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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The Calm Before The Storm

A new day had arrived, The sun was shining bright, there were no clouds in sight and the creatures of the woods were walking up.

Ivan laid in his bed peacefully asleep when he felt a bright beam of light touch his face. 

He slowly opened his eyes and as they became full open something hit him.

"It's my birthday!"

Ivan quickly got out of bed and ran out of his room. He'd run down the hall and straight to his parents room. He'd bust open the door and run in before leaping forward towards his parents bed.



Ivan landed on Von's stomach, making him wake up instantly. He'd look down and saw Ivan spread out on his lap smiling. 

"Ivan, why are you up so early?"

Ivan placed both hands on his dad's head and looked at him with a crazed look on his face.

"Dad, do you know what day it is!"

"Ugh, the day after yesterday?"

"What special day is today?"

"Is it me and your mom's anniversary!!?

Ivan shook his father's head vigorously.

"Did you seriously forget?" 😟

Von patted Ivan on the head before telling him he was joking but Ivan wasn't having it and asked him again

"Then what day it is."

"It's the day you were born."

"So you didn't forget?"

"How could I forget, if I forgot I wouldn't hear the end of it from your mother."

Groans came from under the sheet alerting Von and Ivan. 

Mira finally awoke with her hair completely undone and bushy. She turned to Von and rested her head on his shoulder before telling him good morning. 

She'd kiss Von on the cheek before Ivan came crawling over to her. He'd hug his mother with a huge smile on his face.

"Good morning Ivan and Happy birthday."

"You remembered."

"How could I forget? (After all I was the one who gave birth to you)"

Mira kissed Ivan on the head before telling him to get ready. Ivan quickly jumped off the bed and ran to his room to get changed. 

Some time passed by and Ivan was ready to start his day. He was wearing a red top and brown shorts. 

He bolted downstairs and ran straight into the kitchen and saw his mom putting on her apron and getting ready to cook. She told Ivan to go outside and play while she got his breakfast ready. Ivan ran to the door but as he was about to get there he heard a knock at the door. He continued to run and stopped right in front of the door. 

He opened the door and was surprised at what he saw. 

"Happy Birthday Ivan!!🥳"

It was his friends and they had all brought gifts. Ivan was so delighted to see them that he launched right into them, making them all tumble over and fall into the grasy soil.

One of his friends groaned in pain before softly asking Ivan to get off them. Ivan got off his friends before dusting off his shirt. 

"You guys made it." 

"We would never miss this." 

Ivan giggled a bit before one of his friends handed him a present in a long box.

"Happy birthday Ivan."

"Thanks Rohan."

A timid boy walked up to Ivan before handing him a small box with his present inside before wishing him a happy birthday. 

"Thanks Tohei."

Tohei blushed a bit while smiling before another one of his friends with spiky white hair yelled out "It's my turn".

The boy had a bag with a symbol on it. When Ivan received the present his eyes lit up with excitement.

"This is from Flame Emporium, one of the best blacksmithing companies in the capital. How did you get this?" 

"My dad knew one of the employees there so he got this pretty easily."

Ivan hugged his friend tightly in appreciation.

"Thanks Kataban!"

"No problem, hehehe."

Ivan let go of Kataban before a light blue haired girl went up to Ivan with a small bag in her hand.

Hesitantly, she gave Ivan the bag before wishing him a happy birthday.

Ivan looked in the bag and saw a new edition magic book and a little wand. 

"You got me a wand, aren't they extremely expensive!!"

"It's not real. My dad made it for you, even though it can't be used to do magic it should help you more when practicing."

Ivan smiled before hugging the girl.

"Thanks, Luna."

"Yeah, don't get all mushy on me."

Ivan stopped hugging Luna before telling them he appreciates everything they gave him. Right after he said that Mira went outside to check on Ivan and saw all of the kids.

"Good morning everyone, you all came earlier than expected." (Mira)

"Morning Miss Gale." (Rohan)

"Morning Rohan, all of you come in, I've just finished making breakfast." (Mira)

The children rushed into the house hungry for the taste of Ivan's mom's cooking. 

A few hours passed since Ivan's friends had arrived and everyone was outside.

Ivan and Kataban both had two wooden swords in their hands ready for battle. Rohan held up his hand in the air before counting down. When he finished counting the two ran towards each other with the swords and clashed. Both had equal amounts of skill but currently the fight was going in Katabans favor. 

Ivan kept being pushed back and was on the defensive.

Kataban was aiming to trip up Ivan and ruin his stance.  

Kataban rushed in for the finisher but Ivan saw it coming and knocked the sword out of his hand. Kataban quickly moved back making some space between him and Ivan. 

"You almost got me with that attack.

..." (Kataban)

Ivan shrugged before charging at him. Kataban grinned before using the same attack on Ivan knocking the sword out of his hand. 

The others looked at them with a shocked expression on their faces.

"It's now turned into a fist fight." (Rohan)

The two were now in their fighting stances and prepared for hand to hand combat. 

Like always Kataban ran in first and used basic melee combat but Ivan blocked and delivered his own attacks.

Kataban was persistent and didn't give Ivan a break. Kataban tried to hit Ivan in the side but he blocked before kicking Kataban in the stomach making him lose his guard.

Ivan took the opportunity and made Kataban slip. 

Kataban fell onto the floor before Ivan had his fist right in front of Katabans face with a serious look on his face.

"You win, I surrender." (Kataban)

Ivans expression changed into one of happiness. He got up off of Kataban and ran around with his hands in the air yelling "I won!".

Kataban angrily stomped the grass at his loss.

"How did I lose? My form was great, my strategy was excellent and my judgment was swift." (Kataban)

"Guess you're not as good as you think." (Ivan)

As Ivan laughed, a carriage dragged by 4 elegant white horses came from down the road.

The group stopped to focus their attention on the noise of clicking  hooves as the horses ran and wheels as they hit pebbles and stones on the ground.

After a few seconds the carriage came into sight and would stop right in front of Ivan's home making it more visible to the group. The charioteer hopped of the front of the carriage with ease before standing beside the door.

"What's going on?" (Rohan)

"Just wait and see." (Ivan)

He'd bow as he introduced these guests.

"His majesty and her majesty are here to grace you with their presence on this ceremonial occasion." (Charioteer)

"The king and queen of Randu. Queen Liona Winslow and King Arthur Winslow, son of Meganium Winslow and holder of the crown." (Charioteer)

The king exited the carriage with grace before approaching Ivan with a neutral expression on his face. Ivan looked up at him with a grin on his face before the queen rushed out of the carriage and ran straight at Ivan.

She picked him up and spun with him.


"Aunt Liona!!" (Ivan)

She twirled and twirled as both of their smiles got bigger.

She'd stop spinning and wishing Ivan a happy birthday. While all this was happening his friends looked at this confused.

Liona placed Ivan down before Mira came outside to look at what was the cause for all this commotion. As she went outside she saw Liona.

Mira walked over to them with a smile on her face. When she arrived in front of Liona, she embraced her tightly. 

The two stopped hugging before engaging in a conversation.

"It's been a while Liona." (Mira)

"It's been a while because that idiot husband of yours refuses to bring you guys to the capital." (Liona)

Mira smiled while scratching her head awkwardly. Meanwhile Ivan's friends all gathered around him asking him how he knew the king and queen of Randu.

Ivan casually told them they were his uncle and aunt, shocking them. The kids freaked out and barraged Ivan with questions.

"How come you're the nephew of royalty when you're living like… this." (Kataban)

"I don't know, marriage." (Ivan)

His friends continued to pester him while his mom continued to talk with Liona and Arthur. As they talked Arthur noticed someone wasn't present.

"By the way, where's Master?" (Arthur)

"He went into the village to get some extra ingredients a few minutes ago." (Mira)

Arthur sighed before Mira invited them inside. Mira and Liona went inside the house with Ivan and his friends following behind before Arthur called out to him and asked to speak to him alone.

His friends left him and entered the house still in shock by their new discovery. 

"Ivan." (Arthur)

"Yeah uncle Arthur." (Ivan)

"I got something specially made for you from the capital for your birthday." (Arthur)

With a smile on his face Arthur handed him a trinket with the symbol of the house of Winslow emblem on it.

"It's a necklace that has magical properties that might come in handy one day." (Arthur)

Ivan was grateful for the gift and thanked his uncle before running inside leaving Arthur there smiling. As soon as Ivan went inside his uncle's expression changed instantaneously.

The charioteer walked beside Arthur waiting for further instructions.

"Rendezvous the troops and the general to the forest near the entrance of the village and wait for further instructions." (Arthur)

The charioteer nodded before leaving with the chariot.

Arthur took a deep breath before making a smile and entering the house.

The party had begun and everyone was enjoying themselves. Mira and Liona prepared the food as the kids surrounded Arthur and asked him various questions about himself, the capital, etc. Later in the evening Von returned from his stroll in the market. When Liona saw him she jumped in his arms and Arthur was also ecstatic to see him. With his return dinner was completed and Ivan started eating, blowing out his candles and looking through his presents. As he looked through each one he grew even more happier. 

The night finally had ended and Ivan was fast asleep. His friends were gone, Mira has just finished washing the dishes and Liona and Arthur were getting ready to leave.

"It was good seeing you again. Hope the next time I see you, you will be coming to us." (Liona)

"Agreed." (Mira)

Arthur told Liona the carriage was ready to go. Liona hugged Mira and Von before leaving the house and entering the carriage. Arthur hugged Mira and asked to speak with Von in private. He pulled Von to the side and informed him about something strange in the forest near the village and wanted him to help check it out.

Von agreed to check it out with Arthur. He'd leave the house before Von walked up to Mira and hugged her from behind. 

"Arthur asked me to check out something in the forest so I'll be out for a while." (Von)

"Ok just be careful." (Mira)

Mira turned around before kissing him and letting him leave. Von went outside and entered the carriage after Arthur leaving Mira alone at home. The carriage took off and not a moment later shadowy figures would be shown hiding behind bushes.

After a few minutes the carriage reached the entrance of the forest and Von and Arthur exited the vehicle. They entered the forest and searched for this strange thing. Soon Von thought it was a false call and maybe Arthur saw the shadow of an animal. Von was getting tired and gave up on this search. He turned around to tell Arthur he was finished and saw Arthur with his sword in hand and several knights surrounding him.

"Arthur, What's going on here?" (Von)

"Von we need to talk." (Arthur)

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