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Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Chise went to the bathroom after fetching some cold water before going to pick up little Ginryu for a bath.

Soon, Ginryu was all cleaned up and now in need of new clothes, something that Chise had forgotten to take into account.

In a moment of resourcefulness, she cut a piece of fabric and made some makeshift clothes for him.

The fabric that Chise used was part of the dowry given by the Miura clan, who were the rulers of the area.

Their daughter had been fortunate enough to be chosen as a bride to the clan, and as a result, the old couple enjoyed a bit of luxury.

However, they had almost completely squandered their fortune in the search for their son, Ryuunosuke.

As Chise heard the sound of Ginryu's belly growl in hunger, she noticed that he didn't cry but instead observed her silently. Appreciating his resilience, she warmly said, "You're a strong child."

In reply, Ginryu babbled, "Abababa," which made Chise chuckle at his cuteness.

Realizing that they would have to wait for the return of the senile old man, Chise remarked, "It seems we'll have to wait for that senile old mine to return. Sadly, these old things can't produce any more milk," as she pointed at her old saggy and deflated chest.

Ginryu thought to himself, 'I wouldn't want to suck on those either,' remembering his mother who had been an otherworldly beauty.

In his past life, perhaps due to his upbringing, Ginryu came to view women as mere vessels of flesh with different genitalia, while men were the same, with similar genitalia.

But his new mother, she was different, and he doubted that he would ever encounter someone of her caliber in his new lifetime.

Time passed, and Ginryu eventually fell asleep; his little body could only take so much. Meanwhile, Chise was growing impatient.

"Where is that old man? Does he want this child to starve?" she yelled out loud, then quickly apologized, afraid that she might have startled Ginryu awake. But he remained peacefully asleep.


Meanwhile, at the village chief's house, Ryuu, Ginryu's new grandfather, was welcomed by the village chief. The chief held Ryuu in high regard because his daughter had been married into the Miura clan.

"Ryuu, welcome," the chief greeted.

Ryuu replied, "Hake-chan, no need for formalities. We're childhood friends, after all."

"I told you to stop calling me that," Hake protested.

Ryuu just laughed it off and said, "Ha ha ha."

Curious about Ryuu's early arrival, Hake asked, "So, why are you here so early?"

"I found a shipwreck on the shores during my morning walk. There was only one survivor that I could see. Chise and I decided to adopt the baby into our family," Ryuu dropped the news.

"What?!" Hake stood up in shock.

"Calm down," Ryuu said reassuringly.

"Can you tell me where the ship is from and who the survivor is?" Hake asked.

"How would I know that, I have barely ever left this village. The survivor was just a single child. It seems the crew had done everything to ensure the child's survival, so Chise and I took him in," Ryuu explained.

Sighing, Hake realized he would have to report this to the Miura clan. He asked Ryuu, "Where is the ship?"

"I don't think you need to report it. There were mostly only pieces of wood left lying around, so I believe most of whatever they were carrying sunk into the sea," Ryuu replied.

Sighing again, Hake said, "Maybe you're right. Besides, I highly doubt they would care about anything that goes on here. They only care about the large settlements that bring them money".

"Hmmm," Ryuu responded, his thoughts muddled with conflicting emotions.

"It's great that you are finally moving on from Ryuunosuke," Hake said, earning himself a frown from Ryuu.

"What do you mean?" Ryuu asked, his tone no longer friendly.

"My friend, it's been 20 years. If Ryuunosuke is alive, he would be all grown up and return someday on his own. But here you are, wasting your wealth on frauds that won't help you find him," Hake sternly replied.

"Ryuunosuke is alive!" Ryuu yelled back, his voice filled with conviction.

Sighing, Hake continued, "Look here, if you are taking care of this child as a replacement for your lost son, then you better hand him over and stop before you harm each other."

Ryuu felt his heart sink at Hake's words. He had grown attached to the child he just met, but perhaps he had been unconsciously using him as a substitute for Ryuunosuke. Hake's words hit hard, forcing Ryuu to confront his own inner struggle.

"If you truly care for the child, then treat him well, like you would your own son. Stop wasting money searching for an already grown man. You have to move on," Hake concluded, his words echoing in the room.

Feeling a mix of anger, sadness, and confusion, Ryuu got up to leave, unable to bear the weight of the conversation any longer. "I will be leaving now," he stated, his voice heavy with emotion.

"Take care, and remember my words. Also, the child is welcome in our small village," Hake said, bidding the angry Ryuu farewell.

As Hake's wife entered the room, she asked, "Was that alright?"

"Yes, the money he wasted could have been used to help the village become better," Hake replied, realizing the importance of utilizing their resources wisely.

"Hmmm," his wife hummed in response, contemplating the situation with her husband.

"Anyway, tell Ichi to gather some men to search the shores. Maybe there is something left that we can find for ourselves. There is no need to disturb the Miura clan," Hake instructed his wife, determined to make the best of the situation.


After Ryuu left Hake's house, he walked around angrily, but Hake's words lingered in his mind, challenging his previous beliefs. 'Did I truly plan to raise a second Ryuunosuke?' Ryuu thought, questioning his own motivations.

Feeling overwhelmed, Ryuu muttered to himself, "Sigh, I need milk," and hurriedly made his way to the Shiba household. The Shiba's were livestock farmers who sold meat and various produce in the village.

Fishing and livestock were the main sources of sustenance for the village or so it was until the royal family started putting sanctions on the killing of animals. This was because buddhism was starting to take root as the main religion.

Upon acquiring some milk, Ryuu quickly headed back home, aware of the urgency of time wasted. As he entered his house, he was greeted by an angry wife.

"What took you so long?" Chise said, keeping her voice low so as not to wake the baby.

"I returned as quickly as I could," Ryuu whispered back, regretting the delay.

Chise asked about the milk, and Ryuu handed it over to her. "Oh, I named the child Ginryu, Call him by that," Chise added, changing the subject.

'Am I the only one still holding on to Ryuunosuke?' Ryuu questioned himself, realizing that he had planned to name the child after his lost son. Hake's words continued to haunt him, making him ponder if maybe he needed to let go.

"What are you doing? Come and eat, and shut the door," Chise called from the kitchen, her voice filled with warmth.

"Coming," Ryuu replied, realizing that he hadn't eaten anything yet.

Entering the kitchen, he saw Chise humming as she warmed milk in a pot. Her humming was a rare occurrence, only happening when she was happy. Ryuu realized that he needed to cherish these peaceful moments with his wife.

'Perhaps I shouldn't bring up Ryuunosuke for a while,' Ryuu concluded, deciding to focus his attention on raising Ginryu with love and care. He would devote the rest of his life to this child, hoping that his son Ryuunosuke would eventually return home safely.

After Chise finished preparing the meal, she cooled down the milk and served Ryuu some cooked rice and steamed vegetables. It was a simple meal, reflecting the staple diet of the Heian era.

As Ryuu ate, he contemplated his future, while Chise went to feed the sleeping Ginryu.

HungryMushroom HungryMushroom

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