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Chapter 11: Making a dragon and Even more daddy issues.


Its been 2 months now.

It was strange. One day some 10 year old kid crashed into my miserable life, gave me a chance at doing what i want to do, and is attempting to get closer to me.

This treatment is.....confusing. Usually people always wanted something from her, in return for their help. Oh i am certain he does want something from me. After all, he infiltrated the church in order to talk to me. Obviously he knew where i was kept, and that means he was searching for someone like me in the first place. The only question was what does he want?

However thinking of the kid being ravaged by the sisters with big titties.....

It is obvious he is not the same arrogant piece of shit that those old men typically are.

But it is obvious that he is a master manipulator. It only took him 2 weeks to make an identity that passes as an orphan, get into the church and enchant all of the big tittied sisters. Now he controls the nuns like puppets.

In fact it is for that same reason that she no longer has to worry about her empty stomach.

A few words here and there, some cute angrily pouting and suddenly all the sisters went KYAAAAAA and decided to ravage him, before carrying out his requests and orders.

I imagine he would take control of the female population of the church by 4 months.

That said however even i had a deadpan look on her face as looked at the scene in front of her and heard the conversation.

"Oh father forgive me for i have sinned." said a certain white haired kid.

And just like that, i decided to quickly leave that room and walk straight towards the training ground to meet my newest bald instructor.

All of this is too strange!

I mean he was beating me with his spear just the previous night.

Now he is confessing to his sins.

What is even going on here?

Its just been too much lately, but it also gives hope to me.

Yes, if it is with this person's help, then it might be possible to complete my original mission and save both of them.

And.... reaching the training grounds i once again lose all my hope in humanity.

Kids fighting each other, and training in..... i am not even sure if that qualifies as swordsmanship. Though to be fair, my view on swordsmanship changed a bit after our nightly sessions began.

Standing in front of my newest bald instructor, i relax my posture and took a basic stance with the sword held in both hands in front of my chest and the tip facing the opponent, legs and shoulders spread, ready to attack.

These days i don't even try to copy their moves anymore. I have a huge bank of movement from Antares and all of his moves are much better than the bald instructors. I beat them as fast as possible. They are more like sparring partners than teachers.


Immediately, i rush into him, pushing the handle of my wooden sword into my chest, i sidestep his overhead swing before thrusting my sword into his chest, using my chest as leverage for the thrust and my body weight to increase the strength of it as much as possible.

Hearing a shout of pain, i knew the wooden sword has connected and my bald instructor has has been knocked to the ground once again.

This is the very first lesson that i learned from my actual instructor. "You have good instincts so its simple enough for you, if an attack doesn't trigger your instincts then there's no need to stop and respond to it. Ignore it with your sword and dodge it mid charge". The basis of this logic is simple enough: They have more openings when they are going for an attack.

Remembering those lessons, a shiver ran down my spine. I had never seen such a ferocious spearman.

I have improved immensely during the last 2 months. Perhaps more than the entire time i have spent in this church.

Yes, i need this person's help and protection. Someone so young yet so powerful is hard to find. Typically they would be either gods disguised as little boys, or children of powerful figures themselves.

To save myself and my sister from being hunted, i must achieve this persons' friendship.


Antares himself was doing all of these as a test. Senjutsu works based on people manipulating their life force. So how to train Senjutsu? Typically you would take a pill, sit on your ass for 2 years and become a sage. Oh satan that sounds so cultivating, it makes me wanna puke.

But that takes a massive amount of time and it's lazy too and amateurish. So what if you can manipulate a type of energy while sitting on your ass and being high on pills? Can you do that in a stressful situation? In the middle of the fight? Or satan forbid are you going to sleep on the battlefield too?

Getting ravaged by the sisters, not surrendering yet. Training with Tannin and keeping up the Senjutsu training. That's the important thing to do.

But i still haven't managed to get a full Touki.

At this point i think Bova would unlock his Touki faster than me.

'Master the vambraces you commissioned are completed do you need me to drop them at the mountain?' Astrid asked me in my mind.

'Vambraces? I thought i said gauntlets Astrid.'

'Yes you did, however i figured putting gauntlets on a dragon would defeat the purpose of their claws, so i made vambraces. You can still put the same runes on them.'

That is actually.....good thinking on her part.

'Yes take the vambraces to the mountain.'

After a few more minutes of chatting with the priest, i teleported back to my mountain, only to see Bova again. With shattered scales and broken bones and spears going through all of his limbs, and stomach area. You know, the usual.

Dismissing my copy, i throw a potion into his face to heal his body. Just then Astrid came over too. a medium sized box in her hands.

"Hmm? Shisho? Why have you come to visit? I swear i am training as religiously as possible, please don't increase my training regime." The giant lizard begged while prostrating on the ground.

It was such a comic scene, an 18 meters tall dragon begging to a 10 year old kid, as shown by Astrid snickering in the background.

'He has gotten bigger again' I thought while looking at Bova.

2 meters bigger to be exact. His size is almost reaching that of Tannin, though i suppose he did spent some time in a room where time was moving slower.

And so has his strength for that matter, low ultimate class now as opposed to his high class strength when we first met. As i thought, his potential is immense. I think project " make a dragon king" is definitely going smoothly.

"Stand up Bova. I want us to spar. Use all of your strength. Don't hold back" i told him, this is a very good opportunity to test his current strength.

This time he seriously looked at me for a few seconds, before slamming his tail in the middle of us, destroying the area and throwing me off balance.

I quickly regained my balance and once the dust cleared out, i saw 4 giant fireballs coming towards me.

I dodged the first 3, before making a spear of destruction and throwing it into the core of the third fireball, destroying it before it could reach me.

Just then i noticed a purple line, in particular a tail attempting to slam me, making me leap into the air, only to then see large fangs waiting for me above.

Of course this was already seen by observation haki, so without panicking, i open my wings and fly away from him, while conjuring an ice javelin to throw into his open mouth, which he simply responds to by breathing fire to destroy the spear.

Now once again standing face to face, Bova patiently circles me, thinking of some strategy to attack again.

Okay, that was good. Much better than the first battle we had.

Making a spear, this time i go on offense.

Dodging his claws and leaping over his tail into the air, i try to strike his face with the spear, just for him to block the spear with his horns, before breathing fire into my face.

Worthless, invalidates the fire before i had to fly down to avoid his claws.

Getting a bit more serious, i see the tail coming again, but this time i freeze the ground and the middle section of the tail in a cube, stopping its' movement, before grabbing the end of it and spinning Bova around by his tail, Slamming him into the mountain.

He Tries to get up only to find all of his limbs frozen, and stuck to the mountain, and a crimson black javelin speeding towards his heart.

In response he actually managed to make a barrier to block the javelin before breathing fire into the ice all around him to free himself.

However he immediately realized the ice wasn't just chaining him, it was also freezing his blood and bones from inside. Now resulting in his movements being sluggish and slow.

'That's why he froze my limbs! he only wanted to hinder my body.' Bova thought to himself.

Immediately i throw myself into Bova's stomach and thrust an spear inside, continuing to rapidly attack him from all directions afterwards. Bova, knowing that at this point he can't block or dodge my attacks anymore, tries to stomp the ground to break my chain of attack.

However already 2 steps ahead of him, the moment he moves his leg up, i make a big ice cube beneath his feet, as his feet lands on the cube, his leg freezes again and his balance is ruined even more, allowing me to land more hits.

Bova, now seeing the situation turn quite hopeless, tries to breath a large amount of fire at all of his surroundings to push me back, however already predicting that, i simply respond with a magic circle above my head, firing a beam of destruction completely extinguishing his flames.

I was indeed 2 steps ahead of him.

Next is a defensive barrier. Which will be invalidated by my worthless.

Whenever they get in a desperate situation, their options become predictable.

At this point, having received many rapid thrusts and slashes, Bovas' body is completely covered by his own blood, breathing with difficulty. It is unlikely that he can spit fire again. But he was told to do his all, so he can't give up now.

But what could he do? Every move he thought of, could be countered by his limbs being frozen, flying was out of option too, as if his wings get frozen then its really over.

His eyes shine when he realized something new he had learned in the last 2 months, could be useful here.

Using his new magic affinity of fire, he covers his entire body in flames, before using a barrier to keep the flames around himself. Considering his limbs wounded and useless, this time he charges in, with his horns in front. Aiming to skewer Antares.

Seeing the opponents' approach, Antares makes 2 icy greatswords in both of his hands, this time the ice is visibly harder, the demonic power is much denser then before.

Holding his hands in a X like stance, before charging forward to meet Bova, aiming to use all of his body weight and thrusting the swords to break his horns.

They both meet in the middle of their battlefield, ground shook beneath them as the swords clash against the horns.

However the result became very clear, as the swords held strong but the horns were cracking.

Finally the horns broke, and Bova was knocked to the ground.

Astonished, Antares looked at his downed opponent, and smiled.

'He has improved a lot, Project "make a dragon" has definitely been a success. He is no longer a lizardman with an stupid face. Though he still has no bitches.'

"That was a fine showing master. Though perhaps a bit counterproductive considering now he is too unconscious to receive his gift." Astrid said, smiling.

"Eh, i needed some time to put runes on it anyway. Any news on Kaya's side btw?"

"Yes there is. In fact she asked for you meet her at her mansion. Something to do with project 'Robbing the old men'."

"Alright then. Teleport us there. And send Bova to his cave. With a healing potion."

After doing just that, she teleported both of us to the Paimon territory. This is actually the first time i have come here.

The focus of this territory is more on entertainment, the red district, music studios, shopping districts and cinemas all over the place very clearly show that. However something i realized while walking in the crowd was that almost every single person overseeing the districts and areas is high class in power. Typically people like this aren't part of underworld's military but rather a reincarnated devil. There is barely any normal soldier here.

They don't trust anyone aside from themselves. That is one thing you can clearly see. Weird, considering the attitude of Kaya but then again essence of bonds probably had something to do with that.

Of course they aren't the only family that uses reincarnated devils as guards and refuses to ask for underworld's military to provide protection. The Bael family follows the same practice, however the Baels also employ people from other families. Like Diehauser's rook. However, here there's only members of their own peerage, as shown by the symbols on their clothes, all of them are from Paimon. Not a single outsider.

I believe this falls under the classification of "justified paranoia".

Of course you could also chalk this up to insecurity, but that is rather the point though is it not? Insecurities have to be dealt with in some way. They can't just be labeled as a flaw and then ignored.

Sneaking past the guards and the defense mechanism, we reached Kaya's personal mansion.

'Kaya, we are here.' i told her in her mind.

Just a minute later the large doors opened and revealed the blue haired milf in disguise in all her glory.

Standing to her side are 2 maids. Both reincarnated devils, most likely of her own peerage.

"Welcome to my manor master, Astrid."

we both nodded to her.

"Please come in. We can talk once we are inside my room."

Walking through the hallways i realize just how empty this place is. There is no one here at all. No guards, no servants, no butlers, nothing. Just Kaya and her 2 maids. This is most likely a base only for Kaya and her peerage members, who are now away, gathering information for me.

As we reached her room, she beckoned for her maids to leave us, Astrid following after them, leaving only me and Kaya before we all entered.

And as soon as we got close to the chairs, i see a hand snaking towards my neck, another hand pushing me into a chair, with Kaya now sitting on my lap. She is fast.

The sexual tension is palpable.

However, i have trained my ability to stand these situations. All this time getting ravaged by every big tittied sister and maid was not for naught. I will not surrender yet.

"So was there anything that needed to be directly reported like this?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"Well, there are. But the reason for this, is because there is a lot of things to report. Lot of things happened at around the same time period." Kaya answered.

"Not only did we find information regarding your current case, we also progressed in the previous project. Finding descendants of extinct houses. At first it was difficult because although they were thought to be dead, they were being monitored by a group of devils we figured were sent by the great king faction. After making some preparations my servants attacked and kidnapped those devils who were then brainwashed by my song. After that threat was gone we peacefully negotiated with these long lost children and so far managed to get 4 of them. Currently all four of them are in this manor, should you be interested in meeting them." She reported.

By satans her voice is even more beautiful this close.

"No, there is no reason to rush them. Just their clan names and identities are more than enough."

"We have so far found, Diana Abaddon, Clara Eligos, Cecilia Valefor and Sven Bune."

Those are some interesting clans.

Abaddon family's hole is an easy enough power to explain but granted with some time and mastery it could easily become a force to be reckoned with.

Eligos family is incredibly interesting with their clan trait. It is dubbed as power over memories. It allows the user to switch, erase or add extra memories into another person's mind. Of course just like all the other clan traits it only works so smoothly if the other person is weaker than the user.

Valefor's ability is shadow manipulation, however they also have another trait called the hollowed illusion. This is a sub skill of their shadow manipulation, suggesting that their trait is more focused on the illusion aspect of the shadows.

And finally good ol Bune. Ability to tame or turn into a dragon yourself. Though the ability does have a hole in it. That being the creature will be categorized as both a devil and a dragon at the same time. So holy dragon slayers can go ham on them.

I always did wonder what aspect of Lilith gave them power to turn into dragons. Seems like such a random thing for a devil to be born with.


"The Eligos girl would be useful to yourself i imagine? Try to get her into a servant's peerage member. Use your voice and brainwash them to be obedient and loyal."

"Hmmm indeed she would be quite useful for us. As for the brainwashing, already done. I wouldn't allow them to come here at all otherwise. There is also a progress on project 'Fallen rejects'. We have found a child of satanael, a cadre of Grigori. She is currently stated at Canada. 13 years of age, her mother dead and her powers were discovered. In fact we have reasons to believe the death of her mother and the discovery of her powers were planned by Satanael himself as she discovered those powers while fighting against a group of rogue fallen angels, who had killed her mother."

now that's...some trauma i imagine. Again Barakiel's case with Akeno was one with a really good approach and considerably better ending.

Normally i wouldn't consider traumatized children for servants but... i doubt there would be a half fallen angel, stronger than her now. remember that Akeno reached Satan level at the end of the novel. And Satanael is even stronger than Barakiel is. Children of cardes is actually rare to come by. Most of them are infatuated with their research, their warmongering habits or they are just peaceful angels that don't particularly enjoy destroying another human's life, as it tends to happen with people carrying their children.

"Master? Should we approach the girl?"

"No. I will go to her myself, just give me her name, address and maybe the foods she likes."

Kaya looked at me with a raised eyebrow a bit weirdly for a bit after that. Understandable we are basically fiances at this point, at least we plan to be.

"As you wish, i will definitely make sure to tell you about her favorite places as well."

Something tells me she will give the wrong address and the wrong information.

"Good. Now what did you get about Artoria?"

"Well..... Its complicated. Brainwashing one of their bodyguards we found out that the lord of house has 2 children while officially there is only 1 child recognized. As it stood, the only ones allowed to go inside the second child's room are, the mother, father and a single maid that formerly worked at a hospital. The same hospital the child was born in. We kidnapped the maid and found out the second child was a girl named Morgan le fay."

so far so good. The pieces of puzzle fit together. The only real concern is why are they trying so hard to hide the girl? I mean a maid from a hospital? It was probably a nurse that helped the mother in her delivery.

I looked towards Kaya, indicating her to continue.


"Kaya? Why the long silence?"

"Well....things get a bit complicated from there. You see the girl isn't just a descendant of Morgan."

Wait what? The fuck just happened here?

"She is highly suspected to be a reincarnation, possessing the soul of Morgan le fay."

Well... this just got equal parts more complicated and equal parts more interesting.

Now the one thing to consider is that there are multiple different kinds of reincarnation in this world and its never complete. When we say somebody is a reincarnation of a hero. We mean to say that person can see memories of that hero in extreme situations. Some only awaken memories in special situations. Some Don't even recieve anything, only being similar and possessing the hero's talents such as that reincarnation of Jeanne from canon.

They differ based on what they inherit from their spirit. But they are never the same as the original. Its an incomplete reincarnation.

"How old is the girl?"


Oh this situation just got a whole lot more interesting.

Remember that thing about hitting 3 birds with 1 stone? Yeah change that to 4 birds actually.

I can already see it. The future is so bright its blinding my eyes.

So i am going to get both sisters.

There is literally no way this could possibly go wrong.

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