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Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Ye Xiu Shows Off

Due to the constant posts of the 8 passionate viewers of Akio, Ye Xiu's upcoming debut garnered quite a bit of attention, with numerous people tuning in just to see if Akio's viewers were just making words spout out of their asses. After all, given how some of them know the young VTuber scene, they knew for a fact that the popular ones are using 3D models and not 2D models that look like they came straight out of an anime.

As soon as the loading screen ended, everyone was directed to the background scenery of a computer shop. Some important signs that shows the name of things were blurred out but it does look exactly like how internet cafes look.

「Welcome in, everyone. The name's Shin Akuma, your host for today.」 Ye Xiu said, his voice sounding very mature and lethargic. He's like that neighborhood man who's all chill about everything, relaxed and unfettered.

❇❈✦〘Live Chat〙✦❈❇

〔Viewers: 54〕

ShadowKiller: Woah, he sounds kinda like my brother. So chill.

Bean Bag: Avatar looks great, too.

Kojuuryo: So chill…


While reading the chat on his peripheral vision, Ye Xiu continued to talk by introducing his background such as his character sheet. Once he was done, he even showed his character reference sheet which was provided to them alongside their avatars.

He didn't really have any other intention than to share his avatar a bit more in detail. He isn't really much of a talker aside from things regarding Glory so this is just the right subject to kind of pad the time for his debut.

This went along for a good half an hour before finally, Ye Xiu revealed a very important tidbit of information that made everyone perk their ears.

「I used to play competitively in a certain game's pro scene for over five years. Well, I've retired now though… Circumstances and stuff. You get it, do you?」

Everyone in the chat went, "What? A real pro? For real?" while some are doubting the information they just received. This is the internet, after all. Everyone can say whatever they want and no one could prove that they're not just spouting some BS unless some hard evidence presents itself.

The audience wanted to ask Ye Xiu about the pro related stuff but he didn't entertain questions and proceeded to another talking point. While he wouldn't mind revealing it right then and there, he wanted it to be a surprise for later.

The live continued with Ye Xiu talking about some small tidbits about his life that wouldn't necessarily reveal his real identity like what Akio did, like how he ran away from home when he was young to pursue his dream of going pro and etc. Everyone was quite moved by his determination, only for it to be ruined by Ye Xiu.

「Well, well, there's nothing too special about it. I pretty much ran away on a whim with my dream coming as the second priority…」 Ye Xiu said nonchalantly.

He also talked about his rebellious younger brother as well as some random, trivial stuff that came to him whilst he was talking about the previous topics.

While he was talking, his avatar froze for a moment before he came back and said, 「Wait a second. There's just a slight situation…」

He then muted his mic for a few seconds, seemingly talking to someone. When he came back, he just smiled and continued talking.

「Well, sorry about that. Why don't we now go to the main attraction of this debut?」

At the mere mention of main attraction, everyone in the live immediately became lively. Some of them saw the clip of Akio singing as well as his swordsmanship 'animation' so they're very much looking forward as to what this main attraction is gonna be.

「While I was fiddling with things, planning my debut, I came across this really awesome function…」

After a brief transition, the viewers were then shown a weird scenery, with the floor being filled with translucent, reflective water reflecting the cloudy sky above. Standing in the middle is the appearance of Shin Akuma holding what seems to be a magic ball of sorts in an imposing manner.

「I can overlay my avatar into my in-game character like this. Ain't it awesome?」

The fans were so surprised that they didn't even notice that there's another person present in this stage.


The moment the other person nodded, an explosive battle began, shocking everyone who's watching. The name on top of his custom avatar says his avatar name while the other person says the character name is Chasing Haze.

❇❈✦〘Live Chat〙✦❈❇

〔Viewers: 56〕

tera city: Is this Glory?


Bean Bag: The video looks so crisp! Also, ain't what he's doing kinda hard to pull?

Kojuuryo: I also didn't notice that this is an unspecialized character!

tera city: Bro is playing in hard mode.

yoshino: You guys know this game?

Kojuuryo: Bruh. Are you serious?

ShadowKiller: This is literally one of the most popular competitive games right now. You don't know it?

kuma: He's just like that. He doesn't know what a Vtuber even is yesterday…

yoshino: Hey, I ain't a chronically online person like you guys, okay? I do stuff aside from being online.

ShadowKiller: Well, that's fair. Anyway, simply put, it's a popular game with a large following. Lots of people plays it globally.

Bean Bag: And this Vtuber over here is performing a maneuver of sorts that only pros who have knowledge about blind spots and attack/skill chaining knows.

tatsu: It's basically something the top 1% or something could do. If you could pull it off in a real match, you a pro and we bow down to you.

yoshino: Ooooooh… So it's something amazing?

ShadowKiller: Basically…

Bean Bag: I guess you could summarize it like that…

tatsu: Yup.

yoshino: Got it.


Seeing the familiar game and the very familiar PvP map, Akio almost jumped out of the bed. If Ye Xiu is playing this game, this could only mean that he lives in his world or he's somewhere else with the similar game.

Given how this company works, either of the two is possible but Akio is willing to bet that Ye Xiu is living in the same world as he does. He just have a gut feeling that he do and that's his only evidence for now.

'But then, if he lives in the same world as I am, how does the time work? When we were talking about debut and stuffs, there doesn't seem to be a time difference…'

Soon, it dawned on Akio that it doesn't seem like there's a time difference because there's literally no time difference between them.

'Then what happened to my real body!? 2 days have already passed!?'

Here he was, thinking that his world would magically stop while he is away. However, here's an evidence(kind of) proving that it didn't stop. If it really didn't, then what happened to him?

"Uh… Now I'm worried…"

Since he couldn't shake this thought off his head, he pulled out his phone and checked the company app to read up on the help function again.

Meanwhile, while this was going on, Ye Xiu continued to show off his prowess to the audience. It seems like he's in a fixed field where the PvP battle doesn't get recorded in their history and is used for mock battle/practice purposes.

From the looks of it, he's sparring with someone who's using a Launcher Class character, a long range character that specialize in long range DPS.

〘I'm coming!〙

At Ye Xiu's shout, his character ran towards the character named Chasing Haze in a straight line. Reacting fast, Chasing Haze immediately aimed her barrel at Ye Xiu and began shooting him with accuracy.

However, in a blink, Ye Xiu flickered and avoided the shots with ease. Everyone in the chat who knew Glory was already freaking out shouting, "It's Z Shake!" the moment they saw Ye Xiu's maneuver.

After dodging the shot, Ye Xiu closed the gap between them. He then lowered his body and used 〔Slide Kick〕 to further lower the distance between them.

❇❈✦〘Live Chat〙✦❈❇

〔Viewers: 56〕


Bean Bag: Dang, it's really an Unspecialized!

Bean Bag: I heard about characters like these but didn't they already die down after the level updates?

ShadowKiller: I guess this God over here intends to show off his mechanics by using it?

tera city: Coolness over practicality.

ShadowKiller: He knows his priorities.

Bean Bag: Also, the enemy doesn't seem to be half bad. Their mechanics are great.

Kojuuryo: They're very gifted mechanically, it seems. It's just that the opponent is too good.

tera city: Agreed. What do you even do against this? How many skills did he chain already?


Soon enough, people became even more in awe as they watched Ye Xiu demolish the seemingly mechanically gifted opponent like it's just another Tuesday. Chasing Haze didn't even deal any notable damage.

〘Again…〙 said Chasing Haze in the chat.

〘Alright, but only for a few more rounds. I have something else to do after all…〙 Ye Xiu agreed.

It turns out that he's currently playing against his co-worker, which was honestly great timing on her part as he was just planning on pulling over a random player from the internet cafe to play some rounds against. What's more, he get to earn a few more bucks on the side as a bet, which is always great.

A few more rounds passed and Chasing Haze continued to lose. She didn't stand a chance from start to finish, not even landing a critical blow on Ye Xiu's character.

She was losing so badly that even the viewers felt a little bad watching her try and try again, to no avail.

「Alright. That should do it for now, everyone. I'll post a streaming schedule or something next time but for now, please click on the link in the description and give my little brother, Iss—Drakon Rias, a visit.」

Ye Xiu almost slipped and called Issei by his name. Thankfully, he managed to catch himself before he does so.

Saying goodbye to the chat, he immediately closed the stream. He's got an angry boss gazing at him right now so he can't spare any more time streaming.


"Dangit, so the time really doesn't stop in my original world. Well fudge me…"

After looking at the specifics of how the transcript world ticket works, Akio found out that they leave a 'manager' to 'help' them with their daily lives in case they go to transcript worlds. These managers are basically 'programmed' to act as your sort of proxy while the 'talent' is away.

At first, Akio worried that they might do something weird while he is away but it turns out that they only strictly follow your daily schedule. In fact, you can even tell them what to do and what not to do beforehand.

With regards to transcript world and transcript world tickets, it seems like time in the transcript worlds freeze the moment the 'talents' leave. If you have a more advanced ticket, time could also freeze in your original world, but you can't use the chat function or the livestream function when you're in that transcript world.

This could only mean that you can only use them for when you're producing video content. Or for vacation… depends.

"Uh… What should I do?"

During his contemplation, Akio's mind recalled the fact that he received 5,000 Viewer Points initially. It should be 5,010 VP now since it says that views from fellow employees don't count.

'If I remember correctly, it says the shop should be in the company app?'

Rummaging through his pocket, Akio fished out his phone and opened the company app. He quickly managed to locate the tab which was named the 〔Exchange Shop〕.

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