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Chapter 7: Lorelei's Return and Conspiracy

It felt strange to me that it took nearly two years for Lorelei to return. I know she had wanted to see her family, but the fact she took so long to get back meant she likely knew she wouldn't be seeing them again for a long time.

Itsuka and I had grown a lot over these two years. I was now 12 and had almost complete mastery over the six powers. I still struggled with Armament Haki, but it was more because I just couldn't wrap my head around the concept than anything. This was proven by how I had awakened my Observation Haki to nearly the same stupidly precise level as Enel had at Skypeia and was able to overhear a lot of the island's citizens when they spoke now.

My Devil Fruit mastery also increased, as Doflamingo left Spider Miles for another location to make his base after a close call with Tsuru and I could finally train in peace. I fixed the issue of not being able to measure the distance I traveled when in Lightning Form due to my Observation Haki increasing in accuracy, so now I could zoom around the island at full speed.

Itsuka also became stronger. While I wouldn't call her a 'master' of the Six Powers yet, she could still use all of them properly in a pinch, though what surprised me most was their synergy with her Devil Fruit. She was able to use Tempest Kick with her weapons to cause everything she cut to explode like they were hit by a missile. Her Finger pistol was extremely dangerous, as she could penetrate anything with it by transforming her finger into various knives which she could coat in poison. She even once was able to turn her finger into a gun, shoot a finger-pistol into a tree, and then fire the gun which exploded like a canon inside of it, meaning she could blow people up from the inside now.

Finally, her Iron Body was invincible, as she could turn her torso into a wall of spikes, then harden them further with Iron Body and coating them with poison, making her defense impenetrable, even for someone with my strength. Once she learned Armament Haki, she'd be impossible to hit without taking significant damage back, especially since she can combine the Poisoned Iron Body Wall of Spikes with Finger Pistol on the spikes at the moment of impact, making her cable of spreading the arms of anyone who punched her while in that state.

I'm so glad I was a logia and she didn't know Haki when we sparred in the past.

She could even combine Paper art with blades, so when she dodged a punch or strike, she'd also be able to run a blade across you when your body is exposed and overextended from missing your attack.

Seriously. Itsuka would be a nightmare to fight once she learns Armament Haki. I never was able to grasp Armament myself so I couldn't teach it to her either, but I did teach her basic Observation Haki.

I wasn't just idly training during this time either. I did quite a bit of research about the world during this time too. I learned that Vegapunk had recently joined the World Government after developing a flower that could naturally produce gunpowder.

The Germa Kingdom introduced its new scientifically modified armies after Judge returned and took over the kingdom when MADs disbanded, even introducing his children as their commanders, though obviously missing Sanji. Many of the kingdoms of the North Blue were begging the World Government to deal with the threat, but after the Germa 66 survived an 'attack' by the world government by intercepting it before it could fully arrive using their advanced technology, they were allowed to enter the World Government as an Allied nation. I had a feeling the only reason they were allowed was because they were threatening to publicly release the information that they survived what was likely a Buster Call and since that was the ultimate deterrence against any kingdom rebelling against the World Government, announcing that they had beaten one would cause the kingdoms around the world to start asking questions the World Government really wouldn't wan tot have to answer.

This was only my speculation based on the fact several marine Vice-Admirals came through Spider Miles at the same time. One of them was actually the one that dropped off Lorelei.

It probably also wasn't a coincidence that right after joining was when "Sora, Warrior of the Sea" began to be published in the newspaper.

After Doflamingo left, Lorelei was a bit listless. The pirates were now based out of their ship due to constant attacks by Tsuru on their land bases, so Lorelei really didn't have any work to do here and would soon be called away by her superiors for reassignment. thankfully it seems the Government wanted to keep Lorelei in her position for a bit longer to monitor the underworld activity in Doflamingo's absence. His disappearance created a local power vacuum that destabilized the criminal underworld of the Island and led to many new upstart groups vying for control.

I won't lie, crushing the constantly popping up gangs and roaming bands of hooligans string up trouble made for excellent training for Itsuka and me. Lorelei even taught me how to interrogate prisoners using gang members as 'practice dummies' and the information I learned stunned me. Doflamingo, despite not operating openly on Spider Miles anymore, actually seemed to still be controlling things behind the scenes. He allowed the chaos to spread by forcing various groups against one another to purge his ranks of incompetent people while also setting up an underground railroad for Devil Fruits coming from the Grand Line and New World, making them more prevalent in the North Blue.

Most of the Devil Fruits he acquired were just rubbish Zoans, though I had to step in and steal one which I knew would be useful at some point. I took the Swamp-Swamp Fruit from Caribou, who was attempting to steal it from Doflamingo, and stored it away in a safe place. I wasn't quite sure who would be a good fit for it, but it would probably be years before I found someone worthy.

It was also around this time when my relatively peaceful and easy life was turned completely upside down.


"Rameil, wake up. Mistress Lorelei is calling." Itsuka said as she shook me awake.

I was still rather groggy but understood nonetheless. I stood up from my position, having taken a nap under a shaded tree in the garden and stretching out my body feeling relief as my joints all popped back into place. I rolled my shoulders and looked toward Itsuka who was smiling at me. In addition to training with her devil fruit, Itsuka was learning to be a proper maid under my biological mother and Lorelei. She was already a fantastic cook, and took very good care of me, being very respectful and caring whenever we'd talk. If, for whatever reason, I didn't become a pirate, she would make a fine wife.

"Alright, let's go," I said, giving her a quick head-pat for being adorable.

Itsuka smiled brightly for a moment before turning around and, almost skipping, leading me to where Lorelei was located. She wasn't in the room but rather, she was standing atop the roof of the mansion, looking out toward the sea. I didn't miss the fact that she was facing Southwestward, towards the Grand Line. As we approached, Lorelei took notice of us and smiled softly before jumping down to greet us.

"Enjoy your nap?" She asked.

"Well I was... whats up?" I asked her. It was unusual for her to call for me and not just come and get me herself.

Lorelei made a silent sigh before looking at me with absolute seriousness. "I've been ordered to eliminate the Miles family for its connections to the underworld and illegal Devil Fruit trading." She stated in seriousness.

I stood, back straightened in complete shock. "W-Why? I know my father is an asshole who doesn't care about anyone but himself and money, but he's at least not a corrupt ruler!" I protested.

Lorelei looked troubled. "I know but..." She sighed again. "There are several reasons. Spider Miles is an important island in the North Blue, as it sits as a cornerstone of trade. This was the reason why Doflamingo based his underworld empire here, as it would be easiest to control the entire sea, however, despite this there is no Marine Base on the island like there is for the other last islands in the Four Blues. Your father has used his influence at the Levely to keep Marine influence off the island for too long, and now, before the next Levelry in three years' time, I was ordered to eliminate them to keep them from continuing this practice, especially since we are now in the Great Pirate Era.

When they are gone, the World Government will have complete control over the people who enter and exit the North Blue as it does for the other Blues. This is necessary for the fact the North Blue is the strongest of the 4 Blues, so if Pirates and Revolutionaries make their way to the Grand Line from here then they are more troublesome than criminals from, say, the East Blue. It isn't unusual for people in the North Blue to know about Haki, after all.

During the course of my investigation, I also discovered that your stepmother has Revolutionary sympathies, as she helped many of the escaped slaves from Mary Geoise return to their homes... though she was paid to do so by Dragon." Lorelei closed her eyes once again and sighed.

"We have information that tonight she is going to be meeting with the Revolutionary Dragon and another one of his commanders. It's likely she is going to introduce her husband to Dragon and have them form an alliance. After all, the decision to allow Germa into the World Government has led to a lot of backlash in the North Blue. If your father publically announces his alliance with the Revolutionaries, especially if it's to take down Germa, then it's likely most of the countries of the North Blue will join him." Lorelei explained.

"And the government can't have an entire Sea mutiny against them, huh?" I finished Lorelei's unspoken words.

Lorelei nodded grimly at this and I clenched my fists hard. To be honest, I didn't really care if my 'family' was going to be killed or not. My little brother was a little shit who tortured me constantly before awakening my memories, my father was a shrewd but power-hungry asshole and my mother didn't acknowledge my existence due to my status as an illegitimate child.

What really upset me though was what I was infuring by Lorelei's mission. It was a suicide mission to attempt to assassinate everyone at once.

Lorelei was strong. She had both Haki and the Six Powers and was even able to keep up with me physically for a little while. Add to that the advantage of an ambush and it wasn't crazy to believe that she could pull it off, however, I also wasn't stupid. I knew the World Government probably was hoping to kill off Lorelei, as the fact she had a family made her a liability. I also know she's reported falsely about me to her superiors. She never told them about Itsuka and has only told them that I was being trained under the guise of becoming a bodyguard for my younger brother and that my training wasn't yet complete.

I assume they thought, once my training was complete, that I would, naturally, want to follow Lorelei and obediently become a Cipher Pol agent, but due to Lorelei's strong moral compass and reluctance to see child soldiers being used, information about me was not being spread yet. They also probably believed I could either be convinced to join them now to help aid in the attack or that I would be weak enough that Lorelei could overpower and kill me beforehand.

"Wait, Miss Lorelei! You can't be serious! Why are they sending you!?! Shouldn't the marines be sent in?" Itsuka pleaded.

Lorelei shook her head. "Marines are the worst enemies to send against the Revolutionaries. Most Marines see Revolutionaries as unofficial allies for justice since they also help to save innocent people and help countries outside of the World Government with Pirates. The likelihood of them allowing Revolutionaries to escape is very high unless a very large marine force is deployed, and that isn't something that would go unnoticed by Dragon. It's already an issue that Tsuru is in the North Blue currently hunting Doflamingo which is why it took so long for Dragon to agree to the meeting in the first place." Lorelei explained.

"So we are just supposed to let them send you to your death alone!?!" I hissed.

Lorelei shook her head. "I will not be alone. I have help from a few pirate crews and bounty hunters whom I hired. Most people don't know how strong Dragon is, since his bounty is intentionally kept low by the Government to not cause concern or legitimize his cause, and there are many bounty hunters who'd want a chance at a Billion Berrie Man."

"Can these people be trusted?" I asked.

"You can trust their desire for money and foolishness." Lorelei replied, which was a "No" in her own words, but they probably wouldn't betray her until after they'd been paid.

"Then let's not do it!" I said. "Let's run away together!" I said, almost pleading with her.

Lorelei smiled gently at my words. "I can't. If I don't disrupt the meeting then hundreds of thousands of people will die. The government won't just allow half of North Blue to secede and join their greatest enemy, nor will the North Blue Kingdoms ever be able to win against the World Government, even with the Revolutionary's help. Even if I fail, I must not allow them to succeed."

My fists clenched so hard they began to bleed. "They have something on you, don't they?" I asked, not trying to hide the anger in my voice.

Lorelei looked surprised for a moment then looked away, visibly disturbed. 'No they don't... they have nothing on me." She said somberly.

"Bullshit!" I yelled. "What do they have on you!?!"

This time it was Lorelei's time to yell. "NOTHING! I HAVE NOTHING LEFT THEY COULD HAVE OVER ME!!!" She yelled back in response.

I was stunned as the normally calm and slightly smug combat maid I was used to now exploded with anger and... sadness.

"But... what about..." I asked hesitantly.

"They're dead! My family is dead!!!" Lorelei responded before collapsing onto the floor to cry, covering her mouth to mute her sobs.

I looked at her with wide eyes for a moment before my body moved on its own and I hugged her. Judging from the feeling of another body hugging me from behind, Itsuka was also here, trying to comfort us.

Golden_Slime Golden_Slime

How tragic! What happened to Lorelei's family? How will this drama end? Tune in next time to find out more.

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