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Chapter 47: Chapter:- 47 and 48

Chapter:- 47-48

"Ahhhh~" Naruto sighed with satisfaction as he watered a nearby tree. He had left the group when Aang started swimming with some giant fish. It wasn't that surprising to him, not after witnessing the summons of Ero-sennin, Orochimaru, or Grandma. "It's a shame that it didn't work out either," he remembered with frustration the countless times he had tried to summon even a single toad to ask for their help, but to no avail.

Adjusting his belt, he shrugged; he would find another way in due time. Returning to his group, he was surprised to find his friends bound and gagged on the ground, surrounded by Kyoshi warriors.



The girls exchanged confused glances. They hadn't even noticed when the stranger had arrived. But that didn't seem to matter. "Catch him!" The warriors launched themselves at the intruder; it should be simple, after all, there was only one of him. If the others were as easy to take down as his friends, this wouldn't be a problem.

The leader of the Kyoshi warriors threw her fan at Naruto, but he effortlessly caught it mid-air. Everything happened so quickly for the girls, who only saw a blur of orange as he moved past them. "Are you okay?" Behind the group, Naruto deftly used the fan to cut the ropes binding his companions, leaving the Kyoshi warriors just as surprised.

"It's you..." Naruto raised an eyebrow in confusion when the girl who had thrown the fan at him stepped forward. Her eyes shone with excitement, and with her golden hair, blue eyes like the sea, and marks on her cheeks, it was clear who she was referring to. "You are the orange flash, you are Uzumaki Naruto... the great savior." She fell to her knees, and her group followed suit, kneeling before the shinobi.

"Hey?" Naruto could only muster a bewildered response as he scratched his cheek sheepishly.


Iroh was, and will always be, one of the most powerful and dangerous firebenders to have ever walked the earth. However, his power wasn't solely attributed to his combat skills or fire manipulation; it was his immense wisdom and intelligence that nearly led him to victory against Ba Sing Se.

Unfortunately, the death of his son made him realize that bringing down those legendary walls was not worth it. In fact, he believed that nothing was worth it anymore, at least until he saw a marginalized little boy mistreated by his father and brother. Zuko became the reason Iroh continued to be a part of the Fire Nation army — to follow, guide, and advise him so that he could become the righteous man he was destined to be.

"Just take a whiff of this, Prince Zuko, mmmm~" The elderly firebender was currently preparing a delicious tea using special herbs he had collected during their last stop at the docks.

"Uncle, get that away from my face." Zuko, his nephew, was attempting to meditate in the cabin, as he often did on his uncle's advice. With a snort, the scarred teenager dismissed the peculiar aroma of the tea. "It smells terrible."

"Do you think so?" Iroh, still smiling, simply shrugged and enjoyed his tea in silence, savoring its delightful taste. He looked at his nephew for a moment. "There have been many rumors circulating in recent days."

"If they're not about the Avatar, I'm not interested," Zuko replied curtly. He took a deep breath, causing the flames of the candles in front of him to flicker and waver.

"Well, you might find this one intriguing," Iroh continued, undeterred by his nephew's disinterest, taking a sip of his tea. "The great Bǎolěi fortress has fallen."

"That?" Zuko nearly lost his concentration, looking at his uncle in surprise. One of the largest fortresses of the Fire Nation had been destroyed. "Finally, the Earth Kingdom army has left the walls of Ba Sing Se to defend smaller towns," he asked, a hint of doubt in his voice.

"You are mistaken, Prince. This wasn't the doing of an army, although some have already dubbed it the work of a one-man army." He chuckled softly and poured himself more tea.

"Are you suggesting that one person...?" Zuko briefly considered the possibility of it being the Avatar but quickly dismissed the idea. He had barely escaped from them when they were just a small battalion on an average armored ship, and the Bǎolěi fortress was known for having the second-largest number of soldiers in one place.

"He's not a man; he's just a boy." Iroh's smile faded as he stroked his beard thoughtfully. "It appears we are on the brink of significant change, Prince Zuko. Keep that in mind."

Zuko furrowed his brow and returned to his meditation, uninterested in the child. His sole focus remained on capturing the Avatar.






After everything settled down, the Kyoshi Warriors led the group to their small village. They were welcomed by the village leader, and it turned out to be one of the shrines where Avatar Kyoshi once resided. Aang's appearance caused a commotion among the children and elderly, who eagerly offered him luxuries like food and other items.

However, Naruto's reception was quite different.

They were brought to a training facility where the Kyoshi Warriors conferred among themselves before revealing their intentions.

Naruto blinked in surprise as he saw a scroll featuring his own likeness with the word 'Wanted' emblazoned on it, offering a reward of one million pieces of gold, dead or alive. "Oops, that's not good." Apparently, the blonde hadn't expected the Fire Nation to place such a high bounty on his head.

Sokka took the scroll and stared at it in disbelief. Was this some sort of hoax? How could a prepubescent boy have such a price on his head?

"What did you do to become a national enemy of the Fire Nation?" Sokka couldn't help but voice his astonishment.

"He fights single-handedly for the freedom of prisoners," Suki explained, her voice filled with admiration as she recounted the tales that had spread across the continent. "They say you fought alone against an entire army of thousands of Fire Nation soldiers. You broke through the walls to enter and continued fighting valiantly. Even when you were wounded and bleeding, you didn't give up. In the end, the firebenders surrendered to you."

"Uhh..." Naruto flashed a shy smile at the girl who was too close to his face. "There were only a few hundred soldiers, and in the end, if it weren't for the prisoners, I wouldn't be here today. They found the courage to fight for themselves; I merely guided them down the right path."

"How noble..."

"That's amazing!"

"You still fought and won!"

"You freed everyone and made your enemies surrender at your feet!"

"Well, I..." Naruto wasn't accustomed to being praised or admired, especially by girls who were looking at him in such a way. It was a new experience for him.

"I didn't know you did all of that," for Team Avatar, it was a gradual realization. From what they had heard, their new ally was a formidable fighter with experience facing the Fire Nation. "You're amazing!" Katara's unexpected exclamation nearly shattered Sokka and Aang's eardrums as they saw the same gleam in her eyes as in those of the Kyoshi Warriors.

"Yes... amazing," Aang whispered, feeling somewhat displaced by the look his friend was giving the blonde.

"Well, considering what you did in the fight against Aang, it's not surprising," Sokka admitted, gaining a newfound appreciation for the "wizard boy."

"Is it true that you can create clones of yourself?"

"Can you walk on walls like a spider?"

"Can you launch attacks with strange energy?"

"Can you leap hundreds of meters and lift enormous rocks?"

"Is it true that your mere presence makes your enemies surrender?"

"Do you have a fiancée?"

"Girls!" The last question was enough to make even Naruto blush. Calming down the enthusiastic warriors, he stood up. "I'm just an ordinary person like all of you. Even though I have some unusual abilities, I'm still... just me." It might not have been the best thing to say, but it did manage to calm the girls down.

"We apologize for our unprofessional behavior," Suki said, regaining her composure along with her companions. They stood up and bowed to the shinobi. "It's just that we feel a great deal of joy knowing that someone out there is fighting for a just cause. It's an honor to meet you." Her words were filled with respect, and after a few more seconds of bowing, they straightened up.

"Well, it's an honor for me to meet such skilled warriors as yourselves, even though you had no trouble defeating and capturing my friends."

"Hey! They caught me off guard!" Sokka couldn't admit that he got his butt kicked by some girls.

"Of course, 'strong man,'" Suki teased, finding the teenager's outburst amusing. "You can stay as long as you need. Our people are more than willing to provide you with whatever you require," she offered to the group, and they gratefully accepted.

"Then I'll go get some groceries and things for the trip." Katara stood up, bid farewell to the warriors, and left, followed by Aang, who mentioned he would explore the island. This left Sokka and Naruto alone with the Kyoshi Warriors.

"I wish you could stay," one of the girls shyly touched Naruto's shoulder. "I wish you could maybe teach us something. After all, you're a great fighter."

"Oh, I'm sorry, but I don't think that's a good idea." The girls looked disappointed by the rejection, so Naruto quickly continued, "But it's only because I don't have anything to teach you! My teacher, Yui, taught me all the basics of Kyoshi style."

"Wait, wait!" Sokka couldn't believe his ears. "A woman taught you how to fight?"

"Yes," Naruto replied as if it were the most natural thing in the world. "She's a tough woman who beat me up more than once. I also know she's the daughter of a Kyoshi woman from this island, now that I think about it." He spoke his thoughts aloud without realizing that Sokka's mouth was agape.

Meanwhile, the girls behind them were swelling with pride. Who would have guessed that one of the men—or in this case, boys—most wanted by the Fire Nation had been trained by a Kyoshi woman?

After hours of training, Sokka was panting and lay on his back, trying to catch his breath. He had been thrown around by Suki several times. Eventually, he put aside his pride and made a simple request: to learn. Although wearing a dress and makeup wasn't his idea of training, he had to do it.

"Not bad for a beginner," Suki said with a smile. She had to admit that Sokka was stubborn and determined, showing potential.

Nearby, Naruto observed from a distance as Aang was surrounded by a group of girls. His temper flared. "Katara!" he called to the girl who was nearby, bringing her closer. "You need to go get Aang. We already have enough food for a few weeks, and we need to leave."

"Hmm," Katara hesitated for a moment, not used to being ordered around by someone three years younger. But when she saw the seriousness in his eyes, she remembered who he truly was. "Is there a problem?"

"It could be," Naruto replied, keeping his expression serious. He pointed to the distant horizon over the sea, where small black dots were visible. It took Katara a moment to realize that the dots were clouds of black smoke.

"I'll go get him!"

Naruto thought for a moment, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. He needed to stop the approaching soldiers from reaching the village. Losing their homes in a battle would be a devastating loss, and he wasn't sure if the Kyoshi girls could defend against a larger force. While the most reasonable course of action would be to leave quietly, where was the fun in that?

[ if you want to read the advance Chapters then go to Pat reon as I have already uploaded till chapter 69 there and you can support me as well by doing so.

PAT REON I'D:- Alzero ]

Alzero_ Alzero_

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