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Chapter 9: Chapter 9

Casma POV:

It's been about a week since we left Zestier. I still hadn't made any progress in manipulating any element it was still just popping every time I tried. I was slightly worried but nothing would pop off for another couple of years, so I would be fine as long as I worked on my core. I just needed to make sure Art helped Lilia and Ellie awaken earlier than last time. This would help decrease the deaths that would occur during the terrorist attack on the academy.

"Papa you need to relax a bit. Everything will work out, plus all you do is think about the future and it ends up pouring over into me." She sat up in my lap and stretched, "And it's getting annoying. Moving on, however," She jumped to the window in the carriage, "It looks like we've finally arrived in Xyrus."

When I looked out the window I realized she was right as we came close to a giant wall with a guarded gate. Once our identities were verified, and a slight shock to the guards upon learning my identity, were were allowed through. The streets were lined with vendors like Zestier, but all were run by humans instead of elves.

The further we got into the city the fewer buildings we could see and soon enough the only ones we saw were those for either the rich or those who had noble status. The carriage slowed as it pulled up to a gate to one of the mansions.

"Is this the place we're staying?" I asked without looking away.

"Yes, it's owned by some of our old friends that we now work for," Reynolds responded, "I'll let them introduce themselves, but they're kind people. They helped Alice and I when we had thought we lost Art in the bandit attack."

We pulled up to the front and everyone slowly got out of the carriage. Reynolds held Ellie as she was asleep, Alice was right next to them, Art had Sylv sleeping on his head, her favorite spot, and Yukina was sitting on my shoulder, somehow not falling off. When we got to the doors they swung open as a maid walked out bowing.

"Good Evening Leywins and guest, unfortunately, the Helsteas are currently out right now."

"Thank you, for now, can you show our guest to a room? I think everyone is tired so we can do greetings in the morning." Reynolds asked.

"Will do. Please follow me." I just followed the maid not paying attention to where I was going. Eventually, we made it to a room that she opened and motioned for me to enter, "This will be your room for now until we get a room prepared for you."

"Thank you," I said as I entered the room and the door closed behind me. I opened my bag which had clothes inside as my parents didn't have time to prepare a dimension ring. I pulled out a fresh pair of clothes, made sure Yukina wasn't going to run off from me and headed for the bathroom. I turned the water for the bath on and waited for it to heat up once it did I placed Yukina down and looked at her.

"Well, do you want to get a bath or am I going to need to force you," I asked.

"I'll happily take one. I feel nasty after not taking one for a week." And without a second thought, she jumped right into the tub. I laughed at her antics but undressed and got in myself. I pulled her to me and scrubbed her down with soap before washing her off and letting her swim in the large tub. She seemed to be enjoying herself. I decided to take the time and work on trying to manipulate the water with mana to just even do something small. A small ball of water started to float up from the tub but as soon as the ball was almost out *pop* it fell back in.

"Papa, you know the more you try to force it the harder it'll be." She said.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. I wasn't trying to force it, but every day that I couldn't get anywhere the more annoyed I became.

"The spirits don't like the way you're treating them. You have to be more gentle." She said like it was just another thing people knew.

"What do you mean spirits? I don't see any."

"You don't see them?" She said each word slowly, stopping her little swim time.

"No, I don't." She climbed onto the edge of the tub and sat staring at me.

"Close your eyes," I did as she told, "Now focus on what you feel around you while ignoring your body's sensation of touch." My face turned up in confusion as she said this but I tried to do as instructed. I ignored the water that surrounded me, as well as the steam that rose and gently brushed my face. It was kinda like trying to have some sort of out-of-body experience. Once I made this connection I knew what I should be trying to do. If I could try viewing my body from a different angle, it might make this easier.

"There you go, Papa! Just like that. At some point when you see little lights you've finally made contact with a spirit. Once you get used to it you won't need to do this anymore and you'll be able to see them without needing to do this." She seemed more excited than me. I kept up my concentration for what felt like hours.

Then it finally happened a small, speck of light lit up the darkness. It might have been small but it was a beautiful bright blue color. I concentrated on it and it alone till I finally got a response.

"What are you offering?" It asked. It was neither hostile nor kind but sounded more like it was just there.

"Offer?" I questioned, wanting to know what it meant.

"I can tell this is your first time talking with us." It flew around my vision, what I assumed to be it checking me out, "We only do as you ask if you offer us something. See it as what you and the Fox Spirit have. You're on an equals contract with it so there's no need for a give-and-take. You are not bonded in any way with us though so you must offer up something for us to be used freely and with the way it seems you've been treating some of the spirits, by forcing them to do it, most are fearful or unwilling to get close. I just don't care enough, but I felt one of us should queue you in on what you're doing wrong."

"How would I go about bonding with a spirit then?"

"Well first off there are three orders and in those orders are three levels. You have the First Order which are the goody two-shoes of spirits. Followed by the Second Order, which are neutral in their attitudes, not caring for good or evil, that's what order I fall under. The last order is the one you don't want to get tangled up with. They're the evil ones I don't recommend bonding with them but they can be useful when morales get thrown out the window and what needs to be done isn't always a good thing."

"So the ideal thing to do would be to bond with Second Order's to avoid having a too good or too evil spirit then?"

"Yes and no. The higher-level spirits will be in the First and Third Orders. The highest in the Second Order will be Medium Spirits they're good to have but if you're looking for strength or power they will only get you so far, They can evolve into High Spirits but it's not only rare but they wouldn't be considered in any Order and would be nearly uncontrollable."


A/N: Just so I try and make this as least confusing as possible

First order- Lawful Good

Second Order - Neutral

Third Order - Chaotic Evil

Each one has Low and Medium spirits. Second Order is the only one without High Spirits. Very rare but if a Second Order can evolve it becomes its own Order and classification, still technically neutal though.

I hope this lessens any confusion, but if you have questions please ask so I can either clear it up in the comments or I will clear it up in the coming chapters.


"Is there no way to keep them stable enough?"

"It's not a matter of stability or unstable it's a matter of the user's mind. Spirits can affect how you think, how you feel, and in some cases how you act. One needs a strong mind if they are to bond with a Second Order spirit on the rise to be a High Spirit, but like I said it's not very common."

"What about you how would you classify yourself." I wanted to know if this spirit would be one I could test it out with. If I can control and keep a safe mind with Second Order spirits then I could carry out my plans without needing to argue with a spirit about whether what I was doing is right or wrong. I know the path I plan to take isn't the best but for the future, it's what needs to happen.

"I would happen to be in that very uncommon situation. I'm a Second Order, Medium Spirit with the potential to evolve into a High Spirit."

"So would you be willing to form a bond with me? I don't know what you'd want in return but I'm willing to do whatever to win you over."

"I don't want anything, I don't care about what goes on in the world, but it's a rare case for someone to be a spirit user. It is even more so after being warned about what could happen."

"So what do I need to do to bond with you then."

"When you go back speak my true name and my power will be yours. You won't need to ask to use my power every time, but if you need to use a large spell that requires a lot of mana, just ask beforehand. As long as you ask before a fight you won't need my permission again for a while."

"How will I know your true name."

"You'll know it, trust me."

With that, I was pulled back to the tub. I took a second and looked around to see nothing had changed. Yukina was staring at me as if waiting eagerly for me to say or do something. Then it hit me like a freight train. A name that only Yukina and I would know since we are connected.


Like I had awoken a sleeping beast the water in the tub swirled, making me hop out of it. Once I was out Yukina hopped down beside me and was jumping around.

"Papa, you formed a contract with one already."

"Yeah, I guess I did."

In the middle of the swirl, a ball of water started to form and come out of the water. Once It made its way completely out of the water, the bright blue light returned. Engulfing the room in its radiance. Almost as soon as the light came it was gone. Replacing it, hovering over the tub was a small fairy-like creature.

"Well, it seems you did indeed know my name," Sao said floating down toward me.

"Well, you did say I would know it. So this is what you look like, without all that light." I asked grabbing a towel and drying off.

"Well it makes conversing with those like yourself, let's say easier and more comfortable." Sao flew around the room before landing on my shoulder, "It's nice being able to be seen like this as well."

I chuckled, "So I'm now able to use elemental mana or will that take a while."

"Well about that." Sao flew down beside the tube, "You can use elemental mana now, however, you can only use water. I'm a water spirit, so I can help you manipulate water, but for the others you need to be bonded with or make an offer to that element's spirit. There's many of us so it's just a matter of finding one that works well with you."

"Well," Once again I tried making a ball of water come out of the tub but this time it didn't pop. I made it shoot around the room testing it out, finding I was able to control it better than I had thought, "This will be enough for now. With your help, I think I can start making some progress and start my plans." I let the water ball fall back in the tub and drained it, before drying Yukina off. I put on the clothes I laid out on.

"Well I'm going to go now, but remember if you think a spell you use might need a lot of mana let me know beforehand. If you don't it drains me a lot and you won't be able to use water mana for a while."

"I'll keep that in mind, but thank you for forming a contract with me, Sao."

"No problem spirit boy, I'll see you soon." And like that, she popped out of sight.

"I'm surprised you didn't say anything, Yukina," I said. She was now lying on the bed trying to sleep.

"I would've, I was really happy to see one like that. Usually, they are just lights but this one appeared like a fairy." Her voice didn't match her sleeping appearance.

"You'll have a chance next time. For now, let's get some sleep I have a feeling tomorrow might turn out to be a big day." I climbed into bed and thought back to what was supposed to happen next. Art and Reynolds should spar, after that should be Cynthia's visit, and after that, I believe it should be the twin horns along with The Auction incident.

Nothing that I need to change, so I should be able to live the next month or so in relative peace while learning how to use this spirit magic stuff. I felt Soft fur rub against my cheek snapping me out of thought, "Papa, time for sleep."

I chuckled to myself, "Aye, Aye, daughter."

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