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Chapter 79: Chapter 54: Modeus' Plan for Rimuru

-with Elmenhilde and Modeus-

"... Modeus"

Elmenhilde called out causing Modeus to immediately turn her head to look at the vampire sitting beside her inside the castle in the middle of the large city.


"... What are the chances of us convincing him to join us?"

Elmenhilde asked before stealing a glance at Rimuru on the other side of the table.

"... 50-50, since he seems like a reasonable... slime. We can just propose an alliance with them , after all he want allies not enemies..."

Modeus answered as she glanced at the... slime, sitting down opposite them with various snacks placed on top of the table.

"What are you two whispering about?"

Rimuru asked while leaning on the table, watching their sneaky interaction with a curious expression on his face.

"Should we try?"

Modeus whispered close to her ear, occasionally stealing a glance at the slime in front of them.

"I want to but..."

Elmenhilde stopped her words with a reluctant expression on her face while Modeus continued her words for her in a whisper.

"He's far too naive for our dimension... he will only get devoured by those greedy devils if we take him along with us... except if..."

Modeus muttered with a mysterious smile on her face, causing Elmenhilde to pinch the her waist.

"... Please don't even think about it... his a guy"

Elmenhilde warned as she saw through her plans of adding the slime to Lucias' harem to gain his direct protection and guidance. 

"Why not, didn't Lucias accept Great Red into his harem?" 

"Accepted? I don't even think he knows of her existence yet... heck I don't even think his aware that he has a harem"

Elmenhilde retorted with a frown, but that didn't stop Modeus' motivation to move forward with her plan.

"What do we know? We are still stuck inside this dimension for weeks. We have no news about the events from our dimension"

"But still-"

"Also if what you said is the case, it's only a matter of time until he accepts his harem, I don't think that the other girls will just stand by and watch. They will definitely do everything they can to make Lucias accept us"


Elmenhilde stayed silent as she couldn't retort her words since  everything that she said was true... The girls will do everything in their power to make it happen.

"Also, Rimuru is genderless, I can just use my magic to brainwash him into thinking that she's female... in fact Lucias can help him gain the 'Pregnancy' skill with his ability since slime are both male and female..."

Modeus insisted causing Elmenhilde to stare at her with a weirded expression on her face before pulling her away from the table so that both of them can talk on the side of the room

"You're crazy"

"Why thank you"

"That's not a compliment... do you think that the other girls will just accept HIM in his harem"

"Why not? They accepted me, a girl who has seduced thousands of males in the past into the harem"

Modeus said as she felt prick in her chest while a single tear flowed down her eye.

"... You're evaluation of yourself is pretty low as a woman..."

"... I'm... the only one who isn't a virgin in his harem..."

"How about Iris?"

"She only treats him as surrogate son, and Lucias doesn't see her that way"

"uh... Don't worry, Lucias doesn't really care if we were...defiled by another man in the past... Lucias won't push you away because you aren't a virgin. He'll push you away because your an extreme pervert"

"For some reason... that doesn't really make me happy at all"

"Can't you just ask Kurumi to use her angel on you to return your body back to its state when you were still a virgin?"

"I was 11 years old when I lost my virginity... as part of training as a succubus type original demon"

"So... How many years is that?"

"At least 99 million years"

"... It's impossible"


"But look on the bright side, you have the most experience among all of us"

"... I don't really feel happy hearing that"

Modeus said in a depressing tone while drawing a heart on the floor with her finger to try and lessen the sadness that she felt.

"Unimportant things aside... Do you really think Lucias will agree to this?"


"Just answer my questions"

"All of you are... so harsh on me"

Modeus muttered with a pout before releasing a depressing sigh as she answered her question.

"We'll just hide it from him... I'll erase the memories of his subordinates that knows his sex  before he was reincarnated so that they wouldn't rampage whilst inside the faction"

Modeus answered with a conflicted expression on her face from breaking her promise to herself of not using seduction or phycological magic anymore for Lucias.

"Let's try it"

Elmenhilde nodded before pulling Modeus back at the table.

"Ok, Rimuru-san... We suggest an alliance between our faction and your federation"

Elmenhilde said causing Rimuru to adapt a serious expression on his face while facing the two girls in front of him.

"Hoh... Let me hear the details"

"Modeus will you please?"

Elmenhilde said as she glanced at the depressed Modeus on her side.


"Huh? Y-yeah..."

She said before reaching out her hand towards Rimuru causing him to look at both of them in confusion.

"This is?"

He asked in confusion while pointing at her out stretched hand in front of him.

"We will transfer all the details of the contract directly to your mind since... it's a waste of time to just explain everything"

Elmenhilde said causing Modeus to look at her with a frown on her face from her plan to make Rimuru touch her.

'She's not going to fall for this...'

Modeus thought, even though they both knew that he was naive, he is still a leader of an entire federation so it's impossible for him to just fall for such an elaborate trap.


Rimuru answered with a smile causing Modeus to stare at her in shock from falling for the oldest trick in the book while Elmenhilde just smiled at him without a change in her expression but deep inside she was dancing around in joy for having her mistake work out well in the end.

Rimuru immediately grabbed her hand without hesitation as Modeus immediately connected her magic circuit to hers to manually manipulate his mind and desires, causing him to fall on the table, unconcious.

"Well... that worked out in the end"

Modeus muttered before getting pulled inside Rimuru's subconsciousness causing her body to pass out on the table while holding Rimuru's hand tightly in hers.

"Is this suppose to happen?"

Elmenhilde asked herself but shrugged her shoulders before exiting the room to take care of his subordinates while she's still unconcious.

"It's a good thing Nia learned [Amnesia]..."

-inside Rimuru's subconscious-

[Question: Are you the one sent by the 'creator'?]

A monotonous voice of a woman asked as soon as Modeus entered his subconscious mind causing her to dazedly stare at the giant ball of light in the middle of his subconscious.

"The 'creator'? Why would the 'creator' get involved with this?"

Modeus asked in confusion as the 'creator' she knew will never involve herself with someone like them.

[Answer the question]



"... So... am I about to get thrown out?"

[No, you answered the questions correctly according to the words of the 'creator' so your identity has been confirmed]


[We have already been informed by the primordial being of Eternity about your arrival... and all the events that happened has matched with the events given to us by the 'creator']

"What does the 'creator' have to do with any of this?"

Modeus asked out of curiosity while walking closer to the ball of light.

[You do not have enough authority for us to disclose that information, Original Demon of Lust. We are just following orders]


[We will not interfere for what your about to do since we only exist to preserve the specimen for Lucias Frey, according to the wishes of the 'creator']


Modeus asked in confusion, not understanding why the 'creator' would get herself involved with Lucias. 

"Is it because of his ability?... Is that why his ability is supported by the laws of reality? W-what does the 'creator' want with Lucias?"

Modeus muttered as anxiety drowned her heart causing her to sweat profusely as she knew that getting involve with such a being will only harm Lucias.

"I-I must go home, I-I need to see him"

She muttered with desperation written on her face as she started to spread her mana to manipulate Rimuru's subconscious mind as soon as possible.

"I-I don't want to lose him... just like what happened with Helltaker"

"I must go back... no matter what"

[Modeus has completed her quest]

[Elmenhilde Karnstein has completed her quest]

-with Yoshinon and the Yamai Sisters-


Kaguya growled from the uncomfortable feeling of having her organs removed inside of her multiple time along with Yuzuru, caressing her stomach from the odd feeling that she felt.


"Stop complaining Kaguya, Yuzuru has also experienced such pains"

Yuzuru irritatedly said while caressing her stomach with trembling for having her own liver dissected by Shouko multiple times out of her body.

"... She's scary"

Kaguya fearfully looked at the room from before, trembling as she remembered how Shouko dissected their body with a... intrigued expression on her face while studying they're anatomy.

"Where's Yoshinon?"

Kaguya asked as she looked around the room, not finding the familiar little girl inside causing her to worry if Shouko has laid her hands on her as well.

"Answer: She's playing with Komurasaki... and Yuzuru made sure that she's safe"

Yuzuru denied her thoughts causing her to sigh in relief before facing the banned dolls scattered across the room, created by Shouko from the organs that she dissected from them in the past few days.

"... They're so many Yuzuru"

Kaguya muttered while observing dozens of girl of different age and hair colour play around inside the room, but the most observable aspect to them is that all of them all share similarities with both of them, causing them to feel like they just have birth to 100+ children's in just a few weeks.

"It's a good thing Shouko was able to find someone to help her create this banned dolls or else... this might taken years to finish"

Kaguya muttered before gazing back at her sister who was intently staring at the banned dolls inside the room.

"Query: If they get impregnated by Lucias... does that count as our own child?"

"Huh? What are you talking about Yuzuru?"

Kaguya asked her sister in confusion from her weird thoughts.

"... Nothing, that was a strange thing to ask"


Kaguya tilted her head in confusion as she stared at Yuzuru before hearing a familiar intoxicating voice from behind them.

"Good job"

Shouko praised while stretching her back from the workload that she had in the past few weeks.

"Query: Is it all done, Shouko-san?"

"Yeah, this was the last batch of organs we need to create the last batch of banned dolls"

"Thank goodness..."

"Don't worry about their quality since the 'resources' you gave me are all of great quality, especially the concentration of magic inside of them"

"We aren't really worried about, we trust you Shouko-san"

Kaguya said causing Shouko a gentle smile to form on her face before patting both their orange hair.

"Thanks... because of you two I was able to formulate and further improve my research about banned dolls so I owe the two of you a lot"

"We both got something out of this exchange so no need to thank us, Shouko-san"

Yuzuru says with a neutral expression while Kaguya smiled before hugging Shouko tightly in her embrace.

"We're all now part of the same faction, so naturally we have to help each other"

"... Indeed, please take care of me in the future"

[Yoshinon Himekawa has completed her quest]

[Yuzuru Yamai has completed her quest]

[Kaguya Yamai has completed her quest]

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