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Chapter 16: MHA : Evolving : Chapter 16

' Bakugo '

Confident smirk in place, Bakugo walked through the halls of UA on the way to his class, not letting his expression change as he processed all the rumors and details, he'd learned off the class 1-A USJ incident in his head.

Class 1-A had gotten to go to the advanced training section before he had.

Villains had attacked the USJ with class 1-A in it.

A student of class 1-A had been seriously injured.

A student of class 1-A was facing potential expulsion for 'unheroic acts' during the USJ and would be if they failed to prove themselves at the Sports festival that was happening in a month.

The first two factors had been something nobody could predict. Villains were insane and stupid by definition so nobody could have expected them to attack the hear of UA, especially when All Might had started working here. While Class 1-A being prioritized over 1-B, over him had been to absurd to consider before it happened.

The other two factors though made perfect sense. Of course, someone from 1-A got hurt and someone from 1-A was facing being thrown from the Hero track, that class had Deku in it. The useless fuck probably tried running away from a fight, drew the attention of the villains, and got hurt in the process.

Fully confident of his conclusion, Bakugo focused more on sneering at the stupid trio walking his way and not getting out of the way.

A shaking and cowardly looking elf mother fucker.

A blond guy doing a bad fusion cosplay of Tin Tin and the Fallout guy.

And some blue haired airheaded bimbo.

Whoever they were, they'd best wise up and get out of his way now.


' Aizawa '

Rubbing his face, Aizawa sat in his office, feeling far older than he really was as he thought back to the lesson yesterday. He'd taken Izuku aside, tried to get a feel for the boy's mental state, and did not like the end result. The boy genuinely failed to see any issue with what happened, didn't seem to think it mattered about how badly he'd gotten hurt.

A knock at the door roused him from his thoughts "Come in." he quickly put up his 'Hard ass teacher' voice as UA's big three entered, two grinning like loons while the last hid behind his bolder companions.

"Hello Eraserhead-Sir!" Togata waved happily "Sorry we're late, ran into an angry first year who wanted to fight for some reason."

"He was so adorably cranky!" Hadou giggled, bouncing up and down as she clapped "Like a little Pomeranian!"

"That would be Bakugo." Aizawa sighed, slumped and letting his exhaustion show as the three third years got on edge, knowing this was serious if he'd called for them and was letting them see him look like this. "What did you do with him?"

"His homeroom teacher came to collect him…sir, why are we here?" Togata studied him intently, the boy far smarter than most gave him credit for given his usual demeanor and appearance.

"I need your help with one of my first years." Aizawa brought out a basic file on Midoriya "On the surface you'll just be his training partners if you three agree."

"Training partners?" Nejire blinked confused while Amajiki took the file to read, "Why can't he train with his classmates?"

"They're too afraid to fight him after the USJ." Aizawa saw the recognition flair up in their eyes, "Yes, he's the student who got injured."

He still wasn't sure who let the information about that or Mineta's situation out, at this point just thankful that the names never got released.

"If he's injured, should you even be letting him train right now?" Amajiki asked shakily, going through the page about Midoriya's personality and how it would switch.

"He has a healing factor and is already back to full health. The issue is that one of the villains had a warping quirk and used it to redirect several attacks from his classmates at Midoriya.

Nearly everyone in that class saw the result even if they didn't launch an attack itself and right now, they're having a hard time fighting him without flashbacks. It'll get better over time but it's not fair to Midoriya to have nobody to train with when his first Sports Festival is approaching."

"That's not all, is it?" Togata's expression was serious, no goofiness to be seen anymore.

"He has no real value for his own life. While I'm glad he didn't hold a grudge against his classmates for what happened he wasn't even bothered by it." Aizawa hoped the three would understand his position.

"He brushed off what happened with a simple 'they didn't mean to hit me'. He's reckless, impulsive, and has no care for his own health which is only going to get worse now that he knows he can lose entire limbs and be fine a day later. I was hoping you three could help him."

"Why us?"

Nejire tilted her head the other way as Amajiki kept hiding behind the file, Aizawa wasn't even sure if he was really reading it at this point "Wouldn't a second year be a better person to train against a firsty than…well us?"

"Because of Mirio went through, and how you both helped him." As Aizawa spoke, Mirio's eyes flashed with understanding.

"When you first started getting a grasp on your quirk, I remember how reckless you became, how you threw yourself into any situation as you felt invincible without a care in the world.

Midoriya…yes, his quirk could one day make that status a reality for himself but he's not there yet and if he keeps up this habit of running headfirst into any fight, relying solely on his quirk, then one day he's going to meet a threat he hasn't built up resistance to and he'll get killed.

He only survived the USJ as All Might showed up right after he was maimed. Had All Might been even a minute later, the villain leading the attack would have probably killed him."

"He isn't seeing Hound-Dog?" Togata frowned as he took the file from Amajiki who let out an 'eep' and hid behind his hands.

"He is but he doesn't see anything wrong with himself." Aizawa shook his head "So he's been stubborn whenever I did manage to get him into that office. No, he'd respond better to a friend, especially if they went through similar personality phases. Now, will you help my student?"


' All Might '

"So, what's this meeting all about?" Gran Torino grumbled as they got settled in Nezu's office along with Sir Nighteye and Recovery Girl, "I wanted to find a place to observe Night Eye's lecture today."

"It's about my list of candidates, about the whole plan to pass One for All onto a new symbol of peace." All Might let out a tired sigh as he ran a hand down his face, "After the USJ…well I started thinking and there are two points I wish to bring up today."

"This sounds serious." Nezu hummed thoughtfully before letting out a little smile "I'll make some tea!"

Tuning out the quirked chimera, who honestly never gave up any excuse for tea, All Might steepled his bony fingers and looked at the others in the room, everyone but Detective Tsukauchi who knew his secret currently sitting around him.

"First, I'd like to bring Aizawa in on this secret. Vlad King as well if you think he's ready for it." he didn't know the blood hero as well as the erasure hero which is why he was leaving that decision to Nezu and Recovery Girl.

"You want their opinion since they're the ones with the most exposure to the students." Recovery girl nodded thoughtfully "It does make sense, and Aizawa is a splendid hero. Vlad…well he can get more than a little competitive, but he'd never put his personal goal to outdo Aizawa ahead of the students health or future."

"While I'm opposed to the idea of more people knowing about One for All than is necessary, I can see the logic of this."

Nighteye pushed his glasses up before furrowing his brows "But you said that there were two factors, I'm guessing the other is more…complicated?"

"I'm wondering if a Symbol of Peace is a good idea anymore." All Might sighed, raising a hand to stop the sudden protests he knew would be coming from his old sidekick.

"I know it was needed when I first stepped onto the scene, but I'm wondering if it's what's best now. The USJ…that attack happened because they were after me, after the Symbol of Peace. Because if a society is held up by a singular pillar, it just means there's one thing to remove to let the whole thing come crumbling down.

The other heroes…just don't have enough drive nowadays. Just look at the top five heroes, there's myself, who is the 'sole pillar'. Hawks who doesn't even want to be as high ranked as he does, I don't even think he wants to be a hero some days.

Best Jeanist and Edgeshot are comfortable with their place and don't seem driven to climb higher up the ranks. Endeavor is one of the only heroes out there who seems genuinely determined to surpass me in ability." And while he respected Endeavor, he knew full well the man had his own issues that wouldn't lead to being a stable 'Symbol of Peace', at least not at the moment.

"So, what, you're suggesting you just hold onto the quirk and let it fade away from history?" Sir Nighteye looked affronted at the very notion.


All Might shook his head, "My secondary plan is that we announce my imminent retirement. Maybe bring up some health issues that went unnoticed until now, that I wish to focus on training the next generation of Heroes with the time I have left.

This will hopefully light a fire under the other heroes to make them start picking up the slack, to start pushing themselves. As for my quirk, it should be kept secret…and who's better at secrets," he slapped a file with a distinctive UA teacher's face on it.

"Than an Underground Hero."


if you want to read ahead of the public release you can go to p treon :


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