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Chapter 3: CHAPTER 1.5 : Turmoil, Problems and Encased

One of the Leaders that lead this war is Elisha, a Sister that has a resemblance to angels, she is currently the weakest since her powers are only for utility uses but that doesn't mean she is useless, even though she is the weakest she is still strong enough to fight against a Type but got withdrawn since she is more useful on communicating instead of combat, because it is determined that her abilities is the best for utility, using it with max usage that will fully benefit the entirety of the population, Her ability is used for communicating using her brain as a network that connects the Earth and S,P,A,C,E Headquarters, The Types has learned about technology in which they "hack", through by unknown means and cause multiple system to fail which is the reason the Great Fort has fallen. she is now sitting on her "Throne" With a Helmet currently in her head that has wires . Her pale complexion is like snow with no hint of blood, Pure White like a clean paper and her White Hair that gives Snowy like tone and her Navy Eyes That has a sense of pride as a Leader. Her face is balanced that has a cute but also mature look, she wore a Uniform only for those of Sisters. She is among the most influential Sisters in S,P,A,C,E Headquarters.

Gun God one of the most useful assets in this war, he is just a pure human, Black Hair, at Middle age,He wears a black coat, Black Polo,black jeans and boots, his appearance looks like he is an Agent. But one thing that makes him a good asset is because of his weapon that can incapacitate a Type. It is called Black barrel, a Type of Conceptual Weapon that uses concept of lifespan as an attack, the attack if landed will give that target a Lifespan based on its concentration of Ether, The More Ether The More potent the Lifespan is. If an immortal Got hit then the immortal will decay out of old age since it has been put a concept of lifespan.

Ado Edem, Currently imprisoned to <<Retracted>> to make sure he doesn't abuse his knight arms, He is an Ether liner, possibly the weakest of all back at the Great War of Steel because his knight arms only grows to the size of stick. But when he is deployed to fight a Type his Knight arms has shown value. The knight arm he has grows in size according to the enemy, since the enemy is a Type and its VERY LARGE, His weapon grows to Humongous Size. HE is now regarded as the Strongest Trump Card against the Types but… he is not treated as a hero but a man who can reign terror even though its not Ado's nature,

Elisha POV

Elisha now have observed that this is a big crisis. This is the worst, Code: Cross's behaviour changed drastically that it became unpredictable on what is its next landfall. We are currently at the S.P.A.C.E(Spatial Planetary Acquisition Centered Environment) Headquarters currently 10000km away from Earth, Its been 2 years since I departed and left John there alone, still remembering his delicate face.. despite not being handsome, I really don't care, he's my cute little boy.. although I've always thought about him.. like everyday.. How is he now? Is he okay? He is all I have since my Sisters are not really family-centered, they are just a bunch of cold blooded leaders. I hope he is fine since Type-Saturn Attacked them And.. a minute has passed and a report came for me to receive it, I was in total shock to the content of the report.

[Report, We have a bad news, We sadly lost one of our comrade, Private Rekime Arashi who is now presumed dead since we saw him fall with the building which was strucked by Type-Saturn, He sacrificed himself to save a Mother and her child. We will mourn and grieve for his death and give him a Honorable funeral. and Condolences for you Leader. ]

I was shocked to this report but I manage to calm down since there is a reason, I have made a special Bond with John naturally, although not the type of bond made through interactions but by soul By soul, I can tell if he's okay or not because of it, when I was at earth I tear off a part of my soul and put it deep on John's soul back when he is asleep. In this way I can tell not only his feelings but his status.

Right now the soul didn't return which means John is unlikely dead, but it didn't stop me from getting frustrated and worried about his safety.

'please let jeff get out of this mess and return' this is the first time I prayed, I don't believe in any god but right now I'll put away my belief and pray that my precious fool is safe.

After i prayed which hurts my pride but who cares, I immediately returned to my position and started working since I trust that... the boy can get out of this in one piece all by himself even if he is a fucking suicidal brat,

That's when another bomb exploded right infront of me after the "Death of Rekime".

[Leader Elisha we have receive a report that Code: Tree is alive] Reported by a man with fox ears after he receive a report from an agent in the Yggdrasil tree at Earth.

What? That's impossible Gun God shot it down before it could descend so how is it possible? I Said to myself, Well come to think of it the corpse of that gigantic Type is a Tree called Yggdrasil World Tree a tree of life that has proven to support life so its natural that the type is alive or maybe we are just using it's remaining life force to make things alive, although I doubt that if its really dead, it won't be able to support life.

I just realized that just now, Did the work put so much strain on my brain that i didn't use such common sense in a simpler way? well atleast we know now.

There's so many hypothesis about this Type but I must make sure where that news came from.

[Check the source, Make sure its not Fake]

I commanded,

[I Already Checked it and about the source…]

He's taking so long to reply, I Quickly Reprimand him

[What take you so long?]

He flinched and then..

[The one who reported it Leader Elisha is Gun God]

Gun God? The Killer of that type?

[Is there evidence that it is him?]

I should make sure of it since Gun God is a very useful card against the Types, we don't know what kind of substance that fires from that gun of his but after experimentation it made us reach a conclusion that it is dangerous to use by Ether beings like me. And the "bullet" is unknown too but it is very effective against the Types.

[There's a Picture of Him and the Code:Tree]

What kind of Bunk is that? A Killer and a Victim? Together? I said to myself in total disbelief.

[Him? And the Type? Are you messing around?]

[No Leader, let me find the… There! Here.]

I kept quiet, looks like my attitude got influenced by John now hehe, I observed the photo and it left me curious, Gun God is already there looking depressed like my fool, well both of them are common to each other, both are Pure Humans, So Depressed Looking, Very Grumpy and Very Rude. That's how he treated me when I met him, its funny since he reminds me of that fool which I met him in a similar manner with Gun God. While having fun about him and that fool in my mind, my eyes widened when I turned to look right next to him,

Its a Girl, no, more accurately a Woman, maybe at her late 20s since she looks very young, has golden yellow hair like many more blonde people, has yellow pupils and the most astonishing of all is her Halo and Angelic Wings, How is a Type looks like this? If I were to be honest She must have overwhelmed me in terms of cuteness and gorgeousness. In the picture she is holding a guitar clumsily.

I See, looks like something is going on there. I smirked and then

[I see... its true then, Am glad to know about this information, Thank you] I said to the reporter, smiling to him.

[Okay, Thank you for hearing my report] He said to me, bowing his head slightly, with that gesture, he showed what seperates his species from other High Humans here, Fox ears on the top both side of his head. He is an A-ray which we lead after the war.

[No I should be the one to thank, now go back to your work] I said to him.

He nodded and quickly fled the area,

With this news I commanded the people in here to keep an eye on Gun God and the so-called Type Venus, I wonder if that woman really is the Type that can destroy an entire world, if yes then she can be negotiate with and then that man can convince her to help us to win this war. Well having a Type as an ally is a very Shocking Hit news and a big game changer. It would help turn the tides of battle against these monster then..

[Report! A New Type has emerged in Australia.. Code is Being Made… The Code has been established. The New Type is now under the Code: Crystal]

[A New Type has emerged, Updating The Codes List… Code: Cross, Code: Titan, Code: Tree, Code: Skeletal, Code: Bloodsucker, Code: Outer God and now Code: Crystal, Unknown Whereabouts of the Last Type is currently being searched by satellite.]

It looks like the war is coming near to its conclusion, 3 Types has been neutralized but there are currently 4 active and 1 inactive. I hope that this war will be our victory so that we can now peacefully live with the high humans, and also to live happily with my fool.

I then stared at the screen whose screening is the building that collapsed earlier after Code : Cross assault, and noticed something strange.

" What's that crawling? "


How did this even happen? Gun God thinks to himself, Right now he is having a problem on how to handle the "problem", Right in front of him is a Woman, a woman with pale white skin, Blonde Hair and Golden Eyes she is currently wearing a white blouses and the one that can caught any attention is her Halo and Angelic Wings, Pure White Feathers, The woman is now on his bed lying on it, happily humming and playfully smacking the sheets with her feet.

'This is very annoying' Gun God thought to himself he glared at the woman for a second and then the woman stared at him, the woman flinched. When he is about to say something the woman spoke.

"Eh? Who are you?" She asked me

Bitch- this is my apartment

"have you been taught to barge to someone else apartment by a street thug?"

I replied to her with an annoyed tone.

"I- Is There Something Wrong?" She spoke in an innocent voice, not understanding what he said.

" Yes, that is.... you're in my room so Get Out " He spoke impatiently and shoo off the woman, tired to even explain it to her and proving that she is dense.

"Wa- Wait! I will do everything that you say! Just pleas-"

"You'll do everything what I say? Okay Then Get Out!"

I pushed her out and closed the door, locking it. I'm Very Tired now after hunting those angels, its a pain in the ass that I can't still make enough money for me which is a big problem and then another problem arose, How Would this woman barge in my room and treat it like its her room? What a senseless girl.

People this days sure are very annoying. Ahh so tiring… I guess I should take a nap and forget about her…

I then went to my Sofa and sat as I rest my head on the headrest in my sofa, I can feel my drowsiness striking me, Before I could even close my eyes

*Knock* *Knock*

Someone's knocking, it must be her.

"Hey can you let me in? Please" The innocent tone implies that it is the woman


"Get Lost" I Shouted and then I heard a thud,

*Thud* *Thud**Thud**Thud*

It Continues for 10 minutes, until

*Thud* *Thud**Thud**Thud*

*Thud* *Thud**Thud**Thud*

*Thud* *Thud**Thud**Thud*

*Thud* *Thud**Thud**Thud*

It Continues for 3 More Hours.

Getting Agitated now I went to the door and opened it

"What Do You Fucking Want?" I said to her madly, haven't got to sleep for 3 hours.

"I just want to live here for now" She said again innocently,

I'm getting irritated to her tone, well if I continue to be hard then this will continue forever so.

"Fine, just follow what I have to say" I said, Giving up on being cold.

Her Mood Brightened up than before and Hug me.

"Thank you very much! I Promise that I will do everything"

Despite her voice being that of an innocent child, her body Is not so I immediately push her off and guide her to my rooms.

I gave some lectures and instruction to her on what will she be doing here if I'm working hunting angels, Oh I also ask her about what she is but she says she's not sure. Until that one statement sends shivers on my spine.

"But I do remember something, it is.. someone shot me in my forehead."

This statement is very vague but the end is concerning, is She Code: Tree? Before I could ask her that she spoke to me.

"Well lets forget that anyway! Hehe maybe you should go to rest" She said to me, before she can do her own thing in the living room, I Ask her something.

"Whats you're name?"

"Name?" She said raising her left eyebrow

"Yes" I replied, its impossible for her to tell that she is Code: Tree since only Me and the inhabitants of earth know that name.

What could be the name of this beings in their world? am curious to know....

Pondering on many things She finally replied.

"My name is V/V"

Ado Edem POV

How long is it? How long did they imprison me here- ..... He… Re;fddp LOnggg

LOONG LONGG….. Ho-hd ouw Impro0---- Son me..


<<<<<<<<<<<No Signal>>>>>>>>>>>>


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