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Chapter 123: Celebration And Awakening

Entry 107:

Linus Ozias POV:

Well, I was right about the celebrations in Kyoto, and I had to heal nearly the entire population of their hangovers, which they thanked me for. Yasaka, especially as calming all the Yokai who were drunk, usually took days.

The celebration was beautiful, with fireworks and festivals heralding a new era. All that was left was a few loose ends.

I had already finished the quest technically as I had dismantled the chaos brigade and become a god, but a few things must be done. 

As I bid goodbye to Yasaka and Kunou, I slip a little kiss on my little Valkyrie that causes her to malfunction and steam to pour from her head.

I teleported to the End Of The World, where Trihexa was sealed, and found the beast writhing in its cage, the seals holding firm.

" In all honesty, I found your situation pitiful beast of apocalypse, but such is the fate of one who delves into chaos." I use my creation magic to fashion new seals on top of the originals.

These seals are multilayered and connected with humanity's negative emotions so that any and all negative energy is sent to power the cage.

And if you believe that the beast may use the negative emotion, such a thing is impossible as the negative energy is transformed into positive energy via the other layers of seals.

I immediately feel the change in the cage as it gets smaller and smaller and more compact as the beast yowls in agony.

So long as beings are living on the Earth, this beast shall never escape, and there is no key for the cage. You will have to hit it to break every layer, and there are hundreds.

And I have reinforced each layer to take the force of a galaxy-breaking attack, with each one multiplying from the next.

Before I leave, I give the beast one last look as I say, "Good Riddance, Trihexa."

After teleporting from space, I return to the Iscariot main base, which has expanded to cover an area the size of Japan and is surrounded by numerous defenses as I see my order live and learn to defend the world and serve my interests.

I then head into the main building to find the former Hero Faction training with new weapons that I have given them.

As they see me, they give me a sharp bow and salute, which I return with a nod, as while they no longer remember their previous lives, it will take time for them to earn my respect. 

As I enter the jail, I find the last three remaining members of the Old Satan faction shackled in magic sealing chains.

Katarea is the first to notice me after I allow them to wake from their nightmare-induced sleep. "You! What have you done! Where are we?"

The other two fools awaken soon after as I enter the cell, with all of them beginning to struggle and shout obscenities and orders.

" Silence."

With one word, no words come out from their mouths as I look to each of them " Each one of you is a pathetic wretch that does not deserve the lives you've been given as not only did each of you fail to inherit your pillar magics each one of you is a despicable cretin that serves no purpose."

The anger on their faces becomes almost palpable as I continue, " The only reason all three of you are still alive is that I'm debating whether or not to keep you as such. I could leave you all to rot here, such as your fate for trying to defy the new era."

I then reach for Katarea I, place my hand on her face, and say, " But you know something of worth, and I am going to find out everything you know."

I then breach her mind and find who I am looking for, Ingvild Levithan, a personal quest of mine while she would wake up from her Devil Sleeping Disease thanks to her sacred gear, Nereid Kyrie.

I want to be the one who wakes her up and helps her to adjust to the new world.

As I pull my hand away from her, Katarea looks at me with almost lust as I realize I had turned my aura on full blast for that small moment.

Who knows, she is beautiful, so maybe I can have her as a servant eventually. Who knows?

I then put them all back into their sleep as they'll be stuck in a never-ending dream where they shall feel pain and suffering forever.

With the location in mind, I teleport to the underworld to a specific hospital where they are hiding Ingvild. As I pass through the building, many devils try to stop me, but their questions are irrelevant.

I then force everyone in the building to be unconscious while healing some of the actual patients in the hospital so that they do not die due to not getting treatment.

I make my way to Ingvild's room and enter, finding the girl asleep with a window opened to the bright red moon in the sky casting its light into the room.

I then stand beside her bed, reach into her mind, and find her in a flowing white dress, observing the sea as I walk up next to her.

"Hello," I say as she jumps in surprise. I smirk internally, as having Batman's stealth knowledge is always a fun time.

"Who are you she asks fearfully as I create a table and chairs for us and beckons her to sit.

As we do so, I begin, " Well, introductions are in order. I am Anakim, an angel of God, and you are Ingvild Levithan, I assume?"

She nods as she asks, "How are you here? I know I've been sleeping for a while, but how are you in my dreams?" I then explain, " Well, I'm very adept in mental magics, and we are currently speaking in a shared mindscape, but that is not why I am here as I am here to explain your new situation."

She looks nervous at the last part as she asks, "New situation? Wait, how long have I been asleep?" I sigh and say. " A hundred years have passed, I am afraid."

She looks distraught as she asks, "What about my family? My home?!" I shake my head and continue, "Gone, as the only family you have left is Katarea Levithan, who is in my custody."

This causes the young woman to cry. I lightly grip her hand as she bawls in my arms. I try my best to comfort her, using my control over my mind and natural energy to aid her mental state.

I sit there waiting for her to finish and whisper comforting words into her ear.

So I wait.

All that can be heard is the rolling of the waves on the cliff we sit atop as I say, " Would you like to leave this dream and truly see the ocean?"

She sniffles and says, " I can wake up? I nod as I continue, " If you are willing to wake up, I will promise to grant whatever you desire."

"Can I have my parents back?" She asks while I sadly shake my head as I state, " I apologize, but it is too late as their souls have most likely moved on through the cycle of reincarnation."

While that is true, I will eventually gain the ability to travel through time, and I can just grab her parents after she falls asleep, but I do not have such skills yet.

But instead of crying, she looks almost happy. " At least they're living better lives, I hope, as they were the best."

I nod as I say, " Our parents are the ones we look up to, but enough of the sad topics I have heard from Katerea that you have a very apt singing voice. May I hear a song, my lady?"

She then smiles and begins to sing a form of hymn from her hometown as I sit and enjoy the song, and I even join in at some parts.

Her voice is stunning. Honestly, she would become one of the most popular idols in Japan within a couple of months because her general looks, personality, and voice would make her a perfect singer.

As she finishes, I clap and shout, "Encore! Encore!" as I throw a rose in her direction, she laughs but continues singing.

  Some of the songs raise hope and others sorrow, but I sit and enjoy them all as time in the mindscape is relative, so by the time I leave it, only a couple of minutes will have passed.

After an hour or two, she stops and rests as I say, " That was truly a beautiful performance, one of the greatest I've ever seen."

My compliments cause her to blush as I chuckle at her innocence and lack of experience but then ask, "So, are you ready to awaken to a new world?"

She thinks for a minute and looks at the sea but then turns to me with a new light in her eyes and says, " I am ready, and thank you for helping me. I appreciate it." 

Oh, Yasaka and Kunou are going to love this girl as I stand, and the dream begins to fade as I say, "Let us see your new life in the waking world."

I then leave the mindscape, place a hand on her head, and begin to heal her. I find the Devil Sleeping Sickness is caused by a unique issue with devil magic.

The chaotic nature of Devil Magic causes the body to have to rapidly adapt to its conflicting energies, and if one's body isn't able to adapt, it falls into a resting mode to conserve life force.

In addition, her half-devil and half-human nature worsen her condition, and she can only survive due to the nature of her sacred gear.

I use my control over reality and the information dimension to essentially erase it from existence and repair her body.

After a couple of minutes, her eyes open, and as she sees me, she smiles and says, "Hello, Anakim, I see I was not dreaming." I then nod and say, "So, would you like to see the sea now, Ingvild?"

She nods her head cutely as I lift her from her bed and teleport to the Baia De Sancho in Brazil, and soon, we find ourselves on a pristine beach empty of people as Ingvild looks onto the endless ocean.

I set her down as she shakily takes steps towards the ocean, and as she feels the water at her feet, she begins to laugh and galavant while forming different water formations using her sacred gear as I watch.

Her happiness and purity of thought and action are beautiful to witness, like watching a bird take its first flight.

I stand overwatch, waiting for her to finish, but then find myself getting blasted by water dragons.

I simply give her a look as she laughs, and then I say, "So it is war then," as I command the water to form waves of fresh water.

She looks at me in fear and says, "Mercy?" I give her a closed-eyed smile and say, "No."

We then spend the next couple of hours blasting each other with different forms and shapes of water, but she eventually grows tired, and I teleport us both to Kyoto.

All that is left now is to deal with Hades and make sure he is not creating any artificial beings.

For now, I look to the sleeping girl and smile at today's events.

Today was a good day.

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