conversation

Simon smiles to himself and then starts to think of how cool it would be to get the job at his dream firm and also his mind wandered to the "hot mean boss" I've never really seen him but I wonder what he looks like, he thinks to himself

The door bell rings and he wonders who it could be, he gets up lazily to the door and it was the pizza delivery man he had completely forgotten he ordered a medium pepperoni pizza before he dozed off…

"Oh thank you" Simon collects the box from the delivery man who did not move kept starring at him

"Tip sir" the young teenager says to Simon

Simon quickly get his wallet feeling silly he had to be reminded he brings out and gives him 20 bucks to the young man

"Thanks bro" he says and leaves to get his bike and Simon shuts the door behind him

"Pizza time !!" He sits on the couch and picks up the tv remote.

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