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Chapter 21: Weak

Shun was sailing for a while heading north. At one point he saw a ship in the distance.

"That's a ship... pirate" Shun whispered noticing the flag with the skull characteristic of pirates.

He had intended to ask civilly where it was, but it looks like that's not going to be possible.


In a moment the ship started firing cannon shots at him trying to sink his boat.

"Barbarians as usual" Shun said in a cold and annoyed tone as he stood up.

It was the first time he had encountered pirates, which reminded him of Eldorrago and his little brother's body with large wounds, so he had a fit of great anger and gave off bloodlust.

For two years he was surrounded by wild beasts so his temper became somewhat savage, no matter how hard he tried to control it, it was difficult.

"Phew... calm down..." Shun breathed as he tried to calm his urge to kill.

Po looked at him blankly because out of nowhere Shun was breathing deeply.



As he tried to calm down, the pirates fired two more cannonballs and neither hit the target.

"Besides useless" he added as his expression returned to his usual one.

Laughter could be heard on the pirate ship.

"Hahaha, now it's my turn you idiot, if I hit it you'll pay me 10,000 bellys."

"Ugh that damn boat is too small to hit from this distance" Said the pirate in an annoyed tone.

These pirates were playing a game, and the one who sank the small boat won.

*Why are they so devilish? He didn't even do anything to bother them* thought the boy sad for the person in the boat.

Oyag didn't seem to care what his subordinates were doing and let them have their fun.

"Did that person jump!" Shouted a surprised pirate interrupting the others who were still deciding whose turn it was to shoot.

"Hmph he must be desperate and jumped to escape" replied a pirate in a mocking tone.

"No! Look he's heading this way!" exclaimed the pirate not believing his eyes.

At the shout, they decided to look and what they saw left them very surprised, they saw how the black-haired teenager gave a big jump and that he was heading at full speed towards the ship through the air as if he were a bird.

It was a strange sight.

"What the hell!" One pirate wondered in shock.

The other pirates were dumbfounded not knowing what to say.

What Shun did, was to boost his jump using air currents and once he was at a great height he created an air current behind him that propelled him towards the pirate ship.

He quickly reached the top of the ship.

"Air Bomb!" shouted Shun landing in the middle of the ship.

When he landed he created a powerful air current that blew everything around him causing many pirates to fall due to the strong winds.

This move was inspired by the move he used to exterminate the kangaroos, only this one was very easy to perform and it was only to impress since it did no real damage and only provoked strong winds, causing the pirates to fall.

Even Oyag fell because of the great force of the wind thrust.

If he had used the same power he used against the kangaroos he would have destroyed the entire ship and that was not what he wanted. This ship was better than his small boat, so he planned to steal it.

The pirates were surprised, not only by the power of the wind but also by the appearance of Shun who was a brat just entering his teens.

"You fucking kid, do you even know who you're messing with?" Oyag shouted angrily and embarrassed as he stood up.

"Don't interfere or I'll cut off your hand!" Oyag ordered the other pirates as he unsheathed his sword which was somewhat rusty.

"..." Shun looked at the shrieking old man in front of him and didn't understand why he had gotten so angry when they were the ones who attacked first.

Oyag was a slightly older man with blond hair and lacking several teeth.

The other pirates surrounded Shun and Oyag in a circle, leaving them room to fight.

They wanted to kill Shun for the humiliation he did to them, but they were more afraid of Oyag, so they obeyed.

"Brat you must be proud that the Great Oyag is the one to end your life" He said the same with an ugly smile because of the lack of teeth.

"Tell me before you die what is your name?" Oyag asked.

Shun looked at him as if he was looking at an idiot and answered:

"You are not worthy to know my name."

This answer left everyone surprised, even the boy the pirates captured, who was watching the fight.

*Where does he get such confidence from? He seems to be a few years older than me* Thought the boy in surprise.

"Hmph ignorant brat doesn't know how big the world is" Said a pirate mocking Shun.

Many pirates were making fun of Shun's stupidity for making Oyag angry.

Although they saw Shun's great leap was not powerful it only created winds and made them fall, but it was because they did not expect it. So they did not hold Shun's strength in high esteem.

Oyag was red with fury.

"DIE MOCOSO!" he shouted as he swung his sword with all his might at Shun's head.

Shun raised his arm slowly and stopped the sword using two of his fingers on which he concentrated a little compressed air.

"You are weak..." Shun said in a bored tone then slightly moved his two fingers and broke the sword as if it was paper.

Before Oyag could digest everything that happened Shun closed his fist and hit him in the face sending him flying.


As Oyag flew from the force of the punch, he broke some of the ship's facilities, and finally, he was knocked unconscious with a fist branded on his face.

Shun did not use his full strength in this punch, as this Oyag seemed to be the leader of the pirates and he could interrogate him later. If he had used a compressed air fist like when he fought the kangaroo leader, Oyag's head would have been crushed.

No one could believe their eyes, their vice-captain was defeated with a single blow and the most impressive thing was that this brat stopped Oyag's sword with only two fingers.

"OYAG-SAMA!" shouted a pirate without being able to understand what happened.

At the shout, the other pirates reacted.


The pirates pulled out their rifles and revolvers aiming at Shun. They didn't dare to attack Shun up close.

"FIRE!" shouted a pirate as he gave an order.




In the face of the hail of bullets, Shun did not get flustered and activated his defensive technique while moving his hands in a circle.

"Air Shield!"

When the bullets came close to Shun the shield not only deflected them, but in addition to that, redirected them back to the pirates.

Counting Oyag there were about 10 pirates in total, he could notice with his ability to sense the presence of a boy who didn't seem to be part of the pirates, and down in the ship in some cells, there were 5 more prisoners.

He understood the situation perfectly, these pirates had captured these people and were going to sell them as slaves or something similar, otherwise, they would have killed them.

*They deserve to die...* Shun thought angrily.





Wails could be heard from the pirates who ended up wounded by their bullets. There was even one pirate who died as the bullet went straight to his head.

Shun looked at the situation with indifference, he was not going to leave these scum alive, they wanted to kill him for no reason and besides they had prisoners, there was no reason for him to do such a thing.

With the pirates incapacitated Shun went into action, in his open hand he concentrated compressed air and began to cut the pirates one by one.

This was not the "Air Blade" technique, he simply put some compressed air in his hand to use it as a knife. It didn't have as much range and it wasn't as powerful as the Air Blade either.

After Shun redirected the bullets, the pirates could no longer shoot and dropped their weapons so it wasn't too hard to take them out one by one.

"P-please have mercy!" Said the last pirate left standing kneeling begging for mercy.

Shun didn't even answer him by slitting his throat.


"F-fucking..." Said the pirate while touching his neck, then falling dead to the ground.

After that everything was silent, only the waves of the sea and the sea breeze could be heard, the boy was hiding behind a wood trying not to die by crossfire. Shun knew this and did not aim any bullet near him.

When the boy heard no more noise, he stood up and opened his eyes, what he saw shocked him. All the pirates were lying dead with a slashing wound on their necks and some bullet wounds.

"B-but what the...!" He said unintentionally surprised out loud to then look at Shun who was also looking at him.

When the boy saw Shun looking at him he trembled in fear thinking that he would do the same to him.

"I-I'm not part of the pirates!" Said the boy quickly so Shun wouldn't mistake him for a pirate.

"Yes I know, tell me what's your name?" Shun replied in a monotone and with a stoic face.

He lived for 2 years on an island where there were only animals, so socializing became harder for him than before, plus he was never good at it.

"M-my name is Toma I'm from a village in the Organ Islands and y-you?" replied Toma with a bit of fear, since from Shun's face it looked like he didn't make a big deal.

Toma looked to be about 10 or 12 years old, he had slightly long brown hair, he wears freckles on his face and a cap with a dream-era jolly roger on it. He had a normal long black long shirt and grey and blue striped pants.

"Kimura Shun ¿how did you get to this pirate ship?"

"O-our village was attacked by a group of pirates led by Gally who has a bounty of 5,000,000 bellys, we thought they were going to leave after looting the village, but they are using it as a base after that Gally selected some people to sell as slaves and I was one of them" Explained Toma in a sad tone.

"So that explains the people who are imprisoned in the ship's cells" Said Shun understanding the whole situation.

"How do you know that-"

"Brat you just had some luck!" before Toma finished speaking an angry shout was heard.

This scream was from Oyag who after a few minutes regained consciousness.

When he stood up and saw Shun he was stunned, in front of him were all his dead subordinates with terrified faces, he knew immediately that it was not a fight but a hunt.

"Y-you!" he said stuttering as he pointed at Shun unable to believe what was in front of his eyes.

Shun looked at him and started to walk slowly towards him. At first, he thought about leaving him alive and interrogating him, but now it was useless because Toma told him the whole situation.

Tap, tap, tap

Shun walked slowly towards Oyag with a stoic face, in his right hand he created a compressed air knife shape.

"GO AWAY DEMON!" shouted Oyag trembling as he fell.

Oyag knew he couldn't beat Shun, for if he would be up against 9 armed pirates it would be impossible for him to come out victorious. After all, his bounty was pretty poor even in the East Blue.

He began to walk backward until he came upon the ship's railing.

Finally, Shun caught up with him and said with a creepy smile.

"See you in hell."



Those were the last words Oyag heard before he left this world.

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