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Chapter 196: Oh Please I

The black sedan screeches to a halt, and before I can process what's happening, Oh Junhyuk yanks me out, still shackled. The cuffs dig into my wrists as I take in my surroundings—the desolate Abandoned Factory. The very place where Kim Suho vanished without a trace. A bitter laugh escapes me, and I can't help but vocalize my thoughts.

"Ah, this place really brings back memories," I say, smirking. "Wonder when the big reveal of the mastermind happens."

Oh Junhyuk isn't amused. His fist collides with my gut, and I exhale sharply. Pain radiates through me, and I find myself on both knees. It's a precise and effective hit, and I can't help but feel the urge to cry. Lame.

As I contemplate my current predicament, a familiar figure emerges from the factory—Alex Lancaster, in a white suit, sporting an apathetic look. I can't resist the urge to comment.

"You should smile more, Lancaster," I taunt, even in the midst of my pain.

Lancaster, with his blonde hair and charming face, orders Oh Junhyuk to continue the rough treatment. I brace myself for another blow, but this time, I decide to take a page from a manhwa character. As Oh Junhyuk's fist comes at my cheek, I headbutt it with a swift motion. He withdraws his fist, shaking it in response to the unexpected jolt.

"Oh, are you crazy?" Oh Junhyuk sneers.

I'm not finished. In a burst of desperation, I lunge at Oh Junhyuk, sinking my teeth into his throat like a wild animal. The taste of blood fills my mouth as I mercilessly rip at his flesh. Panic sets in, and blood spurts from his throat.

"Oh, shit!" Oh Junhyuk gasps, struggling against the unexpected assault.

A woman carrying the Lionheart Sword, who had been lurking in the shadows, emerges and casually waves her hand. Instantly, Oh Junhyuk's wounds begin to heal, the gushing blood slowing to a trickle. The pain in my head intensifies, but I'm not backing down. Not now.

I rise to my feet, a proud gaze sweeping the surroundings as if the encircling figures are inconsequential. "Lancaster, it's amazing you managed to bring someone into this timeline with their magic power intact," I express with genuine awe. "Not to mention this chick here, exuding an ice queen aura."

Lancaster, however, dismisses my amazement with a condescending tone. "Naturally, you'd be amazed. You're helpless without your magic powers," he sneers, belittling my intelligence… or perhaps it is my arrogance that is the cause of the belittlement.

I retort sharply, "Oh, fuck off. If I had the resources, I wouldn't be in such a bind."

Junhyuk snarls at my defiance, asserting, "A spy should know when the jig is up." I sigh, feeling a mix of frustration and confusion. A spy? Me? What the fuck?

Lancaster, exuding a sinister air, resembles a James Bond villain, and I can't help but ponder the intricate power dynamics at play. Lancaster has definitely pulled the wool on the government's eyes on this one.

"Whatever power play is happening behind the scenes, I don't really care anymore," I mutter, realizing that Lancaster has deceived the Korean government. The figures around me, including Oh Junhyuk and a mysterious woman with a sword, stand calmly, forming a tight perimeter around me.

I meet Oh Junhyuk's gaze, sensing tension despite his outward composure. It seems that biting his throat off has left a lasting impact, inducing a stigma that wasn't there before.

The air crackles with tension as the realization sinks in. I break the silence, my voice cutting through the charged atmosphere. "Not one person around here is surprised by the feat of healing she just pulled off." I glance at the mysterious sword lady, my curiosity piqued. I don't recognize her, but I'm itching to take a wild guess. I smirk, throwing a challenge at Lancaster. "Is she who I think she is?"

Lancaster, ever enigmatic, seems to entertain my curiosity. I press on, throwing out my assumptions. "The Seer herself, a member of the Nine Star, and the same person who messed things up for me?"

The sword lady meets my gaze with composure, denying the association but hinting at a disturbing awareness of her counterpart's thoughts—ones that suggest I should meet a swift end. It confirms my suspicions. This Sword Lady is the Seer or her equivalent in this twisted timeline.

"I see," I remark, the weight of their intentions settling on my shoulders. It's clear they're plotting my demise. But before anything else, I redirect my attention to the stoic figure of Lancaster. "Why bother talking to me if the plan is to end me now?"

Lancaster's quiet demeanor holds steady as he reveals, "I am waiting for something." His response furrows my brow in confusion. What could he possibly be waiting for in this tense moment?

I eye Lancaster suspiciously, noticing the intensity of his focus on the game he's playing. "What the hell is that you're playing, Lancaster?" I inquire, trying to decipher the pixelated chaos on his never-changing apathetic face.

He glances at me briefly, a sly smile playing on his lips. "Just waiting," he replies, his attention returning to the game. "Waiting for Rachel to make a decision."

I scoff, unable to conceal my disbelief. "Rachel? She won't be coming, Lancaster. I made it clear to her – emergency Escape Route, no matter what."

Lancaster shakes his head, a look of amusement mixed with determination in his eyes. "It's not that simple, my friend. My intent goes beyond your instructions."

"Oh, spare me the drama," I retort, irritated. "What's your grand plan then?"

He leans back, explaining patiently, "I want Rachel to come here voluntarily. I don't want to harm her. I've always wanted her to join my cause."

I can't help but roll my eyes. "So, you're kidnapping me as part of some twisted recruitment strategy?"

Lancaster nods, seemingly unfazed. "Exactly. I want her to choose between you and me."

I can't help but burst out laughing. "You've got to be braindead if you think she'd fall for that. Why on earth would she pick you, Lancaster?"

His response is calm, almost philosophical. "For the greater good."

I stare at him incredulously. "The greater good? What the fuck does that even mean?"

Lancaster leans in, his gaze unwavering. "I believe my cause serves a greater purpose. Rachel needs to see that. No, she will see that."

I shake my head in disbelief. "You better just kill me now, Lancaster. Holding me hostage won't make Rachel blindly follow you. She's too smart for that."

A wry smile plays on Lancaster's lips. "We'll see about that. Sometimes, people surprise you, especially when matters of the heart are involved."

I sigh. "You clearly don't know Rachel's heart. She may have changed, yes. She may have become more scrupulous in some ways, but she is still who she is…

Lancaster shakes his head, his eyes crinkling with amusement. Laughter bubbles up from within him, and soon, it spills out unrestrained. He's laughing in extravaganza, and I can't help but join in. The surroundings echo with our shared mirth.

Junhyuk, who was initially a spectator, wears a perplexed expression. "What the fuck?" he exclaims, bewildered by the sudden burst of laughter between Lancaster and me.

Lancaster's laughter gradually subsides, but I find myself unable to stop. It's as if the laughter has taken on a life of its own. Junhyuk's confusion morphs into concern as he watches me, unsure of what's happening.

Attempting to regain control of the situation, Lancaster starts to speak, but my laughter drowns out his words. "Ha-ha, ha-ha-ha… Man, this hostage situation is nuts!" I'm lost in the hilarity of the moment, oblivious to the attempts to communicate… or maybe I am just messing around.

"Oh, come on," Lancaster says, a hint of frustration in his voice. He tries a different approach, telling me his sophistry. "You laugh and laugh, when in fact you shouldn't be. I must say though, you are not a hostage, but rather a representation of choice." His words should sober me up, but instead, they send me into another fit of laughter.

Lancaster shoots me a frown, trying to convey seriousness. However, I'm beyond the point of restraint. I continue to laugh, the sound filling the abandoned factory and echoing against its walls. It's as if the more Lancaster tries to address the situation, the more absurdly comical it becomes.

As I laugh uncontrollably, realizing that I might lose air soon, Lancaster falls silent, patiently waiting for my laughter to subside. The area becomes tense with anticipation. Feeling a sense of fatigue from the relentless laughter, I start coughing, desperately trying to catch my breath.

But actually, it is just a fake cough.

The Seer, labeled in my head as the Sword Lady, seizes the opportunity. She lunges toward me, aiming a swift kick at my groin. Instinctively, I intercept her kick in midair, surprising everyone. In a fluid motion, I grab the sword from her waist and swing it towards her face.

The Seer reacts with astonishing agility, catching the sword with both palms pressed together in a prayer-like gesture. The onlookers, now armed with handguns, surround us, their tension palpable.

With a mischievous grin, I address them, "Oh please, stop it. I'm feeling shy." Simultaneously, I release my grip on the sword, wrapping my arms around the Seer's waist and neck. In my right hand, I reveal a detonator of sorts, raising it for all to see.

Whispering to the Seer, I caution her, "Please, my lady do not use any magic power," emphasizing the consequences. "Also please kindly drop the sword."

Responding to my whispers, she complies, releasing the sword from her grasp.

I stand atop a makeshift stage, a crate, as I drag the Seer. My voice is echoing through the cavernous space of the abandoned factory. "Yo, yo, yo! I rigged the whole place with bombs so fuck all of you!" I raise the detonator higher to make them see. The crowd below me is a mix of curious agents, terrified agents, and a few brave agents who think they can outsmart me. I revel in the chaos I've created.

"I bet you're all wondering why you're here," I announce with a wicked grin. "It is simple, really, because you lot brought me here! Of all the places, why here? Gosh… Lancaster, you messed up big time!"

"Well, folks, let me enlighten you about the source of my confidence. This entire factory is rigged with explosives, and if anyone dares to make a suspicious move, we'll all be blown sky-high!" I add with a smile.

Lancaster, with a sly smirk, steps forward. "This is just a bluff, and you know it. You're not crazy enough to blow us all up."

I chuckle and lean in, locking eyes with him. "Oh, Lancaster, you underestimate me. It's child's play to read your mind, and it's even easier to outsmart you. You see, I've hidden the detonator somewhere you'd never suspect—right on my ass. Yeah, that's right! The moment you had me arrested, I immediately shoved the damn thing right under!" I know it is shameless, but I am proud of what I just did.

The crowd gasps, and a murmur of disbelief ripples through them. I continue, reveling in the chaos I'm causing. "I'm smart enough to know where to place real bombs, too. I've calculated a 50% chance that you or one of your lackeys would bring me here, so I've planted explosives in strategic places."

As if to prove my point, I casually flip a switch on the detonator. The distant sound of an explosion reverberates through a distant factory, and Junhyuk curses under his breath.

"Terrorism, baby!" I exclaim, my laughter echoing through the space. "But don't worry folks. That was just another abandoned factory some distance away. No casualties, hopefully. If there are, well, sucks to be them!"

I revel in the chaos and fear that swirls through the crowd, basking in the role of the villain. The power I hold over them is intoxicating, and I continue to laugh manically, enjoying every moment of this twisted game. Yeah, it is extra intoxicating when you know you are screwing with your enemies.

"I am a paranoid son of a bitch and at some point, I imagined you Lancaster coming for me with specific hate!" I snicker, flipping the bird right on Lancaster's face. "I am not some powerless asshole just because I cannot access magic power, you fucker!"

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