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Chapter 2: Medevial Nightmare

Emmeline's eyes fluttered open, her vision blurred by the dim light filtering through the dense canopy above. 

Confusion washed over her as she realized she was submerged in shallow water, the coldness seeping through her clothes. 

Panic surged through her veins, and she quickly scrambled to her feet, desperately trying to make sense of her surroundings.

The place she found herself in was unfamiliar, a strange amalgamation of towering trees and eerie silence. 

As she glanced around, she noticed a dense forest stretching out behind her. 

Curiosity mingled with her fear, compelling her to venture into the woods in search of answers.

However, just as she took a hesitant step forward, a rustling sound resonated from the depths of the forest. 

Emmeline's heart skipped a beat, her body tensing. Out emerged several men, their figures cloaked in shadow. 

Each man possessed an air of mystery, their presence sending shivers down her spine.

As the men closed in, a wave of fear washed over her. She felt trapped, their presence suffocating her. 

Their eyes bore into her, weighing her down with an unspoken threat. 

Time seemed to slow as she desperately searched for an escape, her mind racing.

Suddenly, a strong hand closed around her arm, seizing her with an iron grip. She gasped, the pain shooting through her body. 

She struggled against her captor, but his hold was unyielding. 

The fear that had gripped her earlier now tightened its grip, paralyzing her.

At that moment, Emmeline realized she had stumbled upon something far more sinister than she could have ever imagined. 

The mystery that had brought her here was now unraveling before her very eyes, and she had unwittingly become entangled in its web. 

"Let go of me!" she cried out, her voice filled with desperation and fear as she struggled against the grip of the strange man who was dragging her through the dimly lit, cobblestone streets. 

The night was shrouded in darkness, and the flickering gas lamps only added to the quirky atmosphere.

As they made their way through the labyrinthine streets, she couldn't help but notice the medieval architecture that surrounded her. 

The buildings rose tall and imposing, their stone facades weathered by time. The streets were narrow and winding, with overhanging balconies and ornate carvings adorning the walls.

As they continued their relentless march, her heart sank when she caught sight of the onlookers who observed their passage with hungry eyes. 

Men and women, their faces lined with desperation, stared at her as if she were a prized possession. But it was the children that sent a shiver down her spine.

Even from the safety of their windows, the children gnashed their teeth at her, their eyes filled with malice. 

It was a haunting sight, their innocent faces twisted with a sinister hunger. She couldn't understand how such darkness could reside within them.

The houses they passed were a stark contrast to the grandeur of the buildings in other parts of the city. 

They were dilapidated and worn, their wooden frames creaking under the weight of time. 

Some had faded, tattered curtains hanging in the windows, barely shielding the inhabitants from prying eyes.

Finally, the men reached their destination. 

Emmeline was brought to a humble house tucked away in a shadowy corner of the street. 

The door, made of heavy iron, groaned as it swung open, revealing a dimly lit interior. 

With a firm push, she was thrust inside.

The room was musty and cold, the air thick with a sense of premonition. 

The only source of light came from a flickering candle, casting eerie shadows on the damp walls. 

Emmeline's heart raced as she realized the gravity of her situation. She was trapped, a prisoner in this medieval nightmare.

Her eyes darted around the room, searching for any sign of escape. But all she saw were the cold, stone walls that seemed to close in on her. 

The iron door creaked shut, sealing her fate.

Emmeline took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. She refused to succumb to despair. 

"This isn't happening. It's all a nightmare." She said to herself shutting her eyes as she paced about. 

When she opened her eyes again, she realized things were the same and so she exhaled. 

"Ah. I am just going to go to bed now and when I wake up, it will all be over." She said and then lowered herself to the floor as she laid to rest. 

In due time, sleep came and her snoring could be heard. 

As the first rays of morning sunlight pierced through the opened window, Emmeline stirred in her sleep. 

The gentle warmth of the sun's embrace gradually seeped into her consciousness, coaxing her out of her dream-laden slumber. 

With a soft groan, she slowly opened her eyes, blinking away the remnants of sleep.

The room, devoid of any personal belongings, felt cold and unwelcoming. 

The air was heavy with a sense of foreboding as if it held secrets waiting to be unveiled. 

She took a moment to orient herself, having realized she wasn't back in her bed. 

"This can't be happening. It wasn't a dream." she voiced in a panicked tone. 

Just as she was about to rise from the floor, a sudden noise startled her. 

The creaking of the door being opened from the outside sent a shiver down her spine. 

Her heart raced as she watched the door swing open, revealing two imposing figures standing on the threshold.

Without a word, the men stepped into the room, their eyes devoid of any compassion. 

They approached her with purposeful strides, their grip firm as they seized her by the arms. 

She tried to resist, but their strength overwhelmed her feeble attempt to break free.

With a mixture of fear and confusion, she was dragged out of the room. 

The castle, once a distant sight, now loomed ominously before her. Its towering walls and intricate architecture spoke of a magnificence that was both captivating and intimidating.

As she was forced to kneel before a makeshift throne, her eyes scanned the room, taking in the opulence that surrounded her. 

The walls were adorned with tapestries depicting scenes of ancient battles and noble victories only that the figures were bizarre. 

Her gaze settled on the figure seated upon the throne, a regal presence with an air of authority that demanded respect. 

The figure's eyes, piercing and cold, met hers with an intensity that sent a chill down her spine. 

She felt a wave of helplessness wash over her as she realized the magnitude of her predicament.

In the presence of this commanding figure, her voice seemed to abandon her. 

She could only watch in silence as her captors whispered words of allegiance and loyalty, their voices reverberating through the grand hall. 

"You are human."  the regal figure spoke. His voice was less commanding. It sounded- peaceful. 

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