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In the depths of the night, as Travis and Sarah lay in each other's arms, Travis drifted into a restless sleep. His dreams were seldom peaceful in this world of chaos, but tonight, something different awaited him in the realm of slumber.

In his dream, he found himself standing in a desolate and twisted landscape. The sky was a deep crimson, and the ground was cracked and barren. It was a place that felt wrong, an eerie reflection of the world he now inhabited.

As he looked around, he felt a presence behind him. He turned, his heart pounding, and there stood a figure cloaked in darkness. The figure's features were obscured, but its presence exuded a malevolent power that sent shivers down his spine.

Travis knew exactly who that presence was...

He clenched his fists and yelled at the figure shrouded in darkness.

"All For One! You bastard! How the fuck are you still alive?!" His voice echoed in the eerie landscape.

The figure didn't respond with words. Instead, it raised a hand, and from its palm emerged tendrils of dark energy that shot toward Travis. He attempted to dodge, but the tendrils moved with an unnatural speed, wrapping around his limbs and restraining him.

Travis struggled against the dark energy, his muscles straining as he fought to break free. His rage burned, and dark smoke began to rise from his body.

"I will kill you!" He roared, his eyes blazing with anger.

All For One's obscured face seemed to grin as it tightened its hold on Travis. The malevolent presence radiated power that felt overwhelming.

"You can't escape me, kid," a chilling, echoing voice emanated from the figure, sending shivers down Travis's spine. "I am a part of you, a part of your very being. You can't run from your destiny."

"I..." Travis clenched out every ounce of his willpower and strength, "" trying to break free from the dark tendrils that bound him, "...not..." his muscles strained, and dark smoke continued to rise from his body, "...YOU!!!"

[Booom!] An explosion shattered everything around them, pushing the shadow of All For One back. Travis flew backward, his body spinning like a ragdoll, as he crashed a few hundred feet away.

He gasped for breath, his body aching from the impact. The echoes of the explosion still rang in his ears, but he could feel that his strength was waning.

All For One's malevolent presence loomed in the distance, its dark figure seemingly undeterred by the explosion. It began to advance towards Travis, its footsteps echoing ominously in the crimson landscape.

"You can't defeat me in this realm. You just aren't strong enough..." the echoing voice taunted, growing louder with each step. "You failed once... Wait! Not once but over and over again..."

Travis's mind was a tumultuous sea of memories, each one a painful reminder of the horrors he had endured at the hands of All For One. He saw their faces, etched in his memory with haunting clarity.

Irine, the woman he had loved, had been captured and twisted by All For One's cruel experiments. She had become a mindless puppet, a weapon to be wielded against him. He had been forced to confront her, to fight the person he had cherished, all while her eyes remained vacant, devoid of the warmth and love he had once known. He remembered her blood dripping from his hands.

Rachel, a brave and selfless soul, had sacrificed herself to buy him time to escape a dire situation. Her sacrifice had allowed him to survive, but it had left a deep wound in his heart, a sense of guilt that he carried with him.

Lily, a young woman with a promising future, had been brainwashed and forced to commit unspeakable acts under All For One's control. Travis had witnessed her descent into darkness, unable to save her from the clutches of the villain.

Jackson and Leo, his fellow friends who had infiltrated the ranks of the villains, had been ruthlessly murdered in cold blood. All For One had framed Travis for their deaths, turning him into a fugitive, hunted by both heroes and villains alike.

As these memories flooded his mind, Travis felt a surge of anger, guilt, and sorrow. The weight of his past failures bore down on him, threatening to consume him in despair. He had tried to protect those he cared about, but All For One's malevolence had torn them away from him, one by one.

"I couldn't save them..." Travis muttered, his voice filled with anguish. "I failed them all..."

In the crimson dream landscape, the malevolent presence of All For One continued its relentless advance, its echoing voice growing louder with each passing moment.

"What was his name again? Ah! Leo, was it?" He mocked, "Aren't you the one who dragged him to become a hero? Aren't you the one who dragged him to his doom?"

"I... I shouldn't have..." Travis's willpower started to crumble.

"And Irine... Oh, Irine... How did it feel to rip the heart out of the woman you loved?" All For One mocked with a sinister grin, "Look at your hands..."

Travis's eyes went toward his hands...

His hands were drenched in blood and before him lay Irine's body with a hole in the chest. His mind was plunged into a nightmarish turmoil. The weight of his past failures bore down on him, and the guilt and anguish threatened to consume him.

"Irine..." he choked out, his voice trembling with sorrow and self-blame. "I'm so sorry..."

The figure of All For One loomed ever closer, its malevolent presence feeding on Travis's despair. It seemed to revel in his agony, taunting him with cruel words and memories of his past failures.

"You were never strong enough, Travis," it hissed, its voice echoing through the crimson landscape. "You were always destined to fail. And now, you're nothing but a broken shell."

Travis's resolve wavered, and he felt himself being dragged deeper into the abyss of his own guilt and self-doubt. The memories of those he had lost, the pain of his past mistakes, all of it overwhelmed him.

"And in this new world, you will fail once again and again and again... You know that... Everything you touch will be destroyed and you can do nothing but watch," He said as he stood before Travis and extended his hand toward him, "Embrace my power... Become me... Only then will you be able to protect everyone... Use All For One to your heart's content... Become the perfect being..."

[Slice!] "Huh?!" Suddenly, All For One's vision turned upside down. His body was split into two from his waist. Before he could figure out what was going on, a hard punch on his face, smashed his upper half into the ground.

Then another punch... another one... a barrage of relentless destructive punches turned his entire existence into nothing but a big mass of squashed dark goo.

As soon as he tried to fix his body, a devastating punch dropped on him, shattering his existence into pieces. The crimson sky seemed to tremble with each devastating punch, and the ground itself quaked in response.

"WHO ARE YOU?" All For One's voice boomed as he was unable to see the attacker's face or comprehend the situation. It was his domain, he was in full control, and right now, he is getting bashed into pulp over and over again. His power to bend the domain isn't working anymore.

The relentless assault continued, the sheer force behind each punch defying All For One's comprehension. It was as if the very fabric of his existence was being torn apart. His attempts to resist or retaliate were met with overwhelming force, leaving him battered and broken.

He could sense the presence of his assailant, a formidable entity that surpassed anything he had ever encountered. It was a power that eclipsed even the might of All Might, a force of nature that left him powerless and vulnerable.

As the relentless assault continued, All For One's dark form began to dissipate into nothingness. The malevolent presence that had haunted Travis's dreams for so long was being eradicated, its power shattered and scattered like ashes in the wind.

---[He will be back]---

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As of now, Pat reon is 12 chapters ahead⭐[No double billing]


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