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Chapter 5: Ch:5 Raid

Time skip : 6 months

Loud echoing footsteps indicated three people were walking down the corridor, distant gunshots sounding in the background, the three figures reaching the end of the corridor in front of them is a grandiose door. The figure in the middle reaches over and presses a button on the side, sharp ding cutting through the room. The three continue their walk and then turn around, as the doors close the figure in the middle turns around and admires her handy work, her smile growing pleased.

"You know they really should have gone for a red theme. It looks so much better than white. '' Maru said to her companions.

"God damnit," the man on her right sighed "Sienna's gonna strangle you and then us after this, you know that right?"

"Oh don't be dramatic Nyx, you know she won't, I'm too much of an asset for her to do that, lighten up" Maru replied cheekily.

"But what about us?!" Nyx said exasperatedly, gesturing to himself and their last companion.

"I don't know what you mean Nyx, I didn't see anything" the last person of their group said.

"See Nyx nothing happened, even Virdi agrees" Maru threw in.

"Ugh" was Nyx's only reply as the elevator arrived at their destination.

Continuing their walk Maru put her arms behind her head and started to whistle.

"Still though Maru i've known you for what, like 6 nearly 7 years? I never knew you were this murderous."

"Eh, I never thought you would join the white fang" Maru nipped back.

"Fair, but still why didn't you leave earlier, why did you let them do that to your neck" Virdis said pointing to make sure his point got across.

Maru scowled and put her hand to her neck which was covered in a dark gray cloth. "I may have been way too skilled for a twelve year old but you can still feel fear especially so as a child" she growled out, taking her hand off her neck and walking further forward she continued. "And as for your second question, I was young and didn't have anywhere else to go so I decided to stay, at least I got to eat and sleep with some amount of safety and cover "

"I still can't believe you unlocked your semblance a week into having your aura unlocked, that's gotta be a record or something". Nyx tried to lighten the mood.

"Is it really that big of a deal? Everyone else has one, so I don't understand why they are hyping this up so much" Virdis replied cluelessly.

"Well that's because it usually takes a lot longer to unlock your semblance dumbass, for example it took me three years for mine, but that's on the longer side. It usually depends on the person. Some people never even unlock theirs but yours is the quickest I've ever heard of." Maru said informatively.

"Yeah it's really hard to believe that you got yours so early, as well as it being so strong" Nyx said in amazement.

"Yeah man, it's really strong and works really well with my sembla-" Maru cut herself off at the sound of mechanical footsteps making their way towards them. "Ooh fun, we got friends. Unfortunately they aren't free paint buckets but oh well". She clicked her tongue in disappointment.

The three got ready to fight, Nyx pulled out his large dual scythe, spinning it and holding it at the ready. Virdis got ready in a stance that would allow him to use his singular clawed glove and his other hand was pushed towards Maru, his face tense. Maru had a smile growing larger and larger by the second pulling out Shinsei from its scabbard and standing in a ready stance.

Rounding a corner was a group of 6 Atlesian knights, noticing the three Faunus in the corridor they got ready to start shooting.

"Thanks Virdi for providing a bit of paint for me, I needed it. Seriously interior painting is so hard without it" Maru said with false tiredness, lifting her sword towards Virdis' hand. His hand seemed to only have 3 fingers, the other two small stumps that seemed to have open wounds, with a gel-like substance over the top.

"Quit it with your dramatics Maru and just do it, or do you not want to?" Virdis said with annoyance clearly showing on his face.

"Fine, fine buzzkill" after Maru said this a sadistic smile appeared on her face and she lopped off one of Virdis' remaining fingers, the pained grunt from Virdis' clenched teeth was the only sign he felt it at all. A gel-like substance slowly came from the wound and covered it.

Maru now with a finger that is spewing blood everywhere giggled happily, she then threw the finger towards the robots. It flew on an arch, spitting blood everywhere it went and finally landing in front of the knights.

The room stood still for a few moments, both sides seemingly sizing up their opponent. Then at the sound of the first gunshot, Maru disappeared and reappeared in front of the last knight to start shooting, and before it could compute what was in front of it, its head went flying. Moving to the next robot Maru is joined by Nyx who twirled his scythe, cleaving two robots that were about to shoot Maru in the back, in half. Virdis came running in at a much slower pace compared to the others. Reaching a robot he punched it in the head with his gloved hand, sending it flying. He then stuck his arm into it's neck, clawing at the inside of the robot like a wild animal until it powered down.

After killing their respective targets the three moved onto the last two robots who readied their weapons. Aiming towards the group, they let their bullets fly, Nyx used his semblance to both move and cover both himself and Virdis away from the gunfire, whilst Maru vanished behind the knights and sliced at the joint connecting their head to the rest of their bodies. Their heads went flying off.

Maru turned and swung her sword once to get any debris off and put it back into its scabbard.

"That was fun wasn't it Virdi!" Maru said, a cheeky smile on her lips.

"Fuck you! That hurt like a bitch and you didn't even need it!" Virdis screamed from further down the corridor.

"Hey, at least it will grow back. It's not like you have anything to worry about" Maru said with a patronizing chuckle.

"You two idiots, can you stop bickering, we need to get this over with, this raid is taking too long as it is, we also have more company" Nyx yelled at the two who were still arguing.

"Ooo more friends, hey Virdi come here we need more paint so i can show these guys my skills" Maru said snapping out of her argument and walking over to Virdis.

"Oh fuck no! I already gave you a finger, use that!" Virdis screamed futilely as he watched the approaching Maru who had a devilish smile plastered on her face.

"Oh come on Virdi you can't say no to an artist getting her supplies" Maru giggled.

The rest of the compound was filled with the angry and pained screams of Virdis and the manic laughter of Maru for the rest of the raid.

A/N thank you for reading. I've been getting some questions in comments on things like why Maru didn't leave earlier and i hope that this chapter helped with understanding this a little better hope you enjoyed and i wanted to shout out Mr.TheBaker on he is my friend who. Has been helping with fixing this up because my grammar is horrible also his fanfic called language of letter is really good its a white knight fic Thx:)

Angel_1860 Angel_1860


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