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Chapter 33: Chapter 28

As Eden gazed at Serafall, he was completely mesmerized by her monologue, captivated by the sound of her voice and the way she expressed herself. In just one week, two things had managed to shift Eden's perspective on life: first, his beloved Ryoko, and now, Satan Serafall.

"I didn't expect such a profound response, but if you want my opinion, your power makes you even more beautiful," Eden stated.

Continuing on, he said, "Since you shared something so personal, I suppose I should answer some questions too."

Serafall inquired, "Eden, what kind of girls do you like?"

Eden contemplated the question. He felt like he didn't really have a specific type, but upon reflecting on his brief time with Ryoko, he could identify one aspect that mattered to him.

"I don't think I have a specific type, but I think it's important for a girl to be direct in her approach. I get easily distracted by other things and might unintentionally overlook someone or something," Eden admitted. A perfect example of this was his relationship with Instagram. He had been enthusiastic about using the platform to showcase fashion and share pictures, but the distractions of raid battles and training had pushed it aside. He intended to get back into it once things settled, but life was unpredictable, and he wasn't sure what might come up next. Ryoko, for instance—if she hadn't reached out to him as soon as she got his number, he might have easily forgotten about her. Thus, he believed this was the most sincere answer he could give.

"If that's how you feel, I'm not sure I can hold back," Serafall admitted.

"Then don't," Eden responded casually, taking a sip of his juice. "I think—no, I know—I'm consumed by obsession. I haven't felt this way about something or someone since my sister was born. I replay our conversations over and over again in my head. I ponder when our next interaction will be. It took me hours to decide on the outfits for the gifts I prepared for you, as I was afraid you wouldn't like them. I've even printed out the picture you posted on Instagram, and it's adorning the ceiling of the new shrine I created for you."

"I'm naturally inclined to obsess, and as Sirzechs said, that's what makes me a good diplomat. When my sister was born, I spent every waking moment watching over her as a baby. Even now, I have her queen provide me with reports on her every move. Although I'm obsessed with you, I feel that my fixation on my sister hasn't lessened; it's only grown. Now, all I can think about is being caught in a sandwich between you two. Levi spoke these words in a single breath, ending with a somewhat uncertain, "Hope that wasn't weird. As Eden absorbed this unexpected turn of events, he felt a strange surge of arousal mixed with intrigue, all while Serafall's allure subtly emanated from her. "I don't find it weird at all," he responded calmly. "But now that you've shared all of this, how do you envision the future of our relationship?"

His question seemed to catch Serafall off guard, leaving her momentarily silent. She hadn't anticipated her confession of her intense and borderline psychotic obsession to be met with such a composed response. With her options laid out, she knew it was time to take a leap of faith—the worst outcome she could imagine was rejection, which she was bracing herself for.

"Eden, I would like—no, I love the idea of us getting engaged to be married," she declared, a contract materializing in her hand, which she then handed over to Amrita—a figure that Eden had momentarily forgotten about—before eventually presenting it to him. It was a devil's contract, much like the one he had signed with Rias for their upcoming training session. Given his heightened intelligence, he swiftly perused the contents of the document.

"Eden, I would like, no, love it if we got engaged to marry. After uttering those words, she produced a contract from her hand and handed it to Amrita, whom Eden had momentarily forgotten about, before passing it to him. It was a devil's contract, similar to the one he had signed with Rias for their training session tomorrow. The contract was quite lengthy, perhaps spanning ten to fifteen pages. With his quick intellect, he swiftly read through the content.

This contract was an engagement agreement between him and Serafall Leviathan. The basic premise was that they would be engaged until he turned twenty, the legal age of adulthood in Japan. However, if both parties agreed, they could marry before reaching that limit. The contract also allowed either of them to terminate the engagement at any point before the set date. Another significant point concerned Eden becoming a devil. Another point was about him becoming a devil. If he signed, he would be required to become a devil sometime before their marriage using an evil piece he did not know of called a king's piece.

This transformation wouldn't place him under another devil's authority; instead, he would hold a position equal to but distinct from that of Satan.

Regarding extramarital relationships, the contract stipulated that he would be free to have relationships with mundane women, who were unaware of the supernatural world, without needing permission from Serafall. On the issue of supernatural women, the only time he needed permission was with supernatural women of high status, supernatural women of low status, and his supernatural servants. His mundane relationships were not under any scrutiny by Serafall unless any of these relationships ended up creating progeny.

Honestly, there was no reason for Eden to say no to this. To him, this contract didn't really change his life all that much. "Why does this contract seem so good for me?" he asked. "Because I really want to marry you," she replied with a smile. Reading the contract once more, he didn't find anything wrong with it. Having signed a contract with Rias before, he knew that these kinds of contracts required a signature in blood.

Summoning Fateweaver into his hand, Serafall's expression turned sad, and Amrita seemed to prepare for battle. Eden gently cut the blade over his wrist, letting blood fall onto the paper. Then, using the sword as a pen, he wrote his name in blood. As he summoned the sword, Levi rushed over to him and practically jumped into a hug and a kiss. Eden was taken somewhat by surprise when he caught her in his arms. Serafall's lips were soft, and her tongue darted into his mouth, exploring. He soon started to respond, their tongues dueling for dominance. While Levi's kisses were filled with the enthusiasm and excitement of someone over seven hundred years old, Eden was still able to win out using technique.

After a while, Eden stopped the kiss, recognizing that others were still in the room and that he had something to discuss. "Levi, I understand you're excited, but there's still something I need to talk to you about. "Okay, but promise me you'll come to the Underworld soon," Levi said. "I will be there. That's something I wanted to talk to you about. You can come over anytime you want. As they said that, they separated from each other and began discussing plans of intrigue, romance, and the arcane into the night.

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