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Chapter 25: Unveiling Shadows

The remnants of the destroyed alley lay in a haunting silence, shattered bricks and debris bearing witness to the fierce battle that had just taken place. The cursed spirit, though weakened and disoriented from the relentless onslaught it had endured from Achilles, began to gradually regain its composure. Shaking off the dizziness that clouded its ghostly form, the spirit's attention was abruptly captured by an eerie pulling sensation. Before it, Geto emerged, his presence exuding a sinister aura.

"Get over here!" Geto's voice sliced through the air, dripping with a mocking tone that sent shivers down the spirit's ethereal spine. A strange, iridescent blue glow emanated from his outstretched hand, the very sight of it an enigma that sent a jolt of apprehension through the spirit's essence.

Driven by an instinctual surge of dread, the cursed spirit propelled itself towards Geto, ethereal wings materializing on its back. A barrage of razor-sharp scissors materialized in the spirit's incorporeal grasp, aimed with precision at Geto. The onslaught forced him into a nimble dance of evasion, each scissor whizzing past him with a malevolent intent that was impossible to ignore. But in the spirit's haste to attack, it underestimated the cunning of its adversary.

A triumphant smirk curved Geto's lips as he seized upon the spirit's momentary vulnerability. A calculated leap backward carried him out of the spirit's immediate reach, and in that split second, he conjured forth another onslaught of scissors, this time aimed directly at Geto's evasive form. The spirit's eyes widened in realization, a flicker of desperation creeping into its spectral gaze.

"You should not have brought scissors to a jujutsu fight," Geto taunted with a chilling calmness. A sudden burst of cerulean brilliance erupted from his hand, the vibrant light shooting skyward in a mesmerizing display. As if guided by an otherworldly force, the scissors were ensnared by the azure luminescence, wrenched away from the spirit's grip and pulled towards the heavens.

The spirit found itself suspended in a state of vulnerability, an opportunity Geto seized without hesitation. With a fusion of techniques known only to him, he invoked the formidable power of [Reversal Red] and [Lapse Blue]. A surge of energy propelled him forward, closing the distance between him and the ensnared spirit in the blink of an eye. His fist connected with an impact that resonated through the very fabric of the alley, unleashing a cataclysmic blast that rent a side of the cursed spirit's form asunder.

Yet, victory proved to be a double-edged sword. A sinister gleam flickered in Geto's eyes as he reveled in his own triumph, a triumphant declaration poised on the tip of his tongue. But even as the words began to form, a trickle of blood escaped his nostrils, followed by an involuntary drop to his knees. The strain of his own power, it seemed, had taken an unforeseen toll.

"Dammit," Geto muttered through gritted teeth, frustration lacing his voice as he wiped the blood away with the back of his hand. "It appears that I still lack the finesse to wield [Limitless] properly."

The rain began to fall, a mournful rhythm that mirrored the turmoil within Geto's thoughts. Yet, he remained unyielding in his determination. With a steely resolve, he conjured forth an arrangement of nine azure lights, each one burning with an intensity that defied comprehension. This formation, however, was different from the blue light he had wielded earlier. It bore a gravity that was impossible to ignore, each light anchored in a perfect circle around Geto.

"Maximum Output: [Yasaka Magatama]," Geto's voice resonated with a blend of command and desperation. The nine lights converged, coalescing into a single, radiant entity that defied imagination. The glow transformed into a comma-shaped stream of energy, spiraling outward with a malevolence that sent a chill through the air.

(image here)

The cursed spirit's agonized wails filled the alley as the comma-shaped light enveloped it, a relentless torrent that rent its essence asunder. Limb from limb, the spirit was torn apart, its anguished cries a haunting symphony that echoed through the rain-soaked surroundings. Amidst the torment, the spirit's voice rose, a mournful lament that bore the raw emotion of a woman robbed of her desires.

"It hurts... why... all I wanted was to be beautiful," the spirit's ghostly voice wailed, its spectral form wracked with torment.

And then, as the torrent of energy subsided, all that remained was a single black orb, hovering in the air. Geto's breathing was ragged, his gaze unflinching as he captured the orb within his grasp. Raindrops mingled with the single tear that trailed down his cheek, a poignant testament to the complexity of emotions that churned within him.

Amidst the rain, a voice echoed within Geto's mind, its tone a blend of comfort and cheekiness. "Are you crying?" Ian's voice danced with amusement, playful in its inquiry.

Geto's response was swift, his retort laced with a mixture of defensiveness and irritation. "Shut up, Ian. It's the rain... just the rain." His gaze lifted to the heavens, where raindrops glistened like tears against the canvas of the night sky.

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