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Chapter 7: The Union Games - Day 1

-I definitely don't have a lesson titled Ithar's guidance. -Said Siam looking over Eleu's schedule while he was distracted.

He freaked out, reacting with a quick movement to hide the schedule.

-Oh, is a… extra lesson to study…. History of the Ithars. -He replied awkwardly while walking away. -See you later guys!

Both George and Siam felt odd, but they didn't want to be late for their next lesson and each of them had to move in a different direction.

The day went by quickly, the trainee program was exactly as he imagined, but his schedule was given to him by his parents, and he was not able to select the lessons he wanted. In fact, he was missing a few of his favourite ones this year. It seems as if the program was changed due to recent events.

Heimisch history was not as fun as he would have imagined, the invention of the wheel, the destruction of a big wall somewhere… he was barely paying attention thinking about his next lesson. Ithar's Guidance, what was that? Since when was that in the program? Nonetheless, he had to attend, and this one was on the second floor, near the offices where commanders would have their personal meetings and private training areas.

Eleu entered the selected room only to find a familiar face, a purple genie pretending to sit down on a chair, even though he lacked legs and kept floating over it.

"Hey kiddo", he said raising his big purple eyebrows. "My name is Bottle."

Eleu's face was priceless and filled with strangeness and confusion. To ease the cold air of the introduction, his mom walked into the room right behind him.

-I guess you met already. -She said bringing her son to a chair near the genie. -This is Bottle, one of the elder spirits of the realm and now the leader of Taentrum. He is visiting town and wanted to meet you.

"I wish I would have smashed that kid into the table", laughed the genie trying to be friendly.

-Thanks for your help Mr. Bottle. -Answered Eleu noticing how silly his name sounded.

"I found myself trapped in a bottle once, I decided my name should be related to that experience." Added the genie noticing the kid's confusion. "Thanks for the introduction Leora, I'll take it from here."

Leora nodded her head and left the room, but not without pressing her son's shoulder and aggressively opening her eyes at him to strangely communicate he better behave properly in that lesson.

Eleu came back to his senses. He was being extremely disrespectful to such a guest.

-I'm so sorry, I had a really long day…

-Oh I know, I was there. -Interrupted the genie with a physical voice. -Is cool, right? I can imitate human sounds and textures as long as there is Medium's energy nearby. 

It might have been the weirdest feeling throughout the day, but having a spirit sounding like a human without telepathy, opening his mouth and gesticulating was the strangest thing happening in the past weeks.

-I wanted to thank you on behalf of our city. -Began the spirit. -You are young and not into political affairs yet, but the other day you saved one of my friends, I had to come and see how you were doing after that.

-Well, the poison got me out for a week, but I was awake somehow inside of me.

Eleu felt comfortable around the funny spirit. It was different from the others, easier to talk to, with humour and jokes along the conversation. Bottle was like any spirit he met before, a great listener but loving to interrupt to add tiny notes and comments. It was like a comedian inside a big soft purple balloon with arms and big eyes.

-I was hoping the Committee would run without any issues. It is good your Ithar was there.

-So... it is true people believe Ithars can be born inside of humans? -A part of Eleu was anxious to know more, yet certain stress was growing in his chest.

-Oh, absolutely! Originally Ithars would be born out of anything, sometimes inside a mountain, others inside an ocean. There have been certain Ithars even growing inside of animals. 

-But I believed there were only five...

-You mean five left, right? Aethernius told me you started reading about the first war between them, but let's save that for later. Tell me, have you met her already? -He asked Eleu moving closer to him.

-Her name is Equa, but I can't seem to know more from her. She is inside of me, but just weak and small, like a broken light, yet sometimes, when in need, I feel like I can do anything. 

For the first time, he was able to explain a bit of what was going on inside of him. His dad was not the best talker in the room, his mom was too strict to talk about feelings, and he didn't want to draw unnecessary attention to himself without truly knowing what was happening.

-We have a theory. -Concluded the genie floating even closer. -Sometimes, the universe needs a new change, something to keep the world at bay, to keep control and balance. We believe you might play a role in bringing exactly that to the realm.

-Is the realm out of balance?

-Oh yes, definitely, I can't share much, but there are terrible people corrupting spirits like me out there, humans plotting wars outside on the Heimisch world and the veil between both realms is becoming thinner and thinner.

-Could you explain a bit slower? Nobody really shares stuff with me. -Asked Eleu scratching his head.

-Of course, they probably do it for your security, let me elaborate. -The genie floated away trying to find chalk to draw on a board nearby, the bell rang announcing the end of the lesson. -Is okay, I'll write it all down and make sure to leave it by the library with Aethernius.

-Sorry, who? -Asked Eleu looking even more lost in the topic than before.

-The Reindeer boy, he has a name like me! Time to go! Don't be late, your mom is really scary, and she will hunt me down if you miss your lessons! -With a big goodbye movement of his right arm, Bottle faded through the floor leaving Eleu alone in the room. 

It was such a short meeting but a really insightful one in certain ways.

-That was the weirdest meeting ever -Laughed Eleu out loud while picking up his backpack from the chair.

"I can still hear you", said Bottle's voice inside his head.

-Oh my! I'm so sorry Mr. Bottle, I was joking! -Screamed moving around and yelling to the floor.

Days went by, and the physical training became more intense. Combat lessons now included new weapons, trials, and more demands to achieve exhaustion. This year everybody had to be pushed to the extreme. Heimisch history was aimed at wars, the use of gunpowder, how to deflect bullets and embracing the best of humanity's creations. Communion with the Spirits might have been one of the trainee's favourites. They would learn directly from them, leave the building and explore the outskirts of Linker, trying to help spirits while listening to their stories and past.

Nobody really knew much about the private lessons Eleu was receiving. The first days, Ms. Bianca was there with him, trying to discover what he could do with little to no success before her departure back to reconstruct the white palace in Pteulasia. On other days, the Reindeer would walk around him, trying to push him to feel emotions and learn from the traumatic experiences he lived. It really didn't make a difference, Equa, the dim light inside of him was there, but she was barely an illusion, and there was no way of harnessing her true power.

Nobody would share it out loud, but around the Union, Eleu could feel like the Commanders and teachers were expecting a miracle from him. It felt like all he did so far wasn't enough.

His friendship with Siam grew stronger, her positive attitude was contagious, and she was blooming in any physical activity. In a short period of time, she was becoming one of the biggest athletes in the program while George was feeling more comfortable sharing his hobbies with both of them, Heimisch history and Geography of the realm. He was smarter than most of the other kids in the same year, he could find north and south with just a shadow from a building, but he was lacking completely in the spiritual department. Any creature near him would instantly float away after seeing how challenging it was for him to interact with them.

One day at home Eleu's parents sat him down to discuss some important matters with him.

-We are going away for some time son. -Started Ryker with his calm tone of voice. -I'm needed in Taentrum to explore more about some people going missing and your mom has to recruit more gifted people around the other capitals.

-Since when do you recruit Mithiars? -Asked Eleu looking at his mom, his parents looked annoyed by that word.

-Why is everybody in Linker adopting this vocabulary? Am I a Mithiar, Lithiar, Commander, a cactus? -Exaggerated Leora bringing her hands to her head pretending to touch the spines on it. Eleu and Ryker started laughing.

-I'm sorry Mom, times are changing, people like to organise others, put them in boxes.

-Oh! Talking about boxes, we gave the demon you captured to Ms Bianca so she could… dispose of him in the place he really belonged to. 

-Dispose of? How do you dispose of a Demon from another realm?

-We have no clue, but that is not today's topic. -Continued Leora trying to get the conversation back. -We don't really know how to train you.

-If you could choose one of the five capitals to train your skills, which would you choose son? 

That was a big thought to process, Eleu's skills appeared at four specific times so far. The first time, he controlled energy to push his captor and themselves away from the cave. He created a giant invisible wall the second time and captured a demon. The third time he healed an unknown poison or curse from a spirit, and the fourth time he confused his enemy by colouring his aura in the training halls. But to Eleu, that fourth time shouldn't even be counted considering the magnitude of the previous ones.

He knew what his parents were asking, what happened with his entity? Where was Equa? Why did none of his instructors manage to reach out to whatever was inside of him? He was mature enough to know that both of them were expecting more from him.

-Ok… hear me out, what if… I compete in the Union games this year? -Asked Eleu knowing this was an impossible ask.

-Excuse me? -Said Leora standing up and walking away to not lose her temper. -You are not even old enough to participate there!

-I know but, what if being in danger is what…

-That is enough! You'll continue your training, and we'll be back as soon as possible. -Ended Leora without even considering the proposal her son was throwing at them.

Ryker was always the calm one, but he understood Leora's reaction completely. The games were the annual event where the best talent from each capital would get together and compete in an arena. Always attended by one or two of the Itharblends, usually having Sturb the Barbarian selecting people to recruit and the now missing the most extroverted of the five, Sira. 

The Union created the games long ago to motivate the trainees to improve and test their capacities in a real scenario. But they became so popular that an arena was built outside the city to host them. People from all over the realm would gladly ride on their horses for days to get a spot whether it was watching or even competing.

The rules were clear, you had to be older than nineteen, no weapons were allowed and to qualify and get in the participating group, you would need a Spirit's pass or as fans would call it, a Bruiselet, due to the number of bruises and injuries all contestants would end up with by the time they got to the finals.

Last year, Viron, Itharblend of the Econs and Leora's old teacher attended the event and recruited two powerful Lithiars skilled in the art of energy shielding and kinetic pushes. She had never liked the event since most of the Econs attending were dropouts from her program due to how hard the training was. Leora never agreed about how they used their skills for their own benefit instead of protecting others.

Eleu knew that his mom would never agree to the event and on top of that, he was three years younger and would never get a recognised spirit to give him a Bruiselet. 

The Union games were a few cycles away, and the city was becoming more crowded than ever before. All his classmates could talk about was the games, the names of those who left a mark in the past years, predictions of those winning this time, and rumours of some third-year trainees wanting to try it.

Which spirit was old and wise enough to get Eleu to compete against his mom's wishes? None, he knew that, but he had to try.

-Hey Aethernius... -Asked Eleu shifting his attention from the book on his table to the majestic reindeer instructing him on Ithar history. -Would it be possible to contact Bottle for a Medium related question?

-I can answer all your questions about them, we share a collective mind. -Said the Reindeer, looking at his pupil pretending not to understand.

-Yes, I know but… is really related to his talents, which he would never share with others…

-You want him to give you tickets to see the games this year right? 

Eleu blushed instantly. His face couldn't hide the shock of being read as an open book by his master.

-I know you. You won't stop until you get them. I'll get you passes to enjoy the show, but you will be escorted by Union members.

-Of course, I mean, I'm not even the required age to be there, and I'm no Mithiar, Sira could attack again or something. Who knows… -He said trying to ease the judgement from the reindeer.

-I know you've never been allowed to see the games, but you are a trainee now, I'll make it happen. -Ensured the spirit, knowing his parents knew fully he would attend against their wishes.

His emotions were all over the place, and to his surprise, the Reindeer was way more open to the possibility than he previously expected. All he needed to do was to sneak into the games as a contestant instead of an audience member. 

The First day of the Union Games

Linker was a marvel to walk by during the annual games of the union. The towers and high buildings were all decorated with big elongated flags showing the colours of each capital and giant murals painted by the citizens spread across some walls, representing their favourite Lithiars. Some of them had abstract art of mixed energies, others showed the Itharblend and how people imagined the superior spirits looked like behind them.

The markets were blooming with desserts and specialities, brought to the city by some merchants who would put their tents around town for the event.

Siam, Eleu and George decided to invite Marves and his big brother Cactie, a third-year student who would participate for the first time. 

The afternoon was bright, the sun was brimming with power that day, and every fan knew that the moment the sun would go down, the games would begin.

It is almost eight o'clock! -Exclaimed George, excitedly looking at an old watch on his left wrist.

-Wait, what is that? -Asked Eleu, noticing the artefact. -Is this how people track time on the other side?

-Yes, it is super interesting. The big arrow is pointing to…

-Guys! Please! Stop being nerds and try these white seed buns from Pteulasia, they look like cute rabbits! -Interrupted Siam offering one to Marves and her brother.

Cactie, a tall brunette guy fond of responsibility towards his sister's protection, didn't mind hanging out with trainees. In fact, somehow he enjoyed how different they were from his classmates, already dreaming of becoming Commanders and top of the arena that night.

"Please try our Blancoses!" Offered a squid-looking spirit behind the counter pointing at the buns.

-These are delicious! Thanks so much! -Exclaimed Siam walking upstairs towards the arena.

Along the way, the crowd was increasing, and the designed path to get to the location was filled with fans painting their faces with blue stripes, supporting the Econs, purple circles to show admiration for the Mediums, red vertical lines, in honour of the Seers, a green leaf, for those who supported the Healers and yellow squares for the Hyper-empaths. Some even showed new symbols, a silver arc like the moon, to those who were a part of the union and a closed fist in brown colours for the Heimisch. 

Variety was precisely what made the games so interesting, and Marves was already painting a leaf on her cheek to support her brother.

Eleu recognised some of the paintings, starting with a mural of Dereo, the painting of the long dragon was not doing justice to the real creature. A flock of red butterflies was next to him as if they were battling.

The creative soul of the town could be seen everywhere, and people and friendly spirits were talking about their idols from past years as they arrived at the arena.

-Did you see Storm last year? He blew it all out with his hands! -Yelled a fan.

-My absolute crush is Breaker. His legs are so powerful! How can he move such energies by just hitting the floor? Sad he is not here this year. -Expressed another.

-Nothing can beat the MindCrawler. -Discussed another fan.

All the youth knew their idol's fake names and the stories the games would tell about them, the great Lithiars, those with a unique skill so powerful and specific that it defied comprehension.

-How are you going to use healing as a weapon? -Asked George looking at Cactie.

-Healers have more than one trick, you know? -He replied with a tricky smile.

The answer was no. Nobody really knew what a healer could do apart from healing since most of them would travel to the north to improve their skills and the Union would keep the practice halls separate. Not even Eleu had dared to walk into the Medium's hall or the Seer's tower. What if they were dissecting people in there? How did the Hempaths train?

It didn't matter now. Today was about seeing the games and dreaming of becoming one of them, even though he wanted to get in trouble to test his limits.

The arena felt bigger this year. Renovations were made annually to increase the space and what looked like a sad pit a few years back was now starting to look like a stadium, filled with lights and electricity provided by the inventions of the Heimisch. There was even a section for spirits who wanted to see the games away from humans since their emotions could be too strong and negatively influence them.

-Hello and welcome! -Said the host from the centre of the arena. -These Games are going to be the biggest ever in the history of Linker!

"Well said, my friend!" A big Dolphin floated imitating swimming moves from one of the entrances to the battle area. As he swam to the host, he would shape-shift into a snake, a whale, a fish and ultimately a form looking almost like a woman. 

-What an entrance! A Shaper spirit as a host? That is insanely cool! -Said one man freaking out in the row behind them. 

People were cheering and clapping without control. There were thousands of humans there, and the energy coming from them was dense. 

-Our guests of honour this year are… -Said the host while the Shaper woman floated to the side of the stage.

At the east wing of the place, on the upper balcony, three well-known hosts contemplated the games this year.

-Eldest of them all, powerful as the stars and the purple nightmare of the realm, leader of Taentrum and Advisor of the lost souls… He is... Bottle! -Screamed the host pointing at him with a spirit shaped like a microphone in his other hand.

Bottle loved it, his personality fitting perfectly as a guest during the games. The genie was floating over a chair, moving his arms, pretending to show biceps, arm strength and a victory pose, but ultimately, looking for warriors to protect his people as Taentrum was becoming more and more dangerous.

-How is the spirit doing that? -Asked George pointing at the microphone-shaped one.

-Oh! He is amplifying sound through the collective mind, I heard they practised for years to make it sound as if it was the host's voice all over the arena. -Replied Cactie while preparing to leave.

-Our second guest, known by everybody as the mightiest, the unstoppable, the sun's champion and the Itharblend of the capital of Latenza, give it up for Sturb The Barbarian!

The crowd lost it completely. Screams, cheers, and whistles flooded the arena. people were lifting their food and drinks as if the Barbarian was the biggest warrior who ever lived in the realm.

-And last, but definitely not least, for the first time honouring our presence, the striker, the just, the feared and respected leader of the south. Please welcome the Econs Itharblend Viron!

Now, that was a surprise, Itharblend Viron, his mom's teacher, was known for how strict he was and how much he ignored anything fun in life. The man that stood near him while he was healing the blue-shaped man at the Committee. He was a legend around the Econs, sitting on a chair trying to look happy and salute the people without looking like a serious old man.

The crowd did not see that coming. The excitement elevated to a new dimension, two Itharblends in the same building meant this game would be the biggest in the history of the entire realm.

Eleu tried to look near him, and even though the distance was abysmal between them, he couldn't see his companion and advisor, the blue-shaped man on the balcony. 

"I'll explain the rules," said the Shaper woman floating at the centre of the now-considered Stadium. "The contestants will battle in groups of five, all randomly chosen during the first elimination. Those who remain standing after the first ten minutes will move to the second round, the Duos. The last duo standing will compete Individually against the current champion. May the competition begin!"

Doors from multiple points of the battle arena opened with contestants walking in, pointing at the crowd and asking them for cheers with arm movements. Eleu was really enjoying it, but his eyes kept tilting to the sides, looking at the top of the audience from all perspectives, he noticed that all the elevated balconies, entrances and exits had Union guards, fully armed with chains and official attires. Maybe it was protocol, just security since most people in the city were congregated there.

A line of soldiers surrounded the arena from a higher circle, aiming with their hands to the centre and creating a bubble of energy that worked as a magnifier and a protective shield, amplifying the image of everything happening inside the battle area and ensuring nothing from the inside could damage the audience members.

That was a full display of control. They had to hold still and focus their efforts on moving the bubble so everybody in the big stadium could see clearly each of the details from the combat.

-Cactie is there! -Screamed Marves grabbing her friends' T-shirts while pointing to a corner of the place. A quick guy could be seen through the bubble, avoiding attacks and throwing kicks at his opponents. Green energy surrounded his legs, his impacts were so strong that he needed constant regeneration over them.

He moved almost as gracefully as Marves did with closed eyes, his jumps were doubled due to the energy use, and he could move the healing energy around his body to ease the pain from any of the punches he received from surprise attacks.

The arena was plain and simple, just a thin layer of short grass below the fighters, ensuring the same conditions for every person.

At the other corner of the stadium, Eleu noticed purple ropes of energy being taken from the audience near a contestant.

-That's MindCrawler, he uses Medium energy to create illusions in other's minds. -Whispered Siam pointing at certain purple clouds appearing over confused contestants before being punched by MindCrawler.

-Who is that one? -Asked Marves pointing near where her brother was.

-Oh! She is Futura, you have a lot in common with her! -Marves was in awe looking at her, a woman with her eyes covered by a red bandana, with a red aura moving like fire around her body, reading the movements of each opponent and never allowing herself to be hit. 

-Cactie is in trouble! -Screamed Eleu looking at his friend.

-Oh no! He is against MoodRange. He is one of the strongest Hyper-empaths this year. -Said Siam hoping to comfort her friend with a hug.

MoodRange had a squared pale yellow bubble around him. People avoided entering it since they knew his tactics from past competitions.

-What is his skill? -Asked Eleu really curious about such visuals.

-He can control the emotions of everybody who touches his sphere. Last year he made a man pee himself and cry on his knees without even brushing him. -Replied a fan below them, turning around to explain. His whole attire was painted with yellow squares, clearly a fan of his.

"One minute left", said the Shaper host through the collective.

The crowd was loving the battle, there were still eleven contestants standing, finding open areas to study their possibilities or try to move to the Duos when the time was up. A few other contestants were knocked down on the floor, being located by healers waiting outside the arena to ensure their safety. 

Cactie was in serious trouble, he was being cornered by Futura, her red energy moving through the floor like snakes waiting to read his movements. On top of that, MindCrawler was draining small portions of purple energy from audience members to use his skills. He also had to worry about MoodRange, whose sphere was becoming smaller due to tiredness but still threatening to touch him.

A small tornado of blue energy started absorbing the red snakes, yellow bubble and purple clouds from the centre of the stage, bringing the attention of the three Lithiars towards a new opponent. 

A man dressed in blue and silver held a hand open while simulating a small tornado with his other hand over it. It was a simple movement, like dissolving sugar inside a cup of tea with circles, but the tornado in front of them was growing stronger, feeding on the energies from every contestant near it.

-Storm is the best! -Screamed a woman from behind them, deafening the kids a little.

Cactie was smart enough to know he could take one of them down. He jumped in the air and with an acrobatic twist, both his legs kicked Futura's back, launching her a few meters away. 

"Ouch, she didn't see that one coming!" Said the host making the audience laugh.

"Time is up! Please give a round of applause for the seven remaining fighters!"

The magnifying bubble faded and the stadium erupted in even more passionate cheers and screams. Healers and doctors quickly grabbed the injured and gave them medical attention. The seven remaining contestants, exhausted but happy with their victory were raising their arms to greet the audience.

-He made it! He passed the first round! -Exclaimed Marves holding George's hands and jumping around.

Futura, MoodRange, Cactie, MindCrawler, Storm and two other fighters left the stage, ready to rest and prepare for the Duos the day after.

FerRivero FerRivero

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