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Chapter 14: The Mentor's Feelings

[Roxy POV]

As I watched Rudeus expertly replicate the Cumulonimbus spell, my heart swelled with a mixture of pride and reflection.

The sight of him channeling the magic, his determination evident in every gesture, was a testament to the remarkable progress he had made.

It reminded me of the first time I met the siblings at their home. Their warm welcome had left a lasting impression on me. I couldn't help but envy the bond they shared, a connection that seemed unbreakable and pure.

My initial envy, however, had given way to a deeper understanding. Their potential in magic was undeniable, but what struck me was how their paths had diverged over time.

Rudeus had embraced the world of magic, honing his skills with relentless dedication. His proficiency had grown by leaps and bounds, and witnessing his growth had filled me with a sense of awe.

Reine, on the other hand, had chosen the path of swordsmanship. Her commitment to her chosen discipline was evident, and her progress was nothing short of remarkable.

Teaching them magic had been a privilege and a challenge. Guiding them through the intricacies of spells and incantations was a responsibility I took seriously.

And yet, despite the weight of that responsibility, their enthusiasm and joy for learning had been a source of immense satisfaction.

I had watched them absorb each lesson with eagerness, their eyes alight with curiosity. Their questions, their dedication – they were a testament to their determination and the genuine passion they held for magic.

However, seeing Rudeus perform during his exam filled me with mixed emotions. His progress was undeniable, a testament to his determination and dedication.

Yet, it also made me question my own abilities. I realized that while I had imparted my knowledge, I still had much to learn myself.


Lost in my thoughts, I observed Rudeus skillfully manipulating the thundercloud, his potential of the Cumulonimbus spell a clear reflection of his growth and dedication.

"Hey, Miss Roxy. What's your opinion about my brother?" Reine's voice brought me back to the present. Her gaze was fixed on her brother as he controlled the thundercloud.

I shifted my attention to Reine, considering her question. "Rudeus is truly exceptional, Reine. His progress in magic has been impressive, and his potential shines through his performance."

Reine's eyes remained on her brother, a mixture of pride and joy evident. "I'm glad to hear that."

"He has made remarkable strides," I added with admiration. "And as for you, Reine, your advancement in swordsmanship is equally praiseworthy."

A gentle smile appeared on her lips as she replied, "Thank you, Miss Roxy. Your guidance has helped both of us find our paths."

Contemplating Reine's words, I pondered the relationship between the siblings. It was clear that she held deep respect and admiration for Rudeus.

Her unwavering support for him, her willingness to stand by his side through challenges – it spoke volumes about their bond.

Reine's character radiated determination and kindness. Her interactions with her brother showcased her nurturing nature and genuine concern for his well-being.

Observing the depth of their connection was truly heartwarming. Their bond extended beyond typical siblinghood, touching upon something truly special.

"Oh? Looks like he's returning," Reine's words caught off guard. I quickly turned to see Rudeus approaching us, even though the spell hadn't been active for an hour yet.

Confused by his actions, I asked, "Rudy, why are you here? The spell needs to be sustained in the air or else it will dissipate."

"No worries, Master. I've already got thar part covered," Rudeus responded casually.

Still puzzled, I turned to Reine for an explanation. "Reine, care to explain to me what your brother is talking about?"

"Heh, why don't you take a look at the sky and find out, Miss Roxy?" Reine suggested playfully, pointing at the sky.

I followed her gesture and was utterly astonished by what I saw. A tornado was keeping the thundercloud aloft, swirling perpetually and maintaining the spell's presence.

Witnessing this ingenious application of magic left me in awe. I had never considered such an approach, and I couldn't help but be captivated by its creativity and complexity.

Seeing this, I knew that Rudeus was destined for greatness, and I felt excited about his incredible potential.

"Rudy, you can stop the spell now," I announced with a touch of pride.

Upon hearing that, Rudeus and his sister exchanged glances, and he remarked, "But master, it hasn't been an hour yet."

"He's right, Miss Roxy. Can't we wait a bit longer?" Reine chimed in, also puzzled.

Shaking my head with a fond smile, I replied, "No need, Reine. I've seen enough. Your brother has successfully passed the test."

"Did you hear that, brother? You passed the test!" Reine exclaimed excitedly, giving Rudeus a playful nudge.

Rudeus appeared pleasantly surprised by the news. "Really? I didn't expect it to conclude so soon."

Their interaction brought a smile to my face. The dynamic between the siblings was heartwarming – their mutual support and shared achievements spoke volumes about their bond.

"Yes, Rudy. Your control over the Cumulonimbus spell and your innovative approach to sustaining it demonstrate your mastery in magic," I conveyed, my admiration genuine.

Rudeus scratched his head sheepishly. "Is that so. Well, I'm glad to hear that, master."

After our exchange, he released his magic, and the thundercloud dissipated rapidly, revealing the clear blue sky above.

As the remnants of the spell faded, the three of us stood there, bathed in sunlight. It was a moment of quiet triumph, a culmination of Rudeus's hard work and growth.

Turning to the siblings, I shared, "Rudy, Reine, I'm deeply impressed by your dedication and progress. Both of you have bright futures ahead in your respective paths."

A grin spread across Rudeus's face, a mix of relief and pride evident. "Thank you, master. Your guidance and teachings have been invaluable."

Reine nodded, her agreement filled with genuine gratitude. "Absolutely, Miss Roxy. Your unwavering support and encouragement have meant everything to us."

A surge of emotion swelled within me. Guiding them had been an incredibly rewarding experience, and watching them flourish filled me with profound satisfaction.

"However, this also means that I've taught you all I can," I said with a touch of melancholy.

Understanding the significance, the siblings exchanged a somber glance. They recognized that our journey together as mentor and students had reached its conclusion.

To ease their emotions, I concluded, "Rudeus Greyrat, I proudly declare you a Water Saint magician. Congratulations."

Their faces lit up with a mixture of surprise and elation, and I couldn't help but share in their joy.

This was a moment to be celebrated, a testament to their hard work and the bond we had forged throughout their magical journey.


With Rudeus's graduation exam successfully concluded and my official declaration of him as a Water Saint magician, a profound sense of accomplishment and contentment settled over us.

As the thundercloud dissipated and the sky returned to its serene blue, it was time to begin our journey back home. The three of us, mounted on Caravaggio, embarked on our return ride.

During our journey, a mix of emotions hung in the air – a shared pride in Rudeus's achievement, the bittersweet realization of an ending, and the hopeful anticipation of what lay ahead.

Upon our arrival, excitement radiated from their parents as they hurriedly approached. Their expressions held a blend of curiosity and optimism, eager to hear the outcome of the exam.

I recounted the events, sharing all the details except for the incident involving Caravaggio being struck by lightning. I chose to omit that particular part from my account.

Although Paul eventually discovered the truth on his own, his reaction was relatively subdued, which brought a measure of relief.

Then came the time to share my decision to leave their home, which was met with a mixture of sadness and earnest persuasion.

"Roxy, you know you're always welcome to stay here," Zenith implored earnestly.

"Yeah, the kids absolutely adore having you around," Paul added, his voice filled with genuine gratitude.

While appreciative of their heartfelt pleas, I held firm in my choice. "Thank you for your kind offer, Miss Zenith, Sir Paul. However, I believe I still have much to learn, so I intend to continue traveling in order to further hone my skills."

While they comprehended my decision, a lingering desire for me to stay was palpable. They eventually acquiesced, albeit reluctantly.

"Well, I guess that settles it then. I suppose our children must have worn you out somehow," Paul quipped candidly, prompting annoyed glances from Reine and Rudeus.

After that exchange, I turned my attention to the siblings and knelt before them. Their distress at my departure was evident.

"Rudy, Reine, I extend my heartfelt gratitude for your dedicated learning throughout our time together," I began, sincerity lacing my words. "Your commitment, curiosity, and enthusiasm for magic have truly been a remarkable inspiration. Remember, this is not a permanent farewell. Our paths may cross again in the future."

Hearing this, their emotions surged. My words seemed to stir their sentiments and the realization of our imminent parting settled in.

Reine's eyes shimmered with unshed tears, her smile a mix of appreciation and melancholy. "Thank you, Miss Roxy. Your guidance has been invaluable, and we are deeply grateful for everything you've imparted to us."

Meanwhile, Rudeus remained silent, his inner turmoil evident. I could sense the weight of our impending separation weighing heavily on him.

In an effort to assuage his concerns, I retrieved something from my pocket – an accessory I had once worn – and placed it around Rudeus's neck.

He looked at the amulet, a mix of surprise and gratitude in his eyes. "What is this, master?"

"It's an amulet from my hometown," I explained. "I didn't have a chance to prepare a formal graduation gift, so I hope this will suffice."

Rudeus's fingers traced the intricate design of the amulet, his expression one of both astonishment and gratitude. "Thank you, master. I will cherish it always."

"I'm pleased to hear that," I responded warmly.

Turning to Reine, who was also visibly affected by our impending parting, I rolled up my sleeve and revealed an unusual-looking bracelet, which I handed to her.

Reine accepted the bracelet, her curiosity piqued. "And what is this?"

"I honestly have no idea," I admitted. "I encountered a masked individual just before taking this job, and they insisted I keep it, just in case."

I recalled the encounter vividly – the day I arrived at Asura Kingdom, seeking employment. A person wearing an enigmatic mask had approached me, speaking as if we were acquainted. It remained a peculiar memory.

"Thank you for the gift, Miss Roxy," Reine expressed with genuine gratitude.

I nodded, standing up from my kneeling position. Then I turned away briefly, only to look back and say, "Farewell, everyone. I'll be on my way now."

After bidding my farewell to the family, I began to walk away. It was a bittersweet moment, leaving behind a family I had grown close to.

But I knew deep down that this was the right path for me – a journey of self-improvement, for them, for Rudeus and Reine.

While I was walking away, I could hear faint footstep behind me and then I heard it, their farewell for me.

"Master! Thank you so much for everything!"

"Miss Roxy! Thank you so much for everything!"

Their sincere words brought a genuine smile to my lips. I would carry their sincere gratitude with me, knowing that our paths would cross again someday.

"You're both very welcome, my dear students," I whispered to myself, a promise of reunion lingering in the air.

And with those parting words, I continued my journey, my heart full of the memories and bonds I had formed during my time with the Greyrat family.

TempestNotion TempestNotion

Since the novel has no Roxy POV, I took it upon myself and make one.

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