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Chapter 51: CHAPTER 51

Before long, Xia Yu arrived at the entrance of Longchang Depot.

To avoid any potential awkwardness, Xia Yu had preemptively called Liu Tianci, learning that Liu Tianci had already informed Wang Rong about his visit. Thus, Xia Yu was able to proceed directly to him.

Outside Longchang Motorsport, Xia Yu took in the expansive storefront. Peering through the glass door, he observed the spacious interior that spanned at least 2,000 square meters.

Without hesitation, Xia Yu continued and entered Longchang Motor Store.

Once inside, he made a beeline for the front desk. Instead of examining each car individually, he opted to consult with Wang Rong. With Liu Tianci's introduction, Xia Yu hoped to avoid any potential pitfalls.

Within the dealership, Xia Yu's entrance didn't go unnoticed. However, given his youthful appearance, the sales personnel hesitated whether he was a genuine car buyer. Seeing Xia Yu head directly to the front desk, they decided to wait for him to approach.

"Hello, miss. Could you direct me to the general manager?" Xia Yu asked with a smile.

Upon hearing that Xia Yu was inquiring about the general manager, the saleswoman seemed momentarily puzzled. Nevertheless, she maintained her professionalism, responding, "Sir, I'm unsure of the purpose for which you wish to see our general manager. Do you have an appointment?"

"I don't have an appointment, but my friend spoke to your general manager, so I came directly." Xia Yu explained.

The saleswoman's smile turned slightly strained as she processed Xia Yu's response.

At this juncture, another person standing nearby observed Xia Yu for a moment before venturing, "Excuse me, sir, could your surname be Xia?"

Turning toward the individual, Xia Yu smiled and nodded, confirming, "Indeed, my last name is Xia."

The man blinked in apparent disbelief but quickly regained his composure. He addressed Xia Yu, "Mr. Xia, please wait a moment. I'll go inform our general manager right away."

Having spoken, he hurried toward the general manager's office. Before Xia Yu's arrival, he had been informed that if someone named Xia arrived, he was to notify the general manager. The unexpected aspect of this encounter was that the "Xia" in question turned out to be a teenager, causing a momentary lapse in the staff's expectations.

Noticing the reactions of the other staff members, the saleswoman's demeanor shifted, and she swiftly prepared a cup of tea for Xia Yu.

After a short while, Xia Yu spotted a young man in his twenties approaching him swiftly. Xia Yu promptly stood up.

"Hello, I'm Wang Rong, the general manager of Longchang Motor Company. Are you Mr. Xia Yu?" The young man introduced himself with a smile, extending his hand. However, a flicker of surprise crossed his gaze upon seeing Xia Yu's youthful appearance.

Shaking his hand, Xia Yu responded with a smile, "Yes, I'm Xia Yu. Hello, Wang Sheng!"

"Greetings, Xia Yu. It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person. I've been looking forward to it since Liu mentioned your visit. I didn't anticipate you'd arrive so promptly. It's an honor!" Wang Rong exclaimed with a hearty smile.

Indeed, as Wang Rong had mentioned, he and Liu Tianci shared a close friendship. Earlier that morning, Liu Tianci had contacted Wang Rong, informing him about a friend who intended to purchase a car. Liu Tianci had provided Wang Rong with some basic information about Xia Yu, highlighting his role as the owner of "Jiuding Daily" and their positive rapport. Liu Tianci had also requested Wang Rong's assistance in expediting a driver's license application for Xia Yu.

Wang Rong had initially been taken aback by the details shared by Liu Tianci. While he was familiar with "Jiuding Daily's" reputation, he hadn't expected its owner to be so young. Nonetheless, given Liu Tianci's endorsement, Wang Rong was eager to offer his utmost support.

"Wang Sheng, your accomplishments are truly remarkable. Meeting you is an honor," Xia Yu graciously returned the compliment, adeptly engaging in the exchange of pleasantries.

Despite his surprise at encountering such a young newspaper magnate, Wang Rong dismissed Xia Yu's praise, emphasizing his willingness to assist. He then extended an invitation for tea in his office.

Glancing at his watch, Xia Yu's expression grew sheepish as he explained, "Wang Sheng, my schedule has been quite packed recently. I managed to set aside some time this morning to explore the cars, but I'm afraid I should return to my other responsibilities now. Please accept my apologies."

Wang Rong waved off Xia Yu's concerns, insisting, "Xia Sheng, please join me for a moment. I'd appreciate the opportunity to have a conversation."

Appreciating Wang Rong's hospitality, Xia Yu consented and followed him.

As they walked, Wang Rong inquired about Xia Yu's preferences. Xia Yu shared his desire for a business car that emphasized comfort and a sophisticated ambiance while maintaining high quality. He expressed a preference for a luxurious yet understated vehicle, highlighting his aversion to RB cars and his interest in German-made automobiles.

Listening intently to Xia Yu's requirements, Wang Rong led him to a car on display. Pausing, he suggested, "Xia Sheng, take a look at these options."

Standing beside the showcased cars, Xia Yu observed with keen interest.

Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, and Volkswagen—the four iconic German car brands—all stood before him.

Noticing Xia Yu's intrigue, Wang Rong began his explanations. As he highlighted the features of each model, Xia Yu nodded in acknowledgment, occasionally offering questions.

In truth, Xia Yu was no stranger to these car brands. Drawing from information acquired in later years and his accumulated knowledge, he possessed a comprehensive understanding comparable to Wang Rong's.

The renowned trio of German automakers—Volkswagen, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz—were universally recognized. While Audi also held luxury status, it was a relatively young brand with less established technical capabilities compared to BMW and Mercedes-Benz.

Though BMW was indeed a luxury brand, it was still relatively young compared to the others. Despite its strengths, its technical foundation was less mature than that of Mercedes-Benz.

Mercedes-Benz, widely hailed as the inventor of the automobile, held a distinguished reputation as a premium car brand. As part of the Daimler Group, it was celebrated for its exceptional technology and emphasis on safety.

Considering his role as a businessman, Xia Yu found the stately and sophisticated aura of Mercedes-Benz appealing.

The particular Mercedes-Benz model before him represented a revitalized classic. It belonged to the fifth generation of the Mercedes-Benz S series, introduced just a few years earlier and already boasting strong global sales.

Given these factors, Xia Yu's focus was primarily directed toward Mercedes-Benz.

Observing Xia Yu's shifting expressions, Wang Rong elaborated further on this Mercedes-Benz model.

Although the aesthetics of this particular Mercedes-Benz S model were not as contemporary as those from later generations, Xia Yu was willing to overlook this aspect. He reasoned that improvements could be made in the future, and for the time being, he would work with the available options.

Noting Xia Yu's evolving interest, Wang Rong delved deeper into the features of the Mercedes-Benz model.


they conversed, Xia Yu's enthusiasm grew more evident. Impressed by his potential customer's level of engagement, Wang Rong continued discussing the model in greater detail.

With a nod of comprehension, Xia Yu signaled his readiness to make a decision.

"Wang Sheng, is this the car you recommend?" Xia Yu inquired directly, eager to move forward with the transaction.

After a brief moment of consideration, Wang Rong responded, "This specific model is priced at 270,000 yuan. However, due to our connection through Liu Sheng, I'm willing to offer it to you for 220,000 yuan."

Accepting Wang Rong's offer without negotiation, Xia Yu expressed his gratitude, saying, "Thank you, Wang Sheng."

On the spot, the necessary paperwork was completed, and the payment was processed. As the day drew to a close, Xia Yu declined Wang Rong's invitation to stay longer and promptly made his way back to the company.

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