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Chapter 3: A Chance Discovery?

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair."

- Charles Dickens


Boredom gnawed at my very soul. The new apartment, while a welcome respite from my haunting past, was dreadfully dull. Don't get me wrong, I appreciated the fresh start, but it was just so... uneventful.

I found myself contemplating what to do next, stubbornly ignoring the glaringly obvious answer: "absolutely nothing." Then, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a stack of dusty, old boxes. How had I missed them before? Did my traumatic past somehow alter my ability to spot things in plain sight? It was a maddening thought I chose to push aside.

Carelessly, I approached the stack of ancient boxes. Technically, they weren't even mine, but I reminded myself that this was my room now, at least until my parents decided otherwise. Inner debates raged within me; one side urged me to carry on, while the other mercilessly ridiculed my insensitivity. Frankly, I couldn't care less at this point.

Five minutes passed, and against all odds, I stumbled upon something that piqued my interest. A triumphant sigh escaped my lips; I'd managed to discover something of value.

It was an old journal, tucked away behind a stack of antique mathematics volumes. Those dusty tomes might have held the key to a bright academic future, but I couldn't help feeling I had mathematics under control. It was a feeble display of ego, and I knew it, but I'd take it as a self-deprecating joke.

My curiosity overcame me, and I began perusing the journal's contents. It was evident that it had belonged to a former tenant of the apartment, a woman named Sofia.

As I delved deeper into the pages, I became captivated by Sofia's life stories, her dreams, and her struggles in Poblacion. Despite our different backgrounds and a three-year gap in age, I unexpectedly found a connection to her words.

Determination surged within me. I needed to learn more about Sofia, to possibly track her down and unveil the mysteries of her past. Through her, I could forge connections with the town's long-standing residents who still held memories of her.

I knew it was an unusual compulsion. After all, Sofia was a stranger, unaware of my existence and bearing no affiliation with me, except for the fact that she'd once inhabited this apartment. Still, I was going to search for her. Something about her drew me in, compelling me to uncover her story.

"Damn... I'm all in on finding her, but how the hell do I even start?" I muttered to myself, exasperated. I needed a plan. What was the first step in finding someone?

Google. I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of it sooner. A self-deprecating chuckle escaped me as I began typing, hoping to find guidance on locating someone. However, my internet search yielded disappointingly little.

Perhaps the answer lay in the local library. It was worth a try, an option I hoped Mateo would consider as well. Deep in thought, I felt an agonizing pang in my head, a brutal reminder of my painful past.

I did my best to suppress the pain and regain my composure. Recollections of those agonizing memories still hurt me physically, emotionally, and mentally. A fleeting memory could trigger excruciating anguish, metaphorically bleeding me dry.

Shaking myself out of the reverie, I readied my trusty sling bag, filled with essentials for my trip outside. I carefully descended the stairs.

Naturally, I informed my parents of my intended visit to the local library.

"Are you sure you'll be okay, Migs?" My father, Antonio, asked.

"Absolutely, Dad. I'll take care of myself," I replied reassuringly.

"Don't push yourself too hard, son," added my mother, Maria.

I nodded, grateful for their concern. With their words of caution echoing in my mind, I set out on my quest for answers, hoping to uncover something new.

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