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Chapter 6: 007

~ Nami no Kuni ~

~ 1:47 A.M. ~

Dense forestry covered the dim light of above. Small flickering shadows were made by a fast-moving target, as it silently dropped from tree to tree.

The thing was all but a growing young man, with ink-colored hair stretching down to his upper back, that blended with the black clouds under the stars.

His skin was fair, with a cool milky undertone that emphasized his deep ruby, glowing eyes that flared in short intervals, keeping watch of his surroundings.

In a short amount of time, he stopped on top of a tall tree, covered by shadowy leaves. His view changed to a mansion, shined by lights, with towers overseeing the woodland.

'Seven personnel, each equipped with hunter dogs on every entry point.' He thought.

His gaze turned to the handle of a blade sticking out of his stomach. Strangely, he never felt any indifference when drawing his sword. It was like the weapon was stored in a different dimension of a sort.

Grasping the hilt in his strong hands, he applied force and pulled until the deep blood red of the blade's metal was seen.

The jagged ore that could sever and slice looked like it would kill with all but its appearance.

Gripping the white wrapping, he found renew in his resolve as his sight was fixed on a fat, short, ugly man walking through his wardrobe meters away.

"Today is the day I Sasuke Uchiha, will avenge the souls and people you've ruined with your tyranny, consuming lives and dreams in darkness and despair.

Today Gato…is the day that you will not be able to dream once again." The raven stated cynically, as the red of the blade spoke of death.


"Mwahh, man this shit is boring, why do we even work for this ugly fucker? Can't we just kill him and take his money?" The rugged voice of a scared man spoke freely, yawning in the process.

His head was hairless, as it shined from the somewhat bright lights, his face was accompanied by a scar running down his left eyebrow to his bottom right cheek.

Leaning back on his chair, he stared out to the tree line. His gaze shifts from green to grey as he watches the stars twinkle hypnotically.

"I guess it isn't so bad, the view from here is heavenly. The green forest, the deep blue ocean, the white stars above, the red- huh? Red? Where did that come from?….haaah, I'm going crazy too. So, so crazy...I might just..kill everyone. Yeah, that sounds..really good." The scared one's thoughts became clouded as a deranged gleam came from his eyes. Losing all reason given to him from birth.

Reaching for his sword, he set out on his new quest for blood and carnage.


"Yo Kiro I heard about that blondie you captured, is she still available right now?" A green haired man asked lewdly, staring at the back of a scared man…

"…" Silence filled the room followed by the question.

"Hey man don't tell me you're gonna keep her for yourself? I get that you like that finders keepers shit, but another man gotta get some pussy here." He responded again, throwing his arms dramatically as he talked.

"…help.." It whispered. His body was shrouded by darkness, keeping his visage unknown.

"Huh…help you with what? Fucking her? Sure man let's go." Walking past the quiet man.

" I-It hurts so..I'm gonna kill you." Its whimpering voice became clear and sharp, Its red eyes glowed in the dark, acting as a predator of the night.

"Wha-What are you talking abou-!" Turning back, he could now see the dripping blood and meat coming off the maw of the monster, Its body was covered in bony bits and reeked of death and decay.

"Y-You! What the fuck did you do?" The last man remaining in the sector was frantic. Looking at the beast with red eyes felt like death swallowed his life already. His eyes spilled water, while his pants did too. He couldn't move. No, it didn't want to.

"I-I tricked you HAHAHA yes, yes I did do that. You need to die!…help me." The things psychotic voice weaved in volume and tone. Clawing at its face, ripping out chunks of skin and muscles. Cranial bone chipping, eyes disoriented. Its mutilated features applied more fright.

Finally finding the ability to move, the green haired ran and ran as fast as he could. Sprinting down the halls and through the doors, gliding beyond the stairs ignoring the pools of blood and organs that sprayed the walls. Running down the stairs he abruptly stopped and hid in a closet with his mouth secured holding his breath.


Seconds passed to minutes as he waited scared and tearful.


"Is it..finally safe?" He whispered in hope.

"" His eyes widened in heart-jumping panic, he remembered that pitiful voice.

Crimson-red, glowing eyes stared at his crazily in front of the closet door. Backing up, he pulled himself further from the door.


He looked down to where he touched, seeing a small piano set as he recalled what storage he was in.

"Wait..what if it heard.." Looking back to the closet door, he knew it was too late as he heard it…

"Found you…haha"


Another black tress touched the moonlight, as beautiful vermilion optics watched blood stain the walls of prestigious white.

As the moon moved, so did the image of the person, revealing full pink lips formed in a straight line. Half-lidded eyes that showed seriousness, accompanied by a cute angular face that uncovered an alluring woman, fitted in an ebony kimono with silver thorn designs, and a grey sword on her left side.

"Sasuke..oh you bad..bad boy, leaving me out of this at the house while you're having the time of your life. I thought you treated your woman better than this? Oh well…now that I'm here, why not have some fun?" She thought as the expressionless face she wore now was dressed in excitement.

"How could you leave your sweet Vali out of some fun? Hahaha." The ravenette's voice echoed through the night as she sped off into the massacre to look for her teammate.


Moving at high speeds, Sasuke slaughtered the remaining guards on the 2nd floor. Each level was filled with criminals of all sorts, but level 4 was where their headquarters were.

The information that he received from Kora was hit lists of Gato's loyalists, the raven needed to take them out or they would just continue his reckoning beyond his death. Whether they were loyal or not, they all committed horrible atrocities that needed to be corrected.

Although slaughtering the weak wasn't as exciting as fighting the strong, it was satisfying to right the wrongs of the cruel world he lived in.

Three tomoe-designed eyes swirled in rising lust, turning into a ripple pattern as he continued to stealthily paint the walls in red.

"INTRUDER! WE HAVE AN IN-urgle" His voice cut as his vocal cords did, and the last thing he saw was a swirl of deep vermilion that froze his face in commandment.

'Two more floors until I reach his chambers. The first one was toppled by my servant by using my Mindless technique. Yes, he did good, better than I expected. All I need to do is finish this level. Haaah, this is taking too long.' Sasuke thought, forming an unusual hand sign.

'{Hollow Release: Stream}' Spitting out large bursts of fire that seemed invisible as it blended with the shroud to the lawless.


"HELPP ME…IT BURNS ARGGH." Frantic screams of the helpless malefactors reverberated through the room.

Hiding in the dark corner of the ceiling, Sasuke watched the flesh and bone melt of each person who succumbed to the flames so dark that didn't even light up the vicinity. His flickering movements told signs of death towards the survivors, as they watched his cruel smile that imprinted on their minds until they fell to the shadows.

"Ahhh finally, I thought it would be more fun but it was just useless energy." Swinging his thirsty blade, he began to saunter to meet the stairwell.

Stopping before reaching the steps he activated his ripple-like eyes and relaxed his shoulders. Taking in a deep breath of stress, he turned his head over to a hidden separator.

"Vali…what are you doing here." The raven sighed. His glowing, beautiful optics showed proudly in the dark, as his expression was filled with...nothing.

Ruby eyes stared back at the brighter ones. Revealing herself, Vali walked behind Sasuke.

"Naughty—naughty Sasuke, who would've known you were this…strong hmm? And to kill ever so easily, oh my what a monster. And most of all…you didn't even invite me! Your teammate hn!" Her mocking tone turned into a childish one as she crossed her arms in a pout at her lost companion.

"…What's wrong with you," Sasuke replied flatly, staring at her in disapproval.

"Are you really the one talking? Didn't you just massacre two whole floors in cold blood?" Vali deadpanned.

"They were criminals I did what I had to." The raven responded, continuing his march up the stairwell.

"But you enjoyed it didn't you." His partner asked darkly, adorning a sinister smile on her beautiful face.

"…" Silence reigned as he didn't respond to the question.

"Fufufu, Sasuke I think me and you are going to be perfect friends…perhaps even more," Vali said sensually, as she trailed her words looking at the tall figure of Sauske, which was shared with his inky hair.

"Are we going to complete this mission or not?" He stated, not daring to respond to the woman's last comment.

"Ouch, not even going to accept the chance huh? Oh well, makes the hunt even better." She carried on.

"Enough let's just finish this, you cut the lights and take down the guards in the back, I'll meet you there," Sasuke ordered, holding the entrance handle to the third floor.

"Yes boss~" Vali mocked, drawing out her sword once again.

"So this is the real you huh, Shikamaru was right, you are a troublesome woman." He replied, opening the door silently and disappearing into the unlit.

"Bitch." She stated coldly before sighing and continuing with her orders.


Two hazes of purple and silver flashed through the level, mercilessly cutting down Gato's men. Most were all but civilian thugs, while some were real shinobi they were untrained and inexperienced in fighting other ninjas.

Bellows of decay became the new sound in the third floor, as two wardens of death found their new home.

Sasuke at the front and Vali in the back, soon they made their way towards each other, both feeling the rush of life and death.

The raven had other methods to kill, and while they were easier, he didn't want them to cloud his skills and rely on them too much for now, that is what he thought anyway.

His face and body were covered in bloody bits, each trickle of blood flowed down the cynic without care.

Vali's condition wasn't far off either, fitting a gleaming smile that brought a dreadful feeling to the living corpses.

"While I hate to admit, we're wasting time. It's already 2:16 A.M., and we still have to go through the fourth floor, let's finish this." Sasuke yelled, grabbing the attention of Vali.

"Yes—yes I know, haaah too bad. I'll go clear the rest on the right and the ones hiding, you go and do the same on the left." She shouted back, disappearing in a flicker.

"Hmph, and she makes fun of me for being bossy." Turning his body he stared at the shaking figures armed with various weapons. Tears ran down the eyes of some, knowing that they had to protect their master. Others had looks of anger and regret, still too prideful to run away in fear.

"Do not cry, your death will be more painless than the others," Sasuke murmured darkly, but his words were heard throughout the room of individuals.

{..All-Killing Ash: Mass}

The ravenette's hands flew up lazily, as an army of long, white bones with black engravings erupted from his palms. Rapidly firing at an unsettling pace, they all connected with the malefactors.


Fear turned into horror as they all saw the outcome of their killer's ability. Whoever was touched, pierced, or cut by the bones disintegrated on the spot. Leaving only frightful screams in sorrow left in their legacy.

"FORGET THIS GET OUT OF HERE, THIS THING IS A MONSTER." Once those words flew out, a panic of chaos flooded the room with every person trying to escape death.

All Sasuke did was slightly smile at those words and kept firing, aiming at those trying to flee.

Soon all that was left were piles of ash littered around the room. As if on cue, Vali appeared next to him staring in a daze at…Sasuke?

"..You did all of this...I was joking before but maybe we should get together." She whispered in disbelief, with stars stuck in her eyes.

"Crazy woman…we're wasting time let's go." He replied, walking towards the last flight of stairs.



Once they reached above, Sauske could feel a mix of signatures, but what got him curious were the weaker ones guarded by malice.

"Follow me, I feel something strange here." He said, walking in the direction of the weak.

"Sensing ability too? I've always wanted something priceless." She joked, taking close steps behind him.

Arriving at the location, Sasuke and Vali spotted two ugly men guarding a seemingly small room.


"Huh Julko did you see tha-AH!" The last thing the guards saw was the beheaded image of his friend before his vision floated in the air, turning his companion's corpse upside down.


"W-What was t-that.." I asked my 'sister.' I heard the sounds of one of the guards talking before going silent and hearing a *thud* before going silent.

"Y-Yeah I did too…maybe we're finally going to be killed..haha." She responded.

"Don't say such things! We have to have hope Artisma!" I replied, grabbing her hand and looking at her dead-blue eyes.

"Hope? You still believe in that Hori. We've been used, slaved, and sold since Gato's regime. I've…had enough." Smiling sorrowfully, Artisma hid her face behind her dirty light blonde hair.

"P-Please don't speak of that..we're the last ones who care now. Everyone else here has already accepted their fate, don't become like them too! I don't want to be alone please!" I cried, my long beautiful red hair had been cut short by a client of mine, who preferred to be able to see 'everything.' Leaving me to cry clearly to the others.

The hope that was once there to keep me standing had slowly diminished hearing the words of 'sister.'

Looking around, the images of both sick and tired women floated in my mind, the rags we wore tied us on the line of being able to call ourselves human, all ages ranging from 13 to 32...

"Maybe..just maybe…you're right," I whispered, looking down at my filthy legs.

"Who would want to save us 'sister,' who would come to this country? one." Blonde tresses touched my shoulder as Artisma used it as a rest.

"No one."



"KYAHH!" I heard shouts of surprise and fear mixed with mine as they filled the room, and I saw the thick wooden door that kept us apart from society combust in black flames.


Moving my hand back to my side, I watched with Vali what was inside that made me come here.

Soon the smoke fell, revealing the sight of around 12 to 14 women all huddled with one another in fear. Their attire was hugging their small frames, showing their pale skin and frail bodies.

"Looks like I have another reason to rip away that soulless bitch from this world," Vali said angrily, slowly walking to the room with a calm expression.

"Vali stay here and take care of them, protect them until I get back with Gato. We'll both escort them back to their homes." Sasuke explained, watching the prisoners pitifully as they stared back at them.

"With my life, now go; Gato probably has called reinforcements by now we need to hurry." She said, standing in front of the women protectively.

"Alright." The raven replied, turning around to go hunt the little, fat, ugly pervert.

"WAIT!" Sasuke turned around to the voice of a redhead with steel grey eyes. Her expression carried anger and vengeance.

"BEAT THAT FAT BASTARD UNTIL HE DIES!" She yelled, getting nods of heads from the others.

"Trust me, I plan to do a lot worse than that," Sasuke responded, wearing a small smile gracing his lips. Although it showed no sense of positivity, but endless suffering.

She smiled and nodded, feeling better that the man who took her 'sister's' happiness would suffer.

Wandering the end of the hallway gave show to a large golden double door, which was guarded on both sides.

{All-Killing Ash.}

Both dropped ash on the ground wordlessly.

Pushing the great double doors slightly, Sasuke watched as a fat man crawled up on his bed, looking side to side frantically, with his room being lit by a candle.


Gato himself was in a state of fear. He heard reports of dead bodies of his men all over his mansion. The man watched as his doors opened slightly, giving way to two red, ominous eyes that stared at him.

"P-Please doesn't hurt me, I-I can give you whatever you want. Money, drugs, woman just say what you want, I swear!" He cried.

"{Amenominaka…}" It said.

"H-Huh? What did you s-say, I didn't catch t-that." he whimpered.

After a while of silence, the man wiped his eyes and looked back to the door.

There was nothing.

Sighing in relief, he closed his eyes for all but a moment.

"GRAHHHH!" He screamed in pain as he felt a sudden pain in his leg. Peering down, he looked in horror as a zombified woman gnawed at his left leg.

"GET OFF ME BITCH!" His words didn't budge as another zombie came onto his arm, one more appeared and sprung at his chest, and two more came at his face and penis.

"AHHHG HELP ME..PLEASE." Gato's words ran dry as they clawed and feasted on his limbs and parts.

"Hahaha!" Soon the man saw his family, friends, and people all laughing at him sinisterly, with extended gleams adorning their faces.

"MA, PA, BROTHERS, TAGI, ANYONE HELP ME PLEASE IT HURTS WAHH PLEASE!" Tears stained his face as he felt each extremity being pulled.

Turning his head out the window, he was mesmerized by the blurry sight of a red sky. The once grey moon had switched into a deep vermilion, with a spiral-like pattern fitting its form.

"I-I'm in hell…this is hell…GET ME OUT OF HERE I CANNOT STAY HERE, NO—NOT THIS PLACE PLEASE." The fat man's bellows of terror meant nothing as he felt everything.

Hours turned into days, days turned into weeks, weeks carried on to months, months jumped to years, years...went to decades as Gato felt every single bit of it.

Endless suffering continued for him as his flesh was torn away, his body was ravaged, his vision blinded as his eyes were clawed by sharp nails, teeth were pulled off his gums, jaws were stretched until they ripped off their hinges, his spine was shredded repeatedly. And each time his body broke he was fixed, whether it was mind or soul it was renewed.

For an eternity he felt everything, not even getting the peace of becoming inhumane.

His room smelled like urine and blood, and the scent of decay never wore off the creatures.

"You Gato don't deserve rest, for the crimes you have committed I've decided to punish you myself. Your doings have helped this world plunge further into darkness and suffering. It needs correction and I am willing to be it's corrector…It's God. Every being needs control, so I will control them, as I did with you. This was your living hell Gato Shan, but your real one awaits you." A divine voice boomed inside of Gato's mind as it separated his suffering for a second.


He heard the sound of glass breaking. As soon as he opened his eyes he found himself in his same comfy bed, the same wet tears that stained his face, the same red eyes that spoke of endless suffering…


A figure with spiral optics sighed as he dragged a piss-smelling fat man on the floor.

Returning back to his teammate he knocked on the door to usher them out.

"Vali, it's me open the door." He said. The door swung as it revealed a dark-haired woman guarding multiple others behind her.

"That quick Sasuke? I thought you said you were going to do bad things to him, hmm." She asked curiously.

"My eyes can do a lot more than just predict and copy." The raven replied in a monotone.

"Ahh, of course, I've heard a lot about the Mangekyou Sharingan. I wonder what he saw?" Vali murmured.

"And what he felt. Now let's leave, I have a feeling these women don't want to stay here any longer." They all nodded at his words and slowly stood up. Those ones who couldn't were carried by the stronger.

All of them walked close in a group, with Vali behind and Sasuke in front.

"…Ah-h mister what is your name, i-if I may ask." A small girl around 11 or 12 years old asked Sauske, who was walking silently.

" name huh. Sauske, Sasuke Uchiha." Looking back, the raven saw a young girl with dark purple hair and tanner skin compared to the rest.

"You wouldn't happen to have an older sister named Kora would you?" He continued.

"I DO! Do you know her? Is she okay by herself!" She jumped knowing that her sister was safe at home.

"She's doing perfectly fine, she can defend herself you know. In fact, she's the one who helped orchestrate this whole plan for me to enact. I'm pretty sure I remember her talking about you." Hearing those words she couldn't help but tear up a bit knowing her sister still cared for her.

"Y-Your from the leaf village right? I heard that t-the Uchiha was.. never mind sorry." Another voice spoke up, showing a red-headed woman who shrunk back in embarrassment with a blonde one hitting her in beratement.

"Killed? Yes, they were I'm all but a few who remain. My mother who is back home and another is outside the village. I happened to be on a mission when I decided to take out Gato and his rule. I am no hero, but I find it disgusting how people can be so inhumane towards innocents." He talked to try to distract the group from the gore that was inflicted by him and his partner.

"W-Wow so you didn't even know that we were here…I guess they kept the villagers quiet." She whispered.

"Yes I didn't, I felt your group's signature while coming up. This is all but an improvise of plans. After we escape we'll take you to your home's secretly, you mustn't come out or reveal yourselves until his men are fully cleared from the village to avoid suspicion. Vali and I are the ones who will do it, just like here we will eradicate every possession he has." Sasuke explained.

"T-Thank you so much Mr. Uchiha, words can't describe how thankful we are." Hori smiled in contentment, blushing as she stared at his sides.

"…No problem. And don't call me mister just Sasuke, I'm only fourteen." The raven said softly.

"HUH! FOURTEEN? YOU LOOK DAMN NEAR EIGHTEEN." Suddenly gaining strength she yelled in surprise.

'Does that make me a predator? I'M TWENTY! I mean I might look younger because of my condition, BUT STILL!' She panicked.

Everyone else was shocked as well, while some were disappointed namely the older of the group, others were confused. His slim face and body added points to his age. Plus the raven's calming, regal air spoke of maturity and his height was a growing 5'9, Sasuke looked closer to being a young adult, not fourteen!

"Fufufu oh Sasuke looks like I have some woman to compete with." He heard the words of Vali and rolled his eyes.

"Shut up will you, we're going to take a small detour to his vault. I promised some people a bit of his earnings, while the others we can give to the village and these women." Sasuke explained.

With an even gait, sword at his side. Sasuke and his crew walked down the steps to the steel treasury.

"Stay here, we don't know what kind of th-."


"Well—well, didn't think I would find Sir Saint himself who made me kill everyone on the first floor." A gruff voice full of sarcasm broke through the smoke.

"I forgot about you servant, I must thank you for not letting me waste my time on the first floor," Sasuke responded calmly.

"SERVANT! HOW DARE YOU! I AM KIRO, NOT A SERVANT!" His rage went through no bounds as he gripped his sword and charged at the smirking raven.

"...Haaah, I'll humor you, servant." Putting his red blade up, he easily blocked the swing of Kiro.

"THIS IS FOR MY FRIEND!" Each slash and stab was filled with anger, his combat worsened as he was carried by fury.









"ARG SHUT UP YOU BITCH!" Each one of the Uchiha's words diminished his resolve.

The hypnotic circular eyes stared at his black. Doubt and fear crept up his back as he couldn't even move the raven forcibly.

"At least you'll die without fear compared to most." With that, he formed a bone out of his hand and shot it at Kiro.

"{All-Killing Ash..}"

"GAHHK!" On the spot hit body turned into dust without a second to spare.

"..That ability is too powerful Sasuke...It's amazing.." Vali whispered once again in a daze.

Everyone else was weary, but thankful that they had Sasuke as a guardian. If such skill belonged to a bad being, the world would be in shambles.

Smiling lightly in response, the Uchiha walked to the broken metal vault.

"Guess that bald bitch had some use after all." Sealing all of the valuables with a simple learned jutsu from his mother, he wiped everything clean and returned to the group.

"Any good finds?" Vali asked as he met up with them.

"No just a lot of gold, money, and shiny objects a child would be attracted to," Sasuke replied walking past the group as they followed.

"Is that not good already?" She deadpanned, watching him leave with the group.


Sneaking through the back, Sasuke and Vali killed the remaining reinforcements in the front.

"This place is no longer needed," Sasuke said, forming a sequence of hand signs.

"{Hollow Release: Raging Winds.}" Instantly, black blazes of corrosive flames appeared in the air, flowing like a raging wind. Trees, brick, windows, and bushes all melted at the touch along with the great building that used to be home. Along with every corpse inside, they all watched the area burn in ebony that disappeared in the night sky.

"We cannot stay here, our group will come soon. Vali you take the others and return them home safely, I will distract Kakashi and Naruto." Sasuke ordered.

"What about your clothes, you're covered in blood?" She questioned. Equally, she too had been bathed in blood. Although a bit more than Sasuke.

"I have another pair from home I brought, you need to go." He replied, unsealing a white kimono and black pants. Taking off his shirt he gave show to the raven's perfectly sculpted body, each movement gave show to his striations in their muscle group.

The others were in a haze glancing nervously, while a certain red-eyed woman stared without care, waiting for him to swap his pants as well.

"A-Alright, d-don't make it too obvious." Vali stumbled slightly at the free show. Leaving with the rest, Vali quickly rushed them around to the village.

Watching them return to the tree line Sasuke sighed, and sealed his dirty clothes away.

Getting into position, the raven hid away in the brush, waiting for his teammates to arrive.


"HEY! SASUKE!…WHERE DID YOU GO!" A familiar voice yelled out to the area around the flames.

"Stop yelling, I'm right here." I sighed. How dumb could Naruto be to yell in an unknown area?

"Sasuke, what is the meaning of this," Kakashi said, crossing his arms in seriousness.

"I don't know sensei, I arrived here when I felt two signatures fighting others. Once I came it was too late they were both gone, but they left a building burning in powerful black flames that even I cannot do." I explained calmly, hoping he wouldn't start thinking clearly with an already tired mind.

"Hmm that's concerning with an attack like this they are not debatably powerful, with outwardly fire control. From here on out we need to keep on guard." Kakashi responded moving his eyes all over Sasuke's form in suspicion.

"I agree, I recommend we leave immediately to not gain any accusations from others that would affect our village's appearance." I analyzed

"Since when do you care about our village's reputation?"

"Are you saying I should not? I am a ninja of the leaf, aren't I? Everything inflicted on the village will return to me."

"No, just suspicious that you care about people's opinions of you."

"I do not care about their opinions, but I do care about their images of me. Just because I ignore their gossip doesn't mean I want it there in the first place."

"What are you hiding Sasuke?"

"You are implying that I am with no subject?"

"…Enough let's go back, I couldn't find Vali in her room either so I will question her later." Turning around Kakashi made his way back to Tazuna's house.

"I'll meet you there later, I'm not tired anymore so I'm going to go find something to do. You guys go without me." I responded, staying put.

"..Very well, I'll see you in a couple of hours." He said, leaving with Naruto.

'This is bad, just because of this mission I've lost a bit of trust Kakashi, but it's okay nothing too serious. Now I just need to return to Zabuza and Haku.'


"Two more days Haku…haah, really I don't know why you trust this lover boy of yours to carry out this plan of his." A lazy voice spoke out.

"Shut up Zabuza, it isn't like I care about whether he gets it done or not, I just want that tiny basterd dead. Plus if he does do it we get twice as much as promised, we don't lose here in any situation." Haku berated with a small blush at his words.

"Yeah..alright whatever you say. Just know if he double crosses us I'm beating his ass whether you like it or not."

"Are you sure you can? The last time we fought you ran away." Spinning their heads they saw the surprised sight of Sasuke, red sword at hand dragging an unconscious Gato below his hips.

"I should kill you for that comment...But it's too much work, just give us the money and get out will ya." Zabuza waved off, closing his eyes and going to drift off. Though secretly examining the raven's blade.

"MASTER! Show some respect, will you? He kept his promise so should we." Haku huffed, smacking him lightly.

"Relax, it's not like he'll disappear anytime soon. May god have your soul when that happens." He joked.

"ZABUZA!" She yelled.

"Ahem, do you want the money or not?" Bringing back the conversation at hand, Sasuke unsealed the promised amount and waited for them to verify it.

"¥350,000,000…¥400,000,000..yup that's it, guess we have to protect that old ass huh." The sword wielder sighed before sealing away the money. Though internally happy that he'll be able to help his village.

"Yes you do, and I would refrain from calling Tazuna that in his presence. He makes quite a big deal out of it." Sasuke advised.

"Yeah—yeah alright."

"I have to go, I expect you to be at the bridge tomorrow, Goodbye." Sasuke started to leave until…

"WAIT!" Turning back, Haku stared him down nervously.

"I guess this is my cue to leave?" Zabuza asked a question before getting up and separating from them.

"Yes, Haku?" He responded, staring back at her in confusion.

"I-um well, I was wondering what you're going to do after the mission is over, you know." Her embarrassment intensified as her face reddened.

"..No nothing much other than going back home."

"T-Then would you perhaps...I don't know..want to go out for a bit after?" After her words, she stood tall in self-assured confidence.

"…Okay." Gaining a strong person to use later on is needed if he wants his revenge on Itachi. Plus he's never gone on one so why not?

"That's fine…wait did you just say okay?!" Haku read through his words again and almost shouted in hope.

"I did, now if you'll excuse me I need to return to my team," Sasuke said, then proceeded to disappear in a small flicker.

"N-No way…I don't even know how these types of things work.." Haku whispered in disbelief.

She then smiled sweetly staring at the place where she last spoke to the Uchiha.

"I'll be waiting Sasuke."

"Wow, you actually did it you mutt."



Quickly finding the rest of the group as he entered the village, he watched in the back as Vali returned each woman back to their home.

"Alright, those who do not have homes or families stick with one another, my partner and I will deal with the rest of the criminals in this village. Any questions? Good now let's go." Vali explained.

"Yeah we will, after your done Meet me back at the village gates, and we'll sweep through from there." Appearing out of the shroud behind, Sasuke walked over startling some people.

"You're creepy you know that? Who just comes up out of nowhere huh?" A tan purplette voiced out.

"Oh, Kora I didn't notice you there...Anyways I'll see you Vali." Sasuke responded flatly.

"AHH YOU BITCH. Hmph if you didn't save my little sister then I would've kicked your ass by now." Kora cursed out humorously.

"You have to get close to me to do that you know?" He replied with a raise of an eyebrow.

"Bitch, go die." She muttered with a blush.

"Whatever, goodbye." The raven sighed before leaving in a flicker.


~ 4:47 A.M ~

Walking down the dark streets of the Wave Village, Sasuke stopped between two criminal venders selling interesting masks that he needed for the hour.

Suddenly, a male merchant came up to him and swung his hand to his shop.

"Hehe, you like what you see here huh? Durable, cotton woven interior masks that will do you great in..hefty situations hehe, what do you think." He stated sinisterly.

"Yes I am pretty interested, I'll take a look."

After a moment he grabbed two masks. One was white as snow, while the other was a deep red. Both had an half covering oni desgin, with long, black tusks and sharp ebony teeth.

"Good—good you have spectacular tastes! That will be aro-urgle.." Blood spilled from his throat as sasuke drawed, and slashed a kunai at the vender.

Using {All-Killing Ash} Sasuke left the vicinity and waited at the front gate.


"Are you ready?" A feminine call brought him out of his thoughts.

"Here, take this." Bringing out two masks, he gave the red one to her and put on his white.

"Aww you shouldn't have~ a gift just for me? Calm down Sasuke I might just take you right now." Vali joked?

"Let's not waste time, while you were gone I put a clone in Naruto's and Kakashi room and it'll dispel once they wake up. We need to hurry." Sasuke reminded, pulling out his sword from his body.

"Woah what is that? You're just full of surprises you have a tattoo?"

"Stop asking useless questions come on." Sasuke ordered, then left in a sprint.

"Bitch." Vali responsed to nobody. Putting on her red oni mask, she quickly followed.


Zekeian Zekeian

Each time I put in a new ability without prior explanation in the story will be discussed here instead.

Sasuke used two new Mangekyou Abilities this chapter.

- Limited mind control (Mindless) - Can put suggestions inside a persons mind ( which can be broken with incredibly strong mental fortitude and outside help ) and only works for 4 Hours. (works on two victims at a time)

Later there will be another variant of this he can use.

Next is:

- Amenominaka - Creates a separate reality of the same space which makes him a god in his domain, being able to interact with any victim, even killing them.

Basically the Tsukuyomi but can control life and death inside. But it cannot bring people from the dead or people who have received wounds from others. It can only heal injuries it sustained from the castor.

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