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Chapter 6: Nullius Filius, Chapter 1.1

1988 a scandalous affair between two powerful witches gave birth to Lilith Abital. Her father, Joshua Parker, was the head of the esteemed Gemini coven and a man of immense power and prestige within the witch community. He had built his reputation on his strict adherence to tradition and unwavering commitment to upholding the laws of magic.

As the leader of one of the most prominent covens in the world, Joshua's responsibilities were numerous and demanding. He spent most of his time overseeing the training and education of young witches and warlocks within his coven, ensuring that they were ready to uphold the responsibilities that came with their powers. His wife, Maria, was a formidable witch in her own right, and together, they had two children, Josette and Malachi, and a couple of others (I don't know their names).

Joshua was not immune to the call of the flesh. During a coven meeting in Pennsylvania, he met Mary Abital, a witch with a fierce spirit and alluring beauty. Though he knew he shouldn't succumb to temptation, he was drawn to her.

When he met Mary, he had been so caught up in the moment that he had forgotten everything else. They had spent a magical night together, and for a brief moment, Joshua had felt like a different man. He had felt alive and free, unencumbered by the weight of his responsibilities.

As Joshua departed from Mary's side, he knew he was leaving something significant behind. He had felt a strange sense of unease as he looked back at her, her beautiful form illuminated by the moon's soft glow. He couldn't explain the feeling gnawing at his gut, but he didn't know that it had something to do with the child that would be born of their union.

Despite his reservations, Joshua knew that he couldn't stay with Mary. He had a duty to his coven and family that he could not neglect. And so, with a heavy heart, he left her,

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Joshua was consumed with the responsibilities of his position, and he had little time to think about Mary or the child she carried.


Mary Abital bore the sigil of Arcadius, the last of her bloodline to inherit the symbol of immense power and cruelty. The mark etched into her skin; was a birthmark that pulsed with magical energy and distinguished her from the other witches. Those who knew of the sigil feared and respected its power, symbolizing the darkness within Mary's family.

The intricate design of the sigil appeared as if it was carved into her flesh by some ancient hand, each line and curve perfectly formed to embody the raw power of their bloodline. It was as if the sigil had a life of its own, responding to Mary's emotions and intensifying her anger, fear, or desire.

The sigil was a reminder of the brutal attack that wiped out Mary's family, leaving her as the sole survivor. She was determined to avenge their deaths and restore their legacy of power. She had mastered the dark arts, from expression to any dark magics known, and was feared among the witch community as one of the most potent practitioners alive.

Mary was a formidable witch, with skills honed over years of study and practice. Her mastery of the dark arts and absolute control over the elements was unmatched. She could summon storms with and unleash lightning bolts from her fingertips. Her command of dark magic was so excellent that many believed her to be unparalleled in it.

Despite her fearsome reputation, Mary was not without her vulnerabilities. She had lost her family to a coven of witches, leaving her with a deep sense of loss and betrayal. The memory of that day haunted her, and she swore revenge against those who had wronged her. But even as she plotted revenge, Mary knew she could not let her anger consume her. She had to be careful, for the more, she delved into the darkness, the greater the risk of losing herself to it.

But somehow, Mary had managed to escape. She had gone into hiding, living a life of solitude and secrecy to avoid being hunted down by her enemies. Perhaps her cunning or powerful magic had saved her, but regardless, she was the sole survivor of her family's massacre.

Years had passed, and Mary had honed her skills, becoming one of the most formidable witches in the world. But even with all her power, she could never forget the pain and loss she had endured. She longed for revenge against those who had taken everything from her but knew she must bide her time and plan carefully before striking back.

During this time of hiding and plotting, she met Joshua Parker, the head of the Gemini coven. Despite their different backgrounds and allegiances, they were drawn to each other, and their passion burned hot and bright. But their relationship was destined to be short-lived, as Joshua had to return to his coven, and Mary was forced to continue living in secrecy.

Several weeks had passed since Mary Abital had spent a night with a man named Joshua. He was just a random fling to her, and she had not given him much thought after their encounter. However, as time passed, she began to notice some changes in her body. She had missed her period and had started to experience frequent bouts of nausea and vomiting. Deep down, she knew what was happening, but she needed confirmation.

With a heavy heart, Mary went to the nearest drugstore to purchase a pregnancy test. Her heart pounded as she waited in line, hoping no one she knew would see her. Finally, it was her turn, and she hurriedly grabbed a test from the shelf, paid for it, and left the store.

Once she got home, Mary locked herself in the bathroom and followed the instructions on the pregnancy test. She held her breath as she waited for the results, and her heart sank when she saw the two pink lines appear. She felt a mix of emotions - fear, excitement, and uncertainty. She was pregnant.

Mary had put her plans for revenge on hold when she moved to Chicago, focusing instead on preparing for the arrival of her baby. But as her due date drew near, she couldn't ignore the burning desire for justice. She knew that the Celestial Coven, the group responsible for the slaughter of her family, was located somewhere in the city, and she was determined to track them down.

With her knowledge of dark magic and her powerful abilities as a witch, Mary began to search for the Celestial Coven, using every resource at her disposal. She cast spells and used divination techniques to locate their hideout. She scoured the city, gathering information from anyone who might know something about the coven's whereabouts.

Finally, after weeks of searching, Mary discovered the location of the Celestial Coven. She crept through the dark alleyways and deserted streets, her senses heightened as she prepared to take revenge for her family's murders.

As she approached the coven's hideout, Mary began to chant ancient incantations, drawing on the power of the dark forces she had come to master. The air around her crackled with energy as she unleashed her magic, unleashing a storm of darkness and destruction upon the unsuspecting coven members.

They were no match for Mary's powerful abilities, and she swiftly and mercilessly destroyed them all. Their screams echoed through the alleyways as Mary's wrath consumed them. When it was over, she stood amid the wreckage of the coven's headquarters, her chest heaving with exertion and her eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

Mary had finally avenged her family's deaths, but at what cost? The darkness within her had grown stronger, and she knew she would never be the same again. But she had done what she had set out to do, and now she could focus on raising her child and building a new life for them both.


Lilith Abital was born on May 7th, 1989, with piercing blue eyes and a full head of dark hair. There was something special about her from the moment she entered the world. She was a fighter, a survivor, and her spirit shone brightly.

As she grew up, Lilith became a wonderful young woman with a confidence that drew people to her. She was intelligent and intuitive, with a natural talent for understanding the intricacies of magic. Despite being a siphoner, she had all her power and was not afraid to use it.

Mary Abital was a formidable witch, taking great pride in passing on her knowledge to her daughter. Lilith had inherited her mother's strength and resilience, but she had also inherited her thirst for knowledge. She was determined to learn everything she could about the dark arts and studied tirelessly under her mother's tutelage.

By the time Lilith was 19 years old, she was already a powerful witch in her own right. Her abilities were unmatched, and she had the confidence of someone beyond her years. She had taken after her mother and embraced the darker side of magic, but she did not use her power for evil. Instead, she used it to protect those she loved and stand up for her beliefs.

Despite her unconventional upbringing, Lilith was a force to be reckoned with. She was intelligent, courageous, and powerful, with a bright future ahead of her.

Lilith sat at the bar, nursing her drink and lost in thought,

When she was at the bar, Lilith first met Nik; that's what he called himself. They discovered they had a lot in common and felt an instant connection. His British accent was smooth and lovely, and they talked throughout the night about everything from art to music to their life dreams.

As they parted ways that night, Nik asked Lilith if she would like to meet again at the same bar the following week. She agreed, and for the next few weeks, they met up at the bar and talked for hours.

One night, after a few drinks, they both strongly desired each other. They went back to Nik's apartment and slept together. It was a night of passion and intensity that Lilith had never experienced before.

However, after that night, Niklaus left and didn't come back. Lilith was hurt and confused. She didn't know why he had disappeared. She went to the bar every night, hoping that he would show up.

Lilith's body underwent changes she had never experienced as the months passed. She became increasingly tired, nauseous, and emotional. It wasn't until she collapsed one day that she decided to confide in her mother.

"I don't know what to do, Mom. I'm pregnant," Lilith said, tears streaming down her face.

Her mother hugged her tightly and whispered soothing words. "We'll figure it out together, my love. You're not alone in this."

She made an appointment with a doctor, who confirmed her pregnancy. It was a scary time for Lilith. She didn't know how to raise a child independently but knew she had to be strong. Lilith felt a glimmer of hope, knowing she had her mother's support.

As her pregnancy progressed, Lilith couldn't help but wonder about Nik. Had he known about the baby? Had he left because he didn't want to be a father? She tried to push these thoughts aside and focus on preparing for the arrival of her child.

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