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Chapter 2: Why should I care

Finally! We are done for the wedding. I'm really exhausted from the ups and downs, dancing and socializing everyone that was present at the wedding reception were just there to showcase their beauties and advertise their businesses but thank God everything is over now.

"Robert should we start going home now?" I said

"Who is going home with you ? See Claire let me tell you, you're the one who married me, I didn't marry you so don't start thinking because you're now married to me you can decide for me and tell me what to do" he said and before i could reply he said again

" I won't be going home with you I have work to do at the office, Goodbye"

"But.. Robert tonight is our wedding night" I said

"If it is... How's is that my business huh?, why should I care?"

"You should care because I'm now your lawfully wedded wife" I said in an aggrieved tone

"Please don't make me laugh Claire, I have some questions for you did I agree to marry?, do you think I love you?, if it isn't because of my grandfather's last wish do you think I'll even glance at you? Claire it's better you stop giving yourself false fantasies because I'll never love you"

" Robert I will make you love me" I said before busting into tears and I ran away.

Robert's POV

'who does she think she is' I sneered

Women are golddiggers and players I hate them. I'll never love her. Every women are just like Ava my ex-girlfriend, a golddigger, even though we loved each other and we were even childhood sweethearts she left me for a rich man when my family encountered a financial setback and since then I haven't heard from her. Women are nothing but liars, she told me she loved me and she could even die for me but all were lies.

'Arghhh....' Thinking about those times I was together with her frustrates me I mean we were such a perfect couple and even my parents believed I was going to get married to her but what did she do , she ruined the relationship because my family went bankrupt but now that things are now stable and I'm one of the richest men in the world, Claire or whatever she calls her name came again but I won't be deceived the second time because I'm sure she's another gold digger but I just have to cope with her for the mean time until she shows her true self because I'm sure she's still pretending and then I'll have a reason to divorce her without sharing a single dime of my money or property with her and by then I'll know I fulfilled my grandfather's last wish that I should marry but because of her attitude I divorced her.

'I have to go back to the office to complete my piled up work after all I was absent from office today because of my 'so-called wedding'. I drove up to my office that was at the heart of the city and within 30 minutes I got to my office and I got off, locked my car. From where I was standing I could see a ray of light coming from my assistant's office, so my assistant should still be in his office perhaps he's working overtime today because of my absence in office today . I entered my personal elevator. I arrived at the last floor where my office was located and there I saw my assistant seriously typing on his laptop, then he raised his head maybe because he heard my footsteps and there was an obvious look of surprise on his face because he didn't expect me to be in the office at the moment I mean who would come to work on his wedding night.

"Boss you're here?" He asked

"Yes" I replied curtly


"No more questions" I interrupted him

"I'm sorry boss"

"Get me those unsigned documents I need to get busy and a cup of coffee"

" okay boss" he said and he left

He came back few minutes later

"Here you go boss" he dropped it

"And what are you still waiting for?"

"Ohh..... sorry boss I'll take my leave now"

'why is he behaving odd? What is wrong with me coming to my office on my wedding night after all I'm married to a woman I don't even love. All she wants is my family name and wealth' I said to myself

'didn't know I've spent up to 2 hours here, I've to go drink out at the club' I said as i dialed Bernard's number

"Hy.. Let's meet up at the usual place"

"Okay buddy"

I packed a few documents with me and I left for the club.

"Hy... Married man, aren't you suppose to be with your newly wedded bride, what are you doing here with us bachelors" I heard Bernard's teasing voice as soon as I entered the club.

"Humph..... Will you keep shut and let me have my peace?"

"No... I don't want peace, I won't let you have peace, shouldn't you be with your bride now? Why the hell are you here at the club, how do you want your wife to feel even if you can't show love to her you have respect that fact that she's your wife....."

I could feel the headache coming because of his countless questions so I had to interrupt him

"Bernard please don't advice me here I know what I'm doing, why should I care about what she feels? Why should I be with on our wedding night when I don't love her, do you think I love her or do you think I'll love any girl on this earth? Absolutely No, all women are LIARS!. I forced to marry her because of my late grandfather who told me I must marry her after dies and I have to respect his last wish. And on her part I'm sure she married me because she needs money and my family name which I've given her by marrying her the case now is a win-win situation and absolutely no feelings attached so I can't love her do you get it now? Don't try advicing me again because I won't yield to your advice in fact loom at you aren't you a playboy?" I bursted out

" Fine I'm a playboy but I still have human sympathy I mean..... okay fine you win this time after all it's your marriage me as an outsider shouldn't poke my nose. I hope you just treat her well and if you know you won't treat maybe you should link us together after all she's beautiful, bright skinned and...." He stopped when his eyes came in contact with my glaring eyes

"Okay fine... So what's the take for tonight? , are you booking a room in an hotel or you're going back home?"

"I said I'm not going back to that house in a next few days. That woman's presence alone disgusts me I just don't have a choice"

"So you'll book an hotel?"

'Argh..... This guy is really frustrating, isn't it obvious I'll book a room in an hotel, he's still even asking' I said to myself as I didn't even bother him again I guess I have to start going because listening to his questions is not what I need now. I heard his voice while I was still lost in thought

"Yes that reminds me Bert, Jordan informed me that Tina is back to New York City" he said as he tried to read my facial expression

"She's really back ?" I was excited at first but I remembered she actually broke my heart

"Well.... That has nothing to do with me" I said again trying to show that I don't care.

"She's back and I also heard she came back with Martins, the same guy she followed abroad, Jordan said he's here to setup his company and Tina is back with him"

"None of my business" I said with a hint of anger in my voice

" would you like to meet them?" I heard his teasing voice and in response i glared at him, since he has spoiled my mood by bringing up the topic of that hearbreaker I might as well just head over to the hotel

"Nard... I'll take my leave now" immediately I stood up

"Hy..... Bert you called me here, you can't leave me here, stay right there Bert, okay fine I won't drink out with you anymore" I heard him scream behind him but I didn't even look at the back nor respond to him, I'm tired of his nonsense already.

I sighed when I entered my car. 'that heartbreaker woman is indeed always everywhere' . I drove up to the hotel where I'll be booking a room

"Hello... I need a room" I said coldly

"Hello...sir my name is Belle, what type of room...."

"Pent-house" I replied curtly because I could hear the coquettish tone in her voice, I don't have time for her flirting

"Follow me sir.. Ohh.. I dropped my pen" she said bending down in front of me trying to seduce me


"Ohh... Sorry sir" she said with fright

"Give me the keys" I snatched the keys from her

'Bunch of frustrating people' I thought as I entered the room

Claire's POV

'I didn't know Bert is such a scum, how could he leave me his lawfully wedded wife alone on our wedding night, this is inhumane' I said crying out

"Young mistress, hope all is well?, we have to start going to the mansion now"

"Sorry.... Who are you?"

"I'm the driver that was sent from the mansion to pick you up young miss"

"From the mansion? Which mansion?"

"William's mansion young miss, I was asked to pick you up"He said again

" But Robert just left this place angrily, why are you still picking me up?"

This is surprising, Robert left this place angrily not quite long and a driver is here wanting to pick me up, I hope he isn't trying to kidnap me. I suddenly activated my defense mood

"I'm sorry I don't know you, why should I go with you and besides the Mr Williams you're talking about just left this place angrily not quite long, I can't go with you."

"Young miss I'm really from the William's mansion, here is my identity card as a driver of the Williams mansion" he chuckled bringing out his card. I widened my eyes well trying to check his name and his other information.

"Young miss I'm really not here to kidnap you" he chuckled again

"But I need to be sure, okay since I'm sure we can go now. Your name is Tom"

"Yes young miss"

"okay please can you drive me to my old apartment, I need to pack my clothes"

"Okay miss"

We both walked towards the car no it's not an ordinary car, expensive car and I couldn't help but ask

"Are you sure this is the car? I asked

"Of course, yes it is young miss, please..." He said as he opened the door so I can enter

I couldn't help but feel excited when I entered the luxurious car until I rememebered Robert called me a gold digger not quite long. 'Humph... That heartless man I'll surely conquer him and change his views about women.' While still lost in my thought I heard the driver's voice

"You haven't told me your old apartment's address"

"ohh... Yes my apartment is at No 2***"

"Okay young miss"

I think I should sleep since it'll take a while before getting to my old apartment.

"Young miss we are here" I heard his voice

"Ohh.. Okay wait for me here while I pack my few belongings"

"Miss since you're going there to pack your belongings I'll follow you"

"You need not worry, the clothes are few" I told him trying to discourage him from following me inside my apartment because the place is a bit rough

"It's not stress young miss, this is what I should do"he said again. When I heard this I knew I can't discourage him so i stopped discouraging him.

"Let's go then" I told him

Together we climbed the wooden stairs and we went towards my apartment, I fished out my key, opened the door

"You can come in" I told him but he refused

"No miss I'll stay here, pack out your belongings and I'll take it to the car"

Okay then I'll be out in a few minutes"

"Take your time young miss" I heard him reply

'The whole place is so rough... Thank God he didn't come inside or else I would be very embarrassed, I need to pack everything quickly'. Within 30 minutes I was done with the packing, 'aha..... That was stressful' i thought checking out if there's any other thing I need to pick. 'Well....I've packed all..... Let's go now"

"Okay young miss give the bag to me" he said collecting the bag from him

"Oh... Thank you very much" I said gratefully

"This is what I should do young miss" he said as a matter of factly after all he's getting paid for his salary. We went downstairs together and towards the car and I watched stuff by bag inside the car's boot like a professional

"Young miss please..." He said after opening the door gesturing for me to enter the car

"Oh.. Okay"I said

Robert is really heartless, he left me alone on our wedding night all because he thinks I am another gold digger, though I have met him once and I fell for him but that isn't a reason for me to marry him so soon. If it weren't for my grandfather who said I must marry him, I wouldn't have brought up the idea of our marriage but there is no turning back and I'll also change his opinion of women

"Young miss we're here" he said calling me out of my train of thought

"Woww...." I couldn't help but voice out my thought I saw the amazing scenery in front of me. The mansion is just like a paradise on earth, the tall and beautiful fountain and I even feel like the water is falling with elegance. This mansion is more beautiful than our Wellington mansion. But at the same time I can feel my body shaking from inside because of nervousness, I don't know any of the Williams family member except Rita who's Robert's younger sister and rumors has it that she's very rude and spoilt,ahaa they're really exhausting in this Williams family.

"Young miss we're here already will you get down now? There are people waiting for you inside" Tom the driver said again bringing me out of my thought

"People waiting for me inside?"I asked with surprise written all over my face. Robert is not even here why are they still waiting for, what will I do now? I can't run away can I ? After all I'm already here, I will have to face this.

"Okay let's go then, I need to get my bag" I said

"Don't worry miss, I'll help with your bag" He said

"Okay think you please lead the way" I said closing the car door

"Okay..... Follow me young miss"

Not only the outer view of this mansion is glamorous but the inside is very breathtaking.... Everywhere is very neat and s Sparkling, I can see my face clearly on the floor because of the clean tiles. I was still amazed in what I saw when I heard the serious voice of a woman.

"Welcome to the William's mansion young miss, I am Emily the butler, please follow to the dinning hall"She said leading the way without even waiting for my response. Isn't she suppose to at least hear what I'll say, even the butler of the Williams mansion is rude.

"Here we are, enjoy your meal" she said not even looking at my face well..... She isn't the one I'm worried about now, but the faces of the people sitting on the chairs

"Imagine, a bride coming to visit her husband's family nd she's this late, grandma i told you she isn't a suitable wife for my son but you insisted" I heard the annoying voice of a middle aged woman who I think is William's mother. I can't believe I found myself an enemy even when I haven't spoken a word since I entered.

"Kate, that isn't the way you should welcome our guest and she's even your son's wife, this isn't the way you should welcome your daughter-in- law when you haven't even met her before" I heard the strict voice of another and when I looked at her face I knew instantly that she's Robert's grandmother because she has white hairs all over her head.

"Humph...Welcome" Kate said in a displeased tone

"Welcome sister-in-law" That should be Robert's younger sister's voice Rita, but isn't she rude why did she greet me. That's what I thought but when I looked at her face I knew she's only pretending to be good because her eyes was filled with a hidden malice. But I haven't met her before why is she looking at me like that and at the same time she's smiling, she's really a two goodey shoe ,I've taken a mental note.

" I greet everybody, thank you all for the warm welcome, I am Claire Wellington I hope you all take care of me"

"Such a sensible girl, you're welcome granddaughter come let grandma give you a gift as blessing" The old woman said

'Gift?' Just like me everyone else sitting there were also surprised, I wasn't expecting any wedding gifts from the Williams but grandma who is the head of the family wants to give a gift which they are all giving me gift indirectly 'aha... This is amazing' and unknowingly my eyes met Rita's eyes that was already red from anger and I suddenly felt like if I collect the gift I'm already a dead meat but I cannot just refuse the old woman when I'm seeing her for the first time and i don't even know the gift so 'I'm sorry to disappoint Rita I'll have to collect this' I thought even though I was a bit scared.

"C'mon girl come over don't let their faces scare you, they can't do you anything grandma is here"I heard the old woman's voice again

"Okay grandma" I said walking over to her side

"Yes..... That's it good girl"she chuckled

"I'm here grandma"I said after I got to her side

"Take I give it to you, this is the family heirloom , you're Robert's wife so you own it" the old woman said

'Heirloom? Isn't heirloom supposed to be from mother-in-law to her daughter-in-law? Why is grandma giving me this? Wait.. Does that mean she didn't guve Robert's mother? And she's giving me instead? But why?. This is too precious i cannot collect it, before I coukd voice out my refusal I heard Kate's snort.

"Indeed this is what she's here for. Mother why we you giving her the family heirloom and besidrs that's supposed to be for me, you haven't given me mine since you're giving her today you can also give me my own today"Kate said

"Who said I'm giving you? This is the heirloom meant for you but since you have chosen to be a bad influence from start I decided not to give it to you so I'll give it to my granddaughter-in-law"The old woman said

"But mother that's not right.... I've been in the Williams Household for the past 30 years now but you think I don't deserve your family heirloom but this wretched girl who have come from nowhere actually deserves it?"She said grudgingly

"I dare you repeat what you've just said now"the old woman said angrily

"Mother this is not fair, it's not"Kate said angrily. I could feel angry eyes glaring at me almost piercing my back like sword

"Grandma I really appreciate you for the care and most especially for the gift but just like my mother-in-law said I don not deserve this gift yet after all I just got married to Robert today"I said trying to lighten up the atmosphere and at the same voicing out my genuine refusal

"No... Don't think about it that way daughter, it doesn't matter if you deserve it or not but what matters most is that i like you, I know you're a virtuous woman and I really wish you'll be with Robert till old age" the old woman said stubbornly. When I heard the old woman's stubborn I knew she won't compromise, so I have to compromise but I still don't want to collect it

"Gramdma why don't we do it like this, I've accepted this heirloom but I'll keep it with you, you know it's very precious and I really don't know how to keep it so I'll keep it with you grandma what about that?"I said with a smile on my lip

"Hmm...." She's trying to think about it I guess

"Okay then I'll keep it for you but you've accepted it"

"Yes... I've accepted it"I said

"Since you don't want to keep this with you, I have another gift I'll give you that you can keep for yourself" she said happily as if giving me gifts was an achievement.

"Ahaa....." I heard the voices of the family members

"Well.... Child take this document, it's for a house I bought for you. The house is on your name, you can go visit the house anytime you like and if you don't like it tell me, there are cars there and here's a red packet, it's a bank card that is inside and i don't know the amount on it but it's all yours now" she said handing over the document and a white envelope to me

"Grandma this is not fair I'm also your granddaughter but you've never given such precious gifts before don't even love me at all? Grandma this isn't good at all, I'm also your blood or was I adopted" it's Rita's turn to be angry

"Rita you're my granddaughter but you cannot always rely on grandma, you have to live your life, you cannot always be in the Williams you cannot always be the spooky girl of the Williams household, you'll one day become someone's wife and by then your mother-in-law or grandmother-in-law will also take care of you just like I'm doing I'm doing to Claire"The old woman said advicing Rita

"No grandma..... I don't want to get married i want to stay with you and collect gifts from you too, you must give me my own gifts too, why can she collect precious and expensive gifts from you ad I can't when I'm your granddaughter and she's just an outsider" She said with tears oozing out of her eyes

"She's not an outsider, she's now your elder brother's wife and now your sister-in-law. If you don't wantto get married because of gifts from me then that's your cup of tea but have you forgotten that you've collected more than i repeat more than the gifts she just received from me. I've always pampered you since the day you were born and I've always given whatever you wanted even if i don't have it I would buy it for you but look at you, you're being ungrateful and you've forgotten those times. It's her turn to enjoy now but you want to stop me because of jealousy, is this how you were taught ? Everything I've given her is her right because she's now a member of this family, does the fact that she married your elder brother gives you the right to maltreat her or look down on her?. I'm truly disappointed in you Rita even if your mother isn't of a good behavior, you should at least caution yourself"The old woman saiwith displeasure

"Grandma... It's okay don't be angry at her, she was just being childish and I'm sure she must be sorry now"

"Thank you my child. You're a good girl and your mother taught you well unlike some people" the old woman said eyeing Rita and Kate

"Grandma , thank you very much for the gifts, I truly appreciate it and I promise to be a good wife to Robert"i said sincerely

"You don't need that my child I've given you so they belong to you now"grandma said

"Okay so everyone let's eat. Cheers to a new life for Claire and Robert....ohh that's true Claire you husband is suppose to be here by now where is he?"

"Aha....ehm...I think he went to pick some document in his office"the question caught me off guard so i stuttered

"That brat.... He's always working even today his wedding day, can't he just spare a day? He'll meet me here tomorrow morning" the old woman said with her cheeks puffed up from anger

"I don't mind for now....I'm sure it's because he's not used to it after all we're just newly weds"i said

"What a considerate girl..... I'm so touched that boy has such a beautiful and virtuous wife but he still dont know how to cherish her"

"Okay so everyone let's eat so we can quickly go to bed, it's late already"grandma said


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