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Chapter 15: Ch:15 Finger

Upon the top of the cliff that held the six Faunus, Maru and Sienna could be seen conversing with Orion off to the side.

"So what you're saying is that you two are a duo of thieves and you thought that you would come and rob the high ranking officers that are gathering today, yes?" Came the oddly calm question from Maru, then with a point towards Thalia who was now sulking next to a tree with a wooden sign tied around her neck that had writing on it spelling idiot. "Something makes that very hard to believe."

Orion just sighed. "Yes we wanted to try our hand at getting something valuable but we then encountered you."

"Right what was that about anyway? Why did you just straight up attack us?"

Orion nearly bent double at the mention of his earlier actions. "I am sorry for that, we've been on edge for a while, we were recently ambushed whilst we were setting up for a heist, so I am truly sorry."

At the sincere apology Maru tried to get Orion to straighten up but he didn't budge, so she tried again and he didn't budge, after a few more tries and flailing around Maru finally gave up and turned to Sienna who just stood there with an amused expression, sighing Sienna placed a hand on Orion's Shoulder and said. "It's okay, you were only trying to look out for yourselves, I know any of us would have done something similar in your situation."

At Sienna's words Orion looked up muttering out a small. "Thank you." Before going back over to Thalia who latched onto him.

Maru and Sienna stood with small smiles on their faces watching the interaction, Maru broke the silence saying. "It really sucks that kids like him have to turn to thievery just to survive, it seems like these two have been doing this for a long time." She sighed. "This world is seriously fucked if it's normal for kids to have to do this."

Sienna put her hand on Maru's shoulder in a comforting gesture. "That's why we do what we do, so that others won't have to, so that kids can be kids and not have to worry whether they will be able to make it to the next day." Maru placed her hand on top of Sienna's and gave a small smile to her.

"Yo we fucking doing this or what?!" Nyx yelled from next to Virdis who was still watching the factory, Maru and Sienna snapped out of the moment they were having making Maru gain a snarl, she trudged over to others and up in front of Nyx who gave her a confused look at her glare. "The fuck's up with you?"

Without warning Maru kicked him dead in the middle of the stomach sending him off the cliff, she then turned around to see the panicked and surprised faces of Thalia and Orion, Sienna just had her hand on her face just shaking her head. "Is he going to be alright?" Thalia asked, looking concerned about Nyx's wellbeing.

Maru only smiled and said. "It would have been worse for him if he was still up here. Anyway he'll be fine, but we have a factory to raid and a frosty bastard to kill, who's with me!" She stuck her fist out. Virdis put his fist next to hers, Sienna gave her a look saying that she agrees and Thalia and Orion though apprehensive put their fists in as well, Maru then bumped her fist into the other three and let out a cheer. "Whoo let's go team KMSN! plus Thalia and Orion!"

Virdis and Sienna just deadpanned at Maru before the former said. "Team KMSN Maru, seriously?"


A cold wind flew past a set of guards stationed along the wall.

"Why did I decide to get a job in the middle of nowhere in the Atlas wilderness when I hate the cold?!" The guard on the right exclaimed.

The guard on the left turned to him and chuckled slightly in between shivers. "Because you an idiot, anyway quit complaining about your shitty life choices its making me think of mine, let's just get back to our game."

The guard on the right sighed then started to look around, whilst he was looking around a dull thud rang out which caused him to look towards it. "Fine, I spy with my little eye something beginning with f."

The guard on the left gave him a perplexed look. "What on Remnant is going to start with f here of all things?"

"True it would be kinda hard to guess a finger of all thin -." The guard paused mid sentence and turned towards the object that made the sound.

Sitting on the ground just behind the two was a cleanly severed finger that seemed to have been freshly cut, seeing as though it was leaking blood.

The two guards looked towards each other then back at the finger, the guard on the left broke the silence with. "Uh is that a severed finger and if so where in the fuck di -." He paused mid sentence as the guard's view of the finger was covered.

Now standing in front of them was a woman wearing a maroon Atlas military cloak, she had striking white hair with ears a top her head of the same color, but the only thing that the guards noticed was the large grin on her face that was growing every moment, there was silence for many long moments but it was eventually broken by a word that the woman spoke. "Boo."

Maru lunged at the guards without them being able to react, she swiftly knocked out the first one with a punch to the temple before turning to the other and kicking him in the side of the head bringing his head down into the other guard's.

Finishing with the guards she waved off towards a cliff, shortly after a black shadow a fairly large amount of space near her, as it dissipated five other figures appeared one noticeably more roughed up then the others. "You know that fall fucking hurt right?" Nyx whined towards Maru who only grinned and flipped him her middle finger, she then grabbed the finger and threw it further into the compound, Nyx's eye twitched. "This ain't over bitch!"

Virdis slapped him across the back of the head before signaling him to be quiet, Nyx just sighed and made the shadows envelope the other five members of the team.


A/N thank you for reading hope you enjoyed. The new schedule will push the uploads of this to once a week from twice so I can work on another project as well as my real life comitments. As always if you have any suggestions or questions about this do ask. Thx

Angel_1860 Angel_1860

Word Count: 1094


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