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Chapter 16: A LONG NIGHT

The sound of the gunshot echoed in the rain-soaked night, leaving an eerie silence in its wake. The lifeless body of the man named Michael slumped to the ground, blood mixing with rainwater and mud. The moment seemed frozen in time, a stark reminder of the complex choices that had led to this tragic conclusion.

Batgirl stood still, her posture unchanged, but her eyes seemed to reveal a mixture of sorrow and determination behind the mask. The weight of the situation hung heavy in the air, and the sound of distant sirens grew louder.

I looked at Batgirl, a bitter smile playing on my lips. "Well, there you have it. Your preaching didn't save him. Just like I said, there's no redemption for someone like him."

She remained silent for a moment, her gaze fixed on the lifeless body. "I never claimed that redemption would be easy or guaranteed. But every life has the potential for change, even in the face of overwhelming darkness."

The rain continued to fall, washing away the bloodstains and mixing them with the muddy ground. The sirens grew closer, a reminder of the imminent arrival of law enforcement.

"And how is that working out for you? You and Batman put them behind bars or Arkham Asylum in the name of justice..." I sighed as I picked up the phone from the ground, "... Only for them to break out and cause more deaths."

She just stood there looking at my face.

I walked toward her and stopped beside her, "You have no idea how much suffering and death you and Batman caused, do you? Think about it. I have seen far worse than you could ever imagine. I have seen more death and destruction than you could ever imagine. Just because someone didn't have enough guts to make a difficult choice."

I turned away from the scene, the rain washing away the remnants of the confrontation. The distant wailing of sirens was growing louder, a sign that the authorities were closing in on the location. As I began to walk away, I heard the sound of footsteps behind me, followed by a determined voice.


I stopped in my tracks but didn't turn around immediately. The rain continued to fall, creating a somber ambiance around us. After a moment, I looked over my shoulder to see Batgirl standing there, her cape billowing slightly in the wind.

She stepped closer, her expression a mix of curiosity and something else that I couldn't quite place beneath the mask. My vision Quirk isn't strong enough to pierce through her mask and see her real face.

"You really think there isn't any other way?" She asked. I can hear doubt and uncertainty in her voice.

"Sometimes in order to kill the devil, you have to become a devil," I replied, turning back towards her. "The difference between you and me is that I'm willing to do what it takes to get the job done."

The sirens were getting louder now, their flashing lights reflecting off the rain-soaked pavement. I knew that if I stayed any longer, the authorities would be able to apprehend me. And while I did not doubt my ability to escape, this wasn't part of my plan.

"Oh, don't bother trying to track me down. Because I too wear a mask like you," I used my super speed to dash into the pizza joint. Then I picked up the chicken wings bucket and the choco lava cake and made my way toward Sarah's house.

[Third person POV]

Batgirl stood there in the rain-soaked night, watching as the figure vanished with astonishing speed into the darkness. Her gloved hand tightened into a fist, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts and emotions.

She knew her duty as a guardian of the city, as a symbol of justice. But the encounter with the mysterious figure had shaken her convictions, casting doubt upon the methods she and Batman had followed for so long. The words he had spoken, the perspective he had offered—it was a shadow that crept into the recesses of her mind.

As the sirens grew louder, the flashing lights of law enforcement vehicles illuminating the rain-drenched streets, Batgirl turned and made her way back toward the shadows of the city. The journey to the Batcave was marked by an unusual heaviness, a weight that wasn't just from her wet suit clinging to her skin.

Upon her return to the Batcave, she removed the suit with practiced efficiency, her movements mechanical as she hung the suit to dry. The cave was a haven of technology and memories, a testament to the legacy of justice that she was now a part of.

Sitting in front of the Batcomputer, she replayed the events of the night in her mind. The encounter with the enigmatic figure who seemed to operate outside the confines of the law. The conflict between her training and the doubts that had been sown.

The rain continued to fall outside, its rhythmic pattern against the cave's entrance a backdrop to her contemplation. She leaned back in the chair, her gaze distant as she stared at the screen, deep in thought.

The figure's words echoed in her mind, his accusation of perpetuating a cycle of crime and suffering. She had always believed in the power of justice, of bringing criminals to trial and ensuring they faced the consequences of their actions. But tonight's encounter had shown her a different perspective, one that questioned the effectiveness of that approach.

Her thoughts turned to Batman, the mentor who had instilled in her a sense of purpose and duty.

His ways had always been resolute, his methods strict. And she had followed in his footsteps, believing that they were the only way to protect the city and its people. But now, as doubt gnawed at the edges of her certainty, she realized that perhaps there was more than one way to fight for justice.

The rain continued to fall, a constant reminder of the complexities of the world she lived in. The Batcomputer's screen glowed softly in the dimly lit cave, waiting for her next command. But for the moment, Batgirl remained lost in her thoughts, grappling with the questions that had been awakened by a chance encounter in the rain-soaked night.


In the gleaming headquarters of LexCorp, the heart of cutting-edge technology and innovation, Lex Luthor sat in his lavish office. The room was a blend of sleek aesthetics and advanced equipment, reflecting the mind of a man who was always one step ahead of the world.

Behind the imposing desk, Lex tapped his fingers thoughtfully as he reviewed data on the large monitor before him. Reports from his vast network of satellites and sensors had alerted him to an anomaly on the outskirts of Gotham City. An unknown spacecraft had landed, its origin and purpose shrouded in mystery.

Lex's eyes narrowed as he scrutinized the images and data feeds. This wasn't the first time he had encountered unexplained phenomena, but it piqued his interest nonetheless. In his world, knowledge was power, and he intended to uncover the truth behind this enigmatic arrival.

"Mercy," he called, his voice carrying an air of authority.

The office door opened, and Mercy Graves, his loyal assistant and bodyguard, entered. Her presence exuded a combination of professionalism and readiness.

"Sir?" she inquired, her tone respectful.

"We're paying a visit to Gotham City," Lex commanded, his gaze fixed on the monitor.

Mercy nodded in acknowledgment. "Shall I inform the pilot?"

"Yes. And make sure the necessary equipment is loaded on board. We'll need to investigate this matter thoroughly," Lex replied, his mind already calculating the potential implications.

As she left to carry out his instructions, Lex continued to study the data. The city of Gotham was known for its unusual occurrences, its dark underbelly hiding secrets that often defied explanation. But this was different. A spacecraft implied technology beyond anything he had encountered before, and the possibility of harnessing such power for his own purposes was tantalizing.

"To think it almost escaped my eyes..." He muttered under his breath.

Minutes later, as the jet prepared for takeoff, Lex Luthor looked out of the window of his office. Gotham City, a sprawling expanse of lights and shadows, held a unique allure. It was a city of contrasts, a city where legends clashed with reality, and where the pursuit of power and justice often intertwined in unexpected ways.

Lex's mind was fully consumed by the mysterious spacecraft that had vanished into the dark sky. He was certain that it must have left behind some sort of clue or that someone had seen or obtained something. What secrets could it be hiding? He viewed this situation as an opportunity to gain an advantage in the world of shadows and deception, and he was determined to make the most of it.


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