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Chapter 34: NEW Quest: PK? part 3

"WOAA you're so good at this!"

"teach me teach me!!"

Klent's journey into the world of gaming began at a young age. Growing up in South Korea, he was exposed to the vibrant gaming culture that thrived in the country. It was in his early years that he discovered his knack for video games. Starting with a single MMORPG, he found himself naturally excelling, mastering the intricacies of the game while others struggled to keep up.

As he climbed the ranks, Klent's reputation grew, and players from all over sought his opinions and guidance. He reveled in the attention and the feeling of superiority it brought. Being admired and looked up to by others became an addiction, and he cherished the sensation of looking down at others from the pinnacle of his gaming prowess.

However, Klent's ambitions extended beyond the confines of a single game. He dreamed of becoming a dominant force in the world of competitive gaming, not just in Korea but on a global scale. He believed that his talents and hard work would elevate him to a status where he could stand shoulder to shoulder with the best.

When the opportunity to join a full-dive MMORPG presented itself, Klent seized it eagerly. He was convinced that his experience and skill would easily translate into success in this new, immersive gaming world. His initial forays into the game were filled with confidence and anticipation.

But as he delved deeper into this virtual realm, he quickly realized that he was not the prodigy he once believed himself to be. The game was populated by players who were not just skilled, but masters of their craft. Klent was humbled by the sheer talent and dedication he encountered.

"I won't accept this!"

The feeling of superiority he had cherished for so long began to wither. He realized that he was no longer the big fish in a small pond but just another frog in a vast well. It was a bitter pill to swallow, and he despised the sensation of inadequacy that gnawed at him.

[Global notification]

Achievement: Player AlbaLos successfully PK another player for the very first time. 

Reward: Title 'FIRST BLOOD' - upgradable 

+15 to all stats 

Skill: cannot be shown; upgradable


The moment Klent stumbled upon the revelation that taking a life in the game 'PK' could enhance his strength and thrust him into the sweet call of this global notifications, an electrifying thrill coursed through him. It was as if he had uncovered the key to regaining the lost mantle of his once-celebrated gaming prowess.

The very thought of his name echoing across the world, known and revered by players from every corner of the globe, ignited an exhilarating fire within Klent. He could almost taste the sweet nectar of fame and recognition, a sensation he had yearned for ever since he had first tasted the intoxicating allure of virtual superiority.

"this is it."

As he contemplated this newfound mechanic, Klent's mind raced with the possibilities. Perhaps, just perhaps, this was his golden ticket, his chance to ascend once more to the pinnacle of popularity. The vision of people discussing his legendary feats, dissecting his strategies, and seeking his guidance in hushed tones sent shivers of excitement down his spine.

The prospect of making a triumphant return to the upper echelons of the gaming world was too tempting to resist. Klent knew that he had to seize this opportunity, no matter the risks or the consequences. This was his shot at redemption, a chance to rewrite the narrative of his gaming career.

But there is one problem that I thought about. Can I really kill someone inside this realistic game? 

Though Klent had engaged in player-killing escapades in numerous games before, NEuEarth Online presented an entirely different paradigm. Its immersive, full-dive experience blurred the lines between reality and fantasy in ways he had never encountered. The idea of taking another player's life here carried a weight and gravity that sent shivers down his spine.

He mulled over the implications. Even if he could summon the will to eliminate a player, this game wasn't like any other. Survival hinged on cooperation and trust among teammates. If he were to PK one of his own allies, it would undoubtedly fracture their already fragile group dynamic.

Fear and anger might be the least of his worries; the remaining members could turn on him in a desperate bid for self-preservation, viewing him as a threat to their existence within the game. It was a chilling thought, the idea of becoming a pariah within a virtual world that had promised adventure and camaraderie.

Klent's mind became a battlefield, with ambition on one side and morality on the other. He wrestled with his inner demons, grappling with the dilemma of whether to tread the dark path of a player killer or to seek a different route to fame and glory within NEuEarth Online. The decision weighed heavily on his conscience, and the outcome would shape not only his virtual destiny but also his sense of self.



[Level up]

[Passive skill acquired: Lesser Aggro]—upgradable

-The player will most likely be ignored by monsters as long as there are other players alive in a certain area.

The notification had first appeared after their victory over the second Arcane, but amidst the chaos and tension, Klent had neglected to pay it much heed. Now, however, as he reviewed the notification, a sly grin curled upon his lips.

The significance of the skill was not lost on him. It was a gift from the game, a tool that could potentially tip the scales in his favor. Lesser Aggro meant that, in a certain raid, the monsters would be less inclined to target him as long as other players remained alive. It was an advantage that, in the heat of battle, could mean the difference between life and death.

Klent's mind whirled with possibilities. As he weighed the decision to become a player killer or not, this newfound skill presented a tantalizing solution. If he were to eliminate his fellow party members, he might be able to leverage this ability to evade retribution from other players using the monster nearby.

With Lesser Aggro, the game had seemingly provided him a path to commit unspeakable acts without immediate consequences. The answer to his moral dilemma seemed to have materialized on his screen, offering a twisted solution to his thirst for recognition and power.

Klent's grin deepened, and his gaze shifted from the notification to his unsuspecting comrades locked in combat. The dark temptation of using this skill to his advantage whispered in the recesses of his mind, and he knew that the decision he was about to make would alter the course of this battle.


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