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Chapter 52: Ch 52: Battleships, Dancing, Aegis (Shield of the Goddess), and Occasionally Cigarettes.

"─My... quite the transformation. Did Captain Moore bring some young lady from the high class for this occasion?" 

Five minutes after Moore and Rapi arrived at the designated meeting spot in Ark, a car pulled up on the sidewalk with Andersen inside. The driver opened the back door, allowing Rapi to enter first, followed by Moore. Seated across from each other in the spacious back seat, Anderson, taken aback, couldn't help but cast a surprised glance at Rapi, who had undergone a dramatic change.

"I'm Rapi from the Counters squad. It's a pleasure to meet you, Vice Commander Anderson."

"Hmm? Ah, right, that's true... Nice to meet you too. I'm counting on you."

Anderson wore a puzzled expression,then realise, or likely remembered that Rapi's memories had been erased. As Rapi bowed her head, the Vice Commander responded with a casual nod.

Moore, seated next to her, felt a sense of relief. While he trusted Rapi not to slip up, a slight sense of unease lingered. It wouldn't be good if the fact that her memories hadn't been erased came to light. He couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration as Rapi smoothly executed the introduction as if they were meeting for the first time.

As the car merged onto the highway, Moore slipped his hand into his military jacket and retrieved a .45-caliber automatic pistol. He removed the magazine, checked the rounds—each shaped like an acorn—then pulled the slide several times to confirm its operation. With the slide held open, he loaded the magazine, released the slide to chamber a round, engaged the safety, and holstered the pistol in the shoulder holster hanging on his left side.

"I did request an escort, but I didn't expect you to be so thorough in your preparations."

Seeing the series of fluid movements before him, Anderson crossed his legs and let out a wry smile.

It took them about 40 minutes to reach their destination, a man-made lake at the edge of Ark. As they approached the lake, illuminated by spotlights, Moore squinted at the massive silhouette on the water's surface.

"─Is that the Admire? Does it contain some irony or sarcasm?"

"─...I don't think so..."

The word "Admire" contains an ironic or sarcastic meaning as well, including the sense of "admiration."

----I admire his impudence.

Creating a naval fleet in an underground facility like Ark was a costly endeavor. Moore couldn't help but wonder how many resources had been used to construct such a colossal ship. There had been mixed reactions to the project, but he felt that the negative ones had outweighed the positive.

As the enormous ship moored along the lakeshore loomed closer, the driver steered off the highway. Sensing their imminent arrival, Moore, as a precaution, removed the commanding officer's gold emblem from his chest, where it had been making a conspicuous statement, and tucked it into his breast pocket.

When the driver signaled their arrival at the parking lot, he simultaneously opened the doors on both sides of the back seat. Wearing his military cap, Moore disembarked first. Seeing Rapi attempting to get out while holding the hem of her dress, he reached out and offered his hand, assisting her. Anderson, witnessing the scene, either found it endearing or simply mustered a faint smile.

"You're more of a gentleman than I had imagined," Anderson remarked.

"I'm just trying to live up to the image," Moore replied.

"I see. Can I entrust her to you from here?"


Adjusting his sunglasses, Moore nodded. He approached Rapi and extended his arm slightly forward, the same gesture he had used when Moore had escorted her on the Royal Road. Following his prompting, Rapi placed her hand on Anderson's forearm, and they walked together.

Moore, trailing behind them, adjusted the position of the earpiece in his right ear as they moved forward. During their discussion inside the car, Rapi had been instructed to behave as Andersen's relative. Based on appearances alone, she undoubtedly looked like an upper-class young lady. Using Andersen's youthful appearance to their advantage, they reasoned that claiming they were relatives wouldn't raise too many eyebrows. After all, Anderson himself was a handsome individual.

As for Moore, he remained unchanged in his role as Anderson's escort. He compartmentalized it as just part of his job and followed behind Anderson and Rapi as they made their way to the pier.

Approaching the security officer stationed there, Anderson presented the invitation card. Recognizing the invitation, the officer saluted the Vice Commander. Anderson returned the salute while escorting Rapi.

"I have a relative's daughter with me. She asked to attend the party aboard the Admire. And, He's my escort. Can you let us through?"

"Understood! Captain, please proceed."

"Thank you."

Saluted and returning the salute, he caught up with Anderson and Rapi, climbed the gangway, and stepped onto the ship.

Inside the ship, there were directional signs indicating the way to the hall.

"...Elysion was involved in constructing this ship?"

"That's right... How did you know?"

"I could sense it from the given atmosphere by the ship somehow."

As they walked through the ship's corridors, Moore abruptly asked Anderson the question. He guessed correctly, but the reason was somewhat vague.

It was challenging for him to explain, but perhaps it was because even within his visible range, he could feel the rational design philosophy unique to Elysion.

When they reached the hall, dozens of people, elegantly dressed in clothes that clearly marked them as upper-class individuals, were already gathered there. Amidst them, Moore spotted a few military officers dressed in uniforms. After surveying the scene, he took off his military cap and held it at his side.


"Ah, Ingrid. You came as well."

Suddenly addressed, the formidable woman, the CEO of Elysion, approached, her white coat fluttering.

Upon noticing Rapi standing next to Anderson, she narrowed her eyes suspiciously but understood upon seeing Moore, who seemed to be an officer, behind them wearing sunglasses.

"I see... an escort. And the young lady here?"

"My relative's daughter. Let's leave it at that."


Really, how could she immediately realise it within a moment? Moore had no choice but to observe the situation and couldn't help but marvel at it, feeling both impressed and exasperated.

"Would you like a drink?"

"Yeah... I'll have a bit of alcohol. How about you?"

"No, I don't really... "

"Hmm... Captain Moore—"

"—I'll pass. It's counterproductive to be inattentive and lose control."

It seemed that both he and Rapi were refraining from alcohol. Andersen didn't mind them focusing on their role as escorts, but he thought they needed to be a bit more flexible in social situations; otherwise, they might stand out. He respected their decision, though.

Only Ingrid and Andersen held glasses, and they made a slight clinking sound as they brought their rims together before taking a sip.

"Is this your first time at such a gathering?"

"Yes. I'm grateful for the sunglasses. My eyes might have been blinded otherwise."

"I see."

"But it's something you need to get used to. In this day and age, soldiers aren't just meant for fighting."

With the calmness of an elder, the Vice Commander and the CEO took turns imparting wisdom to him, but Moore merely shrugged lightly.

"...I don't have much interest in socializing. I feel much more at ease fighting on the battlefield."

—This is a serious issue.

Ingrid reevaluated him when she handed him the new prosthetic arm. She realized that he needed to learn some social skills. Otherwise, if his connections with others didn't grow as he continued to achieve exceptional results in battles, life could become quite challenging for him.

Eventually, the hall began to buzz with activity. It seemed the event was about to start.

A chubby military officer in a military uniform ascended the stage, his epaulettes adorned with two stars, indicating his rank as a lieutenant general. Amidst the applause from the invited guests, he stood in front of the microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for your patience. I-I sincerely appreciate your gathering here today. I am the host of the Admire-class ship party, Vice Commander B-Burningum."

Perhaps he was nervous. Moore couldn't help but cast a sympathetic glance at the officer starting his speech, Vice Commander Burningum. It might have been social anxiety, after all.

While politely declining the offered glass, another figure appeared on the stage.

A beautiful woman dressed in a noble-looking pure white high-collared military uniform, with epaulettes of the same color adorning her coat, elegantly approached the microphone, her blue hair flowing.

"I am Helm, introduced by Vice Commander Burningum just now. The place you are all present in right now is the hall of the battleship Admire, operated by our Aegis Unit."

Her voice was a treat to the ears. Unconsciously comparing her voice with Burningum's from before, Moore couldn't deny that she was much easier to understand and to hear. 

"The Admire is a battleship built specifically for countering the Rapture. It is armed and equipped to fight dozens of Rapture Tyrant-class units alone. With its stability that doesn't resemble that of a watercraft, it's an invincible battleship that won't sink under any attack on the sea. Please remember that the Aegis Unit and the Admire are invincible on the sea."

"An unsinkable ship... April 7th, 1945..."

During Helm's speech, Moore muttered softly. This caused Andersen, Ingrid, and Rapi to glance at him from the corner of their eyes.

"...Talking about the Second World War era?"


Nodding slightly in response to the Vice Commander's inquiry, Moore continued, "It's nothing. Just an old story. You might want to look it up later."

It's annoying for military people only knowing the context.With that contemplatative thought, Ingrid frowned slightly. Behind his sunglasses, and Moore, noticing this, opened his mouth to elaborate.

"...It's a story from a bygone era that there has never been an unsinkable ship in the history of the world."

On the stage, Helm gracefully accepted the veiled sarcasm and slander from the invited guests. Moore couldn't help but feel sorry for her. However, he sensed her determination to face the situation head-on as she continued to stand her ground. He watched her as she left the stage.

Once the speech ended, music began to play in the hall, signaling the start of the party in earnest. Amidst the chatter of people of all ages, Ingrid noticed several couples forming circles. She swallowed the contents of her glass and placed it on the table.

"Andersen, mind if I borrow Captain Moore?"

"Hmm? Sure, go ahead."

"Good. Captain, come with me."

Ingrid cast a sharp, sidelong glance at him before she started walking. Prompted by Anderson, Moore followed. The formidable woman stopped beside several men and women who had formed couples.

"Can you dance?" she asked.

"I have some theoretical knowledge," Moore replied.

"So, no practical experience. Learn for future reference, then."

Ingrid reached for his face, removing his sunglasses and placing the temples into Moore's breast pocket. Despite Moore squinting due to the bright lights, the woman continued by placing his military cap on an empty chair nearby.

"We'll be dancing a standard waltz. It should be easy for beginners."

"Because it's in three-four time?" Moore asked.

"Exactly. Do you know the basic step routine?"

"Yes. Natural turn, closed change, reverse turn, closed change, and back to the natural turn."

Satisfied, Ingrid nodded and extended her right palm toward him. It was a gesture indicating he should take the lead.

Reluctantly, Moore accepted Ingrid's outstretched right hand with his left and placed his right hand near her left shoulder blade. As they began to dance, she sensed that he wasn't bad at all.

While it followed the textbook steps, his excellent core stability allowed for a smooth dance. Moore, mindful of Ingrid, led her, and the dance steps felt comfortable.

It seemed unusual for the CEO of Elysion to form a couple and participate in the dance. They inevitably drew the attention of the guests, but Moore made an effort not to be conscious of the stares and focus.

"Hmm, not bad," she commented.

"I'm doing my best," he replied.

"I see. But remember this well now. Embarrassing your partner is a disqualification for a gentleman. Relax. Your usual tactical moves aren't that different."

Moore found it hard to agree since dancing seemed much more challenging. However, Ingrid followed his lead, entrusting herself to his guidance and stepping accordingly.

When the first song ended, the echoes of the music lingered in the room. The couples stopped moving. Amidst the applause, Moore held Ingrid's hand lightly, expressing gratitude.

"Not bad, but you lack experience. It's a good opportunity. Learn a bit more," she said.


Moore looked surprised.

Thinking it might be the end, Moore watched Ingrid as she left the spot with a perplexed expression, abandoning him.

Returning to her original position, the formidable woman patted the shoulder of the somewhat lost-looking Rapi, who was standing near Andersen.

"Change of players. Accompany Captain Moore."

"But, ma'am..."

"...Did you watch the steps?"

Ingrid raised her chin, indicating Moore to her.

Seemingly resigned, Rapi approached him carefully, making sure not to step on her long dress with high heels. Ingrid, satisfied, watched as they walked away.

"It's unusual for you to favor someone like this," Anderson remarked.

"She's my student even after memory erasure," Ingrid replied, signaling a waiter to bring her a new glass, which she swiftly drank from.






"…I really don't want to be in a place like this for long," Moore muttered.

Having finished the dance without embarrassing LRpi too much, Moore felt a sense of relief. Perhaps due to her excellent memory, she seemed to have memorized the basic steps at a glance. Moore, who had obtained permission from his security detail (Anderson), proceeded towards the balcony attached to the hall.

Upon opening the door and stepping outside, he felt the artificial breeze caress his cheeks. Just as he was about to light his cigarette, he noticed a figure on the balcony.

"Hmm? You're...?" said the figure, whose white coat's hem fluttered in the artificial wind as she gazed at the lake.

Moore realize she was the speaker just now, Helm.

"I just wanted a quick smoke... I seem to be intruding, so I'll excuse myself."

When Moore realized she was the one who had given the speech earlier, he hesitated to smoke. 

"It's alright," she said to his retreating back.

Halted by her words, he turned around.

"...I also came out to feel the night breeze. Would you be my company?"

Looking over his shoulder, he saw she had already turned her face back to the lake.

Turning his toes back, Moore returned and stood next to Helm, leaning against the balcony railing while holding the unlit cigarette. Leaving the space equivalent to three adults, he lit the cigarette with an oil lighter while resting his body on the railing.

"...It smells nice. Not a scent I dislike."

"...Compared to gunpowder, this is far superior. It's a third-class product, but it has a taste that suits the palate."

As the cigarette smoldered, he exhaled the purple smoke and let it disperse into the wind blowing over the lake.

"...I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Helm, leader of the Aegis Unit. And you?"

"I'm Captain Shaw Moore, commander of the Counter's Squad. I also serve as the commanding officer of the outpost base."

"...Commander? ...Where's your commander's badge?"

Helm glanced sideways at the chest of Moore's uniform. She mentioned the absence of the commander's badge, but Moore unbuttoned his chest pocket and took out the badge he had stored there, showing it to her.

"...I came as SirAndersen's escort, so I didn't want to attract too much attention."

He didn't say it out loud, but perhaps being noticed so much wouldn't have made much sense anyway. He let out a sigh and a puff of purple smoke simultaneously, then put the commander's badge back in its place.

"...I've heard about the Counters. They are a squad that has achieved tremendous results and accomplishments in just a few months. And their commander... whether it's true or not, he's said to fight Rapture with weapons designed for Nikke."

"...Tremendous results and accomplishments... yet the injuries persist."

"...What do you mean?"

He casually removed his sunglasses and poked his right eye with his fingertip. She had probably thought it's a normal eye. But after seeing the differences, she seemed surprised. Then, when Moore didn't react at all, she realized the nature of the eye.

"...An artificial eye..."

"My right leg and left arm are also prosthetic limbs, made from combat-related injuries. There's a bit of regret, but no remorse."

It was unclear whether Helm's heard about the tremendous things she had mentioned were worth the price. But Moore, who put his sunglasses back on, seemed to have no regrets about his injuries.

"...You're quite unusual. Most people mourn its losses."

"I've been called a weirdo quite often."

That seemed to fit perfectly. Helm let out a faint laugh.

However, she never openly laughed, perhaps becauses he had received an education that raising one's voice to laugh was improper back when she was human.

"...I've calmed down a bit. I always get agitated after giving a speech."

"I understand."

"...Even though it's our first meeting, would you mind if I asked you some questions?"

He glanced sideways with his odd eyes, pinching the end of his cigarette between two fingers of his right hand and nodded in response.

"What do you think of this ship—the Admire? No, that's not it. Do you think the navy is necessary in the Ark? I want an honest answer."

What a difficult question to answer. He furrowed his brow and let out a sigh, along with a puff of purple smoke.

"...Honestly, I'd say it's not necessary. There's no sea in the Ark. They built this massive ship to float on the open sea once we reclaim the surface... but considering the maintenance costs..."

"...Exactly. You're right."

she said, just saying not needing anyone else to say it. Instead, she seemed to stop Moore's words by nodding, unable to bear the truth presented before her.

"And we have no achievements. We aren't even given a stage to achieve anything. Even if the Admire is the pinnacle of Elysion's technological prowess..."

Useless baggage. That's what she wanted to say, probably. Moore sensed the tension in Helm's grip on the railing as she set her hands there.

Moore couldn't offer any comforting words. Words of solace would be counterproductive for someone of her character.


*Sail on to victory...*

*And sink their bones to Davy Jones...*


An old verse from a military song involuntarily escaped his lips.

Helm, upon hearing it, blinked her blue eyes several times, then turned her gaze to Moore as he flicked his cigarette into a portable ashtray.

"I'm surprised... you know it well. Are you interested of old days culture?"

"...I haven't aged that much. I just remembered it suddenly."

Breathing out the lingering scent of purple smoke from his lungs, he removed his sunglasses and turned his deep brown gaze towards the noble captain (Helm) standing beside him.

"...I can't say anything clever, but currently, the navy is indeed unnecessary for the Ark. However, we can't definitively say that the day won't come when this ship charges through the waves of the open sea. Imagining the sight of flags fluttering on the mast, this colossal ship racing towards the endless horizon on the sea—it's a day we've never stopped imagining. Your value will surely be recognized on that day."

"Why do you say that?"

"...Because your eyes haven't given up."


Helm, caught in the gaze of his intense brown eyes—perhaps due to his dark pigmentation, his eyes resembled black pearls, radiating an unwavering determination.

She was unable to look away from it.

"...I've heard that the sea is blue and beautiful. There's no trace of resignation in your eyes that could be overshadowed by that blue. I believe that victory's goddess smiles upon the maiden who holds the Aegis (shield of the goddess), never giving up until the very last moment."

His statement held no logical basis. They were words without meaning, perhaps even carrying some comfort or something ephemeral.

However, realizing that she couldn't help but believe him, Helm averted her eyes from his gaze. Her cheeks were warm.

"W-What are you saying... I-It seems you have the qualities of a playboy."

"...I've never been told that before... Can I take it as a compliment?"

"Do as you please."

"Aye, aye, Captain."

It seemed her spirits had lifted. As long as she could reply cheekily, that was enough. After all, he was the same way.

Moore tossed the portable ashtray into his pocket, put his sunglasses back on, then glanced at Helm while still facing the lake, and turned on his heel.

Making a regular, rhythmic sound with his footsteps, he reached for the door leading back to the hall, but at that moment, he turned his face over his shoulder to look at her.


Calling out, Helm turned around, letting her hair dance in the wind over the lake.

Facing her, Moore spoke a phrase that sailors who have sailed the open sea might have exchanged in various ways in the past.

"I wish you a pleasant voyage."

"Thank you, Commander."

(Tl Notes: This was in english originally.)

—To think he knows such an old phrase. He must have a fondness for the past.

With a smile, Helm replied, watching him as he walked back towards the hall.


"I'm tired..."

"Are you okay, Commander?"

It was 1 AM. Moore and Rapi arrived at the outpost base in the early hours of the new day, getting off the elevator.

Seeing him visibly fatigued due to the unfamiliar environment, while wearing the dress, she voiced her concern, but Moore gently shook his head from side to side.

"...I'm fine. I still have the energy."

However, recovery was necessary. He slowly took out a soft pack from his slacks. Reflexively, Rapi took out a turbo lighter from her handbag. Moore smiled wryly.

"..As always, sorry for troubling you."

"No, didn't you say yesterday... I mean, the day before, that you wouldn't smoke while walking?"

He held the cigarette in his mouth while using both hands to shield the turbo lighter that Rapi held. With the familiar calming scent wafting into Rapi's nostrils and olfactory sensors, Moore took a deep breath, filling his lungs with purple smoke, and slowly exhaled toward the makeshift night sky.

"...I've forgotten about the day before yesterday. Today is a new day."

What a convenient excuse. With a faint wry smile, Rapi walked alongside him as he resumed his pace.

As Moore let the purple smoke swirl and Rapi smelled its aroma up close, there was silence between them for a while. By the time they reached the parking lot in front of the base headquarters and dormitories, the cigarette he had been smoking had dwindled to a stub. Savoring the last draw, Moore flicked the cigarette butt into the portable ashtray and exhaled the remnants of the purple smoke from his lungs through his windpipe.

"Well then, Commander. I'll take my leave here."

"Ah, my apologies for keeping you out so late. Rest well... Ah, no... Perhaps, I should behave gentlemanly until the end?"

Moore took her hand, lightly pressing his lips to the back of it, the same gesture he had made after their impromptu dance aboard the Admiraal.

"Goodnight, milady."

"...But that's..."

Letting out a sigh, Rapi shrugged her shoulders. He turned on his heel and disappeared into the headquarters building.

Watching him go, Rapi stared at the spot where his dry lips had touched her hand with her crimson eyes.

—Maybe she does have its own unique moment.

She gently closed her crimson eyes and lightly pressed her lips to the spot where his had touched.

—There was a faint taste of bitter tobacco.

"Goodnight, Commander."

Rapi whispered softly. Eventually, she too turned on her heel and vanished into the dormitory.

NikkeSimp NikkeSimp

how romantic.

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