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Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Evolution baby!

[Would you like to evolve?] The system asked, allowing Blake to see the options on his display screen.

Blake didn't have time to think or look through the options. After all, he was faced with a Hobgoblin, a more powerful evolved version of a Goblin, with a ridiculous amount of strength that he had been using to literally wipe the floor with Blake's face.

"Yes!" Blake yelled, not having to think twice about his choice, clicking the yes option on the screen with his eyes.

The Hobgoblin had had enough of the Kobold's petty chatter, deciding to finish this battle once and for all as he raised his fist getting ready to crush Blake once and for all.

[Starting evolution...] The system said as Blake watched the Hobgoblins fist come crashing down toward him before Blake felt a strange sensation deep in his chest.

Suddenly a powerful and bright light engulfed Blake before creating a shock wave, one strong enough to push the Hobgoblin back, forcing him to shield his eyes due to the light.

"Arghn. What the hell is this!" The Hobgoblin yelled, trying to watch through his arms and fingers while shielding his eyes.

Nev and the others were forced to do the same, feeling the shock wave burst passed them even standing thirty feet away.

"D-Drak!" Nev said, not knowing what was going on.

Blake could feel a strange burning from deep within his body. He could feel his bones and muscles being ripped apart before stitching themselves back together all over his body. It didn't hurt, it just felt strange, a feeling hard for him to describe.

System... What's going on? Blake asked, feeling as if he was unable to speak.

[You are evolving.] The system said, plain and simple.

No shit... Blake said, suddenly feeling as if he had been whacked in the chest with a sledgehammer.

Everyone watched as the light faded, seemingly breaking around Blake's body like glass before revealing his new form to all.

"N-N-No way..." Nev said, not believing his eyes.

"He evolved?" commander Vatt said, also in disbelief having witnessed it with his own eyes.

[Congratulations, you have evolved into a Dragon-fledgling. More commonly known as a Dracon.] The system said, showing Blake that his evolution was complete.

Blake opened his eyes, taking in the sight around him, feeling as if his eye sight had gotten better somewhat.

"I feel... Taller." He said, looking at his hands, seeing they were much larger than before.

"Is that really, Drak?" One of the other Kobold warriors asked, taking in the sight of him.

In their eyes, Blake had grown huge, now standing at 5 and a half feet in height. His face had become more defined and more dragon-like along with the rest of his body, looking stronger and more furious. Even his tail had become longer and thicker making him look powerful.

(Check the comment here to see a picture.)

Blake felt the sudden need to stretch out his arms, finding that his wings suddenly opened to full span unknowingly, revealing the large wings that now span across his whole back, looking more like a dragon thanks to his evolution.

"My body... It feels brand new." Blake said, feeling no pain anymore while he tried to get a look at himself.

The Hobgoblin also couldn't believe his eyes, looking at the mighty being that now stood before him.

"No... It cannot be." The Hobgoblin said, not believing his eyes.

"So what if you evolved... I'm still stronger!" The Hobgoblin yelled, letting his strength boil over once again before he charged at Blake, picking his club up from the ground before he smashed it across Blake's head.

The Hobgoblin put so much force into the attack that the club broke over Blake's head, snapping in two as the Hobgoblin turned around to admire his handy work.

"Drak look out!" Nev also yelled, watching as the large club broke over his head, not knowing what was going to happen next.

Blake felt the club hit him, not even flinching as the club broke over his head, not really feeling much at all.

Did he just smash that club over my head? Blake asked himself, not quiet believing it had just happened.

Surely that has done some damage? Blake said again, confused as to why he didn't feel any pain before he checked his health points.

The Hobgoblin was shocked to see that Blake seemed unaffected by his attack, letting loose a powerful roar before pounding his fists into Blake's face and body, unleashing a devastating combination of brutal attacks.

"ARGHH!!!" The Hobgoblin roared, letting loose punch after punch, colliding with Blake's face and body, hitting the tough scales that made up his skin.

Blake had finally had enough was still in a world of his own, being able to feel the punches, but hardly taking any damage from them what so ever.

Suddenly Blake caught one of the Hobgoblin's fists in his hand, clamping down on it tight and stopping his attacks as if they were nothing.

The Hobgoblin looked shocked, trying to fight off Blake's powerful grip around his fist. However, Blake's grip was so tight that with one squeeze he broke all of the bones in the Hobgoblin's hand, causing the monster to howl in pain before dropping to his knees.

"Wow... You are really weak, are you even trying?" Blake asked, noticing that his voice had grown deeper.

The Hobgoblin continued to squirm and pull his hand away until Blake finally let him go, watching as he jumped back clutching his broken hand with his good one.

"This can't be right. How have you grown so strong!" The Hobgoblin yelled.

"Hell if I know," Blake said with a smirk before placing his hands on his hips.

"I guess our evolution line is just better than yours." Blake then said, getting a frown from the Hobgoblin.

"Why you!" The Hobgoblin yelled again, spotting a sword on the ground before he picked it up.

Blake watched him do so not seeming bothered about it.

"And what are we going to do with that?" He asked, this time crossing his arms over his chest.

"Don't get cocky just because you evolved!" The Hobgoblin yelled, charging toward Blake with the sword raised.

The Monster charged forward and swung the sword like a wild beast, using no technique at all, only attacking with his strength. Of course, this would have been fine if not for Blake's evolution, allowing him to completely outclass the Hobgoblin now thanks to his new found abilities.

Blake dodged all of the Hobgoblin's attacks with simple movements of his body, letting the Hobgoblin work against himself, finally missing a large overhead slash that caused him to fall forward onto his knees.

"This is getting silly now, I mean you are just so slow." Blake said, stepping around him, making sure to be careful of any sudden movements.

"Curse you!" The Hobgoblin roared, throwing one final attack at Blake, swinging the sword with all of his might, only for Blake to deflect the attack with the tough scales on his forearms, shattering the sword.

"I think it's time I finished this," Blake said, watching as the shards of metal broke, scattering across his face and allowing him to see his reflection for a brief moment.

With one smooth motion, Blake drew back his right leg, shifting his hips and putting all of his power through his back before it exploded through his shoulder and down his arm.

"HIYA!" Blake yelled, throwing his strongest punch right at the Hobgoblin's chest, not holding anything back.

Blake felt his hand rip through flesh and bone, before he wrapped it around the Hobgoblin's beating heart, pulling it from his chest and holding it in his hand.

The Hobgoblin's face was one of shock, pain and confusion, watching momentarily as Blake held his still-beating heart in the palm of his hand.

"Fatality," Blake said before he crushed the heart watching as the Hobgoblin finally fell, hitting the dirt with a thump as he lay dead in a pool of his own blood.

"H-He did it..." One of the other Kobold warriors said.

"Alright!" Nev cheered, causing all of the others to cheer too.

"He really did it..." Vatt said, also watching from the side lines.

The few remaining Goblins that were still on the village side of the boulder remained speechless, having watched their leader be killed with such ease.

Of course, Blake had not forgotten about the Goblins that were left as he turned his attention toward them, causing the small group to turn around and jump at the large boulder, trying to climb up it to escape.

Blake quickly swooped in with his wings, using them to speed through the air before he crushed ones head against the boulder and then sliced the others head off with his hand, making it look easy.

As for the last two, Blake decided that keeping them alive would serve him better, perhaps allowing him to get some intel into their home and what other forces they had hidden away.

Nev and some of the other warriors ran over toward Blake, being a little cautious now that he was so strong.

"D-Drak, is that really you?" Nev asked.

Blake had finished wrapping up the Goblins in spider thread, binding them from their mouth down to their feet.

"Oh, Nev, quick do me a favour and make sure no one kills these two will you." Blake said with a smile, standing to his full height, towering above Nev and the others.

"Damn... Blake what the hell happened to you?" Nev asked, amazed at his new form and strength.

Blake smiled and rubbed the back of his head.

"Actually that's a good question. But for now, we still have a Goblin hoard to take care of." Blake said, causing everyone to get serious again.

"I want the rest of you to tend to the wounded and keep back." Blake said, not finding any argument from the others as they did what he asked.

"Leave it to us, sir!" One of the Kobold warriors shouted as he saluted Blake, causing the others to all do the same, including Nev.

Blake then watched as they all ran off, trying to gather the surviving Kobolds and tend to their wounds. Leaving Blake to finish what he had started.

Blake walked over to the Hobgoblin body taking one last look at the creature.

If not for you I would never have become this strong... For that I thank you. Blake said before he knelt down and grabbed the Goblins hair to lift his head.

"This should do the trick." He then said to himself, cutting its head off.

Meanwhile, the Goblin hoard that had been cut off from the village due to the falling rocks and boulder had been trying their best to scale the large one that was blocking the gate. However, it was to steep for them to climb and they had been forced to wait and see what would happen, hoping that their leader would soon appear.

Blake looked up at the large boulder that was blocking the gate, seeing that it would be very difficult to climb.

"I see you had a good shot at it..." Blake said, seeing the crack that the Hobgoblin had made in it as he spoke to its head.

"Still looks strong to me." Blake said, knowing that breaking it wouldn't be an option.

"Time to put these wings to use." He then said, bending his knees a little as he prepared to jump.

"System, give me a hand will you." He then said, remembering that this would be his first time trying to fly.

[No problem.] The system said, showing him a gauge and some sort of flight sim in his display.

"I guess that helps..." Blake said before he jumped into the air, willing his large wings to flap and boost him high up into the air onward to the top of the large boulder before taking a steady landing, getting the attention of the Goblin hoard below.

I did it! Thank god I didn't fall... Blake thought to himself before standing upright and announcing himself to the Goblins.

"Alright! Listen up you sorry shit bags!" Blake yelled, seeing that all of them turned to face him, astonished that his could speak their language more than the fact of what he had said.

"Your leader is dead by my hand! If you do not leave, then the rest of you will share his fate!" Blake yelled, holding up the Hobgoblin's head for all of them to see before he tossed it down toward the hoard.

The Goblins were shocked at the sight of their leader's head, not believing their eyes before they looked back up at Blake.

"Now, begone with you!" He roared, letting his wings expand to their full width, showing them that he was no normal Kobold.

The Goblins yelled and screamed in fear at the sight of him, knowing how strong their leader was, and how powerful a Hobgoblin was, wanting nothing to do with Blake if he had been the one to defeat him.

With no other chain of commander or structure the Goblins quickly ran for their lives, not wanting to fight anymore now that they had a choice.

Blake watched them scatter into the darkness of the dungeon until he could no longer see them, making the space around the village seem empty after a while.

"The battle is over... Victory is ours!" Blake shouted as he turned around to face the cheering crowds that had gathered from every corner of the village, all standing there as they cheered for their saviour like he was a hero.

"I guess the only question now, is what comes next..." Blake asked himself as he looked down at his people, knowing that the road that lay before him would be one covered in more bloodshed.

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