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Chapter 178: Lancaster’s Hands III

I know it is a trap. We know it is a trap, but we are fucking gonna bite anyway because it is fucking Lancaster. It is not like abstaining is a choice, so there we go... We got baited like fishies in a pond... But hey, it is not like we are totally helpless at all!

Er... I mean, I feel kind of helpless, but hey, we are super strong!

My super optimism is doing wonders to alleviate the mental strain in my head.

Fuck... I want to cast Horror Incarnate but I lack the magic power, and my biological makeup is ruined as per my AI System's notifications. I want to talk, but my mouth refuses to move. I swear, Lancaster just got promoted inside my head among people I want to kill.

I am not the same weakling anymore, but my current situation speaks otherwise. I continue to move despite my will, the parasitic magic power in me puppeteering my limbs as I drag Rachel by her throat.

"I never thought I'd see the day when you became the puppet," Rachel gasps, her voice strained.

I walk to the purple portal step by step. Rachel calls to me, and I cannot even answer back. Lancaster watches me struggle with an apathetic face.

"Is this the power you sought?" he asks, his tone mocking. "To be a slave to your own abilities?"

At this point, the Fenrir that Rachel has summoned has already dissipated to magic power. The centipedes that Lancaster summoned have returned to his shadow.

Rachel coughs weakly, "You don't have to do this. Fight it!"

But I can't. Whatever <Authority> Lancaster wields, it has consumed me, and my movements are no longer my own. I walk to the purple portal step by step. Rachel calls to me, and I cannot even answer back.

I analyze my situation. This can only be the effect of an authority. That's why I am unable to move by my will. But the control over my will is only partial. The reason being is that my mind is still conscious as of this moment. I am only a step away from the portal. I am not going down without a fight!

I usher my AI System and call to [Cube AI]. "Cube," I mutter urgently, "I need you to override my biological control. Take over and shut me down. It's the only way to break free from this puppetry."

There's a brief pause before Cube responds, "Are you sure about this? Shutting down your consciousness carries risks."

"I'm sure," I affirm. "I can't let them control me. Do it now!"

With a virtual nod, Cube takes over. My surroundings blur as my consciousness fades. I fall asleep, willingly relinquishing control.

[Perfect Neural Synchronization— Force Break— Error]

Lancaster frowns as the subject of his parasitic domination has stopped his movement. "What's happening?" he growls, sensing the disruption.

"He's resisting," Rachel says with a mix of frustration and surprise. "But it won't last long. Hyon!"

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Rachel is unsure of what is happening. Hyon Hyung just stopped moving; his eyes are closed, and even his breathing has come to a slow rhythm. This worries Rachel. She calls him, but he seems to be unable to answer. Hyon Hyung is just quiet.

"Hyon, what's going on?" Rachel's voice reveals her concern as she shakes him gently. "Answer me!"

Lancaster expresses doubt at the sudden lack of movement of Hyon Hyung. "What kind of trick is this?" he mutters, eyeing the motionless figure.

Rapidly, Hyon Hyung vanishes with the wind. Lancaster, quick to react, conjures a sword made of insect amalgamation. He swings it at Hyon, only for him to dissipate. Lancaster has hit an afterimage.

"This fighting style is really something..." Lancaster's voice trails off as he scans the surroundings, trying to anticipate Hyon's next move.

Hyon Hyung reappears behind Lancaster, moving like a phantom. In an instant, a dagger materializes in Hyon's hand and plunges toward Lancaster's back. Lancaster, reacting swiftly, turns to block the attack with his insect sword. However, Hyon's form shimmers, and the blade passes through an afterimage.

Lancaster turns, narrowing his eyes at the elusive opponent. "Tricky," he grumbles.

Suddenly, without warning, Lancaster feels a sharp pain in his chest. His eyes widen in surprise as he glances down to see a dagger embedded in him. Though it might seem like a fatal wound, it doesn't concern him as he easily transfers the wound to one of his insects.

From Lancaster's face, a wriggling of worms forms, and one of them slides down from him, carrying the transferred wound. Lancaster smirks, seemingly unfazed. "You'll have to do better than that."

Rachel immediately seizes the opportunity. She lunges with Wind Elementalism, channeling her energy to summon a small version of Hraesvelger, amplifying her speed. If not for her injured state, she could have easily transitioned into Valkyrie Mode and attacked.

Lancaster, caught off guard, parries the sword strike, but his own sword arm suddenly falls to the ground. Rachel's Lionheart, her holy imbued sword, pierces Lancaster's heart. It's an injury he's unable to transfer to his insects due to its holy attribute.

Lancaster grits his teeth, attempting to counterattack, only for his other arm to fall off. Through his peripheral vision, he sees Hyon standing adjacent to his shadow. In a desperate move, Lancaster tries to summon an insect from his shadow, but something has taken hold of it. Hyon appears to be the culprit.

"What did you do?" Lancaster demands, his voice filled with anger and confusion.

However, Hyon remains silent, merely swinging his dagger. Suddenly, Lancaster's vision darkens, and his eyesight is taken from him.

Lancaster staggers, trying to comprehend his sudden loss of sight and the agony of his injuries. His efforts to summon his insects fail as Hyon's control over his shadow seems absolute. Panic sets in as he struggles to grasp the situation.

Two cards are embedded in Lancaster's eyes and ears. By the time Hyon swings the dagger, he has executed a trick in the eye, swapping them with his Mythril cards and turning them into projectile weapons. Both cards have magic circuits that can disrupt the flow of magic power.

Rachel sees all of it, and she must admit that Hyon's sleight of hand has improved by leaps and bounds in comparison to a year ago. But Hyon is not done yet. He ravages Lancaster brutally, swinging his daggers and mincing the monster of a man.

Rachel withdraws her Lionheart and watches in cold silence. She feels like there is something wrong with Hyon Hyung. Lancaster generates and heals faster than Hyon, so he tries to outmaneuver Hyon by attempting to escape.

However, Rachel simply circles around by jumping on the wall and through the air, intersecting Lancaster's path. Her eyes lock onto Hyon, questioning his actions, wondering if this ruthlessness is truly necessary. The sound of clashing blades and Lancaster's pained roars fill the air as Rachel continues to observe, her mind grappling with the unsettling turn of events.

Rachel swings her sword imbued with the wind element, deterring Lancaster. "Back off Lancaster. If you are going to die, then that will be today."

"This miserably backfired…" Suddenly, another voice echoes within the alley. "I told you to be careful."

When Rachel turns her head, she is in disbelief. Above the alleyway, by the ledge of a building, is a silhouette of an old woman. Rachel feels a dangerous amount of magic power in her.

"Who are you?" Rachel demands, her grip on her sword tightening.

The old woman descends gracefully, landing on the ground before Rachel. She wears a traditional cheongsam, and her graying hair frames a face marked by wrinkles and dark blue eyes that seem to pierce through people.

"I am the Seer, one of the founders of the Hero Association and a member of the Nine Stars," the old woman introduces herself. "Now, child, to the portal you go…"

Rachel's eyes narrow, suspicion filling her gaze. "Why should I listen to you?"

The Seer smiles cryptically. "You may not understand now, but there are forces at play beyond your comprehension. The portal will convince you to join our side. It is your destiny, Rachel."

Rachel hesitates, torn between defiance and the unnerving authority the old woman exudes. Top of Form

"I told you, Lancaster… If the singularity is involved, the future will end up uncertain," the Seer says, her gaze fixed on Hyon Hyung. "But this is good too, especially now that he is weakened. This is the perfect opportunity to kill him," she adds, drawing a dagger of her own.

The seemingly 'unconscious' yet functioning Hyon Hyung senses the threat from the old woman and, with surprising agility, parkours upwards to escape. The old woman remains standing, her back exposed to Rachel while her eyes remain locked on her target. The Seer unpretentiously stabs her dagger into her own chest, piercing the lungs, and out of the blue, Hyon drops from midair, coughing dark blood. It is as if he's the one who has been stabbed.

Blood trickles from the Seer's lips, but as she removes the dagger from her chest, she quickly heals, as if stabbing herself is nothing.

"Interesting," the Seer remarks, her eyes narrowing. "I see why the singularity is involved now. The threads of fate are entangled in unexpected ways."

Rachel turns into a blur as her spirit, Hraesvelger, imbues itself in her legs. She catches Hyon Hyung in midair. Lancaster jumps at the opportunity, swinging his sword right at Hyon Hyung, but Rachel takes a gamble. She embraces Hyon, shielding him with her body. Immediately, Lancaster tries to alter his sword, avoiding Rachel. This confirms that Lancaster doesn't want Rachel dead.

Rachel comes to a decision. If she doesn't do something, Hyon Hyung will definitely be killed. "Lancaster, I will be back," she declares, her eyes ablaze with determined fury.

With swift determination, Rachel runs off towards the still-visible portal, carrying Hyon Hyung in her embrace. While at it, Rachel explodes her magic power, borrowing the strength of Ratatoskr, one of her contracted spirits, to manipulate the elements of the earth. She induces an earthquake powerful enough to devastate the entire alley.

The ground shakes violently as debris scatters, creating chaos in the narrow space. Rachel, with Hyon in her arms, navigates through the tumult. The portal becomes obscured by the dust and rubble. The earthquake serves as both a distraction and a means of escape for Rachel and Hyon. As the dust settles, the alley stands in ruins, and Rachel's path to the portal remains uncertain but determined.

Alfir Alfir

Merry Xmas

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