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Chapter 6: The Beginning

Kieran left the venue with a grin on his face and pockets full of cash, by the look on the owner's face that was cash he did not want to hand over.

'Gods what a feeling' he thought to himself as he recalled the fight, the weaving, punching and dodging raised his spirits to new heights

The sounds of the city only amping him further he strutted through the streets high on his victory and as he entered an alley and saw a muscular man with rolled up sleeves holding another skinnier man up against the wall Kieran only grinned.

He instinctively kept his footfalls silent as he walked over with a hop in his step advancing his way to the mugger.


James was new to the city, his parents moved here from Atlanta 3 weeks ago and he was already lost. As he was looking for a grocery store to buy some eggs after his mother asked him.

'It's quite dark' he couldn't help but acknowledge that he was scared, he was lost in a big city and couldn't even get anyone to stop and tell him any directions, they all walked right past or ignored him.

He felt his eyes widen as he was pulled, feeling himself fall and stumble into an alley and tried to scream before feeling a huge hand roughly forced against his mouth.

The kid could feel his eyes tear up near instantly, he was hyperventilating but all that stopped when he felt something press lightly against his stomach. He shakily looked down and nearly fainted seeing a glinting knife.

"Grab your money and hand it over" a gruff voice said with James instantly complying. The kid slowly shakily reached into his pocket grabbing the $20 Bill his mother handed him to buy eggs before offering it out to the rough looking man.

"Just a damn 20! Hand me the rest now or you're done" his voice echoing in James head, he could feel himself tear up his breathing speeding in panic.

The kid was panicking imagining his dead body on the floor in this dirty alley left for his mother to find while looking for him "I-I don't have more sir, I was only here-here to buy eggs sir I'm sorry" he said with his voice cracking and hitching as he apologised to his robber.

His back was smashed into the back of the brick wall expelling all the air out of his lungs before he heard a shout, seeing his assailant seem to fly from an impact. James turned to look and saw a man in a leather jacket just send his robber flying with a punch.


Kieran cracked his knuckles after punching the older bloke off of the skinny guy, and as he turned his head to look at the bloke 'oh it's just a kinda tall kid'.

"What's a 13 year old like you doing here when it's dark out?" Kieran asked not really expecting an answer before he turned to loot the guy he just punched and as he stood and started counting the money he heard fast approaching footsteps.

As Kieran turned expecting the kid to be tackling him or something only to realise the kid is..hugging him? "Oi get off don't you know not to touch strangers" his voice died off towards the end as he felt the kid crying against him.

"Than-thank you, thank you-you saved my life" were some of the many things he heard the kid mutter into his jacket and as he stood there in slight shock before patting the kids shoulder and peeling him off.

"Right um enough of that" he said as he held the kid at an arm's distance. "Jeez you gotta calm kid it's not that deep" he said as he saw the kid's snotty face, "just uh head home yeh?"

The kid's shoulders seemed to have dropped before muttering "I'm-im lost sir" he brushed back his brown hair before sniffing and rubbing his nose.

Kieran honestly did not have a clue on what to do, he didn't bloody know this city at all how he was supposed to help. "Uh that sucks" he said quite awkwardly.

"Uh where do you live?" Kieran asked tentatively.

The kid responded instantly, seeming to have perked up "2 Bayberry Street sir, do-do you know where that is?" he asked in a rush.

'Why did the kid even give me his address, I could be a pervert for all he knows! Kids these days' Kieran brushed the thought off before telling the kid to follow him.

'Ah this shouldn't be so hard' Kieran thought to himself as he started to ask people walking past directions to this bayberry street.

Many ignored him, many didn't have a clue what the odd British 17 year old was even saying and even fewer stopped and listened and those who did hadn't heard of Bayberry Street.

20 minutes later the teen met a man who gave them directions "go 3 blocks that way then 2 rights and then a left, should see the street" the jovial blonde man said before strolling off as happy as can be.

'What the fuck is a block' Kieran wondered to himself, he had heard actors using the term in American movies before but never actually searched up how far that is.

Luckily James knew what a block was and led them both to Bayberry Street. On the way he and the kid had an argument about favourite foods, honestly pizza is great and all but having pizza as your favourite food out of all of all the food in the whole universe is just criminal.

"Jeez why do you wear those things" Kieran said with a nod towards the kids red shoes "you gotta get new ones those have like 15 holes in em" in response the kid lowered his head looking at his shoes.

"Don't have enough money" the kid muttered, embarrassment clear on his face evident by his red face.

Kieran pulled $120 out of his pocket before handing them to the kid "Here take this, it's what the mugger had on him. It's only fair you take it" he lied the man only had like 40 something on him.

The kid snatched it almost instantly, Kieran smiled at that, thinking the kid would stubbornly reject it or something like he always saw in shows or movies.

As he led the kid to his apartment building he was going to make sure the kid got to his door before leaving, after all he's not a dick, well that's a lie he did break a homeless woman's jaw and then rob her.

Kieran grimaced at the thought.

Kieran watched the kids face light up seeing his home before he smiled softly ignoring his previous thought of knocking out the homeless. stuffing his hands in his pockets waiting for the kid to enter. Surprised when the kid turned around and gave him a grin.

"Thanks man! You knocking out that dude was super awesome by the way" the kid enthusiastically said while punching the air mimicking his punch from earlier.

He just nodded, not completely sure what to say. He decided to wave and then walk off but his plans were disrupted when the kid spoke once more "Also super cool jacket man, I'll get one like it too!" The kid semi shouted before turning with a wave and entering his apartment building, his red shoes reflecting the moonlight.


As Kieran was walking somewhere, he didn't really have a goal but to find decent shelter especially since he has over $3000 on him in cash right now. In his thoughts he nearly missed a cheap looking hotel as he just avoided a stupid potted plant placed in front of the entrance.

'That might be worth it, just to get a shower and a good sleep' he thought to himself before entering and booking a single room for 2 nights at $98 dollars a night made him wince before handing over the money.

He took his key from the receptionist, going to the stairs he was excited thinking about everything he was going to do all of his thoughts mainly led to one thing, going to sleep.

He entered his room with a grin before locking his door and not even bothering to undress just laid down on the slightly lumpy mattress, the grin on his face only widening as he was falling asleep.

Before he fully lost consciousness his mind went back to the kid with the red shoes 'huh maybe I should do that again saving people was pretty fun' was his last thought before his eyes closed.

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