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Chapter 5: The Union's Committee

Eleu couldn't even comprehend half of the changes inside him by the time he got back home, his mind was set into autopilot mode when it came to analysing everything he lived through. Somehow, he was excited about his sixteen-year-old, even knowing there was no celebration for his birthday due to his parents travelling when it happened.

His home was above the headquarters of the union, he grew up there, he had been a part of the place forever, and everybody around was used to his presence. All of the residents were nice to him, and they shared a bit of them with him, from stories and tales of great spirits to those who were sent to the other side of the portal.

As both parents were commanders of the Union, they had a house in the highest area of the circular city surrounding the entrance to the realm, but he would avoid going there, he had always tried to sneak into the training garden, learning from afar those chain techniques and imagining he was a warrior of the union.

While he waited for his mom to finish her work, he would go to the library and study everything he could about the spirits, the types of spirits they encounter, how far the realm expanded, how it was in the world of the Heimisch and now that he was sixteen, his training as a member would begin.

One question wandered around his mind: Will he be trained with the Econs on the use of energy? He was definitely not a Healer, neither a Medium, Seer or a Hempath… what was he? 

Ryker took command quickly the moment he arrived at the city walls, still being expanded since more and more people were passing through the portal. Just one more day before the Committee with all the leaders from the spirit realm would occur and so many things to prepare and worry about. For once, security was the most important matter due to gunpowder being used in the realm.

The Annual celebration would always take place in a random city, based on who needed to be helped and who wanted to let the other leaders see why they needed it. There was no shame in growing and needing more terrain, more materials, and asking for help. Last year, it happened in Taentrum, the city of the mediums, due to the concerns of a revolution forming above their areas. Scheduled for the next year, the same meeting would happen in Pteulasia for exactly the same reasons.

On the other hand, Eleu had nothing to prepare, but as instructed by his father, he needed to go to the library and meet with the reindeer, a majestic spirit that was always surrounding the core of the city where the portal was located.

-This is really interesting -Said a graceful voice telepathically near him. -Eleu, you have grown to be a wonderful human. 

-Reindeer, you saw me a few cycles ago. How can you see any difference?

The great shape of the spirit came closer to him walking through the halls of the library, filled with books and elevating his gracefulness as he walked by. Without a doubt, he was one of the wisest and most beautiful spirits ever seen in the realm, his white and soft yellow aura could be sensed from meters away, and his long horns, almost golden to the eyes were intertwined with each other into a marvellous symbol nobody could ever draw.

-You all know I allow humans to name myself, especially if they are Itharblends.

-Oh, I am no Itharblend, definitely, that is not what's happening here. - Eleu's hands were raised denying such a strong statement.

He knew why he was sent to the library. If any spirit could know what was happening to him, it would be the reindeer, he was one of the oldest, he was one of the spirits who helped shape the humans since the moment they passed the portal a hundred thousand years ago.

The reindeer raised the sides of his long mouth imitating a human smile. "Come here", said moving to a nearby bookshelf, "grab one, the one calling upon you".

Eleu followed his wish and raised his right arm trying to comprehend which one could be calling to him. For the first time, he could see the energy emanating from books as his fingers moved close to them, it was as if each book had a heart, a cascade of energy falling from them, even some of them shared an aura with specific colours.

While his fingers moved around feeling the hardcovers of the books, his mind was quickly filling in the missing information, telling Eleu a bit about the book and connecting with his energy, giving small signs of electricity between them.

One of the books felt different, it was begging to be picked, it was calling upon Eleu's body to be chosen as if it was a part of himself.

"Go ahead, this is how knowledge calls when you need it." Heard Eleu in his mind. The Reindeer walked away to a nearby table, calm and patient as pure wisdom demanded.

Eleu, perplexed at this new feeling, took the book and followed, sitting down at the table and turning the book to see the title.

"The War of the Ithars"

His eyes opened wide, his face changed completely, the Ithars had been at war. Why was this book never to be found?

"The book has always been there, but only available to those in need of its knowledge", replied the reindeer, knowing exactly what the kid was thinking.

-There is something I don't understand, Sira, the Itharblend of Taentrum tried to kill us.

-I know, the dragon Dereo shared with all of us what happened through the collective mind.

-But there is something bugging me. Why would he turn against us? Why would he try to capture me?

-I wish I had the answers kid. All I know is your energy is growing, your aura is filled with colours I haven't seen in a long time and the time for the second war of the Ithars is approaching.

Eleu opened the first page of the book, a big tome with illustrations made by a talented drawer representing each of the Ithars known to them. 

On the first page, Ganilandi, the Medium Ithar. A giant shadow tied with thousands of leather straps, belts, clothes and anything of dark colours that could tie him to earth. His body, impossible to really see a shape, his eyes, purple as the eclipse. 

He was one of the most terrifying Ithars, legends suggest he could bring the twilight upon each realm, break the fabric between them and travel to the stars. 

"Ganilandi was said to be one of the creators of this realm, maybe even the universe", explained a wise Reindeer standing at the other side of the table, his head so big it was almost covering the book with it. "But upon the first time humans came through the portal, he was haunted down for his power, he didn't choose to be an Ithar, he was forced to do so in order to keep the humans at bay, or so I can receive from the collective mind"

-Can Ithars share information in the collective mind? -Asked Eleu raising his head.

-Unlike most spirits, that share everything without any control, an Ithar can keep the knowledge to themselves, they are far beyond any other spirit. Ithars are the creation of a new era, the energy accumulating over a repetition of events. Ganilandi was born from the night and the extinction of living souls, millions of years ago when the biggest meteorite hit the Heimisch world. Deanare was born from the accumulation of life, the ever-growing population of animals, plants and even spirits. -The Reindeer started wandering around the table.

Eleu loved hearing these kinds of stories, thinking he was feet away from one of the biggest spirits in the universe, the goddess of life.

"Go, your dad is looking for you. Keep the book, I'll be here with more to share when you start reading". Said the Reindeer walking away from his alumni. 

Eleu looked back and knew his dad was on the way to the library, as it was directly inside the same building that would be hosting the Committee. As for the tradition, he would need to be dressed as a trainee of the union, with their commemorative white, blue and silver attires, but he couldn't have access to the main chamber where the meeting would take place.

A big door opened, Ryker walked in with determination, followed by a woman who looked like his mother.

"Mom?" The kid jumped right into her arms, excited to see her after many months far away from her.

-Eleu, you have grown so much! You have to tell me everything about your trip, are you eating properly? You know your dad sometimes forgets to feed those around him! -Said the beautiful and powerful woman, hitting her husband's elbow with a big smile.

-Oh my, please, you two, stop using me as your target. -Replied Ryker, walking away pretending to be annoyed.

The way back to the commander's house was a nice family time, a great moment where Eleu and Ryker told all the crazy experiences they'd had over the past cycles. Leora, commander of the Econs from the Union was known to be a really strict person, with some of the best management techniques and training methods ever developed, but around her family, she was always the nicest mother there could be. 

Her black braided hair had stories of its own. She always allowed people from each village to braid her hair, carrying a piece of them with her, for each Econ trained, a braid over her, and the result was a sight to admire.

Nobody in the Union would dare oppose her, some would even gossip Ryker was not enough of a man for her due to her athletic physique, her pure dark skin was a contrast to look at against the pinkish-white skin of her husband. There was no discrimination in the realm of the spirits, no races, no skin tones being superior or more beautiful, but every man and woman could dream of spending one night with the Commander of the Econs.

Leora tucked her son into bed, trying to create a new memory, but also curious about the awakening both people and spirits were discussing.

-My two jellyfish friends told me a lot about you.

-Wait, those were your friends? -Yelled Eleu, laughing out loud.

Leora had been there all along, checking on Ryker during his meeting with Ms Bianca, seeing her son being kidnapped under the water and informing everybody at the union about everything.

-I'm deeply sorry I couldn't be there. Things got a bit complicated near the southwest of the city.

-Is ok, we had help. Be sure to rest before your meeting tomorrow. -Said the now more mature boy, holding her hand and turning around to sleep. It was a long time since he had such a deep rest.

"Eleu, get ready!" Screamed Leora from the lower floor of their house. This day would be exciting for him, his Union attire was prepared over the corner of his bed, and his dreams of becoming who he always dreamed of were finally happening. For Eleu, when both his parents were home meant his happiness level would be up to the sky. He quickly dressed up and rushed downstairs to greet them.

-Hi mom, hi dad, hi Ms…Bianca.

-Eleu! -Reprimanded her mom, instantly looking at her son's face.

-Good morning Ms. Bianca, is so nice seeing you. -A small smile of approval drawn on his mom's face.

-Eleu, it is great to see you dressed as a union member, it definitely suits you.

Ms. Bianca seemed to know how much he cared about this day, and her words were the perfect sentence to make the kid smile and sit down at the table, ready to get his breakfast with his eyes shining with emotions.

"As agreed, we would like to call Eleu as a witness against Taentrum's Itharblend Sira." The white lady continued the conversation as if Eleu wasn't there. Ryker seemed troubled by the thought of his son speaking against a new enemy.

-He will be there -Replied Leora with conviction in her voice.

Both Ryker and Eleu looked at her without a word, right after their eyes met each other across the table as they knew, once decided by her, there was no going back from this.

-Wonderful! -Said the white lady with her soft and warm voice, I can't wait to see you there. Her arm reached Eleu's nose, touching it cutely with the tip of her pointing finger and releasing a bit of green energy upon him. 

He had no way to react to this, people would treat him like a small kid, but he was already old enough to become a trainee of the union, and his teenage brain wanted to be treated as an adult.

-I like her… -Leora said once she was out of the house, looking at her son's nose with a smile.

-It is insanely scary when Deanare is there, but after that, she looks so fragile. It is really confusing… -Added Ryker, grabbing a piece of bread.

The three of them began laughing. The breakfast was perfect, and Eleu was grateful for them as they would barely happen.

-Eleu, come. -Said Ryker before he would go back to his room to finish preparing, "We have a gift for you". Both parents sat together and brought a small box with the union logo on it, Eleu took no time to open it. His new chain as a trainee was inside, thin, silver looking, sharp around the edges, easy to handle and extremely lightweight.

The day was going better than expected, he thanked his parents and ran upstairs to put his shoes on. Before leaving his room, he saw the small cube covered with a leaf over the table, containing the trapped demon and the book from the War of the Ithars he had no time to read.

His parents left first, and as instructed by them, he would have somebody calling upon him to walk in and testify about what happened.

Ryker and Leora said their goodbyes as soon as they reached the main building where the Committee was about to commence. They knew they would have to salute most of the officials and take their stand in opposite locations of the big circular room. The protocols were in place for a reason, and as commanders, it was up to them to ensure they were followed.

Both Spirits and humans were filling the halls before entering the room. Slowly, with many salutations and courteous movements, everybody was finally ready to begin the committee.

The rounded table was almost full that day. Each of the leaders of the nation and the top commanders of the union were there, already sat down and looking at Taentrum's side, where a chair was empty. 

Ryker was located near Ms. Bianca and Mr. Lynneas, Sir Jonas was outside around the building to help with security. Behind the white lady, the dragon Dereo, showing his big head above her shoulder.

Right next to them were a few top leaders of the union, Mycoes, security commander of the portal and the city, Cilia, Director of the Union, Leora and Alten, commander in charge of Heimisch connections and human affairs. Behind Cilia, an enormous spirit shaped like a red feline, with long whiskers and big orange eyes.

On the other side of the table, you could find the three other representatives of each Capital: Myriad, the Itharblend from the Seers, followed by a group of red butterflies floating around her, Sturb, the barbarian as the Itharblend from the hyper-empaths, with his two war advisors and Leora's old master, Viron, the Itharblend from the Energy Controller's capital, followed by a spirit shaped as a blue man with barely a faction on his face, sitting beside him.

"Let's begin." Demanded Cilia, opening a notebook where the order to discuss was written. "As you all know, Sira, Itharblend of Taentrum declared war over Pteulasia a few cycles ago. His assassins had a clear task: kill Ms. Bianca and strike the Union by kidnapping one of our trainees who happened to be the son of two of our commanders."

-If you allow me... -Continued Ms Bianca. -The attack began with the use of gunpowder over the palace, destroying half of the first floor and targeting precisely the room where Eleu was staying.

A confused and worried look crossed between Leora and Ryker. They didn't think their son was being targeted, they thought it was a coincidence.

-The child is showing the presence of a powerful entity inside himself now that he is over sixteen. -Terminated Ms. Bianca, ignoring both their faces.

A bit of murmur broke in the room, whispers between humans commenting with their spirits and advisors.

Cilia kept the conversation going. "We need to start considering doubling the security of each capital, as well as the villages. Can we have a report on the state of the portal?"

Mycoes, as the one in charge of those topics, passed a written report to each person and spirit in the room.

"The portal has been quite unstable for the past cycles. Somehow, the humans passing through are reporting being confused, injured and not having the option of going back. Our people are stationed in the three islands surrounding the portal on the Heimisch side and confirmed that the ocean has risen to the point of no return, complicating the path for those who want to come and those who want to go back. We calculate that only those living in the surrounding islands might come to this side for some time." Concluded Mycoes, pointing at some graphs and calculus drawings.

-How can anybody bring gunpowder through? The portal would instantly combust the gunpowder and explode. -Asked Leora, extremely confused.

The blue-shaped spirit looking like a human, stood up and moved towards the centre. His body started morphing into a map, showing the cities and the areas that were more populated, with the city of Linker in the centre.

"The spirits have been thinking", everybody in the room could hear his voice inside them. "Here, at the northeast, there is an area filled with darkness, clouds, and something spirits are calling the Division. This area is the direction where Rufius was aiming, but now, we are the ones having to avoid the area. Even before his movement there, the area was a bit desolated, so spirits were more eager to spend time with humans."

The floating spiritual map was mesmerising to watch, he could point and shape his form to express everything happening in the region. As the director, Cilia decided to ask for predictions. "Myriad", she began saying with a certain annoyed tone. "Any visions about this?"

Myriad smiled as if she was waiting to be called by her. "Of course, sister." She replied, moving her arm so the butterflies would move above the map.

The red butterflies merged with the blue-shaped man, creating a physical vision in red tones.

It was hard to identify all the events being depicted. There was a big field engulfed with fire and explosions, the light fading from the portal, darkness moving through the sky, a great surge of light coming from the ground, and two giant human forms over something looking like a city. 

Both spirits diverted from each other, the blue-shaped man getting back to his seat and the butterflies floating to their position over Myriad.

-Each vision from our people is similar to this one. We are seeing a collection of the same events, like a prophecy of some kind. -Said Myriad remaining calm.

-That is true, I had a vision looking like one of those events. -Admitted Cilia, leaning back on her chair.

Both Myriad and Cilia were known as the twin Seer sisters. During their childhood, they could see together more than anybody else before them, but since Myriad took control of the Ithar, it seemed as if they parted ways, and certain distant feelings grew between them. On the other hand, Cilia used her skills to be at the right place and time, helping masses of people and being appointed as the person to direct the union due to her cunning and her passion for helping others.

The Committee was proving fruitless; there were no insights, and nothing seemed like a breakthrough. It was time to call the kid everybody was whispering about.

"Please, Ryker." Nodded Cilia, looking at him. Ryker stood up and opened the door nearby.

A young boy dressed as a trainee of the union walked in, shy and afraid, yet excited and impressed with everyone in the room.

As guided by his dad, he walked to the centre of the place, where everybody could see him properly.

-My name is Eleu, I was kidnapped by one man in purple and black a few cycles ago…- He said while looking down at the floor.

-Son, raise your head, please. -Asked the dragon Dereo.

Noticing the fear in the kid, the blue-shaped man rushed into him, unleashing a rainbow of colours, lights and mixed auras. 

Eleu felt the surge of power through his veins and raised his head slowly, knowing something was calling from the inside. His pulse was accelerating, his hands were sweating, and a voice kept reaching out to free him.

A big gasp of surprise originated from the humans in the Committee with smiles and spirits looking at each other behind their representative. The whispers between them were undeniable. They've never seen anything like that before.

-Who are you? -Asked Cilia, afraid and curious at the same time while chills recovered her body.

-He won't reply. He doesn't know - Said a big Reindeer trespassing the wall behind Eleu. 

The blue-shaped spirit man left his body and went back to his seat, but still, cascades of energy were emanating from the young boy.

Eleu looked at his hands, shimmering with powerful bright colours oscillating around him; he could see everything, the shifting colours, the cascades inundating the floor with energy. He was present, his eyes burning with warmth. He could feel each soul in the room and see the energy flow from those present there.

"Aethernius", said Cilia with a warm voice and a respectful tone. Everybody in the union knew the Reindeer, one of the wisest and oldest spirits in the realm, who kept the knowledge flowing inside the spiritual world.

There was no soul there who didn't respect the Reindeer, and his visit was most appreciated.

"The kid is the chosen vessel of a powerful being, but the being hasn't found its purpose yet."

-Are you suggesting a new Ithar is being born? -Asked Cilia, a bit concerned about the kid.

Everybody in the room understood the assignment completely, a new Ithar, an event that didn't happen for what felt like forever. Not even the oldest spirits remembered the last time an Ithar was born.

Leora and Ryker were mute, shocked and a mix of proud and worried sick at the same time. They were all feeling the flow of power, the chills of it and the importance of this kid in their history. A new Ithar could shape the world, change the laws of physics, alter every rule they knew or destroy it all in his path.

-Well, well… Am I not invited to this Committee? -Said a familiar voice, slamming the door open.

Sira walked in from the east door, followed by two of his assassins, walking confident and triumphant as people looked at him. He loved attention and spectacle more than anything.

The mood in the room changed completely. The reindeer moved a bit to cover Eleu from them. Everybody quickly reached their weapons, the tension palpable in the air. Eleu came back to himself, and his eyes went back to normal. There was something different about Sira this time.

-Is okay. Keep the discussion going. -He said, getting closer to the chair usually appointed for him.

Cilia was out of words, but her instinct reacted. "Arrest him!" She screamed.

Sturb the Barbarian pulled a big axe from below the table and jumped over him, Sira was calmer than ever. He avoided the attack and grabbed a small bamboo stick out of his pocket, placed it in his mouth and aiming with it at Eleu, blew a dart in his direction. The Reindeer was on the way, but his ethereal body couldn't protect him, Ryker was fast enough to jump in front of it, but as he did, the blue-shaped man set himself first, shaping into a shield to cover them all.

The dart hit the blue shield and, to everyone's surprise, the spirit turned into a purple mass that slowly stopped floating and recovered its original form on the floor. 

The barbarian kept trying to attack the three intruders, but their evading movements were too quick for his heavy axe. One of them threw a small ball that created a smoke explosion, making their escape without leaving a trace.

All present in the room jumped over the table and surrounded the spirit, now immobile on the floor, seeing his shape turning purple.

"Ganilandi's touch." Said the Reindeer. "If Sira has found a way to use the Medium Ithar as a weapon, we are moving towards the second war of the realm."

The humans lacked knowledge on the subject, but their spirits seemed to know what was happening at all times. Most of them left the room without a premise, ready to take action against their attackers.

Viron fell to his knees near his friend, infuriated and powerless, Leora, Ryker, Eleu and Ms. Bianca surrounded him. The white lady sat down near him and closed her eyes.

"There is no way of healing an Ithar's poison", said the Reindeer, looking at Ms. Bianca trying to heal the spirit. "Death is not the opposite of Life, it is the end of it. You would be poisoning yourself if you try healing him."

Ms. Bianca seemed determined to try, but Dereo, knowing the consequences it could have, placed himself in front of her.

-So, we are… powerless? -Asked Viron, looking at the spirit with anger in his eyes.

"I'm afraid so. No Ithar has the power to stop death, even if it is from a spirit."

The blue-shaped man was aching in pain, a pain any spirit had never felt before. His arm was looking for aid, but touching any of them could also mean poisoning them.

"Allow me", said telepathically a deeper new voice to each person present.

Eleu's eyes shined bright with colours once again. Now controlled entirely by the entity, his body kneeled down near his subject.

He placed his arms over the spirit, tension all over his muscles, the energy flow returning to him stronger than ever. Without hesitation, he introduced his fingers inside the now purple spiritual man, screaming in pain and raising his head to the ceiling to release all the agony into a scream half the city could hear. 

Eleu's fingers drained the purple goo infecting him, slowly ascending through his body and being expelled by his now open mouth screaming up to the ceiling like a plague that needed to be dissolved. The energy was visible, the purple was being eradicated entirely by the white and rainbow colours exiting his mouth into a vertical light that reached beyond the place's roof.

It took half a minute, but the blue-shaped man was clean of it, and Eleu, successful in his cleaning, fainted over his dad's arms.

"Interesting..." Said the Reindeer while leaving the room.

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