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Schizophrenia in me Schizophrenia in me original

Schizophrenia in me

Author: Xsurae

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Replay

In the face of the inevitable, I found myself seated at the precipice of mortality, staring into the abyss of death itself. There was a sense of finality to it, a chilling realization that there was nothing I could do to alter the course of events.

In that moment, a wave of emotion surged within me, overwhelming my senses and tearing me apart from the inside. It felt as though I was being shattered into a million fragments, each shard piercing my being like shards of broken glass. The pain was relentless, each wave crashing over me again and again in a torturous cycle.

The world around me had descended into an eerie silence, a stark contrast to the chaos that reigned within me. The others had already departed, leaving behind only their terror-stricken faces etched in my memory. Their tears, crimson as blood, had traced paths down their cheeks, a haunting testament to the horror we had witnessed.

The reciprocation of emotions was palpable - fear, despair, and sorrow echoed in every glance and gesture. But as time passed, these emotions faded away, leaving behind only hollow shells devoid of any feeling. The vibrant memories that once filled our lives had evaporated into thin air, replaced by the grim reality of our situation.

Now, all that remained was a lifeless body on the sacrificial stones, its once vibrant hue replaced by an unnatural pallor. The sight was a chilling reminder of our mortality, a stark contrast to the pristine whiteness of the stones.

Just when I thought I had become numb to it all, a familiar voice echoed through the silence. It reverberated through my ears and resonated within my soul. It uttered a single word - 'replay'. This command seemed to hang in the air, its implications sending a shiver down my spine.

My body seemed to levitate from the cold, hard stone, suspended over an abyss of impenetrable darkness. This was the chilling embrace of death, a sensation that had become all too familiar. Death was not a singular event but a relentless cycle, replaying over and over again. This had been my existence since birth.

Yet, amidst this macabre dance with death, there was a voice - a beacon in the darkness that guided me through life. This ethereal voice offered me redemption, a chance to live anew with each cycle. In this unforgiving world, it was the only entity that showed me mercy.

However, this very voice, my savior and guide, eventually became my tormentor. Its constant presence gnawed at the edges of my sanity, turning my mind into a battlefield. The voice that once offered solace now echoed with haunting promises of eternal damnation.


Time has marched on since that fateful event, yet the memory of that face remains etched in my mind. The words, once spoken, continue to reverberate in my thoughts, as haunting as a spectral echo. The sight of tears, bright as water under sunlight cascading down like a relentless downpour is a vision that still sends even more shivers down my spine.

Despite the passage of time, the horror of it all continues to lurk in the shadows of my consciousness, a chilling reminder of the past. Each thought, each memory serves as a stark reminder of that incident.

The faint whisper of a voice, now forever silenced by death, still resonates in my ears. The warmth of a smile that once was, now exists only as a ghostly image before me. These remnants of the past continue to haunt me, a chilling testament to the enduring power of memory.

Xsurae Xsurae

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