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Chapter 200: Chapter 181 : Changes!

"It's over, it's irreversible!"

In the DC Main World, Barry cradled his head in his hands, unable to fathom his impulsive actions in another dimension!

Sisko narrowed his eyes at Barry, dripping with contempt.

"Drop the act. That's not the Barry I remember," he spat.

Though Barry had acknowledged his grave mistake and attempted to make amends, his brother's fate remained unchanged—doomed to perish. However, despite the anguish, he had released the bitterness from his heart and ceased to blame Barry.

Yet, it wasn't just his brother who suffered; countless threads of fate were altered. Only Barry Allen bore witness to the extent of the changes.

In the DCEU world, within a secluded chamber, Henry Allen breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't his son who had snuffed out his wife's life, but the man in yellow.

Now, he pondered over the emergence of another speedster, one with intentions of altering the past and snuffing out his beloved once more on that fateful "June 17th."

Meanwhile, in the Batcave, Bruce Wayne found himself plagued by a headache. In the footage, he had implored Barry to safeguard the future, yet the speedster had recklessly ventured into the past, heedless of the consequences.

Bruce exhaled deeply; none of them offered him respite. Yet, his greatest concern stemmed from the warnings voiced by Doctor Strange in the premonition video: those who toy with time would eventually fall prey to its machinations.

Something dire must have transpired.

["Who are you? Why did you take my mother's life? And how do you possess the Speed Force!?"]

[Barry's voice, laced with fury, fell upon the man in yellow.]

["So many inquiries, but where shall I begin?"]

[The man in yellow, opting against attack or flight, settled upon the ground and removed his hood, revealing a visage akin to Barry's, albeit weathered.]

[At the sight, Barry recoiled, dread coursing through him at the prospect of facing his future self.]

["Ah, your expression is truly priceless! But fret not, I am not you."]

[The man in yellow, neck contorted, spoke. "I hail from the 25th century. You may call me Eobard Thawne."]

[Barry's nerves gradually steadied; it was a relief not to face his own reflection.]

[At this, Thawne's lips curled into a sly grin.]

["However, you gifted me with my Speed Force."]

Off-screen, Barry in the DC Main universe pieced it together.

The birth of the Reverse Flash in the video universe mirrored his own reality!

Upon discovering their battle attire, the adversary siphoned the residual Speed Force and replicated it for their own ends.

[On-screen, Barry struggled to decipher the man's cryptic words, but his focus remained fixed on why Thawne sought his mother's demise.]

[Surveying Barry's befuddled expression, Thawne erupted into laughter.]

["Absurd, Barry Allen. Do you truly believe I'm here to end your mother's life?"]

[Barry recoiled, a dreadful realization dawning upon him.]

["Indeed. He's here to end us."]

[In an instant, crimson lightning crackled to life. A figure clad in a distinct Flash uniform materialized—a Barry Allen, his hair slightly longer, removed his cowl, revealing yet another iteration of himself.]

DC Main Universe!

The chaotic scene unfolding before Lucifer's eyes gave him a throbbing headache. He sighed helplessly:

"Ugh, I can't stand The Flash the most, always hopping around the timeline, and there's not just one of them!"

God pondered for a moment before nodding in agreement.

Despite witnessing Barry's various acts of "sacrifice" across different universes, he still chose to extend forgiveness each time.

This kid really has it tough!

[Observing his other self with a perplexed expression, the long-maned Barry sighed:]

["The Reverse Flash actually returned to our past to eliminate us. You must've experienced it during your childhood. He failed because of my intervention, so he killed my mother instead!"]

[Barry, adorned with golden lightning, remained bewildered. Although the unfolding events surpassed his expectations and comprehension, now that the crisis had been averted, he felt a sense of relief!]

["So, what's our next move?" inquired Golden Lightning Barry.]

[However, at that moment, the Reverse-Flash on the ground chuckled once more:]

["It seems you've forgotten what I told you, Barry Allen. You made a mistake!"]

["You shouldn't have saved your mother!"]

The two Flashes simultaneously turned to glance at Barry with short hair, sporting a smirk 🙂

["Because... the timeline will be horrifically altered!"]

In the Batcave, Bruce furrowed his brow.

He couldn't fathom the extent of the impending changes!

Yet, if he were to put trust in the Reverse Flash's words, disaster was imminent.

[Soon, the Golden Flash returned to his original timeline, with the other trailing behind to confront the dire consequences wrought by the Reverse Flash!]

[As for the Reverse Flash, his form inexplicably vanished upon being brought back by the duo!]

"A time paradox!?"

"Perhaps even more complex than that!"

Bruce felt as if he were on the verge of losing his mind!

When time becomes entangled, the complications grow exponentially!

[On Screen]

[The enigmatic smile before the flashback vanished, stunning both Barry simultaneously!]

[In an instant, Barry, of the Golden Lightning, comprehends the dire alteration Reverse Flash speaks of!]

[The fabric of time has shifted, altering countless occurrences!]

[Contemporary World]

[Arthur has ascended to the mantle of Aquaman!]

[Subsequently, he fell enamored with Wonder Woman, an affair discovered by Mera!]

[Driven by jealousy and fury, the Sea's enraged Queen sought to assassinate Wonder Woman but met her own demise at the Amazon's hand!]

[Upon learning of this, Arthur succumbed to wrath, leading the Atlantean forces into a devastating conflict with the Amazons, resulting in millions of casualties!]

[Meanwhile, in Gotham's Wayne Manor, Bruce is no more!]

[Batman has transformed into an unrecognizable figure, a persona known as Thomas Wayne!]

Off-screen, Bruce is left dumbfounded!

Thomas Wayne?

Isn't he Bruce's own father!?

Wait, didn't his parents perish in this reality!?

This revelation brings a glimmer of hope!

However, in the next moment, Bruce, typically unflappable, is consumed by terror!

Joker has emerged!

(Her name is Martha Wayne!)

"Mother became Joker!?"

Bruce reels, utterly unable to fathom this grim reality!

But the ordeal doesn't end there!

[Barry also encounters news of a stellar entity dubbed Super Girl!]

[As for Superman Clark, Barry eventually crosses paths within a crimson-lit penitentiary!]

"A prison bathed in red light!"


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