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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: A Tearful past

A/N: I do want to apologize for the late chapter I've been a bit busy with other matters lately so I wasn't able to really focus on this chapter as much as I would have Liked to. Though I was still able to complete it and I do hope you all enjoy it!

As Izuku's body sat on the ground unmoving, the muffling sounds of the students rang out. Some snickered and mocked Izuku as he continuously looked towards the ground not uttering a word. 

Bakugo only looked at Izuku with disgust and anger with his cold crimson eyes as he said "Tch, you say you want to be a hero yet you're laying on the ground like a useless puppet with his strings cut! Though it fits a loser like you. The quirkless Deku, unable to achieve his joke of a dream as he lays on the ground like a sack of shit!

Soon the muffling of the students died down as the classroom fell silent paying closer attention to the words of Bakugo. Only the laughter of his lackeys could be heard as they all looked at Izuku his tears starting to fall.

Some students joined in the laughter and others started to whisper amongst the crowd. There was not an ounce of pity for young Izuku as he had no friends, no one who cared for him, or believed in him.

They believed Izuku was nothing but a joke. A fool wishing and believing in a dream he could never achieve.

Izuku looking at the ground could only think of one word as the laughter of the students rang out 'Why?'...'Why me?'... 'I didn't ask to be born like this…without a quirk being cursed to live an unjust life different from others, and having to deal with the backlash because of it.' 'I didn't ask for this!' 

Soon the teacher's voice boomed resounding throughout the classroom as he shouted "Enough!" "Everyone to their seats, the bell will be ringing soon!"

As the Teachers words reached the ears of the students they all hurriedly headed back toward their seats as some began to pack their things. 

Only the still figures of Izuku and Bakugo remained in their positions unmoved by the teacher's words.

"Your pitiful!" Bakugo scoffed as he headed back towards his desk his fist clenched and his face distorted in anger.

Izuku finally looking up, only stared at the retreating figure of Bakugo as he headed back to his seat.

Pitiful, a joke, and useless. Those words constantly resounded in the mind of Izuku as he thought of the previous mockery.

"Ding! Dong! Ding!"

Soon the bell could be heard, its familiar sound echoing through the hallways, signaling the end of another school day. The students, who had been eagerly awaiting this moment, began to gather their belongings as they made their way toward the door. The classroom quickly emptied, leaving only four people remaining, Izuku, Bakugo, and his two lackeys.

Seeing the departing students Izuku finally urged his body to move. Getting up from the ground he looked around as he spotted Backugo getting ready to leave. Seeing this he walked toward his desk as he grabbed his belongings and prepared to leave.

As he was grabbing his things he looked at his phone as he scrolled and saw the multiple news reports on the earlier villain attack.

"The incident this morning is all over the headlines!" "I should hurry up and head home so I can write it down in my notebook," Izuku said enthusiastically. 

Although as he was lost in his excitement his notebook was taken from Bakugo as he said "We're not done talking yet, Deku."

"Wa…wait!" Izuku said with a look of worry plastered on his face looking at Bakugo holding his notebook.

"Hey Katsuki, what's that?" one of the lackeys asked a little intrigued as he walked over to the two. Not saying a word Bakugo showed the cover of the book to them.

"Huh?" "Hero Analysis for the Future"? "Seriously?" "What a joke!" The two lackeys said as they both busted out in laughter. "Midoriya…" 

"I-It's f-fine, isn't it? Now give it back!" Izuku said in panic and distress.

However, before anyone could utter a word a mini explosion went off as Bakugo engulfed the notebook in flames tossing it out of the class window.

As his cold crimson eyes lay on Izuku he scoffed as he said "Most top-tier heroes have tales about them from their earlier school days. I want that shine, the shine of being able to be called the only student to make it into U.A. from this mediocre city's high school. I mean, I am a perfectionist after all."

As those words landed on the ears of Izuku he could only tremble as he continuously thought of his damaged notebook. 

Though his trembling did not last long as Bakugo grabbed onto Izuku's shoulder his hand engulfed in explosions as he uttered in a bone-chilling tone " So anyway, your ass better not apply to U.A., nerd.

As Izuku tried to utter words only the incoherent sound of his muttering resounded. Snickering Backugo and the two others made their way to the door as Izuku's still figure remained trembling.

"Come on, you could at least say something back instead of standing there like a bitch." "Don't say that. He's a pathetic loser. Who still can't face reality."

As the two lackeys continuously mocked Izuku Backugo joined in as he halted his walking looking back at Izuku with a devilish smile as he said "If you wanna be a hero that badly, There's a very quick way to do it. Believe that your useless ass will be born with a quirk in your next life and take a swan dive off the roof!"

As those words landed on the ears of Izuku he was filled with fear, unable to move as his body trembled. He could only look back at Backugo with a face of both anger and sadness as his bright emerald eyes shone a cold hateful glare.

He wanted to say something, he needed to say something, to fight back, to stand his ground yet no words were said only the look of fury and sadness was plastered onto his freckled face as tears and snot threatened to unleash.

Bakugo seeing the look on Izuku's face, as if he were a devil incarnate said with explosions trickling along his palm "What?"

Izuku only looked back as he stood silently, his eyes conveying all the frustration and anguish he was feeling. 

After Backugo and the others left the class Izuku was left alone as he stood silently tears falling from his face and blood dripping from his ever-tightening fist.

Later leaving the class Izuku hurriedly made his way outside the building as he dashed towards where he believed his damaged notebook lay.

'Idiot! If I really jumped, that would mean you instigated a suicide! Think before you speak!'

As Izuku made it toward where his notebook lay he saw it now drenched in a pond as fishes mistook it as food.

"That's not fish food, stupid. That's my notebook.." Izuku said in anger as he grabbed his wet notebook from out of the pond. Looking at the notebook he thought of Bakugo as he said "Stupid…Stupid bastard…"

Drying the book off Deku reminisced about a more peciful time. Although one with a not-so-bright ending.

"Mom! Mom, the computer!" said a young Izuku as he eagerly rushed towards his mother as she washed the dishes.

"Again?" said a younger Inko as she smiled looking at her son bouncing up and down.

"Hurry!" Izuku exclaimed as he was enthusiastically shaken and bounced around in his chair with a figure of All Might in his hand as his mother played a video on their computer.

"Jezz, you've probably added ten thousand views just by yourself, Izuku. It's too scary for me. I can't watch it." 

Izuku paying his mother no mind held his All Might figure in hand as his ever-growing smile screteched across his face from ear to ear. 

"This was an older video. One portraying a disaster that occurred a long time ago. Along with being the video of a hero that debuted right after that." Izuku spoke to no one but himself as he reminisced the times.

"Can you see that? He's already saved a hundred people! Said a man covered in blood wearing tattered clothing surrounded in rubble and debris as a fire raged around him.

He desperately cried out as he looked towards the camera with a look of dread and despair. The cries of children and the moans of the Injured rung out as other hurt and injured civilians littered the area trying their hardest to escape the burning inferno.

The scene was one of chaos and destruction. The air was filled with the sound of screaming and crying from the injured and hurt civilians ranging from young to old. Smoke from the raging fire surrounding them rose up into the air, making it difficult to see more than a few feet in front of them. The smell of burning rubber and melted plastic filled the air. Destroyed cars and buildings were scattered around the area, some of them still smoldering and others completely charred. People were running in all directions, desperately trying to escape the destruction. 

The sky was filled with an orange glow from the fire, and the ground was covered with broken glass and debris. The scene was one of total devastation, and everyone was desperately trying to survive, to live.

"That's crazy! It hasn't even been ten minutes! That's crazy! The man exclaimed in surprise as the camera panned over the multitude of civilians as they all looked towards a damaged bus.

There a is a very large man with an equally muscular and well-defined physique. He had short blond hair, swept backwards, with two distinct tufts that stuck up above his head, leaning slightly to each side. His strong features regularly casted a dark shadow over his face, hiding everything but his bright ocean-blue eyes. 

His attire consisted of a skin-tight blue bodysuit decorated with a red symbol that somewhat resembles a "Y", designed with a white diamond at its center, with white lines connected to it that trace from his chest to his back shoulders; the lines trimmed with the aforementioned red symbol. As he was holding five injured people on his body.

Little Izuku looked at the screen in anticipation and excitement as the hearty laughter of the man rang throughout the surroundings.

"He's Laughing! Screamed one of the civilians as they looked at the man in amazement and happiness.

Izuku's smile only grew bigger at every step the man would take.

"It's fine now. Why?"

Izuku squirmed in anticipation as his eyes gleamed with excitement and glee.

With a heroic grin, the man continued "Because I am here!

Hearing these words Izuku was blown away as he smiled holding up his arm which held the All Might figure as he said "He's so cool! Once I get my quirk, I wanna be just like him, too! With a hearty laugh of his own Izuku Imagined himself being a hero as he saved the day with a smile.

Inko had a small smile on her face as she saw her son's antics although that smile soon faded to a frown.

The next day Izuku and Inko headed toward the quirk doctor as they were going to check if Izuku gained a quirk. All throughout the trip Izuku was cheerful and thrilled to find out what quirk he would get as he bounced around in his seat constantly asking his mother what she thought his quirk would be.

When they made it to the office they were asked to go into a room where Izuku would be x-rayed and scanned for any possible appearance of a quirk. After the results came in Izuku and Inko were sat down by a man with a large mustache in a doctor's coat wearing a pair of green tented goggles as he said "You should probably give it up." 

Hearing these words young Izuku's body froze as all the color from his body faded only leaving a husk of the former cheerful and enthusiastic boy. As the sound of the All Might figure landing on the ground resounded the room fell silent no one saying a word. 

Soon Inko spoke as she said with a look of worry "That's… Is something wrong with him after all? Most of the other kindergartners' Quirks have already manifested… He's the only one left…" 

"Excuse me, but you're fourth generation, right, ma'am? May I ask about your Quirk?" Said the doctor as he sat in his chair unenthused.

"Yes, of course. I can pull small objects to me. Inko said as she levitated the All Might figure towards her hand. 

"My husband can breathe fire similar to that of a dragon." She said this a bit timidly as she scratched the side of her hair looking toward Izuku who was still in utter shock.

"Normally, by the age of four, he would have manifested one of those Quirks or some new combination of the two. In the past, when the superpowers first started showing up, the results of an early research study were published. It became common practice to see if the pinky toe was missing a joint or not. When parts of the body aren't used, they're deemed unnecessary. People who didn't have the joint were thought to be a newly evolved form" 

Saying this the doctor pointed at Izuku's foot X-ray as he continued "You can see by looking at this X-ray that Izuku has two joints. It's unusual to see that these days, but that means he has no quirk.

As those words sounded in the room Izukus was in complete horror unable to speak as the constant words of the doctor resounded throughout his mind "He has no quirk." "He has no quirk."

As Izuku and Inko left the office and made their way back home there was an air of sadness and depression as the ride home was silent.

The skies soon became grey overshadowed by the looming clouds as the rain was pouring down heavily, the sky a dull and gloomy grey. The pitter-patter of droplets hitting the ground was the only sound that could be heard. No one was around, as if the heavy rain had driven away all life. The air was cold and damp, and the oppressive atmosphere weighed heavily on the surroundings. The rain showed no signs of letting up, and the street remained still and silent complimenting the gloomy atmosphere.

"Can you see that?" He's already saved a hundred people! That's crazy! It hasn't even been ten minutes! That's crazy!"

The constant sound of the video rang throughout the apartment on a loop as Izuku sat looking towards the screen with tiers continuously pouring. Inko could only look towards her son in heartbreak as her heart hurt from seeing him act this way.

"He's laughing!" "It's fine now. Why? Because I am here!"

"Mom…" Izuku's hurt, timid, and soft voice sounded. 

"He saves everyone with a smile, no matter what trouble they're in…He's such a cool hero…" 

As Izuku's chair turned to face Inko she could only start to cry as tears streamed down her face. She couldn't tell her child a word only looking at him as he with tears pouring down his cheeks and a quivering smile trembling pointed at the video of All Might as he asked "C…Can I…be a hero, too?

Inko slowly walked toward Izuku as she embraced him in a hug.

"I'm sorry, Izuku! I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" As tears poured down their faces Izuku could only look at the video in depression and shock as the embrace of his mother's hug wrapped around him. Her warmth desperately tried to reach him yet it was too far away.

"No that's not it Mom. What I wanted you to say back then was…" 

Izuku's words cut off as he discards those thoughts from his head as he places the notebook back into his bag.

Looking towards the Sky Izuku lets out a sigh as he say "It's getting late it's about time I get going" The sun was setting as Izuku headed his way home. He could feel the cool breeze on his face, and a slight chill running through his body. As he walked, he thought about all the things that had happened, and he couldn't help but show a face of sadness and betrayal. He knew that no matter what happened, he had to keep pushing. He could never give up no matter the hardships he faced. 

Trooper_writer Trooper_writer

I do hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Again I do apologize that it's a day late but I was too busy this week with school and work. I'll try my best to post chapter four on time. See you guys on Sunday.

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