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Chapter 2: Prologue: Homika Fujimoto

Homika Fujimoto's journey began with a dream I nurtured through sleepless nights of studying. After I graduated from university with honors, I stepped into the world with bright eyes and a heart full of aspirations. All this was shortly destroyed after the first meeting at my new lab.

"Is that the best you can do, Fujimoto?" The lad researcher's voice dripped with condescension.

"I've put my best effort into it," I replied, my tone tinged with a mixture of fatigue and restrained frustration.

After another night of unpaid overtime, totaling nearly 12 hours on the job, I felt my energy sapped. I had spent the last two nights sleeping and waking within the confines of the laboratory. Such days were a common occurrence, leaving me little time at my $880-a-month, 20m2 studio apartment – utilities not included. If not for my cat, Kiki, and video games I might as well move my life to the lab permanently.

"At this pace, the higher-ups might just start suggesting that I hired you solely for your 'assets'." the lead sneered, his words laced with a mocking undertone.

I clenched my teeth, "I assure you, my dedication and skills are what drive my contributions to the company."

The lead's smirk deepened as he retorted, "Well this 'dedication and skill' is going to put you on the streets soon, especially with your attitude."

He continued, "Well, the meetings adjourned everyone. Take this as a lesson in what not to do." People started to rise from their seats, heads bowed towards the lead as they shuffled out of the room.

"By the way, Homika, try to put on a friendlier smile and consider some more overtime to redo those reports ASAP." the boss added nonchalantly.

I stepped outside of the room, my fists clenched at my sides as a silent scream of frustration echoed within my head. Every fiber of my being hated his guts and despised the way he belittled and dismissed my efforts. In this day and age to be so backward is pitiful. It looks like it'll be another night at the lab, I already filled up the automatic food and water dispensers for Kiki. Some of my co-workers offered their apologies for the boss's attitude but I know they did it out of politeness.

Taking a deep breath, I returned to my desk, determined to channel my frustration into my work. The reports awaited, a mountain of data that needed to be tamed. Hours blurred together as my fingers danced across the keyboard, the hum of the lab equipment becoming a distant backdrop to my relentless focus.

The clock's hands moved steadily, and before I knew it, the sun had long set, casting an inky darkness outside. The hands of the clock crept towards 11:52 p.m., and I finally noticed the time and stretched my stiff muscles. For a brief moment of relaxation, all my thoughts veered toward what it would be like if I were the one in charge, a fair and equal ruler. Suddenly, my vision blurred out and I fell backward, my chair tipping over in an unexpected jolt.

"Is this how it ends?" I yell out, or at least I believe I did.

Pain throbs in my head, and an ethereal voice echoes softly, "I've been awaiting you, my child." Everything blurs into darkness, as the world fades away…

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