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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

It didn't take long for Anakin to finish cleaning up the mess Jar Jar had left from confrontation with the droid, but by the time he ran of the shop and into the scorching hot heat of Tatooine that he had grown used to, the mysterious group had already left.

He had known that the chances of them still being in view of the shop was slim to none, but he had still help out hope. Although it would of been nice to find them their, it wasn't absolutely necessary.

Anakin took a deep breath to calm his mind and focused on the Force, connecting and immersing himself in it on a deeper level than he normally did.

There were two way that Anakin could go about locating the mysterious group of foreigners: One was by allowing the Force to guide him like and instinct does for an animal, and the other was by searching for their presence within the Force.

Anakin chose the latter method.

The first method only worked when his goals were aligned with the Force's and if it responded to his will, which rarely happened, and he didn't want to take any chances.

It didn't take long for him to locate the old man who could also use the Force. He may as well been a moon in a sea of stars compared to the other people in Tatooine; Anakin also had been practicing the locating, or sensing technique, for quite a while so that he could easily find his Mom or Watto when he was in trouble; it took months of practice to master it, but it was well worth it.

Just as Anakin turned onto a new street with impatient excitement, like a bloodhound following a scent trail, he saw Jar Jar on the ground with a Dug— a common species on Tatooine known for their aggression despite their small size— standing over him.

Anakin could feel the Dug's growing anger, so he decided to intervene before Jar Jar got hurt or worse. Like a heavy rain cooling down a raging fire, he slowly extinguished the Dug's anger.

"Sebulba," Anakin said, addressing the well know podracer, "Why don't you wait until the podrace starts before getting youself beaten."

"Beaten? By who, I don't need to remind you what happened in the last race." Sebulba smiled victoriously, thinking of his previous win over Anakin.

Anakin clenched his fists. "Yeah, you don't need to remind me about how you cheated."

"The only reason I won't kill you right now," Sebulba said, ignoring Anakin's response, "is because I know watching you and your podracer burst into flames during the race will be much more gratifying."

Having had enough of the conversation, Anakin used the Force to subtly give Sebulba the impression of boredom.

For what felt like an hour but could only have been seconds, they both stared each other unflinchingly in the eye, two predators rearing to clash. Suddenly, Sebulba broke eye contact with a contemptuous snort, jumped off of Jar Jar, and returned t where he was eating.

"Hi, I'm Anakin," he said as Qui-Gon and Padmé approached.

Qui-Gon smiled compassionately. "Hi, you can call me Qui-Gon. You have my thanks for saving my wayward friend."

"It was not problem, but you should probably keep a better eye on him in a place like this; he seems to attract trouble."

"You, may be right about that," Qui-Gon said, rubbing his chin in contemplation. "Perhaps I could hire you as a guide to steer us away from danger?"

"Of course!" Anakin agreed enthusiastically, maybe a little too enthusiastically on second thought. "But only if you answer all my questions about other star systems and stuff," he finished lamely.

Qui-Gon raised an appraising eyebrow. "Very well young man, you have a deal. Lead us to the nearest shop that sell hyperdrives."

Both completely ignoring the confused and aggrieved Jar Jar like he was the child instead of Anakin.

Anakin nodded and stated walking in subdued pace that hid his palpable excitement and joy running through his veins at the prospect of finally getting some questions answered.

"So, have you ever been to Coruscant," Anakin asked; it was't what he really wanted to know, but after calming down a little, realized he should probably try and be subtle with his questions with so much still unknown to him about the Force.

"Yes, I can say I have had the pleasure of visiting the capital of the Galactic Republic briefly," Qui-Gon said, a far look appearing on his face.

"Really?" Anakin said awe and actual confusion. He could tell that the mysterious Force user wasn't complete lying but also not giving the total truth.

A part of him wanted to question wanted to question the man, but he didn't want to ruin a budding relationship, and for some inexplicable reason, he felt like he could trust him.

"Is it as grand as they say?" He asked, moving past the lie. "Is the planet really completely covered by a huge city that reaches that touches the clouds? Are there really space ships as big as a city, and does the planet actually house the home of the Jedi order?" Anakin asked rapid fire question after rapid fire question.

Qui-Gon chuckled heartily along with Padmé, both amused at Anakin's enthusiasm.

"Yes, yes, yes, and yes," answered Padmé instead of Qui-Gon.

"You're quite knowledgeable for someone on the outer rim, Anakin." Qui-Gon stated. "I'm curious, what do you know of the Jedi." Curiosity shone through Qui-Gon's wizened brown eyes.

Anakin smiled proudly. "Mmm, I've heard that Jedi are the most powerful and noble warriors in the entire galaxy, renowned for upholding the Republic's laws and keeping the peace, they are said to be arbitrators of justice. I've even heard that they can use... magic."

A sudden thought smashed into Anakin's mind like a sledge hammer just as he was about to utter the word 'magic': what if all Jedi are able to use the Force, which people mistake for magic.

Internally, Anakin cursed himself for not connecting the obvious sooner. To be fair, he had never really considered that others might be able to use the Force, or the Jedi. Still, he couldn't forgive himself for missing something so crucial.

This changed everything, all his future plans, fantasies, and dreams would forever be altered if his conjecture was correct. If he was right, then it was possible for him to become a real Jedi.

Anakin's realization was fairly obvious to his companions, as he had suddenly come to a stop. Also, his face was a cold mask of contemplation, as if it couldn't keep up with his chaotic emotions.

"Are you alright, Anakin?" Asked Qui-Gon, although the odd gleam in his eyes betrayed his concerned tone.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I just remembered a rumor I heard around by the slaves here," Anakin said, making up an excuse on the fly as he buried his emotions deep down until he was in a more appropriate setting to process them.

"Oh? Do tell, I'm curious about what could make you lose composure." The look in Qui-GOn's eyes and the nearly indiscernible curve of his lips said he already knew what Anakin had discovered.

"Please tell us what's wrong, Anakin," Padmé pleaded, concerned eyes staring down at him, making him feel bad about lying.

"Alright, Alright," Anakin said as he started walking once again, staring intently at Qui-Gon for reaction to his next words, "all I heard is that one day soon the Jedi will liberate all the slaves in Tatooine of their shackles and liberate all the slavers of their heads from their necks."

Qui-Gon's wince all but confirmed his suspicions that the man before him was in fact a fabled Jedi of legend. It all made sense now how Qui-Gon was able to use the Force and why he reminded Anakin of pure light whenever he sensed him through the Force.

A victorious smile lit up his face upon his conformation and Padmé's priceless look of shock.

"And do you think it would be justifiable or good for the Jedi to slaughter all the slavers here?" Qui-Gon asked imploringly.

Anakin could tell what the Jedi wanted him to say, but he wouldn't hide his opinion on this matter, on anything else maybe, but not on this.

"Look, I don't expect you to know what its like to live with a bomb implanted in your neck, to live under the constant threat of death, to know that if you fail to conform to the will of others that you will die! Or to have the people you love become hostages forced to work for the right to survive.

"So don't expect me to have the same moral code as you." Blood dripped from his clenched hands, and the rage and hatred he kept confined deep inside him was on the verge of spilling out.

Anakin's heated rant had various affects on everyone. Padmé seemed to be a mix of sadness and righteous furry. Jar Jar had a helpless look on his face, as if he was wondering what he could do about the situation, while Quit-Gon studied Anakin with concern and worry.

"I don't want to give you the wrong impression, Anakin. On this matter I agree with you, especially after your enlightening words." Qui-Gon said genuinely, but Anakin could feel lingering frustration in him. Like he wanted to help but couldn't.

Maybe this why Qui-Gon is here, Anakin thought optimistically, to free all the slaves of Tatooine. Hope quickly replaced his boiling anger as he indulged himself in exaggerated fantasies.

"What about your Master, Anakin?" Padmé said after over coming her surprise over Qui-Gon's admittance.

Anakin was startled out of his thoughts. "What about him?"

"Do you also think he deserves to die?" She asks somewhat hesitantly. 

There was no hesitation on his part. "Yes, it's for people like Watto who enjoy the sick pleasure that comes from owning others that people are still enslaved, people like him are the reason why slavery still exists today despite droids being a much better alternative."

For the next few minutes, Anakin guided them in awkward silence as they contemplated their discussion, which was just fine with him; he desperately needed the few minutes to compose him self from all the mind blowing realizations he just had and the fact that he was also walking beside a literal Jedi, and what this meant for his future.

Suddenly, Anakin stopped walking, causing others to stop a few away, looking at him in confusion.

Frowning, he said, "a sand storm is coming."

It wasn't hard for him to notice. Through the Force he could sense multiple things, such as life, death, destruction, peace, and pretty much everything. Over years repetition, he had even gained the ability to sense and even to some extent, predict future natural disasters.

"Haw do Yusa know thaf?" Jar Jar said, speaking up for the first time in a while, ever since his altercation with Sebulba he had been far more subdued.

"Call it a sixth sense," Anakin said sarcastically, a faint smile on his lips at Padmé's and Jar Jar's bewilderment.

"No offense, Anakin," said Padmé, "but can we really trust your hunch."

"I've lived here most of my life, so I know what I'm talking about."

"I believe him." Qui-Gon gave Padmé a looked that brooked no room for an argument, causing her to clench her jaw in frustration. "It was nice meeting you, Anakin, but if it is as you say, then we better hurry back to our ship."

"Where is your ship anyways."

"A little beyond the borders of Mos Espa. Why?"

"You definitely won't make it there before the storm hits, and trust me, you don't want to get caught in it." Anakin squirmed at the traumatic memory of getting caught in the storm with his mother. "You guys can stay at my place, until the storm passes, if you want."

While he couldn't exactly call them friends, he didn't want them or good and innocent people in general to get hurt. Plus, he would be lying if he said he didn't want to spend more time with them.

"That's very generous of you, Anakin, you have are gratitude." Qui-Gon said, his eyes showing his approval.

"Thank you." Padmé gave him a warm smile.

Anakin shrugged, uncomfortable and unused to the gratitude of others. "Let's get going, unless you guys like to choking on sand." He changed directions and set a fast pace to his home.

By the time they were half way to his house, loud sirens howled throughout Mos Espa, warning its citizens of the up coming sand storm.

Like a rehearsed drill, everyone on the streets started pick up their pace, stall owners put away their goods, parents gathered their children, and people took anything of value inside their homes.

When they finally reached his quaint home, Mos Espa was a ghost town.

With a heavy sigh, Anakin opened the door to his house. "Mom, I'm home!"

He was about to be in so much trouble for this.

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