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Chapter 10: Time inside the stomach

(Hades POV)

I found out something very interesting. I actually spent over 1 million years in the stomach before Hestia came. I understood that only after using the spell: 'Tempus', from Harry Potter. This spell allowed me to keep track of time. I used it with another spell I created myself.

I called it 'Tempus differentia'. It calculated the time, in hours that passed after you had used the spell 'Tempus' the last time. And I used 'Tempus' after getting back from the Harry Potter world. I used it again when our next sister arrived.

"Tempus differentia", I said after just having rescued Demeter. The result came back after a long delay. It seemed the disturbance inside here was affecting my magic.

<8'164'565'280>, was the result that came back. My goodness, that was a lot of hours. Doing some quick maths, I managed to find out that that was approximately 932,000 years. Going by feeling, I deduced that it didn't take as long for Demeter to arrive as it took for Hestia. Meaning I was actually longer down here alone, than I was here with Hestia. Putting me well over 1 million years older than Hestia and at a staggering age of 2 million +.

Boy was I old. Thankfully it did not feel like millions of years while you were down here. It feels more like a hundred-thousands of years. Meaning the feeling of time seems to be about 10 times off. A weird detail to notice. But after spending that much time with my THREE sisters, I took every chance I got to think of something else.

After I saved Demeter and she entered our small circle of inmates, I was happy. I was happy that I could escape the constant pestering of Hestia. The longer we stayed down here, the more annoying she got. She wanted me to do all kinds of things. Teaching her only saturated her thirst for entertainment for a short while.

This meant that I had to show her magic almost every day and 'play' with her and whatnot. Thankfully it got better as she got older and more mature. Her divinity of family probably felt my distress and made her less demanding.

It was not all bad though, as I was able to come up with more and more spells that were either funny, interesting or simply entertaining. I got many ideas on actual combat spells through it.

Hestia's training in her divinity of fire went well. She loved the fire and managed to change the colour. The properties did not change though, she only liked to change the colour of her fire and after trying for a couple of days, she did it.

I tried to motivate her and told her about the potential healing properties of fire. She could maybe mimic the phoenix fire and its healing property and help her family should they need it. That got her motivated for a few years until she lost interest again and stopped.

Overall, my time with Hestia was ... o.k. She was not the annoying, spoilt girl that my other two sisters were going to be.

After Demeter arrived I was happy, as I said. I thought that Hestia would be able to spend more time with her and give me some breathing room. That did work, to some degree as Hestia took the role of a mother and taught Demeter about values and family and bonds and and and ...

Demeter though was not very interested and lost interest VERY quickly. She preferred to talk about nature and plants, especially wheat and other crops. The only problem was that she became frustrated that there was nothing the like down here. The environment was so bad and the stomach suppressed her powers that she was unable to have any crops around her.

That frustration would have escalated, had I not intervened and taken her mind off this. I told her about training and getting stronger so that she would eventually be able to manifest her domain here. This little 'misinformation' managed to catch her attention and she got to work.

I was surprised when I saw her dedication and motivation. She truly loved her domain and divinity of agriculture and crops. I could relate to that and felt respect towards her. She did not whine or complain about the lack of progress. She managed to be rational enough to accept the problem of staying inside Kronos' stomach.

All good things must come to an end though. It was impressive how long Demeter managed to pull through her training and failures. After our next sibling arrived ... it all turned to waste.

Hera ... oh my f*cking f*ck. How did I deserve this? There is no way that a young woman is that arrogant and confident in herself. There was nothing for her to be proud of. She had not done ANYTHING. She was by far the weakest member of us and yet she was still the most arrogant of us.

Sadly, Hera rubbed Demeter the wrong way. Well, she rubbed me the wrong way as well, but I was mature enough to know exactly how to deal with her ... run.

I used this tactic frequently while we were inside the stomach to get a break from my sisters. That gave me the strength to continue years of agonizing torture with Hera. I tell you, it was predestined that she married Zeus. I mean of course it was, but like seriously, how can you be such a b*tch?

It was once again one of those days where Hera and Demeter argued with each other and Hestia tried to make peace between them, and my fourth and final sibling arrived before we could get out of here.

Poseidon was just as I expected. He could be calm and steadfast like the calm ocean. But he could also show why the ocean was dangerous and show his temper and hotblooded fits. He did not want to get taught by me and chose to get to know about his powers on his own. I knew that Poseidon was not much better than Zeus in the future and therefore invested quite a lot of time in interacting with him and trying to influence him and teach him some important values.

However, my efforts stayed fruitless and I would probably have to deal with an exact copy of Poseidon from mythology.

(3rd Person POV)

~6 million years + after Hades birth

Hades just about had it with his siblings. He had gone out of his way to change things and raise his siblings. Only Hestia and somewhat Demeter seemed to listen to him. But they no longer did that. And while Hestia said that she listened, Hades knew that she would never be able to change from the family-loving fool that she was portrayed as in mythology.

However, Hades no longer cared. He had kept his promise and looked after Hestia and Demeter. Hera was by far too arrogant to ask anything from him and Poseidon just did not care about him. However, that was not the whole truth of the matter. Hades did not know that but there were other reasons why Poseidon did not want his help and Hera seemed to loath his presence.

(Poseidon POV)

Hades ... every time it's that name, Hades. When I came here and got rescued by Brother I was happy at first. It was so painful falling in the acid so I felt safe when he brought me to the platform. However, I was far too proud to thank him or be grateful. I wanted to do things my way.

So when he offered to teach me, I refused. I later asked Hestia about her fire and how she managed to conjure it. She told me all about Hades and the training she did with him as well as Demeter's training.

Hades must have found out about it and dropped some hints during meals that could not have more obviously been for me. I refused to acknowledge him and his efforts though and wanted to get stronger by myself.

However, over the years something became painfully obvious to me. It seemed like the more I trained and got stronger, the more I understood the difference between us. The stronger I became the more I was able to feel how Hades was keeping his aura and power concealed. He must be holding back so that he doesn't hurt us.

And that was so frustrating. I got angry with him for disrespecting me. I saw his attempt to keep his power contained as disrespect towards me and my attempts.

I got more and more disrespectful to him and provoked him. Nothing seemed to get a reaction out of him, though. He was like ... a dead person. There was no reaction from him like nothing could ever move him.

The truth was ... I was vary of Hades.

Hades was the black hole of power that could never be comprehended or surpassed.

(Hera POV)

Poseidon was an embarrassment. I thought that one brother would be able to contend with Hades once they were born. So when Poseidon came here and began to train I got hopeful. I don't know why I was hoping for Poseidon to get stronger than Hades ... all I know is ... I was afraid.

Since the moment I saw him and he saved me from the stomach fluids, I was terrified of him. I needed someone to be stronger than him so that I could hide behind that person. I tried to distract myself by focusing on myself and all my amazing attributes. But no matter what, it seemed like Demeter always thought she was better than me, while it's obvious that I was far above her.

God, I just hope that someone saves me from this place. It's so boring and I don't want to be so close to Hades anymore. I deserve something better. I deserve the best and only the best.


And then after many years after gruelling 7+ million years of staying inside his father's stomach, it was time for all of them to leave. The day had arrived when they would be freed by their youngest sibling and see the world and the sky again. While Hades had no problem with the darkness and could see perfectly fine, the others hated it and wanted to get out.

And now they would all finally get their wish.

The stomach started to constrict and the walls trembled. It seems like someone had a stomach ache. Good old Daddy was fed the special concoction that Metis had prepared and Zeus had given Kronos.

So now they would be freed with a vomit.

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