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Chapter 233: Noah’s Ark IV

In the heart of the war zone, the chaos is relentless. Korea, for some inexplicable reason, finds itself at the epicenter of this tumultuous conflict. There's an intensity in the air, an amalgamation of magic power, extraordinary gifts, and the unrelenting barrage of bullets. It's as if the very essence of the battleground pulsates with a strange energy, drawing everyone into its relentless grip.

Amidst the madness, a young woman with flowing blonde hair emerges as a beacon of prowess. Swift and graceful, she wields a rapier with an almost hypnotic elegance. Her every movement is a dance, a symphony of deadly precision. Across from her, a woman with dark hair stands as a formidable adversary. Her attacks are measured and accurate, showcasing a mastery that borders on the supernatural. There's an air of precognition about her as if she can anticipate the blonde's every move with a supernatural intuition.

The blonde's rapier glides through the air, a silver streak seeking its mark. In response, the dark-haired woman weaves and dodges with mesmerizing grace, evading the attacks with almost preternatural finesse.

Bullets whiz past them, magical energies surge, and the very ground beneath trembles with the reverberations of the ongoing conflict.

Amidst the clash of blades and the chaotic symphony of war, Rachel locks eyes with Juhn Jin, the Seer from a divergent timeline. As they exchange blows, Rachel's rapier dances through the air with a lethal elegance, while Juhn Jin's movements exude an almost uncanny foresight.

"Rachel," Juhn Jin's voice cuts through the chaos, carrying an otherworldly resonance. "You can't escape fate. This 'convergence' was inevitable."

Rachel parries a strike, her eyes narrowing with determination. "I don't believe in destiny. I make my own path."

Suddenly, the battlefield shifts as multiple versions of Juhn Jin materialize, each wielding a different weapon. Rachel finds herself surrounded, the pressure intensifying. "This is your fate, Rachel," the Seer echoes through the tumult, her voice hauntingly layered. "You'll see yourself one day in the future, cornered, lost, and starved."

Summoning her spirit companion, Fenrir, Rachel grits her teeth. The majestic wolf emerges, its icy breath creating a barrier against the encroaching versions of Juhn Jin. The ferocious aura of Fenrir momentarily quells the overwhelming onslaught, but Rachel knows the tide is still against her.

"You can't defeat me, Rachel," Juhn Jin declares, her presence multiplied across the battlefield. "I've seen it all, every possibility, every choice made, done, and gone. Inevitable is never about choices, it is about how to accept it. Why don't you save yourself the trouble of dying later and just die now."

Rachel, determination blazing in her eyes, retorts, "Even fate has its loopholes. Fenrir, protect me!" The wolf responds with a mighty roar, but the struggle continues.

As the war rages on, chaos reigning in the midst of the battle, a remarkable sight unfolds. Various Kim Hajins, distinct iterations from different timelines, cycle through the war-torn buildings, seamlessly changing and holding strategic positions simultaneously. Their coordinated efforts weave a tapestry of tactical brilliance across the battleground.

Amid the synchronized movements, the Kim Hajin of the First Iteration, designated as No. 1, calls out to Rachel. "Rachel! I've spotted Cube. Evacuation is imperative!"

Rachel, swift in her response, nods with determination. "Affirmative, No. 1. We need to get everyone out." Her gaze sharpens as she focuses on the task at hand.

With a subtle yet powerful connection to her spirit summons scattered throughout Korea, Rachel channels her abilities. "My Guardians, heed my call. It's time to evacuate. Protect the innocents. Retrieve all resources with immediate response." Her voice carries a commanding resonance, echoing through the spiritual network she has cultivated.

In the midst of the chaotic battlefield, Rachel confronts the Seer with a furrowed brow and a tone of urgency. "Juhn Jin, this plan of yours is inhumane. It has to be stopped."

The Seer, a smile playing on her lips, meets Rachel's gaze with an unwavering resolve. "Rachel, my dear, convincing me won't change a thing. The wheels of this plan were set in motion long ago, and now, there's no turning back. The timelines will explode, leaving only one preserved."

Rachel's eyes narrow in determination, refusing to accept the inevitability laid out before her. "You can't sacrifice countless lives for the sake of one timeline. There has to be another way."

The Seer's smile remains cryptic, her eyes holding an otherworldly knowledge. "It's the only way, Rachel. The convergence is inevitable, and only through this sacrifice can we ensure the survival of what truly matters."

From the perimeter, a battalion of Kim Hajins descends, armed with augmented rifles. Their synchronized gunfire creates a suppressive barrage, effectively keeping the Seer's alternate versions at bay. Amidst the controlled chaos, Kim Hajin No. 1 removes his helmet and shouts to Rachel over the tumult, "Evandel is on the ship! Call the retreat!"

Rachel's eyes widen with a mix of relief and determination. With a glance towards the looming giant island, a facility transformed into a multiversal ship, she takes off towards it. The Seer, a stoic figure amidst the mayhem, stands unmoved.

"Come on, Hraesvelger!" Rachel calls out to her winged summon. In an instant, the majestic creature appears, and Rachel gracefully mounts, soaring skyward. The Kim Hajins, mirroring her tactical retreat, methodically shore up their egress point.

As Rachel ascends towards the ship, the Seer, who had been Rachel's adversary, remains stationary, observing the unfolding events with an enigmatic calm.

This Seer is the nth Seer… Unlike the Kim Hajins who have banded together and referred to themselves as numbers, Juhn Jin simply refers to herself as The Seer. The reason is that she has long achieved Hive Consciousness since the Seer from the 666th Iteration achieved Transcendence. This means The Seer from every iteration and every timeline is aware and is in control of her other selves.

The Seer watches the island, Cube, sailing above to vanish into ethereal particles, perhaps traveling further into the past iterations. All of the Seers present, every Juhn Jin, stand still as they look in a single direction. Appearing from the dirt, like some ground-digging insect, Alex Lancaster emerges.

Juhn Jin, with her overlapping voice, asks him. "Will everything be okay, Lancaster?"

Alex Lancaster has changed a lot. His blonde hair has turned white, and his eyes have turned red. He replies, his voice echoing. "We won't know. The only thing we can do now is trust the process."

The Seers continue to observe the departure of Cube, their collective gaze unwavering. The air around them hums with a strange energy as the multiversal ship disappears from sight. Juhn Jin, still composed, speaks to Alex with a sense of foreknowledge. "The threads of fate are woven intricately. The past, the present, and the future dance together in an eternal cyclical symphony. We are but witnesses to the unfolding of the grand tapestry."

Alex, despite his transformed appearance, nods in understanding. "Yet here we are, both witnesses yet interferers at the same time…"

The Seers, bound by Hive Consciousness, share a moment of silent acknowledgment.

Earth. Afterlife. Korea. What is in it? And what isn't?

Zeroth Iteration? First Iteration? The timelines? All of them are merely a part of an elaborate ruse to protect the one world that binds all.

The Seer remarks, "Our strategy of hiding you Lancaster here while raising this ruckus seems to have worked... They didn't even think that you were hiding just right under their nose."

 "Don't be overconfident," Lancaster sternly rebukes her, "The singularity would have caught upon our deceit easily. The only reason he didn't is because he is worried for Rachel."

The Seer asks, "Where to now?"

Lancaster replies, "It is time for us to go off-world."

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